Island Fishery

Chapter 827: 827 Reclamation of Rabbit Island

Chapter 827: 827 Reclamation of Rabbit Island

The night was getting dark.

After Li Shu returned to the room to wash, he turned off the lights and went to sleep.

Soon the sound of even breathing came.

The cold moonlight outside the window was like water. The sea breeze blew by, and the shadows of the trees swayed, making "whoop" sounds.



There was a slight sound, the bedroom door was opened, a beam of light shone in from outside the corridor, and the big orange cat walked in quietly on tiptoe.

Li Shu is already asleep, so it's okay.

The big orange cat gently closed the bedroom door on tiptoe, took a few quick steps and gently jumped onto the head of the bed.

The moonlight poured in like quicksilver, and she could see the face of Li Shu, who was sleeping very soundly.

The big orange cat made sure that Li Shu was asleep, jumped out of bed again, got under the bed, and found the sea crystal hidden by her in a hidden corner.

Haijing emits light slightly, like a dream, like the most beautiful jade in the world, which has been covered by sundries before, so its light is covered.

The cat's nest was also under the bed, she returned to the cat's nest with Haijing in her mouth, and pressed Haijing under her body.

Feeling the energy emitted by Haijing being absorbed by the body, it was as if a pair of gentle little hands were massaging him, and he wanted to fall asleep comfortably.

In fact, Li Shu pulled the cat's nest out from under the bed before, checked inside, and found that there was no sea crystal inside, so he pushed the cat's nest back under the bed.

This is exactly the shrewdness of the big orange cat.

She didn't hide Haijing in the cat's nest, but hid her in the debris next to her.

Li Shu didn't know that he almost found Haijing.


I want to practice secretly and amaze everyone.

As for Li Shu, who wants to return this sea crystal? Hmph ~ does not exist.

The big orange cat's head rested on the edge of the cat's nest, and soon fell asleep beautifully. Haijing's energy entered her body, improving her body little by little.

time flies.

After a few hours.

The big orange cat woke up slowly, and realized that it was almost dawn outside, and even put Haijing back into the debris pile to hide, then got out of the bed, jumped on the head of the bed and lay down, and soon went back to sleep.

Shortly after.

The big orange cat didn't open its eyes, but heard the rustling of Li Shu getting up, the sound of Li Shu yawning, and the sound of opening the window.


The fresh air outside the window was blown in by the cold wind, and the hair of the big orange cat was slightly shaken by the blowing.

She hugged her cheek with two small claws.

A big hand touched his body, and Li Shu's voice came: "Big lazy cat, go to sleep by yourself, I'm going to cook."

Footsteps sounded, and after the door slammed shut, the bedroom fell completely silent.


The big orange cat slowly opened its eyes, and could vaguely see the bright red morning sun outside the window, and thousands of rays of light sprinkled on the sea in the distance, and there were big fish jumping out of the sea, with a vigorous figure.

Sure enough, Li Shu couldn't find out that I was practicing secretly. Very good, I will practice like this in the future! I found that my strength was getting stronger little by little.

Hmph~ When this meow is so powerful, if that big silly dog ​​dares to provoke me again, he will blow his dog's head off! hey~ meow meow~


The bedroom door was opened again, and the little girl rushed in, picked up the big orange cat, put it on her shoulders and ran.

"Let's go for a walk, big cat, let's go for a run outside. We eat a lot and taste delicious when we run in the morning."


Ben Meow doesn’t want to run~ I just want to sleep late.


After breakfast, the little girl went to school.

three days later.

Tangan City Pier.

"Hurry up, hurry up, the boat is about to leave, everyone, hurry up." The middle-aged man Li Lei yelled.

He stood on the shore and waved. Nearly 200 men and women workers boarded the ship one after another. The mottled iron boat was full of traces of time, and the iron sheet had fallen off in some places.

The morning sun is not glaring, it is warm on the face.

Li Lei, a middle-aged man, licked his chapped lips. He seemed to have rejuvenated his life. As the "pioneer captain" who managed the team of 200 people, he was full of passion.

Wait for everyone else to board the ship.

Li Lei, who is burly and full of ravines, also jumped into the boat.


The iron boat moved slowly, and white water waves emerged behind the boat.

After a few days of training, these workers have understood their next job and are willing to go to Rabbit Island to open up wasteland.

"Captain, drink water."

Li Lei had just walked through the crowd and sat on his pony when a young man behind him handed him a bottle of water.

The water bottle is obviously used by young people to drink water. It is dusty and has thick tea stains inside.

"Yang Yazi, you brat."

Li Lei took the water bottle, unscrewed the cap and took a sip, then unscrewed the cap and passed the water bottle over.

"Save some water. Rabbit Island is too far away. I'm afraid I won't be able to arrive until the afternoon. I'll be floating on the sea for most of the day."

"Hey, I understand." Yang Yazi opened his mouth, revealing a mouthful of incomplete big yellow teeth.

He pointed to the iron boat behind: "Captain, besides our boat, why is there another boat behind?"

Li Lei's hair was blown by the sea breeze. He looked back and said with a smile, "It's a ship for transporting houses, food, and vegetables."

"Shipping a house?"

"Yes, the house for us to live in." Li Lei didn't explain too much.

The space on the iron boat is very small and very uncomfortable. The sea is in sight, and the sunlight reflected from the sea shines on the face, dazzling.

The sun was shining, and there was no place to shade. Sweat was streaming from everyone's foreheads, and the smell of sweat and feet permeated the air.

The sun was so strong that I couldn’t see the phone screen clearly, and I couldn’t sleep and had to sit. It was really boring and tormented.

Looking forward to it.

When the boat landed on Rabbit Island, everyone cheered as if they were liberated, and then—frantically looking for grass to go to the toilet.

It was 2pm when they landed on the island.

Everyone didn't care about rest, or moved or took tools and started to rush to the west side of Rabbit Island, and began to clear the weeds and shrubs near the river.

The small lawn mower occupies an area of ​​only 2 square meters and can be easily carried by three people. If it burns diesel, people can stand on it with the handle.

They pioneered with two small lawn mowers.

"Hurry up, two small lawn mowers are mowing in front, and teams 1 to 5 are responsible for gathering and bundling the cut weeds.

Teams 5-15 were responsible for pushing the houses, rice, vegetables, and meat. Teams 16-20 were responsible for cutting down the bushes around the camp with saws and axes, and looking for firewood for cooking. "

There are about 10 people in a team, and 200 workers are divided into 10 teams.

Looking down on Rabbit Island from a high altitude, the 200 workers are like ants with a clear division of labor, each performing its own duties, and the results are quick.

The pier is on Rabbit Head Island, and the second ship used a crane to unload more than a dozen houses, rice, vegetables, etc.

Each house is 8 meters long, 3 meters wide, and 3 meters high. There are wheels at the bottom, windows and doors, and it can be pushed around like a big box.

After a few hours.

5:30 in the evening.

200 workers have opened up several acres of open space, 16 houses are arranged in four rows, bonfires are raised, and pots of fragrant rice are cooked.

However, most of the workers looked to the right. Roasted chicken and eggs were steaming in the pot over there, and a smell of meat wafted out.

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