It gave the audience an incredible shock!

Even the audience in the Starry Universe was the same....

After all, knowing is knowing......

It is another matter to tell the story through Bai Jue!

Especially under the premise that the person concerned, the happy star god Aha, is still on the scene.......

That feeling is another matter!

San Yue Qi said in surprise:"Then the breeding star god died miserably in the end!"

"Several Star Gods attacked him one after another!"

Dan Heng looked at his light screen and said calmly:"Not only that......"

"That guardian star god Creeper!"

"He is nominally the strongest and oldest star god among all the star gods......."

"It is said that the God of Breeding finally died in his hands......."

"And smashed it to pieces with one hammer after another......"

"Even the concept of reproductive destiny was shattered under the hammer of the guardian star god!"

"No trace left......"

Walter shook his head at Dan Heng’s statement:"Once the destiny is opened, it cannot be closed!"

"So I think the guardian star god Clipper must have used some method to destroy the breeding destiny!"

"Maybe one day in the future......"

"Wait until the breeding star god returns and the insect swarm gathers together again!"

"The fate of reproduction will also be reassembled......."

Xing:"I hope we don't meet on our pioneering path......."

Sanyueqi looked at Xing and said sarcastically,"When did you become so timid?"

Xing replied,"I'm not timid, but if those bugs really fight with them,......"

"It's still too disgusting!"

"Just imagine, when the stick hits you, all you get is sticky mucus and the exploding insect corpses....."


"do not talk!"

"Still has the feeling of the picture......"

March 7th already wants to cover his mouth......

I thought Bai Jue's story was already very vivid.......

I didn't expect it!

Xing's story was even more exciting!

Ji Zi continued,"No matter whether we will encounter the resurgence of the locust plague in the universe in the end,......"

"We must also be prepared to encounter the Zerg in the universe!"

"Don't forget that even though the Breeding Star God has fallen, his swarms are still scattered around the world......."

Dan Heng nodded:"After all, the offspring of the Star Gods who simply bred have spread across most of the universe!"

"Even the breeding star god has fallen!"147

"Those offspring who have already been born can still have their own living space......"

"Some can even hide on uninhabited planets!"

"Some can also establish their own ethnic groups in a swaggering manner......"

Xing said:"In fact, what surprised me most during the whole incident was......"

"Even if you breed a star god, you will be promoted to a star god......."

"The brain and thinking are still a bug!"

Walter pushed his glasses and answered Xing's question:"Because in the breeding of star gods, all the technology, entertainment, books, knowledge in the world......"

"All these things are just derivatives of breeding!"

"Because life needs a better living space and reproduction space, it needs these abilities to change the surrounding......"

"And he himself already dominates reproduction!"

"So these things......"

"There is no difference between having and not having!"

March Seven touched his chin with one hand:"What you said actually makes sense......."

Walter continued,"The birth of destiny itself is a very reasonable concept!"

"These concepts will also fit in with the Star God's ideas and behavior......."

While he was talking,

Ji Zi narrowed her glasses and smiled,"This is Liuying!"

"It's Kallen's counterpart......."

"The temperament is completely different......."

Sanyueqi and the others also looked at their own screens at Jizi's reminder.

Xing gave a thumbs up:"Cute! Domineering! Awesome!"

Sanyueqi complained:"Don't be like this when you see a pretty girl!"

"Uncle Yang, are you right?......"

Walter was cueed, coughed twice and said:"The mecha behind her is quite handsome......"

Dan Heng said:"That mecha......"

"It seems that this person is the Star Core Hunter Molten Knight Sam on the company's wanted list!"

"Unexpectedly, the user of this powerful mecha is actually a girl......."

Ji Zi also nodded:"Yes......"

"Even if the anchor said it, he saw the portrait with his own eyes!"

"Still feels a bit unreal......"

Sanyueqi:"What you said seems to make sense!"

In the live broadcast space.

Bai Jue has already placed the portrait of Liuying on the screen of the live broadcast room.

Liuying on it stands in the front and lights up a transformation posture.

One hand holds a thing that looks like a transformation device.......

The energy behind him surged, and a silver-white mecha appeared!

The flames lingered on the mecha, and the energy behind Liuying combined into butterfly-shaped wings!

It can be seen that after Liuying transformed into a mecha, the main form of energy was flames!

【Firefly: I......When will I......Is there such a portrait?】

【Silver Wolf: The anchor always manages to get such cool and handsome portraits!】

【Kiana: She really looks like Kallen, but her temperament is a little different!】

【Theresa: The color of your hair is not that white when you go out. It's basically the same as mine and Kallen's!】

【Mebius: So is this Kallen's homologue or Theresa's homologue?】

【Otto: See?......This is also a very strong and powerful girl!】

【Yulandel: Is she like Kallen? The bishop will say this.���?】

【Rita: I feel like the bishop would say that.......】

【Xing: So what’s the story behind Firefly?】

【Kafka: You'll see her when you go to Pinocchio!】

【March 7: Will she be in Pinocchio too?】

【Walter: Why does it feel like wherever we go, there are your star core hunters?】

【Blade: Not as good as......Give it a guess?】

【ScrewGum: I think it has something to do with the star core.......】

【Firefly: Just......We all have our own purposes.......】

【Alicia: She's also a very cute girl! Her name is Liuying, right?】

【Eden: I think so too. She is not only cute, but also a very strong girl!】

【Ying: I can also feel the determination in her eyes......】

Bai Jue looked at the comments about Liuying on the bullet screen.

He smiled helplessly.......

Her life was full of knives!

"Well, everyone has seen the appearance of fireflies......."

"Let me first introduce the basic situation of fireflies!"

"Members of the Star Core Hunters, as you can see, there is a mecha behind Liuying!"

"That's the mecha that Liuying wears when she's in battle......."

"The name of this mecha is Sam!"

"And Sam is not only Firefly's mecha, but also Firefly's treatment cabin!"

"Liuying is not a normal human being, but a cyborg!"

"Born as a weapon, but due to genetic modification, he suffered from a terrible disease called loss of entropy!" (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"In order to pursue the meaning of life, I joined the Star Core Hunters and kept pursuing ways to defy fate!!!"

When he said this, Bai Jue couldn't help but take a deep breath.......

My wife has a hard life......

In order to let the audience know more about Liuying, Bai Jue also explained the entropy loss disease!

Although this disease belongs to the Starry Sky Universe, many people still don't know it.......

"The disease of entropy will cause the patient's physical structure to fall into irreversible chronic dissociation......."

"This means that people with this disease are slowly disappearing......."

"And this disappearance is even difficult to detect in the eyes of others!"

"You can still run, jump, and communicate with others......."

"Everything seems normal, except that you are always a little slower than others......."

"Then slower and slower......"(bice)

"Until the outlines of myself and the world become blurred......"

"Suddenly disappear from this world one day, and no one will notice or perceive it......."

【Kiana: How could there be......】[]

【Honkai Bronya: Will even existence disappear in the end?】

【Black Tower: Well, people with entropy can only watch others forget them and watch their little things......】

【ScrewGum: There is no cure for this disease in the Starry Universe.......】

【Mei: It is just like the natural law of the universe, a process of natural entropy reduction.......】

【Wei Liwei: Why is there such a strange disease?】

【Walter: According to the speculation of scientists and medical experts, perhaps this disease is related to imaginary space.......】

【Danheng: But unfortunately......So far there is no evidence to support this view.......】

【Bronya: That medical cabin.......】

【Liuying: The medical cabin can only slow down the process as much as possible, but the price is that I have to stay in it forever!】

【Alicia: What if we break away?】

【Liuying: If you leave, you will suffer from entropy loss.......Watching myself disappear......】

【Mei: In this era when the Starry Universe is so advanced in both technology and strength......Is there no solution?】

【Otto: Even if I join Destiny......Is it the same to become a messenger?】

【Kafka: Yes.......The most terrifying thing about entropy is this......No matter what you do, it's all a futile struggle......】

【Velvet: Humanoid Weapon......Could it be that the purpose of creating fireflies is to fight against the insect swarm?】

"Correct answer!!!"

Bai Jue saw Wei Erwei's comment and immediately gave his approval!!!

"As I said at the beginning, if you want to understand the story of Firefly, you must first understand the Locust Plague of the Universe......."

"Knowing this, the story can continue to be told!"

"There once existed an extremely prosperous empire in the universe!"

"The name of this empire is - Gramer, the Sky Empire!"

"Grammer is a powerful country with advanced technology......."

"In that galaxy in the universe, it enjoys a vast territory of tens of thousands of light years!!!"

"But such a powerful and peace-loving human civilization......"

"When the locust plague broke out around the world, we were attacked by a swarm of insects!"

"However, compared to other weaker civilizations and planets......"

"When Grammer faced the Zerg, he still had a little room to resist......."

"But the swarm is too powerful!"

"So Grammer's top leaders discussed and decided to create a weapon for war.——"

"——Grammer Iron Cavalry!!!"

"In other words, there are many people like Liuying!"

"The purpose of their creation is to fight the Zerg and protect Grammer!"

"Each of them is a different combat robot, and under that mecha......"

"They are young boys and girls!"

"But even so, with the powerful combat power of Grammer's cavalry......"

"The Sky Empire Grammer was finally destroyed......"

Finally, Bai Jue's tone became somewhat sad.......

The audience's faces changed a lot.......

The locust plague is much more terrible than they imagined.......

An empire whose territory covers tens of thousands of light years!

That is no small civilization!

To be able to fight to this extent shows that the level of development of this civilization must be among the best in the universe.......

Whether it is civilization or combat power, it will not be weak at all.......

But such a highly developed civilization is so vulnerable to the insect swarm!!!

Even though they created humanoid weapons in violation of human ethics and morality,......

But still no effect......

Grammer was destroyed.......

The audience once again witnessed the horror of the global locust plague!!!

【Mei: Even such a prosperous civilization......Were they all defeated by the Zerg in the end?】

【Kiana: This is too much.......Too cruel......】

【Honkai Bronya: If the breeding of star gods continues endlessly, the universe will really become a huge insect nest......】

【Black Tower: And this is just a microcosm of the insect plague in the world at that time.......】

【Jing Yuan: Yes, many advanced civilizations became food for the insect swarm at that time.......】

【Fu Xuan: So....Even though the birth of the Breeding Star God was pitiful, there is no reason to sympathize with him now.......】

【Padre Felice: That’s really too much!!!】

【Theresa: From the time he embarked on this journey and attacked other civilizations......He has lost the right to be forgiven.......】

【Honkai Jizi: Not bad......No reason can be an excuse to invade others.......】

【Otto: If it's just pure revenge, then there's no problem! 】

Destiny Headquarters......

Otto looked at the image of Liuying in the live broadcast room and listened to Bai Jue's story.......

"It's really sad that the mecha cyborgs were born as weapons......."

"In the end, even the country he served was destroyed by the insect swarm!!!"

"This locust plague is really terrifying......."

Youlan Daier couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief:"Yes......"

"If such a disaster happened on Earth today......"

Youlandel is very sure that humans cannot resist the locust plague!

Rita smiled and said,"Compared to this, Honkai seems much cuter......."


"I never thought that one day, even the collapse became cute......."

"According to what the captain said, perhaps Liuying is the only one left in the entire Grammer Empire......."

"It's really lonely……"


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