The locust plague!!!

Just hearing the name is enough to make people think of that terrible scene....

Add to that Bai Jue's description just now!

The entire universe almost turned into a bug nest!

Bugs are still acceptable when there are only one or two of them.......

But once the number of insects reaches a certain level!

It will form a certain scale!

A black mass, the sound of flapping wings, and the squirming of those mouthparts!

Just thinking about it can make people's scalp tingle!

And such a terrible scene!

It actually happened in the Starry Sky Universe, and it swept the entire universe!!!

Whenever Kiana thought of such a scene, she couldn't help but get goose bumps all over her body:"It's really terrible!"

"I'm not afraid of insects, but the thought of so many insects appearing at the same time........."

"so I......"

Because of her own situation, Bronya was unable to show too many emotions.

But there was a different kind of fear in her eyes.

"It surprised me that......"

"In the starry universe, under the protection of the concept of God, Star God......"

"Such a terrible disaster will happen!"

Mei nodded:"Yes, according to what the captain just said......"

"This disaster caused countless planets and civilizations to fall and be destroyed!"

"Just thinking about that process is much better than collapse....."

Fu Hua also agreed and said:"Indeed......"

"I originally thought that the disaster of the Starry Universe to civilization was the star core and the star-destroying god that were often mentioned before......."

"I never thought there would be such a terrible disaster!"

"In the course of human civilization on Earth, a locust plague can cause tremendous damage......."

"This is a plague of insects that has swept across the universe......."

Fu Hua just thought of that scene.

Even if she was a nobody, she felt horrified at this moment!

That scene was really too terrifying!

"Reproduction destiny......"

"Is it endless reproduction and giving birth?"

Fu Hua asked out of curiosity.18 Bronya thought of what Bai Jue said before:"The captain once said that the power of the star god comes from destiny!"

"And destiny will also bind the star gods, making them continue to practice their destiny......."

"So in Bronya's opinion, maybe the breeding of star gods itself can't be stopped......."

Kiana:"That fate doesn't sound that good......."

Mei nodded slightly and said thoughtfully:"It seems that in the Starry Universe, the more power you gain, the stronger it is!"

"The easier it is to be bound by fate......"

"Is this kind of thing good or bad?"

As for the locust plague in the universe, the audience in the Starry Universe has the most profound understanding of it!

After all, even those who have not experienced it can......

They will also learn from their elders or other sources about this terrible disaster that almost destroyed the universe!

Not to mention, in some places, this disaster was even fully simulated.......

Heita looked at Bai Jue in the live broadcast room and said,"Is this a big deal this time?"

"Even the universal locust plague has come out?"

At this time, Esther's face looked very bad:"Ms. Black Tower, what do you think of the universal locust plague that the anchor will introduce later?......"

"Is it the same as what happened in the simulated universe?"

The simulated universe is a miniature universe created by the Black Tower!

The development and history of the universe are exactly the same as the current Starry Sky Universe! There are even Star Gods in it who have become gods.......

So in the simulated universe......

It also records the history of locust plagues around the world.......

Not only that, the simulated universe even provides some experience functions!

It allows people outside to enter the simulated universe to experience the stories that happened in it.

And the locust plague is the most important part of it!

The main reason why Ester had such an expression just now was that she had experienced the locust plague.

When Bai Jue mentioned that scene again, it reminded Ester of the various scenes she had seen in the simulated universe.......

Heita replied:"It must be the same......"

"But the anchor mentioned that there is one thing that makes me very worried......."

Estelle asked curiously,"Ms. Black Tower, is there anything else that worries you?"

Black Tower rolled her eyes at Estelle and said,"I'm worried about......"

"Taizyulos, the Star God of Breeding, will make a comeback at some point in the future!"


"It will cause a more terrible disaster than the last time!"

Hearing this, Estelle's face changed drastically:"This......"

Heita glanced at Estelle, then continued,"Don’t worry, it’s just my guess!"

"Although there are indeed some cases that show that the breeding star gods have indeed made a comeback......."

"But this does not mean that they will definitely come."

Esther was relieved when she heard this.......

"So what Ms. Heita meant was that you wanted to judge from the content of the live broadcast later?"

Heita nodded:"After all, we still know too little about that matter......."

Esta looked at her live broadcast screen:"Yes......"

If people from other forces heard this, they would definitely not believe it!

After all, the simulated universe of your Black Tower can completely simulate the whole thing!

You actually said that you know too little? ? ?

Luofu Xianzhou, Taibu Si!

Fu Xuan's face also became ugly for a rare time.

At the same time, he read out the name of the breeding star god in Xianzhou!

Because the culture of Xianzhou is very different from other civilizations.

Therefore, different star gods have different names in Xianzhou.

It is also a name agreed upon by the people of Xianzhou.

Compared with calling these star gods by their fate names, the people of Xianzhou prefer their own naming logic.......

""The ancestor of locust disasters!!!"

Fu Xuan said another name for the breeding star god.

As a member of the Taibu Division, Qingque had also seen information about this in the Taibu Division's materials!

"Is the host's tone so heavy this time?"

"I actually mentioned this matter......"

Fu Xuan said,"It seems that this star core hunter named Liuying was a victim of the insect tide."

"So when the anchor tells this story, he will start from this paragraph."

"This is good, it will help us understand more clearly what happened back then......"

Qingque said:"What if the host simply skipped it?"

Fu Xuan's face darkened.......

It seems to make sense......

"Let’s continue reading......."

At this time, the audience on the barrage also expressed the same emotion about this disaster!



【Yulandel: Is everything this breeding star god does also the fulfillment of his destiny?】

【Black Tower: Of course......Star Gods only act on their own destiny......】

【Kiana: For the sake of my own destiny, can I endlessly harm all the planets and civilizations?】

【Otto: Destiny gives the Star God power, and the Star God walks on destiny! It is powerful, but also restrictive!】

【Walter: That’s right.......The existence of the Breeding Star God and his birth itself is a tragedy!】

【Honkai Bronya: According to what Mr. Walter said, there is another hidden story.......】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Theresa: Even if your own birth is a tragedy, you can't bring all the tragedy to others, right?】

【Jing Yuan: Even he himself can't control this kind of behavior.......Because he is on the path of destiny......】

【Mei: It seems that although the path of life is broad, it also has many limitations!】

【Mebius: After becoming a Star God, are you more helpless?】

【Su: Destiny, Star God, Destiny Walker......】

【Black Tower: Speaking of which, it seems that the Joyful Star God Aha was also a participant in this incident.......】

【Aha: Aha doesn’t know. Aha was just a bystander.......】

【Xing: Do you believe what you said?】

【Fu Xuan: It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, he just wants to have fun.......】

【Alicia: Is this what Happy Destiny is supposed to do?】

【Ahaha: Yes~~~Just have to find fun and discover fun, hahahaha......】

【Sambo: Yes, yes.......】

【Star Dome Bronya: It seems that there are related records in the historical materials of Beloberg.......】

【Xingqiong Jizi: After all, the former Beloberg was also part of the universe......】

【March 7: When I think of those bugs......I'm afraid......】[]

【Dan Heng: Don't worry, the breeding star god has fallen! Such a disaster is unlikely to come back! 】

Bai Jue looked at the audience's discussion about the locust plague in the universe, smiled slightly and said:"Let's not discuss whether the locust plague in the universe will come back....."

"Let me first tell you about the whole story of the locust plague."

"After all, the birth of Firefly and the subsequent story, as I said before, are closely related to this incident......."

"Before we understand the locust plague, we need to start from the beginning......."

"In the vast starry universe, there once was an infinite land called the Wormwood Galaxy!"

"On that land, the Zerg flourished and formed their own civilization!"

"It is a natural planet full of vitality and peace!"

"But one day, the leader noticed this......."

"So he began to invade the Dust Star, and with the arrival of this leader!"

"For the first time, the Warthog Star encountered its own disaster!!!"

"After the leader arrived at the Wart Planet, he immediately started to massacre the insect swarm on the Wart Planet!!!"

"The leader believes that this is the only way for civilization to develop, not to mention that the opponent this time is just a group of insects......."

"Later, the leader caught some bugs, cultivated them, and used them as weapons in the army!

Bai Jue told a story of aggression in the development of civilization.......

The audience in the live broadcast room seemed to have seen the invasion of the Wart Planet in Bai Jue's narration!

Those insects who lived peacefully on the Wart Planet!

They never expected that they would also encounter a catastrophic disaster one day.......

"After the leader arrived, another group of bounty hunters came to the Warthog Star to kill bugs!"

"This group of bugs were slaughtered crazily without any reason and without doing anything!!!"

"But in the end, something happened that caused this group of bounty hunters to completely lose themselves in the killing!"

"They don't distinguish between humans and insects, and will kill any living thing they see......."

"Finally, the leader's army and the bounty hunter met......"

"An unprecedented massacre broke out on the dwarf planet......."

"The land that was originally full of vitality instantly turned into a sea of corpses and blood!"

"The lush forests and grasslands were all burned by the flames of war, leaving only a dark earth!"

"On the pitch-black earth, there were Zerg's broken limbs and blood splattered everywhere!!!"

"The massacre never stopped......."

"Knowing that the number of Zerg is decreasing, and knowing that there is nothing extra on the Star......"

"Only the breath of killing remains!!!!!"

In Bai Jue's narration, scenes emerged in the audience's mind.

One day, a peaceful planet!

Suddenly, two groups of aliens descended from the sky!

The moment these aliens landed.......

Without explaining their purpose or their thoughts, they raised their butcher knives and began to slaughter the insects!

For the insects, it was their own race that was being killed!!!

For these two groups of people......

They killed......

It's just a bunch of bugs!!!

Originally, many viewers were still wondering why the breeding star god would do such an excessive thing.

Destroyed so many planets and civilizations......

Now it seems that the culprit is this leader and these bounty hunters.......

Bai Jue continued,"The Worm Star has completely become a purgatory for the Zerg......."

"The leader, with his army and his own powerful strength, launched an overwhelming massacre against the Zerg and bounty hunters!"

"And in this layer, the last member of the order Coleoptera......"

"It felt a vivid hatred and loneliness!!!"

"As the last member of the Coleoptera that ruled the earth, his lonely desire ignited his destiny!"

"It rushed into the sky from the blood, broken shells and slime!!!"

"Taizyulos, the Star God of Breeding, was born......"

As soon as Bai Jue finished speaking, a star's face appeared on everyone's live broadcast screen.......

When the huge face appeared, there was also a sound like a bug's roar!

All the viewers were staring at the thing on the screen of the live broadcast room!

It was a pitch-black bug with a normal human body on it.......

But there is no head!

The half of the human group seemed to be holding a small insect in their hands and stroking it quietly.......

Bai Jue said:"This is the fallen breeding star god Taizi Yulos!"

"It is also called the King of Sand, the King of Insects or the Originator of Moths and Locusts!!!"

【Kiana: I feel so lonely, so cold, so lonely.......】

【Mei: Because he was the last member of the race, the desire for reproduction and the rejection of loneliness deep in his genes made him become the Star God of Reproduction?】

【Otto: I initially thought that this star god should be a very powerful being from the beginning, but I didn’t expect that he was really just a bug from the beginning!】

【Mebius: So in the Starry Universe......The birth of destiny doesn’t even require an overly complicated process?】

【Black Tower: Indeed, this Star God......It was a bug from the beginning!!!】

【Honkai Bronya: It turns out that all disasters started with an invasion?......】

【Xingqiong Xier: So the ones who deserve to die the most are that leader and that bounty hunter!!!】

【ScrewGum: Indeed.......】

【Mei: If there had been no invasion from the beginning, perhaps nothing would have happened.……】

【Jing Yuan: What a pity... In the vast universe, there are never so many ifs.……】

【Fu Xuan: Yeah... Who could have thought that everything started from an invasion? ?】


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