Island Fishery

Chapter 839: 839 Catch the Hare (3)

Chapter 839: 839 Catch the Hare (3)

This time the hare failed to find the hole, and was chased and intercepted by Li Shu, Su Zhizhe and Qian Rongjie. The big yellow dog was also helping, and was soon caught by Li Shu.


"I caught you! You silly rabbit can really run!"

"Wow woof~"

In order to catch this rabbit, Ben Rhubarb made great efforts! Give me a rabbit leg to eat later!

"Go, go, Rhubarb, don't block the way in front of me, and be careful that I step on your claws." Li Shulian said.

Carrying the big fat hare, he walked to Cao Cao, who was still fighting with the hare that got into the hole.

The burning of dry grass produced a lot of smoke. Cao Cao lay on the ground trying to blow the smoke into the hole, but he was blackened by the smoke.

Seeing Cao Cao's dark face, Qian Rongjie almost burst out laughing.

Qian Rongjie: "Old Cao, do you want to fight like this?"

Su Zhizhe directly took out his mobile phone, turned on the selfie mode and handed it to Cao Cao: "Cao Cao, look at your current appearance."

Looking at his dark face in the phone, as if he had just been bombed on the battlefield, Cao Cao's forehead was twitching with veins.

Li Shu stood up and looked to the south. They were still on Rabbit Head Island, but the area of ​​vineyards on Rabbit Body Island was larger, and the number of wild rabbits was even greater.

In fact, most of the rabbits would not come out to forage during the day, but only the small part that came out to forage was enough for Li Shu and others to eat.

Li Shu pulled Cao Cao up from the ground, gave him the steps, and said with a smile: "Let's go, let's go to Rabbit Island, where there are more wild rabbits.

There are a lot of rabbits on the island, there is no need to die on a rabbit. "

"Ashu, what you said makes sense." Cao Cao smiled, and when he smiled, his big white teeth instantly appeared.

Originally, his teeth were not that white, but due to the black face, his teeth were too white, which made Li Shu and the others burst into laughter.

Li Bin brought a wire-welded cage about one meter long, with cardboard on the bottom of the cage, and Li Shu put the white rabbit into the cage.

Several people came to the stone road and got into two small electric cars respectively. Su Zhizhe turned his head and shouted to Yao Li, Vecna ​​and the little girl who were not far away:

"Hey! Are you going to catch rabbits in the south? We can make roasted rabbit meat at noon!"

The sea breeze is blowing, Yao Li's hair is blown by the wind, it looks very soft, she said with a smile: "You go, catch a few more, the three of us can play here."

"Okay, let's go then."

The electric small white car has 6 seats. In addition to the two driving seats, each car has 4 seats.

Two cars are more than enough to carry Li Shu and others.

buzz buzz~

The electric car started slowly. Qian Rongjie was sitting on the left of Li Shu. He looked at Yao Li and the girls through the rear window, and said curiously:

"Hey, what are they squatting on the stone road looking at?"

Li Shu stroked the big yellow dog's head squatting in front of him, looking back, his eyes were very sharp.

It was clearly seen that some small ants were crawling forward in a line on the ground where Yao Li's three daughters were squatting, and some were dangling with something in their mouths, looking overwhelmed as if they might fall at any time.

"Oh, I was watching the ants move." Li Shu said.

Su Zhizhe said: "Ashu, your eyes are so good, I can't even see clearly."

Cao Cao was still dusting himself off, saying:

"Speaking of which, it seems that ants are rarely seen now. I remember when I was a child living in a tribe, I often caught ants with other children.

Occasionally catch bugs and feed them to ants, or feed them some minced meat, they eat it cutely. "

Sitting on the electric small white car, Cao Cao looked at the blue sky and white clouds in the distance, his big face seemed to be caught in some kind of memory, and he murmured:

"It was fun when I was a child. In the tribe, I led a group of people to touch fish and catch shrimps every day, catch flies to feed spiders, dig out bird nests and burn eggs to eat, etc.

What I remember deeply is that once I climbed a tree to dig out a bird's nest, and found a snake, which scared us so much that we screamed and ran back and cried.

Oh, and there was another time when a group of people set up traps in the woods to catch badgers (huan).

Suddenly, a big spider hung down from the tree along the spider's thread. The height was just at the same level as my face, and it was almost touching my face.

The spider was very big, and its legs were about 20 centimeters long. It scared me~ According to other people, my screams at that time were no longer human-like. "


Qian Rongjie, Su Zhizhe, Li Shu and others burst out laughing instantly.

"Really, I only found out later that that kind of spider is called a bird-eating spider. Not to mention small flies, it can even eat birds." Cao Cao said.

Su Zhizhe grinned, imagining a 20 cm long spider hanging down in front of his face, he felt goosebumps all over his body.

"Ahem~ You are simply a childhood nightmare, what kind of childhood fun."

Qian Rongjie also said with a smile: "It is simply a shadow of childhood."


Sitting on the electric car, Qian Rongjie pointed to the vineyard on the right and said, "Look, there is a rabbit over there."

Everyone looked at it.

A white rabbit is next to a vine, and the emerald green grape leaves half cover his body, and he is observing in the dark.

Li Shu grabbed the big yellow dog who was about to rush off the electric car, and said with a smile: "Let's go to the deeper part of Rabbit Body Island to catch rabbits. There are more rabbits there."


"By the way, why are there so many wild rabbits on the island!?"

"It seems that the person who rented this island before raised some rabbits on the island. Because there are no natural enemies and sufficient food, litter after litter began to grow.

Rabbits are so numerous that the occasional hunting of a few is of little importance to the rabbit population as a whole.

The area of ​​the island is too large, and the number of workers is still relatively small. After clearing, many lands began to grow grass again. These small grasses are good for rabbits to chew on. "

"It makes sense. I see that the land on the right has grown grass about ten centimeters long... But, don't you spray pesticides to kill grass on your island?"

"If you don't spray, the pesticides will pollute the soil more or less. The island still maintains the original ecology and pollution-free environment to the greatest extent."

The stone road on Tushen Island is in the shape of "Tian", except for the stone road around the island, there is a "ten" shaped stone road in the middle.

There is an antique arch bridge and a small pavilion built on the river.

Two small white cars parked at the head of the bridge, looked around and saw some fat rabbits by the river.

"Damn it, there are really a lot of rabbits here."

"Chasing after chasing~"

“Rhubarb! On!”

"Wow woof~"

The big yellow dog swooshed down, and rushed straight to a wild rabbit, and the wild rabbit ran away.

Let’s read this rhubarb~ Little rabbits, come to my bowl obediently~

time flies.

The number of rabbits in the iron cage increased one by one, and everyone's faces were beaming.

But Yao Li, Vecna ​​and the little girl came to find them in another small white car when they couldn't wait for Li Shu and the others to go back.

The little girl got out of the car and ran to Li Shu: "Brother, how many little whites have you caught? By the way, brother, we just saw ants moving. It will definitely rain today."

"8 wild rabbits have been caught." Li Shu said.

"There are so many cute Xiaobai, do you really want to eat them?" The little girl crouched by the cage, raised her head suddenly, and said with tears in her eyes.

"Uh, don't cry, I'll give you a big rabbit leg to eat later, it's very delicious."

"Okay." The little girl thought for a while.

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