Tens of thousands of light years!!! What kind of concept is such a vast territory ? The size of the earth becomes like a speck of dust under such a concept! And a civilization that can command such a vast territory! What a highly developed civilization it must be!!! At least many people dare not imagine how developed that civilization is.


After all, they haven't even crossed the end.......

The collapse has not been defeated......

"Even such an advanced civilization was completely destroyed by the insect swarm?"

Ying was a little bit unbelievable.......

Mobius listened to the information revealed by Bai Jue and expressed his own judgment:"Perhaps in the Starry Sky Universe, the vastness of the territory is not a strong criterion for judging civilization!"

"The protection of the star god is......"

Su also nodded:"The captain also mentioned this before......."

"In the Starry Universe, the strength of a force depends on whether it has the protection of the Star God!"

"Already in this power, the number of emissaries and other comprehensive factors......"

"Grammer has strong internal strength......"

"After all, it's still a little bit worse......"

Although it is a little worse, such a vast civilization......

It was also destroyed by the locust plague.......

This gave Yingjie and Mei a new understanding of the world patient who once swept the entire universe.....

Padua Felice:"If you say......"

"All of Grammer is destroyed!"

"Is the firefly considered a survivor of Grammer?"

Kevin looked at the screen and said calmly,"As a weapon against the insect swarm,......"

".....Are the survivors lucky?"

"......Or is it a misfortune?"

Aponia:"Although they are weapons, they are also independent individuals......."

"Since Grammer has been destroyed, they are no longer Grammer's weapons as independent individuals......."

Alicia smiled and looked at the light curtain:"So they should be independent individuals....."

"It shouldn't be a weapon anymore......."

As a weapons expert, Wei Erwei also said:"Yes, they are my own consciousness!"

"Another human being......"

"Now that Grammer has been destroyed, they are also qualified to decide whether to stay or go."


"The saddest thing should be......"

Mei sighed softly, and then said:"As a weapon, from the moment it was born!"

"They were taught from the beginning that they should fight against the Zerg tide and protect Grammer."

"Although Grammer is now dead, the insect swarm is still there......."

Mebius also said with some regret:"Yes......"

"With this kind of ideological rigidity, I think this group of people will continue to fight against the insect swarm......."

"To protect the Grammer who no longer exists......"

Everyone knew how terrible this kind of thinking that had been solidified from the beginning was!

Since it was a weapon from the beginning!

Then from the moment it was created!

The Grammer Iron Cavalry such as Liuying must have been branded with a certain ideological stamp!

This ideological stamp can ensure that they are 100% loyal to Grammer!

At the same time, when fighting against the insect tide......

I can ensure that I don't have any extra thoughts and devote myself to the battle!

I guess Grammer's top management didn't expect this from the beginning.......

The entire kingdom and civilization was destroyed before the Grammer Cavalry......

Eden said:"However, there are also people who can awaken their self-awareness......."

"Maybe Liuying is one of them?"

Then Bai Jue continued to tell the story.

This also confirmed the Yingjies' guess.......

Starry Universe......

Somewhere in the futuristic Punklord,

Silver Wolf and Kafka Grid looked at the light screen in front of them.

After hearing Bai Jue's complete account of Liuying's birth, Silver Wolf sighed helplessly.

"I wonder what Sam would feel when he hears this now......."

"Maybe now we should call it firefly, which is more appropriate."

"After all, Sam is the name of the mecha......"

"And Liuying is her own name......"

Silver Wolf seemed to sympathize with Liuying's plight........

Although each Star Core Hunter has a different origin, they all have their own stories. They all have their own ideas and demands when they join Elio.......

But compared to the Firefly, which was made into a weapon from the beginning, the birth of Silver Wolf is undoubtedly much better.......

At least from the past to now, Silver Wolf has lived for himself.

Regarding Silver Wolf's concerns, Kafka just smiled faintly:"Don't worry, Silver Wolf......"

"That kid is strong......."

"From the moment I picked her up, she had already fulfilled her mission as a member of Grammer's Iron Horse!"

"Now she only lives for herself!"

"She is also looking for the true meaning of life for herself......"

"I think being exposed by the anchor is actually a good thing for Liuying......"

As she spoke, Kafka's smile rose again.......

The purple eyes make Kafka's smile charming.......

Yinlan looked at Kafka curiously:"Oh?"

"How do you say that?"

Kafka replied:"From this moment on, everyone in the universe knows one thing......."

"Star Core Hunter Molten Knight Sam!"

"The real identity is a little girl......"

"And the name of this little girl is - Liuying!"

After hearing Kafka's explanation, Silver Wolf smiled faintly and looked at the screen.

"I hope she has a socially anxious personality......."

"You won't be troubled by this kind of fame......."

In the live broadcast space......

When talking about the fall of Grammer, the Sky Empire, Bai Jue was also a little sad!

Such a powerful civilization......

Disappear under the swarm......

And the civilization destroyed in this way is just the tip of the iceberg of the locust plague in the world!

"And these......"

"There are other star gods behind it......"

This is the most terrifying thing!

In the Star God's concept, there is no distinction between good and evil.......

Some are just actions to fulfill their destiny!

As long as it is beneficial to their destiny, even if it destroys the universe,��、Destroying civilization!

For Star Gods, it is a very normal thing!

Just like when the locust plague broke out in the universe, breeding Star Gods as long as it did not affect the fate of other people......

All other Star Gods basically turned a blind eye to the actions of the breeding Star God.......

Or just don't look at it.......

So in fact, in Bai Jue's eyes, most of the star gods are not much different from selfish humans.

After sighing in his heart, Bai Jue continued to tell the audience about Liuying's past.......

"Not long after Gramer of the Sky Empire disappeared, the War of the Gods broke out!"

"A group of survivors also emerged from Grammer's cavalry"

"After the death of the breeding star god, the locust plague in the world was curbed......."

"But as we said before, there are still remnants of the swarm wreaking havoc in the universe......"

"The Grammer Iron Cavalry, once created to defeat the Zerg, after the demise of Grammer!"

"Still repeating the orders issued by the Grammer Empire......"

"Perhaps for them at that time......"

"There is no other way to survive except to destroy the insect swarm."

"Maybe it was revenge, or maybe it was really like carrying out the last order......."

"Anyway, no one knows what they are thinking......."

"Or maybe, once under the starry sky!"

"These children who were used as weapons also have their own ideas......."

Bai Jue's tone was filled with a sadness that could not be described in words.......

This sad atmosphere also infected the audience

"Once upon a time, under the same starry sky......"

"These children, like a group of children, look up at the stars...."(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Without waiting for the audience to react,

Bai Jue put the prepared clips on the screen of the live broadcast room.......

【Firefly: This is......that time......】

【Kafka: So this is your past?】

【Kiana: Such a sad feeling, the pain of not being able to decide your own fate......】

【Mei: In the doomsday, there are many things that are beyond one’s control!】

【Alicia: Yes......So most of the time we can only find joy in suffering.】

【Honkai Bronya: As someone who was just rescued, we can relate to this......】

【Black Tower: The Starry Sky Universe is vast, and perhaps in a corner that no one has discovered! Such things are always happening.......】

【Honkai Impact 3rd: Bronya: Born as a weapon, but ultimately unable to find her own meaning, can she only die as a weapon?】

【Otto: In a way, this is also a kind of homecoming, isn't it?】

【Theresa: No, they are also human beings, individuals! They also have their own will!】

【Walter: Yes, Grammer is destroyed, the plague is stopped, they should do something else.......】

【March 7: Yeah, I think so too! It is not wise to continue fighting the swarm!】

【Xing: But apart from this, we have no other way to live, right?......】[]

【Xingqiong Jizi: Yes.......】

The past of Firefly allowed all the audience to see other disasters under the insect plague in the universe!

As the video screen in the live broadcast room played, the audience all looked at the video screen together.

They all wanted to see what happened to these young children.......

We used to look up at the stars together......

The video starts......

It was filled with a kind of post-war depression!

Under the beautiful night sky, there were embers of fire all around!

There were also many dead beetles on the ground.......

But even so, the embers of the fire still cannot destroy the beauty of this place.......

Maybe this place was even more beautiful in the past........

Suddenly, a strange sound was heard!

Then a half-human-high beetle corpse fell to the ground, twitching for a moment and then died.......

A Grammer cavalryman descended from the sky and landed next to the beetle corpse.

It was obvious that the half-human-high beetle corpse was killed by this Grammer cavalryman!

And this cavalryman was none other than Liuying, who was still serving in the Grammer cavalry.......

After killing the last Zerg in the area,

Liuying looked around and said,"Command!"

"I am AR-26710"

"Got it, please reply!"

To the surprise of the audience, this is clearly the appearance of Liuying's mecha.......

But why is the voice male?

Could it be that this is Firefly?

【Kiana: Wait, the appearance of this mecha is Firefly, right?】

【Honkai Bronya: Maybe all Grammer Iron Knights are the same.......】

【Black Tower: According to the records, it is not the same! Each Grammer Iron Knight has its own set of fighting methods and combat systems.......】

【ScrewGum: Although they are weapons, they are not unified! Instead, they are free to develop their own abilities.】

【Silver Wolf: Not only that, it is said that the combat effectiveness of those cavalry will change according to the driver's mood.......】

【Otto: What a magical power!】

【Theresa: So the person in this mecha is Liuying?】

【Firefly: Yeah......it's me......The sound device of the mecha is fixed.......So everyone's voice is similar】

【Xingqiong Xier: It's unbelievable that there is a girl behind this mecha and this voice......】

【Swarovski: Yeah.......】

【Sambo: I wonder if I’ll have a chance to see it.......】

In the video......

Just as Liuying was contacting the headquarters, another cavalryman came up from behind.

"There probably won't be a response......."

Then, a more sturdy cavalry appeared. With one hand, it lifted a huge rock, seemingly effortlessly!

This also made other viewers who didn't know about the Grammer cavalry before realize that what the barrage said was right.

Each Grammer cavalry has a different fighting style!

Perhaps the cavalry itself is a manifestation of their fighting style.......

The sturdy cavalry looked at the other���The two companions asked,"What should we do?"

"We are the only survivors nearby......"


"We have to get in touch with other cavalrymen!"

At this time, the cavalrymen who had just appeared behind Liuying had bursts of light on their bodies!

The next moment, the mechas on their bodies were removed!

A girl wearing red glasses appeared under the starry sky.......

Liuying seemed to sense something and immediately turned around to look.

The girl said in a sweet voice:"In that case......"

"This is faster, right?"

"Hey you......"

The Iron Cavalry that came later didn't seem to understand why she did this.

At this time, a ball of fire appeared on Liuying's body, and the fire disappeared along with the Iron Cavalry mecha...

Liuying appeared under the starry sky with her hair loose!

She looked extremely beautiful!

The stars in the sky were also reflected in her pupils...

It was hard to believe...

Such a girl had just easily solved such a huge bug!

Liuying looked at her reflection in the lake and expressed the thoughts of the girl with red-framed glasses:"So that's it..."……"

"Article 4 of Grammer's Military Regulations: It is strictly forbidden to leave the cockpit without permission!"

The girl with red glasses walked to Liuying and said with a smile:"This way, we will be discovered soon.……"

"Although I will be punished."

Liuying replied:"There's nothing we can do about it."

The two girls stood under the night sky, looking at everything around them.

Using their bodies, they really touched those glowing fireflies!

Liuying asked the person who first lifted the transformation:"How many times have you done this?"


"Leave the cockpit like this……"

The girl with red glasses smiled at Liuying's question and didn't answer...

It was obvious that this had happened quite a few times.……


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