Island Fishery

Chapter 838: 838 Catch the Hare (2)

Chapter 838: 838 Catch the Hare (2)

The wind blows, and the dark green grape leaves sway in the warm wind on the rows of grape racks.

The vineyards are very large.

The big yellow dog ran in front, Li Shu led Cao Cao, Qian Rongjie, Su Zhizhe and others walked behind.

Cao Cao, Qian Rongjie, and Su Zhizhe were the most active.

At the end, Vecna ​​and Yao Li followed, little girls.

Vecna ​​and Yao Li were wearing high heels, and they couldn't walk fast on the dirt floor. They were just spectators.


A white shadow flashed tens of meters away, and a fat rabbit was very vigilant. It moved its three-petal mouth and saw the malicious Li Shu and others, and ran away.

"Wow woof~"

The big yellow dog is very agile, chasing after it like a gust of wind, and pounces on it.


The rabbit is also very smart, she doesn't run in a straight line, but in a zigzag line, burrowing among the vines, and finally rushes towards the cao trough.

"Hey, hey, the rabbit is rushing over!"

"Quick, quick, don't let her run away!"

"Be careful, right foot~"

The rabbit rushed towards the crowd, which was really unexpected. Cao Cao squatted with his hands outstretched, like a football goalkeeper on a green field.

Seeing the fluffy white rabbit rushing, it seemed like a chubby football rushing.

With strength in the waist, the soles of the feet kicked the ground, and the whole person jumped directly at the big rabbit that was rushing.


Who knows——

When it was too late, the rabbit slammed on the brakes, turned to the right and slipped through the gap between the two vines.

The big yellow dog followed the rabbit, and the rabbit ran away. He even slammed on the brakes, and almost hit the Cao groove on the ground.

"Oops~ My waist wow~"

"Hey, hey, hey~"

Looking at Cao Cao who was "throwing his body on the ground" in front of him, the big yellow dog wagged its tail for a moment.

Do you, fat man, also admire Ben Rhubarb? It's still early in the Chinese New Year, so why bother to make such a big gift.


Su Zhizhe and Qian Rongjie were going to laugh like crazy, especially Qian Rongjie, laughing with jumping feet.

Yao Li and Vecna, who were standing not far away, also pursed their lips and smiled. Vecna ​​finally turned her head away, unable to bear to see the ugly Cao Cao.


The thrush flew over and stood on the vine next to it, tilting its head to look at Cao Tiao lying on the ground, with a hint of puzzlement in its nimble eyes.

Huh~ Why is this fat man lying on the ground?

Li Shu was also laughing, but he walked over and squatted down, and asked with concern: "Cao Cao, are you okay? Just now you called your waist, is there something wrong with your waist?"

Li Shu didn't help him up immediately. Sometimes people are very fragile. If there is a serious problem, I'm afraid he should call Cao Cao's personal doctor first to ask how to deal with it.

"It's okay, it's okay, there's nothing serious, just help me up."

Cao Cao's face flushed red.

Li Shu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and carefully helped Cao Cao up. Seeing that the other party seemed to be fine, he felt a little relieved.


Qian Rongjie and Su Zhizhe didn't think too much about it. They walked over and laughed again when they saw Cao Cao was covered in dust and embarrassed.

"Cao Cao, you are a good cook~ Didn't you once participate in the football youth training team? Just this skill?"

"Go, go, go~ Don't talk sarcasticly, I haven't practiced for many years, and my skills are rusty."

Cao Cao patted the dust off his body, gritted his teeth and said, "Hey? Where's the rabbit! We can't let her run away, hurry up~"

"Wow woof~"

The big yellow dog suddenly barked in the south across three rows of grape arbors, and there was a rabbit hole in the land in front of him.

The dark rabbit hole slanted down, and it was hard to see what was going on inside, but since the big yellow dog was guarding the hole, it seemed that the rabbit just got into it.

Qian Rongjie looked at Cao Cao who was in a mess, and suggested: "How go change your clothes?"

"No! Catch that rabbit!"

Cao Cao went around the rows of grape racks and walked towards the place where the big yellow dog was standing. Su Zhizhe spread his hands helplessly, and walked over with Li Shu and others.

The high-heeled shoes of Vecna ​​and Yao Li are beautiful and expensive, but they are not suitable for walking on the dirt ground at all, so they took the little girl back to the stone road.

Maybe the designer didn't expect that the woman who bought such expensive high heels would walk on the dirt floor.

The little girl was curious about whether Li Shu and the others had caught the rabbit, so she stretched her neck to watch, but she was too embarrassed to leave Yao Li and Vecna ​​behind and ran to catch the rabbit by herself.

The rows of grape trellises were too high, and she was short so she couldn't see them clearly. In the end, she didn't look at them at all, and squatted on the ground to watch the ants move.

Vecna ​​and Yao Li were also squatting on the ground. They hadn't seen ants move for a long time. The little black ants ran fast in a neat team with white ant eggs in their mouths.

Occasionally, there are big black ants who act as "supervisors" next to the team. When they see an ant that is not crawling straight, they will go to correct it.

The little girl stretched out her jade-like fingers, pointed at those big black ants and said:

"These big black ants must eat a lot. My elder brother often says eat more and grow taller."


Looking at the little girl carved in pink and jade, Vecna ​​even reached out to touch her hair. She felt that the innocent little girl was very cute.

Yao Li was also aroused in childlike fun, seeing a big black ant lightly touch another small ant with its tentacles, and the little ant crawled crookedly in an instant and climbed back to a straight line.

Yao Li pointed at the big black ant and said with a smile:

"The big ant must have scolded the little ant, and she must have said: Why are you climbing crookedly! Climb right for me quickly, and climb quickly~ There are still many things to move behind!"

The little girl seemed to have found a confidant, and even excitedly said: "Ah, yes, yes, it must be like this!"

Vecna, who was squatting on the ground, looked at Yao Li and then at the little girl, and she laughed wildly in an instant: "You two, it's really enough."

The little girl's eyes were very sharp, she saw a dead beetle three meters away on the right, she even ran over to pinch the beetle, and put the beetle on the stone road when she came back.

Some small ants smelled the aroma of insect meat, and even went back to report, and soon brought a few ants to move the insects together, and they seemed to be very excited when they crawled around.

The little girl laughed instantly: "God's gift, eat it, eat it, the big cat is not here, otherwise she must also like to watch the ants move."

"Where's the big orange cat?"

"Sleep on the recliner on the third floor of the stone villa. I didn't see her coming down just now."

the other side.

Because the rabbit hole was too long, after digging a few meters with a shovel, Li Shu asked Li Lei to find a lot of hay.

Gritting his teeth with hatred, Cao Cao even folded a handful of hay in half, lit it, and placed it at the entrance of the dug rabbit hole. He fanned the smoke with his big palm-like hands, and fanned the smoke into the hole to smoke the rabbits.

"Hmph ~ I must smoke this rabbit out today!"

"If the fire attack is not enough, we can also attack with water and flood the rabbit with water!" Qian Rongjie laughed, he hadn't been this happy for a long time, and he seemed to return to his childhood in an instant.


There was a sound in the front right, Su Zhizhe raised his head and shouted: "Look! There is a rabbit over there!"

"Quick, quick, let's go after that rabbit!"

"Yes, yes, catch more, one rabbit is definitely not enough to eat."

When Cao Cao saw that Li Shu and the big yellow dog were chasing another rabbit, he was instantly confused: "Then... what about this rabbit hole??"

After thinking about it, Cao Cao was still not reconciled, and continued to squat on the ground and fan the wind into the hole, but in fact his heart was already chasing after Li Shu and others to chase the rabbit.

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