At first, the audience of the Collapse World thought that breeding star gods would destroy so many planets and civilizations.......

It is an unforgivable mistake!

However, now I have heard the process of the birth of the breeding star god.......

Everyone calmed down!......

After those two groups arrived at the Queer Star System......

All developments cannot be interfered with by the breeding star god Taiziyuros.......

The massacre at the beginning destroyed the rest of the race!!!

The weak bugs could do nothing at all!

In the end, only the last individual was left in the entire race!

Perhaps it was because of the desire to survive, or perhaps it was the desire of the genes themselves for the race to grow and reproduce.......

Anyway, no one knows what happened to the little bug at that time.......

Only then, by some strange coincidence, a new destiny was created!

He became the first star god on this destiny!

In short, everything is just such a coincidence.......

It doesn't seem to be a coincidence......

And all of this, at the very beginning......

All because of a civilization's conquest and invasion......

Theresa frowned as she looked at the portrait of the Breeding Star God that appeared in the live broadcast room in front of her!

"Such a lonely feeling......"

The image of the Star God has appeared several times before.......

This time, the breeding star god gave everyone a completely different feeling.......

The harmonious star god Hippie gives people a sense of peace that tolerates everything and makes everything harmonious.

The destructive star god Nanook has the will to destroy everything!

Only the breeding star god is on the most prolific path.......

But......Full of loneliness and helplessness!

Ji Zi looked at the Breeding Star God and nodded in agreement:"I seem to be able to feel his fear of loneliness......."

I felt fear in a Star God!......

It actually happened to a Star God!

Before seeing the breeding Star God, if someone said this to Theresa and Jizi, they would definitely not believe it.......

After all, this is really too much!!!

Star God!

The most powerful life form in the universe, a collection of concepts!

Such a being is actually afraid of other things......

And the breeding star god is like this, fear of death, fear of loneliness, fear of extinction!!!

"So whose fault is it that the disaster happened later?"

Theresa continued to look at the breeding star god on the screen:"He had no choice from the beginning......"

"Before becoming a Star God, you can only wait for death while fleeing......."

"After becoming a star god, he was bound by fate and acted on it, causing a locust plague on the universe......."

"Jizi, you said......"

"Will he ever regret it?"

Ji Zi shook her head:"Who knows?......"

"But now that he has become a star god, I think this breeding star god will also have good thinking ability."

"To survive......"

"Perhaps continuous reproduction has become his only solution......."

"Yeah, it started when their homes were invaded......."

"There's no choice left......."

People in the Collapse World can empathize with this.......

Because of the invasion of Honkai, they often have no choice.

Either they wait for Honkai to completely destroy human civilization!

Everything disappears.......

Either stand up and fight against the collapse!

In the process, what should be sacrificed and what should be discarded?......

From the moment I chose to embark on this path, I have become involuntarily......

Just like breeding star gods......

Perhaps he was trying to save himself in the beginning, for the pheromones deep in his genes that allowed him to reproduce.......

In the live broadcast space, Bai Jue also looked at the breeding star god in front of him......

After sighing slightly,

Bai Jue didn't say much.......

Because the birth of the breeding star god itself has many doubts......

Bai Jue didn't mention these in the story just now!

For example, the leader is a powerful self-destructor!

He seemed to have heard some kind of call and went to the Worm Star System.

And behind the group of bounty hunters......

It seems that Aha is behind this!

Even when the Star Gods besieged the Breeding Star Gods, Aha also helped to stir up trouble!

But that's another story.......

The most important thing now is Firefly!!!

Bai Jue looked at the portrait of the Star Breeding God and continued to tell the story of the Star Breeding God.......

"Breeding Star God is different from other Star Gods....."

"He was a bug and was elevated to become a star god due to various reasons!"

"The destiny itself will only strengthen the concept of breeding star gods, which has allowed breeding star gods to gain powerful power in the imaginary space......."

"Apart from this, destiny has no other function!"

"Therefore, after the Breeding Star God sublimated from a bug, it was still essentially a bug with no intelligence......."

"He can do nothing but breed!"

"Then under the constraints and guidance of destiny......"

"Taiziyuros, who was sublimated into a star god, came to a planet called Big Labour!"

"There is a part of human civilization on this planet who believe that the birth of life can resist the fear of loneliness and death!"

"This coincides with the destiny of breeding!"

"After the advent of Taiziyuros, the god of reproduction, this human civilization......"

"It became the initial breeding ground for the insect swarm!!!"

"Under the influence of the breeding destiny, the birth rate here has reached the peak in history!!!"

"In just a few days, insect swarms began to appear in the skies all over the planet of Greater Lapule!!!"

"In just 21 days, the swarm spread to the entire galaxy......."

"Where humans can't resist, they start to seek interstellar support......"

"Nobody knows......"

"This is just the beginning!!!"

"The insect swarm started from the planet Labour as its first stop and then began to spread towards the universe!"

"The fear of loneliness and the instinctive desire for life!"

"The breeding star god Taizyuros continued to divide and replicate, and the number of insect swarms increased!!!"

"Even the insect swarm has evolved with division of labor......"

"Some flew into the air, blocking out the sky and the sun!"

"Some have evolved extremely hard shells and claws, trampling and destroying resistance!!!"

"In this way, Breed and his offspring plundered one planet after another!"

"Destroy civilization one after another!!!"

"Moreover, the planets that the breeding star god and his descendants descend upon will not only have all their food and life eaten up......."

"Even their arrival will pollute the genes of all living things on the planet!!!"

"Turn the entire planet into an insect nest that continuously breeds offspring!"

"Moreover, there is no possibility of repairing these planets after they have become insect nests!"

"In order to prevent these bugs from spreading, we can only use star-destroying weapons to destroy the planet and eliminate the trouble once and for all!"

"The planet after the insect nest......"

Padufils tried hard to suppress her nausea and said,"Why do those scenes keep appearing in my mind when the captain is telling stories?"

"It’s really horrible!!!"

"I seemed to have seen a planet just now. It was completely hollowed out and turned into a worm's���hole!"

"There were so many different kinds of bugs that you could see with your naked eyes!!!"

Padufilis looked at the others and found that their faces were not particularly good either.......

Obviously, the person who saw this scene was not Padofilis.

As Bai Jue told the story, everyone's mind automatically filled in the scenes just described!!!

A weak civilization that was unable to resist the insect tide......

Those newborns, due to the influence of the breeding star god, all turned into insects......

As soon as they were born, they flapped their wings and flew high into the sky to join the insect swarm!

Heading towards a more distant civilization......

This cycle repeats itself!!!

The tragic scene of purgatory on earth is being played out on every planet and every civilization......

Finally, it turned into a horrific disaster that swept the entire universe!!! No......

This can't even be considered a horrific disaster! (To read a thrilling novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It's a stream of consciousness disaster!

Just hearing it makes people feel uncomfortable.......

Mebius frowned and said,"Our situation should be good......."

"The audiences in the Starry Universe are the ones who can truly empathize with others!"

"This disaster is so terrible......"

"I'm sure there will be a lot of information passed down!"

"Even make it into some kind of documentary or something else for an in-depth experience......"

"This will allow future generations to remember this disaster that once swept the world......."

Su couldn't help but say:"In comparison......"

"Compared with the global locust plague, a disaster that cannot be resisted by human power!"

"The collapse seems much better......."

No one refutes this.......

After all, no matter how abominable the collapse is, it will not change human genes and turn human newborns into insects!

Breeding star gods is really too outrageous! []

If there is no restriction... the entire universe may turn into a sea of insects!!!

【Honkai Bronya: This breeding star god... can even change genes, making humans and even other species become tools for the reproduction of the insect swarm?】

【Bai Lu: Yes, the Danding Division has records of this.……】

【Fu Xuan: These are just the tip of the iceberg……】

【Kiana: Is there anything more exaggerated?】

【Black Tower: There are many... The disaster of the universal locust plague is not just what you have heard.】

【Walter: Some mothers...will choose to continue raising their children after giving birth to worms, and eventually become food for the worms.……】

【PADOPHILIS: This is horrible!】

【Theresa: Things have gotten to this point, and no one has stepped in to stop it?】

【Mei: No mortal can resist the power of the breeding star god!】

【Jingliu: Just as the host said at the beginning... fate will restrict the actions of the Star Gods, and those Star Gods will not attack the Breeding Star God for no reason!】

【Otto: That is to say... unless breeding Star Gods conflicts with their destiny in some way?】

【Yulandel: Is the price for the Star God to take action... so huge?】

【Kiana: These star gods really have no freedom at all!】

【Mei: Yes……】

【Huang Quan: Actually, this has its benefits, doesn't it? If the power of the Star Gods were to interfere too much with the universe, the development of the universe would have deviated long ago.……】

【ScrewGum: That's it.……】

【Silver Wolf: In the end, the Star God will not randomly interfere with what happens in the universe!】

【Kafka: Yes, that's right.……】


Bai Jue looked at the barrage and continued to narrate:". And it was against the backdrop of this month that Tiernan left Pinoconi!"

"In the process, they were attacked by a swarm of insects.……"

"We've mentioned this before.……"

"Just as the audience guessed, Star God will not act casually.……"

"Unless the development of the breeding star gods threatens their fate!"

"And this endless reproduction in the universe finally……"

"Touched the bottom line of the fate of other star gods!!!"

"The Star God has taken action!!!"

"At that time, the Taiyi of order was still there, and the insect swarms that bred the Star Gods were developing uncontrollably in the universe, devouring and destroying other civilizations.……"

"This has disrupted the order of the universe......."

"Threatening the world's balance and blocking the road to development……"

"Taiyi, the star god of order, invites Klipper, the star god of protection"

"Hoping to join forces to fight against the Breeding Star God, Clipper agreed to the invitation!"

"After learning about this, the Joyful Star God Aha took the initiative to join in and promote it.���Lan!"

"And in this process, the war has not yet begun!"

"The Harmony Star God Xi Pei devoured and assimilated the Order Star God Taiyi……"

"In the end, the Breeding Star God was killed by many Star Gods and fell!"

"With the fall of the breeding star god, the swarm in the universe began to decline.……"

"However, there are still remnants of the Zerg swarm wreaking havoc in the universe.……"

"It is said that as long as the DNA of Taizyuros remains in the universe, Taizyuros will make a comeback.……"

Bai Jue's last words made the audience nervous.

Then Bai Jue continued,"This can be said to be the first time that all the Star Gods have joined forces!"

"It is also the time when the most Star Gods fell in a short period of time (Li Zhaozhao)……"

"A total of two star gods fell!"

"And this battle is also called the War of the Gods in the Starry Universe!"

【Black Tower: Is it true that even the anchor makes this judgment?】

【Mei: So is it really possible for the Breeding Star God to come back?】

【Jing Yuan: Who knows...but most people guess this is……】

【ScrewGum: Anyway...we can only hope he doesn't come back!】

【Kiana: If we come back, can't those Star Gods just deal with the Breeding Star God once more?】

【Honkai Bronya: Stupid Kiana... If we want to stop it, we have to wait until the breeding of star gods reaches a certain scale!】

【Mei: That is to say... before that, there will still be many planets and civilizations that will become insect nests!】

【Theresa: This terrible disaster...isn't it over yet?……】

【Honkai Himeko: The Final Battle of must be spectacular!】

【Aha: Of course... I am willing to help others and I even called a lot of people for them.……】

【Walter: You better really want to defeat the breeding star god……】


In the live broadcast space,

Bai Jue couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth under the mask when he saw what Ah Ha said!

"This guy……"

You know, for this fun, Ahaha not only mediated among the Star Gods, getting more and more Star Gods to join this war! He also passed down oracles to his destiny walkers!

These masked fools deceived the destiny walkers on various destiny paths, as well as the kind-hearted people of various civilizations!

Going to the location of the War of the Gods!

But when these people set out on the journey, they sadly discovered that... the group of masked fools who shouted the most at the beginning... disappeared!!!

"I really have to doubt it……"

"This has been a lot of fun for Aha from the very beginning!"

"Forget it, let’s wait and see his story in the future"

"Okay, audience.……"

"Having said all this, we can now move on to the story of Firefly.……"


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