It Is Difficult To Find The Police, Even Pandas Know

82. This Is The Golden Gradient Big Cat, Super Cute Three Cerebellar Axes


The South China tiger burrowed into its den and let out a soft cry.

The scary stripes on the head have softened.

It's not like a domineering king of the forest at all.

Now it's just looking forward to seeing the father of the cubs.

"Oh..." The white tiger struggled a bit, trying to stand up, but was immediately pushed back by the South China tiger's big claws.

The South China Tiger gestured to the three Cerebellar Axes.

This made Baihu calm down and lay down on his stomach.

The three fluffy Cerebellar Axes were still swinging in the arms of the mother, and the cubs were not fighting for each other, and they were quietly sucking milk.

Only the sound of "噗味噗味" echoed in the tiger's den.

Even his father, South China Tiger, came in without noticing.

Sucking milk, as if doing the most important thing in the world.

"Ah! Such a gentle brain axe."

"What a domineering president Fan, so handsome"

"The two brain axes must be very loving and gentle."

"The fluffy Cerebellar Axe is still drinking milk, and there is no fight for it, the little one is so cute.

"The brain axes of a family of five are still wild, congratulations on the birth of the king of the forest, ??(7)/?, sprinkle flowers!!"

"Hua Nanhu, the domineering president, and Bai Hu, his sweet wife, never thought that Brain Ax would have this kind of love. It is really lucky to be able to witness this. I want to praise this pair of Brain Ax CPs.

Gentle gold gradient big cat.

Let everyone in front of the screen be moved by it.

The movements of the South China tiger are all very graceful.

After looking at the three Cerebellar Axes kindly for a while.

The South China tiger lowered its head, gently licked the white tiger, helped it clean its body, and carefully avoided the three suckling little ones.

Bai Hu had just given birth and had a lot of blood on his body.

These are cleaned by the production animals themselves.

Those umbilical cords and the like can be used to replenish energy for animals that have just given birth, so that they can recover their health as soon as possible.

in the brutal wild.

Restore the state before production one step earlier.

You can ensure the safety of yourself and your cubs earlier.

Su Chen was afraid of causing misunderstanding.

So I didn't help Baihu clean up.

The white tiger lay quietly on the spot without moving.

The figure of the South China tiger is reflected in the blue eyes of the tiger.

In its white face, it is full of tenderness and maternal brilliance.

"Tigers are actually solitary animals, just like giant pandas, mainly because one territory cannot meet the living needs of two tigers, and the prey is not enough to support them.

"These two Brain Axes can live together with such a close relationship, which is very rare in the world.

Watching Huanan's movements, Su Chen explained.

"Wow! It turns out that Brain Ax is a solitary animal."

"Hey... I'm definitely convinced of this pair of CPs.

"The two big cats are very affectionate, otherwise they wouldn't be together."

After listening to Su Chen's explanation.

Many viewers were directly fanned.

Professor Wang's eyes lit up in front of the screen.

Because I have been worried about Baihu's birth.

Even he ignored the fact that tigers are solitary animals.

In particular, this white tiger is a Bengal white tiger, and it has given birth to three different types of cubs with the South China tiger. If we can figure out the reason.

For him, this life is worth it.

Now wild South China tigers have appeared.

It is completely unnecessary to continue the previous subject.

Tigers in this family of five.

It is the best new subject option.

Professor Panda just smiled slightly.

I am delighted that Professor Wang has found a new research direction.

Only Professor Zhao smiled bitterly.

Professor Panda has brown Qinling pandas.

Professor Wang's unexpected gains are even greater.

Only he came over, but there was no gain.

Professor Zhao recovered quickly, he was still happy for the two old buddies from the bottom of his heart, maybe he can also gain something?

On this amazing police officer Xiaosu.

Maybe there will be miracles.

"Yeah..." Da Tuanzi came over and rubbed against Su Chen.

Its gaze couldn't help but be placed in the tiger's den.

The appearance of the white tiger surprised it.

Didn't expect it to be another black and white animal?

When Datuanzi saw the three Cerebellar Axes.

There is tenderness in its eyes.

The three little guys and their own cubs were very similar when they were young.

Understanding the meaning of the big dumpling, Su Chenrua responded with a click of its head: "Stupid, don't rush back, just wait a little longer..."

This idiot can't stand it anymore.

And the current time is past noon.

It is estimated that the big group went back to eat.

After comforting Da Tuanzi, Su Chen continued: "Actually, that white tiger is not an albino tiger. If I read correctly, it should be a Bengal white tiger...  

"The Bengal white tiger is a variant of the Bengal tiger. Due to a genetic mutation, the original orange-yellow and black-striped hair of the Bengal tiger has changed to white and black-striped.

"The size of the South China tiger is relatively small, especially the female tiger. The white tiger in the tiger den is about the same size as the male South China tiger, plus the blue eyes of the female tiger.

"I will judge that this is a Bengal white tiger."

In fact, Su Chen was a little puzzled.

Bengal white tigers are rare in the world.

Most are artificially bred.

Because of the white tiger's appearance, it is not easy to hide in the wild.

Often the prey has not been caught yet.

will be found by prey.

Moreover, it is even more impossible for the Bengal tiger to appear in Sichuan and Sichuan.

A small number of Bengal tigers live in the Himalayas.

The rest, because part of it is on the side of Baixiang Ah San.

There should be no tigers of this type in the territory of the Celestial Dynasty.

In other words, this Bengal white tiger came from another place.

Specifically how to get here.

It is estimated that no one will be able to understand it.

Su Chen's words.

It also attracted the thinking of the expert group.

An assistant murmured, "Are there Bengal tigers in our country? Aren't most of them distributed in Ah San's territory?"

Professor Zhao asked: "Old Wang, are there any Bengal tigers in our country?"

Due to the different research directions.

Professor Zhao is not sure either.

Is there a Bengal tiger in China?

Everyone present looked at Professor Wang.

After pondering for a moment, Professor Wang responded: "Although I am not studying Bengal tigers, as far as I know, there are wild Bengal tigers in the southwest, and the number is only a few dozen.

"As for the Bengal white tiger, it should be useless in the wild. There are a few in the animal research institute."

Everyone thought about it.

Since there are no wild white tigers in China.

So where did this wild Bengal white tiger come from?

Or those mutations from those Bengal tiger offspring?

Without research, no one can give results.

There was also a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room.

The audience thought it was an albino South China tiger.

It turned out to be a Bengal white tiger.

"White Bengal Tiger?"

"I thought it was an albino South China tiger!"

"No! How did the Bengal white tiger and the South China tiger breed?"

"Even lions and tigers can give birth to ligers. There is no reproductive isolation between the two tigers. It is not normal to be able to give birth to cubs."

"I remember, aren't all the Bengal tigers on Ah San's side? Are there wild Bengal tigers in our country? What's more, it's a white tiger, which is unbelievable!"

"Don't tell me, after my mother-in-law, there are still Bengal tigers in our country, but they are all in the southwest region, and the number is extremely small. According to statistics, there are only about 30 wild Bengal tigers. Including not counted, maybe fifty?"

Watching the audience's barrage.

Su Chen stood there for a moment.

There are Bengal tigers in the southwest.

The location I am in is not the southwest region in a general sense.

It's just that no one has ever spotted a wild Bengal tiger.

Even wild South China tigers, after decades.

A wild South China tiger was found today.

Not to mention the Bengal white tiger.

Su Chen groped his chin.

It's just one more possibility of going back.

Maybe it's the offspring of those Bengal tigers.

Can't it be from the Asan area?

Such a long distance and a very complicated environment.

There are many places where people gather on the way.

With the current state of technological advancement.

He couldn't come over from Ah San without leaving a trace.

This guess was rejected in Su Chen's mind.

Then there is only the first possibility.


The South China tiger came out of the tiger's den, ignoring the big tuanzi at the side, and kept rubbing its head against Su Chen to express its gratitude.

If there is no Su Chen.

Not to mention the cubs, the white tiger was not spared.

"Hahaha! It's just a matter of raising your hand." Su Chen smiled and scratched Brain Axe's chin.

In my heart, I am very happy.

There is also an inexplicable sense of pride.

You know, this is the tiger from the king of the forest.

Let the wild big gold gradually become so intimate.

It is estimated that in the world, few people can do it.


Brain Ax squinted his eyes slightly, feeling very comfortable, and made a low voice from his throat, which was very strong and powerful like an imperial engine.

Seeing this, Su Chen lifted Da Jin's gradual head.

Although the feel is a bit rough, not so soft.

But he rua was very happy.

Because this is a big golden gradient cat.

Is it a cat or a dog?

A sense of satisfaction welled up in Su Chen's heart.

The feeling of rua's brain axe cannot be described in words.

Glance at the brain ax enjoying.

The big group was a little dissatisfied, so they moved over.

Don't let free meal tickets be snatched away.

It was hard to find a suitable free meal ticket.

What would you do if you were snatched away by this coquettish bitch?

"Hahaha..." Seeing the big dumpling approaching, Su Chen laughed and ruaed its big head. Ruaing with the national treasure dumpling and the brain ax was more than double the joy.

Su Chen couldn't help comparing the textures.

In terms of texture, of course big dumplings are better.

It's just that rua South China Tiger is satisfied in his heart.

So there is no comparison at all.

Both are very good!!

Su Chen felt very happy physically and mentally.

The audience who watched were gnashing their teeth.

"In front of Brother Chen, because the brain ax is like a lynx...

"Take the initiative to come over to let Brother Chen rua, what kind of fairy treatment is this."

"Lemon fruit on the lemon tree, you and I under the lemon tree, we sit together and share the fruit, but don't put the lemon in my mouth, it's so sour..."

"Where is this tiger, the king of the jungle, but a big gold gradient cat, where can I buy this kind of cat, I want to raise one too


"Yuanxiao even came over to let Brother Chen rua, I'm afraid it's not because he is jealous of Brain Axe, and wants to compete with Brain Axe for favor with Ernie, although it seems a bit happy, why am I picking lemons?"

"At the same time, the rua national treasure dumpling and the brain axe... One plus one, it will definitely not only double the happiness, the thief quickly let them go, let me come to rua, or give me one as well


It's not just the audience chasing lemons.

Even the three big professors are addicted to it.

Also rua wild panda and wild South China tiger.

Also make sure they don't conflict.

in their knowledge and records.

No one has ever been able to do such a thing.

Su Chen's performance far exceeded everyone's imagination.

I can only sigh, the waves behind the Yangtze River drive the waves ahead.

After rua for a while, Su Chen stopped contentedly.

It's getting late now.

It's time to say goodbye to the two brain axes.

The pups in the main settlement need care.

Let others pass by, it is estimated that brown pandas will not let in.

"."Han Xiong, wait a minute. "

"When I come out, let's go back."

Instructing Da Tuanzi, Su Chen went into the tiger's den again.

Glance at the South China tiger.

Datuanzi turned his head lazily.

The free meal ticket is not to take it back with you.

This flirtatious bitch wants to grab a free meal ticket? No way!!

Two pillars of air rushed out from the South China Tiger's nose.

It turned back to the tiger's den and acted as a loyal guard.


Seeing Su Chen coming in, the white tiger barked.

"I'll come in and take a look..." Su Chen squatted down, stroking the white tiger's head.

The white tiger wanted to stick out his tongue and lick it.

Su Chen quickly raised his hand to prevent his tongue from licking it.

There are barbs on the tiger's tongue.

It is comparable to the barbs of some vines.

If it is licked, the scratches are the lightest.

Most likely a piece of skin was hung up.

Take Su Chen's superhuman physique.

Don't dare to take risks for the time being.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

This made Baihu slightly depressed,

Because of their friendly way.

Just lick each other's hair.

"Don't worry, it's not that you hate it, but that you're afraid of getting hurt..." stroking the white tiger, Su Chen used the product [Intermediate Animal Affinity] to convey his meaning.

Perceive the meaning of Su Chen.

Baihu changed his method and started rubbing with his head.

Su Chen grinned slightly.

While ruaing the white tiger, Su Chen also helped it check its body.

Baihu is in good condition now.

It's just that after giving birth, the body is very tired.

With the powerful recovery ability of the tiger.

Take a few days to rest.

Baihu will recover soon.


"Whoa whoa whoa"

As if they were disturbed, the three Cerebellar Axes began to crawl restlessly in the arms of the white tiger mother, and they kept calling (Zhao Zhao's) sounds.

Su Chen watched, showing an old father-like smile.

Three fluffy little guys.

The white tiger turned its head, pushed the three cubs out, and put them in front of Su Chen, as if to make it easier for him to observe.



Leaving the mother's warm embrace, the three fluffy little guys started to scream again, wriggling their bodies, trying to get into the embrace of the white tiger mother.

"Ah! Cerebellar Axe is so cute!"

"Medical soldier! Come up quickly and give the blood bag to the medical soldier."

"Don't call me a medical soldier! The medical soldier has already died in battle, and died with blood all over his face."

"The fluffy Cerebellar Axe is still in different colors, I really want to hold it up and gently rua..."

"Hahaha! Why is there a cerebellar axe that is a buzzing monster? It turns out that the brain axe can also make buzzing calls, isn't that the same as glutinous rice?"

"That snow-white cerebellar axe, I feel that the white tiger's mother is out of ink, so she gave birth to one of these snow-white glutinous rice dumplings. I can eat ten of them in one bite."

Hear the cries of three cubs.

The white tiger lowered its head and licked lightly.

Su Chen looked a little moved.

Licking Ru's affectionate appearance touched his heart.

Under the comfort of their mother, the three little ones settled down.

The white tiger arched the cub towards Su Chen again.

Su Chen pointed to the three cubs and asked tentatively, "Do you want me to see them?"

Newborn cubs.

The white tiger mother would not allow anyone to get close to her.

Because of the smell, the cubs are easily abandoned.

The white tiger mother suddenly wanted him to see her cubs.

Su Chen also thought that there was something wrong with the cub.

The white tiger mother directly picks up the eldest and the younger snow tiger to block.

The meaning is already obvious.

chirping․ ..”

The sudden sense of disappointment startled the little guy, and he yelled uneasily.

Su Chen didn't hesitate too much.

He took the cerebellar ax in Baihu's mouth.

Hold it in the palm of your hand and examine it.

Cubs who have been born with dystocia will really have adverse effects.

Newborn Cerebellar Axes are prone to premature death. .

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