It Is Difficult To Find The Police, Even Pandas Know

83. The Rarest Gold Gradient In The World! Golden Tiger

"Wow! To be able to touch the cubs.

"I didn't expect that Baihu would hand the cub to Brother Chen."

"I remember a lot of cats, when they were smelled by people or other animals, the mother would just abandon them."

"According to... there should be no problem! After all, it was the White Tiger mother who took the initiative, and I feel that she trusted Brother Chen to give the cub to him..."

"Is there a possibility that there is something wrong with the cubs, and the white tiger mother asked Brother Chen to check. After all, the three cubs were born after dystocia, maybe there are sequelae?"

"Don't be crowed!! Cerebellar Axe is still alive and kicking, and the white tiger's mother is not in a hurry, maybe she just wants Brother Chen to take a look at Cerebellar Axe, after all, Kang Guo is a lifesaver.

The actions of the white tiger mother.

Let many viewers discuss again.

Professor Wang was also a little nervous.

After all, this does not conform to the habits of animals.

For a newborn cub, the mother should not let people touch it.

The atmosphere in the village meeting room.

Become dignified again.

The people inside, even Xiao Huang.

They are all professional forest policemen.

Very familiar with the habits of animals.

Professor Panda frowned.

Through the screen, no one can diagnose the cub.

What exactly causes this scenario to occur.

Only Su Chen, the person involved, can know.

Lying in the palm of Su Chen.

Cerebellar Ax curled up his small body.

The pink nose kept twitching.

It's exactly like a soft and cute glutinous rice dumpling.

Aware of the cordial feeling on Su Chen.

Cerebellar Ax made a fuss for a while.

Lying comfortably on Su Chen's palm.

From time to time, she sticks out her tender tongue and licks her palm.

Seeing the white tiger mother was not in a hurry.

Su Chen felt relieved, perhaps he just wanted to see the cub for himself, and had no other intentions.

Just to be on the safe side.

Su Chen still intends to check on the cub.

After all, the three cubs were born after dystocia.

The time spent in the womb is relatively long.

In case something happens.

It may be too late to find out later.

There is no professional medical equipment.

Su Chen can only look, smell, ask, and cut.

These methods are equally suitable for use in animals.

Gently comfort Cerebellar Axe.

Su Chen held it and began to check.

"Smooth breathing, no foreign objects in the mouth and nose, no symptoms of dislocation of limbs, and a little full belly..."

"Should have just finished eating."

When Cerebellar Axe's stomach was full, Su Chen was startled, thinking that he had inhaled amniotic fluid, which caused his stomach to be full.

Then I remembered.

The three little ones have only ever drank breast milk.

It is normal to have a full stomach.

Continue to focus after everything has been checked.

This Cerebellar Axe, as a newborn cub, is very healthy.

There is no congenital deficiency, and there is no hidden hall outside the body.

As long as 217 gets through the dangerous period in the first few days.

It is estimated that it can grow up very healthy.

Many large mammals have a high mortality rate, especially predators such as tigers and lions.

Three pups were born.

One survived.

That is within the normal range.

Two survived, so it means doing a good job.

For all three cubs to survive.

Then it is possible to do it due to the right time, location, and people.

Even in the breeding base with human interference.

It is not uncommon for such beast cubs to die young.

Think cubs like Snow Tiger and White Tiger.

The probability of premature death will be even higher.

Because the gene is mutated.

Weaker than normal tiger cubs.

In some cases, it will be abandoned by the female animal.

Because the appearance is different from the female beast.

After inspecting Little Snow Tiger.

Su Chen also checked the little white tiger.

Very different from his brother Xiaoxuehu.

The little white tiger behaved very calmly, allowing Su Chen to examine it, but it didn't cry out, and it was also in good health.

"It turned out to be a little girl, no wonder she was so quiet..."

After checking, Su Chen laughed.

Female tigers are more active and convenient than male tigers.

This is true for most animals.

"Little guy, let me see you again..." After sending the little white tiger back to its mother, Su Chen carefully picked up the best cerebellar axe, the golden little South China tiger

The white tiger mother rests her head on her plush front paws.

In the eyes, full of tenderness.

The cub was held and inspected by Su Chen. He was not angry at all, but opened his mouth slightly, as if he was very happy.

A South China tiger on guard outside.

From time to time it burrows its head into the weeds.

After seeing the white tiger and three cubs.

The South China tiger retreated again and continued to stay outside.


The last Cerebellar Ax was the most active, with two small front paws scratching at the edge of Su Chen's palm, wriggling restlessly on his palm.

Su Chen couldn't even check it with peace of mind.

After the teasing continued, the Cerebellar Axe calmed down.

The more he observed Cerebellar Axe's body, the more strange Su Chen felt. The body was as healthy as the other two cubs, but it was just fluff on the outside, which made him a little suspicious.

Except for the black stripes and white belly of the South China tiger.

The rest of the body is orange.

This little (bidh) Brainaxe has black stripes on its body.

The little belly seems to be inherited from the mother, and the fluff is very white.

Just other fluff, not like orange.

Instead, it looks like a bright golden yellow.

"Could it be Jinhu..."

Su Chen murmured.

Bengal tigers except white tigers and snow tigers.

In fact, there is another variation, the Bengal Golden Tiger.

Bengal tigers are even rarer.

According to research, there are only Bengal tigers in ten directions.

Perhaps there is only one, carrying the gene of the golden tiger.

Su Chen's whispering was captured by the drone.

"Jinhu, what tiger is it?"

"It's the first time I've heard that there is Jinhu."

"Uh... Isn't Jinhu a dumpling in the Panda Base?"

"I've only heard of the white tiger, and I've only just heard about the snow tiger. Why is there a golden tiger now? Are there so many mutants of tigers?"

"I didn't see any difference. Don't they all have the word king on the top of the head, black stripes and orange hair on the body, and the belly is very white?"

"Don't say, although the light in the tiger's lair is not very bright, the fluff of this cerebellar axe seems to really look a little golden yellow, and it looks even cuter!!"

There was a lot of discussion on the barrage.

Many people are hearing about Jinhu for the first time.

I hadn't even heard of Xuehu before, let alone Jinhu.

In the village committee meeting room.

Professor Wang has pulled over the tablet.

Zoom in on the live broadcast screen and start to identify it carefully.

Snow Tiger's appearance was enough of a surprise.

You know, this is one child with three categories.

If another golden tiger comes out, it will be frightening...

Professor Panda, who was originally calm and relaxed, now has his eyes wide open, carefully looking at the Cerebellar Axe in the picture.

The rarity of the golden tiger.

It is a rare level in the world.

However, it is still not as good as the brown panda.

Existing records of the Golden Tiger exist, and there are some.

The brown Qinling panda is the only one.

The assistant, who didn't know Jinhu well, was already holding his mobile phone and started to search for drawings.

Li Jianguo and Xiao Huang looked at each other.

On their faces, full of bewilderment.

Although they are all professional forest policemen.

But at work, I encountered this rare animal there.

There are so many differences between tigers.

Baihu also heard about the appearance of Xuehu and Jinhu.

have reached their blind spots of knowledge.

"The back is golden yellow, the coat color of the two ribs is lighter, and the belly is off-white. The horizontal stripes on the tiger's body are slender and clear, the horizontal stripes on the back and abdomen are black, and the horizontal stripes on the two ribs are brown."

Checking Cerebellar Axe, Su Chen muttered.

Everything is characteristic of the Bengal Golden Tiger.

But there is a golden false eye on the back of the head, and this feature belongs to the South China tiger.

After checking, Su Chen was a little puzzled.

All the characteristics of the Taurus are there.

Only on Cerebellar Axe.

There are also obvious characteristics of South China tigers.

The Bengal golden tiger does not have these characteristics.

In Su Chen's mind.

Suddenly, an amazing idea appeared.

Perhaps this is not what the Bengal Tigers.

Instead, after the combination of the Bengal white tiger and the South China tiger, there is a genetic mutation, resulting in a South China tiger that has never appeared in the world.

After this idea came up.

Su Chen's movements became more careful.

Brown Qinling giant panda.

The world's first South China golden tiger.

One is not careful.

He witnesses the only emergence of two worlds.

In Su Chen's eyes, it became hot.

The most precious treasure in the world is nothing more than this.

Carefully put the Cerebellar Ax into the arms of the white tiger mother.

Su Chen didn't make this guess for the time being, and directly said it in the live broadcast.

Because of him, he was still a little uncertain.

In case the little golden tiger changes during the growth process.

It degenerates into a Bengal golden tiger, or a South China tiger.

This kind of case is not unheard of.

Now if it is published.

It is possible to have a good time in vain.

Su Chen is ready to go back.

Discuss with a group of experts.

There is no such record in the illustrated book of animals and plants.

The knowledge of the illustrated book of animals and plants is all recorded information in the world, but this is the first time that the South China golden tiger has mutated, so how could there be records.

"If there were no accidents during the growth process, that little guy just now might be a golden tiger." After a little thought, Su Chen only said to the camera that it was a golden tiger.

As for the South China Golden Tiger he guessed, he didn't say anything.

After it is fully confirmed, it will not be too late to announce it.

"The bodies of the three Cerebellar Axes are all healthy."

"It belongs to the condition of a normal newborn cub. After a few days, the fluff will become more shiny, and the cerebellar ax will become lively.

"In about a week or so, Cerebellar Axe will open his eyes and see the colorful world..."

Su Chen did not forget to talk about the physical condition of the cub.

The three Cerebellar Axes are all in good physical condition.

Not affected by dystocia.

It's just that if you don't want to die young, you need to pay more attention.

"Wow! It's really Jinhu."

"Just by hearing the name, you know it's very rare."

"I just gave my mother a word. The golden tiger is a golden-yellow variant of the Bengal tiger. It is the rarest tiger in the world, even rarer than the snow tiger.

"The litter of cerebellar axes born to the white tiger's mother is really incredible. The white tigers, snow tigers, and golden tigers are all rare brain axes of mutated species..."

"Protect it well! Let Cerebellar Ax grow healthily."

"Fortunately, brother Chen came to help

Not to mention being with the three rare Cerebellar Axes, even the white tiger mother is hard to escape. To be able to witness the birth of a litter of three rare Cerebellar Axes, the main contributor must be Brother Chen. "

After some hesitation.

Su Chen checked the other two cubs.

When I just checked, I just checked my physical condition.

I didn't look carefully at the appearance characteristics of the two Cerebellar Axes.

In his heart, there is some idea faintly.

It turned out that Su Chen's guess was right.

Little White Tiger and Little Snow Tiger have fake eyes on the back of their heads.

These three cerebellar axes are not Bengal tigers.

It is just the Bengal tiger blood of the white tiger mother.

To be precise, they are South China White Tiger, South China Snow Tiger, and South China Golden Tiger.

After reaching this conclusion.

Su Chen was a little dizzy.

Unexpectedly, the blood of the South China tiger is so powerful.

After the combination of Bengal white tigers, the cubs born are all different species of South China tigers, and they are all unique in the world.

It is estimated that no one thought of it.

There will be such a litter of three pups.

After all, the Bengal white tiger and the South China tiger are combined.

It is also the first time in the world.

As for whether there will be such a miracle in the future.

No one will ever know, at least for now it is unique.

After all three Cerebellar Axes opened their eyes.

If it weren't for the blue eyes.

It is the golden color of the South China tiger.

Then it can be proved.

The three cerebellar axes are South China tigers.

They are all unique species of South China tiger in the world.

"Oh..." Seemingly aware that Su Chen was stunned, the white tiger mother called out for some unknown reason, waking him up.

Su Chen carefully sent the cub back.

Looking at the Cerebellar Ax curled up together.

He will do his best to help them grow and prevent them from dying halfway. They are the only cerebellar axes in the world.

It would be a pity if he died young.

Su Chen decided to come and observe every day.

If something happens, it can be discovered in time.

The tiger's den is not very far from the station.

Behind the station hill.

The distance in a straight line is only a few kilometers.

Although it was a little troublesome in the past.

Under normal circumstances, it will definitely arrive in half an hour.

Su Chen took out the disinfectant alcohol and sprayed it in the tiger's den.

Only the hole in the tiger's den can be ventilated. ,

Plus no sun exposure.

It is easy to breed harmful bacteria.

during spraying.

Su Chen also carefully avoided the three cubs.

Avoid squirting alcohol and getting it on them.


Smelling the pungent smell of alcohol, the white tiger mother couldn't help but sneezed, her whole tiger face wrinkled slightly, obviously she didn't like the smell of alcohol.

The white tiger mother curled up.

Protect the three cerebellar axes in King Huai.

"It's okay, the smell will dissipate quickly, and there is no harm to the body..."

Su Chen blocked the camera with his body, stroking the white tiger mother's head with his hand, and redeemed [biological animal milk] from the system mall.

When the white tiger saw this, his eyes lit up instantly.

I just drank [Biological Egg Milk] and know how it works.

Now take the initiative to put his head in the past and drink up.

Halfway through the drink.

The white tiger mother took the initiative to stop.

Raising its front paws, it pokes open the bottle.

Pulled all three cubs over.

Su Chen was slightly taken aback.

After reacting, I instantly understood what was going on.

The white tiger mother wanted to give up the animal milk to the three cubs.

Su Chen couldn't help but sigh.

The greatest thing in the world is indeed maternal love.



Smelling the smell of animal milk, the three Cerebellar Axes squirmed, screaming desperately, and raised their little heads, wanting to drink animal milk.

Out of the corner of your eye, look at the drone.

Su Chen controlled the drone and flew out of the tiger's den.

It was not counted as drinking by the three cubs.

After all, they just drank the white tiger's breast milk.

Now it seems that it is okay to give a little bit.

Make sure not to be caught on camera.

Su Chen also exchanged for animal milk.

"Continue to drink! And..." Waving the animal milk in his hand, Su Chen handed over the half bottle of animal milk

This time, the white tiger drank all of it.

Su Chen pushed the three cubs into the arms of the white tiger. ,

Dripping animal milk on their 'nipples'.

The three little ones smelled the aroma of milk.

The body squirmed frantically, and instantly pounced on it.

Lick the animal milk on the nipple.

Wait until they are almost licked.

Su Chen poured down some more.

The three pups were not bottle-fed.

It is because they are just born that they learn to suck breast milk.

If you are used to drinking animal milk from a feeding bottle.

In the end, the three Cerebellar Axes are not interested in breast milk, and it will be even more difficult for the white tiger mother to take care of her.

Animal milk is the key to ensure that the cubs do not die young.

But to grasp the balance, feed a small amount.

Looking at the cheerful appearance of the three cubs.

A kind smile appeared on Su Chen's face.

The three little ones were all born by him.

Under his witness, healthy growth is better. .

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