“Game clearance? Didn’t you expect us to end up pinning our hopes on a game? Or is it a game made by that Wang Yun? ”

When Jiang Youshan heard Wu Mingyu’s words in response to the confinement, he rubbed his eyebrows helplessly and said!

“No hope can be missed.”

Wu Mingyu spoke!

His face was also a little helpless.

The chances of finding a break from a game are too slim!

“Yes, you can’t let go of any hope, more than thirty program inspectors have been ‘sacrificed’!”

Wang Yue nodded: “No matter what, we will avenge them, arrest that Wang Yun and his subordinates, and ‘kill’ them all!” ”

“Games? Ameth, crack this game! ”

Kolev looked at it, and there was still a trace of Senran and killing intent in his somewhat tired expression: “You can’t let go of any opportunity.” ”


On the side, Ames immediately nodded and began to download the game.

“Huh? The captains haven’t given up yet, and they actually want to solve this puzzle through the game! ”

“This is indeed a method, all the traps in the factory are exactly the same as in the game, cracking the game also means cracking the traps in the factory!”

“Indeed, this may be the only chance for the program inspection team, come on, let’s play the game together and see how to crack it!”

“Dry and dry, the game has been downloaded, see how to clear the level!”

“Is this reliable? You know that this game is made by Big Brother, what if there are traps in the game itself? ”

“The six captains have no way now, this game is the last chance, otherwise, you can only watch them leave with two million, unwilling!”

In the live broadcast room of the program inspection team, all the viewers watching the live broadcast saw that several captains actually wanted to solve the current situation through games, and they talked about it one by one!

This is the only way to do it at the moment!

As for the fact that there is no other trap in this game memory, it is not yet something they are considering!

They have to beat the game first, and then say!

“All the traps and arrangements in the game really match!”

“No, it’s too fast to die, more people are needed to play and figure out all the traps!”

Wu Mingyu and they played the game, frowning and constantly saying.

“Captain Wu Mingyu, I will use the computer to hack into your mobile phone, and call more program inspectors to participate in this game, find out all the traps in the entire game, and then I will mark it!”

Ames said to Wu Mingyu!


Wu Mingyu nodded.

“I’ll let half of the program inspectors outside enter the game and clear the level!”

Wu Yaoming said.

“Well, the more the better, find all the traps and find a way to clear the level!”

Ames nodded and replied!

Wu Yaoming nodded: “Four teams, five teams and six teams, half of you download the Death Factory game, find all the traps inside, and strive to clear the level!” ”

“Yes, Captain!”

The program inspectors of the four teams, five teams and six teams immediately nodded.

Half of them pulled out their phones and started downloading the game.

“You guys play your game, start over when you die, try to explore more traps, and I’ll collect data!”

Ames continued to order.

Wu Mingyu nodded and continued to start the game!

So, around the factory, there are nearly 100 people holding mobile phones and starting to clear the game!

In addition to them, netizens on the whole network also have millions of downloaded games, trying to clear the level!

At the same time, located not far from them, a figure looked at the scene on this side, the corners of his mouth slightly upturned.

His face was full of mockery!

The one who just said the death game loudly, and the one who spoke with Captain Wang Yue, is this one figure!

He swept his gaze around and walked straight towards a restaurant.

Take out your computer, sit there, order a piece of food, and get started!

Looking at the game’s background data, he easily locked hundreds of phones with a smile on his face.

Games, just a game?

“After today, I will be almost invincible!”

He muttered!

His essence of this game is a special virus!

Once the phone downloads, then it is equivalent to hacking in!

And this invasion is unsolvable.

Unless, change your phone!

This is also the ability of god-level hackers!

Yes, downloading this game is a trap!

God’s unwitting trap!

He knew they would download it.

Because he understands that several captains will not give up any glimmer of hope.

Even if it’s a faint hope!

This is, psychological warfare!

Psychological traps!

“I found a mechanism, the first floor of the factory, and in the second room, the roof could be opened and led directly to the upper floor.”

“I found a mechanism, the first floor of the factory, the third room, and the roof that can be opened and lead to the upper floor.”

“It has been found that all the rooms on the first floor and the second floor are interconnected, and they can jump up directly!”

Time passed little by little, when nearly a hundred program inspectors were constantly studying the game.

One place after another was also discovered by them!

Amex made a final summary based on the information found by all the program inspectors.

The rooms on the first floor of the factory and the rooms upstairs are interconnected!

“It is indeed interoperable, but there are several problems, there is monitoring in the factory, we want to send people from the first floor to the second floor, we need to solve these monitoring, otherwise, it will be discovered in advance!”

“But when we solve the surveillance, Wang Yun they will also find out in advance!”

“In addition, there is another point, although the rooms on the first floor and the second floor are interconnected, Wang Yun and they have disguised, we need to remove that layer of disguise to be able to come to the second floor, and in the room on the second floor, there are Wang Yun and their subordinates, that is to say, bad luck, there are Wang Yun and them in that room, then it is pure death!”

“The game, after all, is just a game, here, death can start again, but in reality, there is no solution!”

When nearly twenty minutes passed, Wu Mingyu looked at all the information he had obtained, and said with some despair!

A game is a game!

They have found a lot of places, but what is the use?

It’s useless at all!

The position on the side, Jiang Youshan Kolev, they got this result, they are also a little weak.

Unexpected, and expected.

“Although Wang Yun made this game and published it, he will not tell us the method of breaking the game.”

Wu Yaoming said with some despair.

“In fact, it’s a dead end.”

Jiang Youshan smiled bitterly, and he looked at the six program inspectors trapped by fishing nets on the computer next to him, with a desperate look on his face.

Dead end.

Yes, this is a dead end.

There is no way to crack it.

In the game, they did find something, but what was the use?

“On the first floor, we can use signal interference, but from downstairs to upstairs, this is touching the blind box, touching the wrong is ‘death’!”

Ying Yuezi shook her head, a little dejected.

Her proud wisdom has no effect here.

“I’m going to clear the level, in the game, enter the upstairs from the downstairs room, there is a chance to kill the people inside and win!”

At this time, Wu Mingyu looked at the game on his mobile phone again, and said calmly: “But the game can be repeated infinitely, you can not care about life, not in reality!” ”

Now, he’s given up.

What is the use of clearing customs?


At this time, he looked at the picture after the victory and frowned slightly.

“What’s wrong?”

Wu Yaoming looked towards him and asked suspiciously.

“That Wang Yun still has a line of text after clearing the game, a new copy, and it is in production.”

Wu Mingyu calmed his face and spoke.

“New copy?”

When several captains heard this, their faces sank.

Provocation, another provocation!

Wu Mingyu looked at this picture and was silent for a while!

At this time, the game screen on the mobile phone changed again, and a new picture and new text appeared.

Text: Let’s end in pleasure!

Here’s one more option: Yes!

Wu Mingyu clicked!

“Avibati, let’s get hi, shall we? Knock knock! ”

After clicking down, a burst of music suddenly came from the phone.

Wu Mingyu was stunned, looking at this sudden music sluggishly!

This sudden music made several captains on the side also slightly stunned.

“Captain, captain, I cleared the level, I cleared the level!”

“Oh, no, Captain, at the end of the clearance, there is actually a song, this… This…”

“Avibati, let’s get hi, shall we? Knock knock! ”

At this moment, in the headsets of several captains, a program inspector reported excitedly.

But soon, they heard a piece of music coming!

The rhythm of the music is very hi!

It is exactly the same as the one from Wu Mingyu’s mobile phone!

“Captain, my side has also cleared the level, and it is also this music!”

The voice of the program inspector came!

They could vaguely hear this music coming from the mobile phones of some program inspectors around the factory!

The atmosphere suddenly became strange.



“Groove Groove, this?? Is this the reward after completing the game? This song? This song? ”

“I also cleared the level, it’s also this magical song, this is also too murderous, right?”

“Murderous intentions are indeed murderous intentions, and the eldest brother is also too arrogant and insulting.”

“What is Big Brother trying to express when he made this game? Want to say, I toyed with you easily? ”

“At the scene of the death of a large society, the inspection team of this program is also too miserable, and the eldest brother is too ruthless this time!”

“It’s too ruthless, it’s a little excessive!”

“It’s too much, you guys look at the captains, this is simply??”

Sudden magical music, sudden eerie atmosphere.

It made all the viewers in the live broadcast room boil!

This is simply murderous.

A series of insults!

From beginning to end, I have been insulting the program inspection team!

It’s too much!

Even the audience felt that it was too much!

What a bully!

However, at this moment, the six captains listened to this strange music, not too angry, nor too embarrassed.

Because, now, they are powerless!

Already completely defeated.

Compared to the tragedy of this time, what is this insult?

“Captain, two million cash, let the Nancheng Bank send it over!”

At this time, a staff member came over and said to them!

“Give it to me!”

Wu Yaoming nodded, took it, and turned on the communicator: “Give them a communicator.” ”

“It’s Captain!”

On the second floor of the factory, the leader of the program inspection team heard the order, looked at the young man in front of him, and walked straight towards him: “Give you the communicator, the money is ready!” ”

“Oh? The money ready? Hahaha, not bad, very soon. ”

When the young man heard this, he laughed loudly and stretched out his hand to take the communicator.

“The money can be given to you, and we can let you go, but how can you ensure that the six of us are safe!”

Inside the communicator, Wu Yaoming’s voice sounded: “In addition, I want to talk with your boss Wang Yun!” ”

“Haha, our boss is not here in the factory, the control switch is in our boss, as for the guarantee, rest assured, our boss said, we can live, your people, guarantee to be alive!”

The young man smiled, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said: “Let all your people withdraw, remember, retreat to the front position, don’t think about ambushing us, you can’t afford the consequences!” ”

When Wu Yaoming heard his words, he was silent for a while, and finally gritted his teeth: “Good!” ”

“Hehe, knowledge, in addition, remind you, don’t think that we will go out immediately to save people, switch in the next room, but once the door is opened, the current will be directly connected, our boss will close the remote control half an hour after we leave, and after half an hour, you can open the door!”

“When the time comes, we promise they will be fine!”

The young man continued, and then looked at the program inspectors in front of him: “Let’s go, everyone, let’s go down together.” ”

He said, and then walked downstairs unscrupulously!

When the program inspectors saw him so arrogant, they gritted their teeth, and their faces were full of helplessness!

Follow and head outside!

“All program inspectors, evacuate!”

Wu Yaoming ordered expressionlessly!

A group of program inspectors came out of the factory!

One by one, their faces were heavy and embarrassing!


In the front position, a young man shook his body and came out of it with an unlit cigarette in his mouth!

He walked out of the factory, and all the program inspectors around him looked at him angrily.

He walked straight ahead as if he were a nobody.

All program inspectors were evacuated from the factory.

And in the position on the second floor, Lao Hu saw this scene and smiled on his face.

In order to prevent accidents, they did not go with the youth.

Instead, come to the first floor, from the position of the back door, and leave dashingly!

“Six captains, hello!”

In the position ahead, the young man saw the six captains standing in front and waved his hand with a smile on his face!

“That Wang Yun is really vigilant, only let one subordinate come over, is he afraid that we will exchange the lives of six program inspectors for the lives of his six subordinates?”

Kolev said with a gloomy face.

“Then Wang Yun is not in the factory, he should be around all the time, I can’t understand now, how is he around, he has the material of the transfiguration mask?”

Ying Yuezi frowned, scanning the surroundings, her face full of doubts.

“Defeated, really tired!”

Jiang Youshan shook his head slightly: “I’m old, I can’t withstand this kind of blow, let’s play next!” ”


His words made the other captains slightly chilled!

“Give me the money.”

At this time, the young man came to them, stretched out his hand and said with a smile on his face.


Wu Yaoming looked at the young man and handed him the money directly.

“Wow, fifty pounds, it’s a little heavy, I’ll check it, give me another car is not too much!”

The young man took it, checked it, and then directly resisted his body, and smiled at the six captains: “By the way, our boss asked me to send you two words!” ”

“Come on!”

The youth shook his fist at them and made a cheering gesture.

Then, carrying two million, he walked dashingly towards a car.

It’s such an insolence!

So unscrupulous!

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