“Shhhh, lying in the trough, the location on the second floor, there are only six people with Lao Hu and the young driver, but now they have trapped the fifty or sixty program inspectors of the program group, and they have also ‘killed’ more than a dozen.”

“This… This is simply incredible, the arrangement of the eldest brother in this factory is too terrifying. ”

“There are traps everywhere, the whole factory is full of traps, I have died more than a dozen times in the game!”

“Everything in this factory should be the same as the game, but this game is hell difficult, it’s so hard to play!”

“I feel that all the captains are a little broken, but this time they lost more than thirty program inspectors!”

And at the same time, all the viewers watching the live broadcast.

They looked at the situation inside the factory, at this hellish game.

Look at the restless captains.

They were full of shock.

This game, it’s terrifying!

This factory is also too terrifying!

Wang Yun, it’s terrifying.

“I don’t know how to break the game with five captains!”

All the audience watched this scene and muttered.

How to break the game?

Hard, hard, hard!

“I suggest, let the brothers on the second floor, jump out of the window in the room in front of them, and now the main thing is to let them get out of the factory!”

Wu Mingyu spoke, looking at the other captains!

“Jump from the window in the room, will there be a trap in this room?”

Wu Yaoming was like a frightened bird at this moment, and he said with an embarrassed face!

Jump from the second-floor window to the first floor to enter a room.

So, will there be traps in this room?

He is not sure, does not dare to take risks!

What if there are still traps?

“Now, either break down this factory, or quit to bombard this factory, it is easier to have the second one, let them jump from the window, even if it is some risk, you must take it!”

Jiang Youshan’s face kept changing, and he spoke!

Now they have fallen into a dead end!

Program inspectors were trapped on the second floor.

They either rush in or quit.

It’s more dangerous to rush in.

Exiting is risky, but it’s smaller!

“Quit, can’t rush inside!”

Kolev also said with a calm face and a solemn face.


Wu Yaoming took a deep breath and picked up the communicator: “Enter the first room, break the window in the room, and then escape through the window!” ”

“In addition, the brother holding the shield entered the room with an iron barrel array, searched the room all over the room, and made sure that there were no traps, and then the rest of the personnel entered inside.”

He opened his mouth and ordered, staring at the picture in front of him with dead eyes!

“It’s Captain!”

At the location on the second floor, a group of program inspectors heard the order, and nodded with embarrassment.

“The six of you entered that room in an iron barrel array, searched everything in that room, and saw if there were any traps!”

“The rest of the people, watch around, once that group of damn guys appear, shoot me directly.”

The squad leader opened his mouth with an open order with a face full of expression!


Six program inspectors with shields nodded and looked into the room where a pistol lay on the ground.

The six of them glanced at each other and wrapped their shields around and above.

They walked slowly towards the room.

In the surrounding position, more than forty program inspectors armed with firearms were on guard.

The six-person shields formed a circle and carefully entered the room.

Their eyes scanned the surroundings.

“Use a shield, touch the wall, carefully inspect every corner of the room, see if there is anything out of the ordinary!”

“Be careful!”

Wu Yaoming watched this scene through the monitoring on the captain, and reminded the six people again.

“It’s Captain!”

The six people nodded, took a deep breath, came to the room to spread out little by little, and checked everything in the entire room!


Suddenly, a program inspector armed with a shield stared into a corner of the wall, carefully watching there.

“Something flashes here, it looks like a surveillance camera!”

His gaze froze, and he suddenly spoke, followed by a quick report: “Captain, there is a monitoring device in the room, and I found a monitoring device.” ”

“Monitoring equipment? No wonder they knew everything about our actions, it turned out that he installed a camera in it! ”

When Wu Yaoming heard this, he said with an embarrassed face.

“That Wang Yun is a very powerful magician, the strongest magician is the trick, he installs monitoring, it must be very secretive!”

Wu Mingyu on the side frowned and said: “From the moment we entered the factory, all our actions were in their line of sight!” ”

“Captain, their monitoring is not placed in a high place, but next to the corner, which is very secretive.”

At this time, the voice of the program inspector continued to come!

“Sure enough!”

When Wu Yaoming heard this, he took a deep breath: “Destroy this monitoring!” ”

“It’s Captain!”

The program inspector nodded, picked up the audit gun in his hand, and smashed it towards the surveillance camera!


The audit gun fell on it, making a crisp sound.

However, the audit gun smashed on it, and he suddenly felt as if he had pressed a switch!

This made his face change wildly in an instant, and he had a bad premonition in his heart!


At this moment, there was a sound from above, a fishing net, directly towards them!

“Not good, it’s a trap!”

The show’s inspector’s face changed wildly, and he roared with horror on his face!

The fishing nets are spilled, and they are like fish, directly entangled!

Immediately after, the fishing net wrapped around them and rose quickly!


“Not good!”


The faces of several other program inspectors with shields in the room changed drastically, and they quickly struggled.

But their bodies have been entangled in fishing nets, suspended one meter high, suspended in mid-air!

This filled their faces with horror!

At the location outside the room, more than forty other program inspectors also changed their faces wildly when they saw this scene.

Traps, and traps!

And it’s also a trap for inspectors with shields!

“Oooh, caught six fish, hahaha, hahaha.”

“Don’t be presumptuous, as long as our boss goes down with a button, an electric current will immediately pass through them, turning them all into grilled fish!”

At this moment, the extremely arrogant voice sounded again.

The sound of footsteps came.

“Don’t shoot, don’t shoot, once you shoot, you six brothers will die!”

A figure slowly walked out of a room.

He stretched out his hand and gestured to the more than forty program inspectors, with a thick smile on his face and, teasing!

“Damn it!”

More than forty program inspectors heard his arrogant voice.

Look at his unbridled smile and defiant look.

The body trembled violently.

But, but…

They did not dare to shoot.

If it is true as he said, once the electricity is turned on, their six brothers will be completely finished!

“Gangan, Gan, Gan!”

At the same time, located outside the factory, Kolev saw this scene and couldn’t help but roar!

He grabbed his golden hair, his face extremely embarrassed!

“This… This fishing net is specially used to deal with our program inspectors with shields! ”

When Wang Yue saw this scene, her face also changed wildly, and her face turned a little white: “This step of ours was expected by him.” ”

That Wang Yun walked ahead of them again!

All their actions were in Na Wang Yun’s calculations.

Looking at the picture on the computer, their bodies trembled violently.

A subordinate of Wang Yun stood in front of them so uprightly.

Just stared at them with disdain.

More than 40 program inspectors pointed their audit guns at him.

But he is not timid in the slightest!

Because, there are six brothers’ lives, in their hands.

Once the program inspectors dare to shoot, then the six brothers trapped in the fishing net will also ‘die’!



That Wang Yun calculated everything about them!

That Wang Yun knew that they didn’t dare to shoot!

“Ask him, what exactly do they want to do?”

Wu Yaoming looked at this scene, his breathing was a little short, his face was a little red, and he whispered towards the communicator!

“What do you want to do?”

On the second floor of the factory, the leader of the program’s inspection team stared at the young man in front of him with an embarrassed face and pointed his inspection gun at him.

“Do what? Of course, you have to take revenge, you ‘killed’ our two brothers yesterday, today we will let you taste this taste, hahaha, isn’t it very cool? ”

The young man said with a maniacal smile, touched his pocket, and took out a pack of cigarettes: “No fire, brothers, is there a fire?” ”

He said arrogantly.

Wantonly grabbing a cigarette, smiling and reaching out to them!

This scene, this youth.

Like an unscrupulous terrorist ‘bandit’!

“Damn, say, what the hell do you want?”

All the program inspectors looked at the young man, their faces full of anger.

But full of unwillingness!

They didn’t dare to do it.

Can’t shoot!

“What can we want to do? We just want to ‘kill’ some program inspectors and leave safely, our desire is very low, don’t you say? ”

The young man looked at them with a smile, followed closely, and patted his head: “By the way, our boss said, give us a little more money, two million is enough, we have to be dashing afterwards!” ”

He said and narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the program inspectors, and asked playfully: “Do you really not have fire?” ”

“Want to get out of here? Don’t even think about leaving today! ”

A program inspector couldn’t help but scold him, his eyes full of killing intent!

“Huh? Disagree, disagree? So I go? I go back to my room and we continue to play? ”

When the young man heard his words, he raised his eyebrows, pointed to his chest again, and his face was full of teasing: “Don’t shoot, spare me, I’ll enter the room, but our boss electrocuted those six fish, let’s continue, okay?” ”

“Lying groove, lying groove, who is this brother? This Nima is a movie star, right? This performance is simply exploding! ”


“This is simply a provocation, a naked provocation, directly stepping on your face and hitting your face… This?? ”

“Take six program inspectors as hostages, and then leave easily, powerful, really powerful!”

“Is this the rhythm of ‘killing’ more than thirty program inspectors and swaggering away?”

“What can be done now if they are not let go? They have six hostages in their hands! ”

“I wiped, I went up to the second floor of the factory, entered the room, and sure enough, the situation was exactly the same as in the factory, and I was also trapped by fishing nets!”

In the live broadcast room, all the audience saw this young man’s explosive performance, and their faces showed shocked expressions!

This is also too unscrupulous!

“Two million, and get out of here?”

When the six captains heard this request, their eyes turned black.

After killing more than thirty of their program inspectors, this request was made.

This is simply, simply the greatest humiliation for them.

But if they don’t agree, what about the six program inspectors?

The main thing is that they do not agree, and then there will be confrontation.

Now, at most, they will ‘kill’ this youth who came out to provoke them!

But in the dark, there are Wang Yun and the five of them.

No, if you count the delivery drivers, it’s six!


Not yielding?

‘Sacrificed’ more than thirty program inspectors, and finally let them swagger away?

The faces of the six captains were full of unwillingness!

They are not reconciled!


“Groove, this game of the Death Factory is exactly the same as reality, I entered the room on the second floor, and I was also trapped by a fishing net, this trap is exactly the same!”

At this moment, from the position on the side, an exclamation suddenly came.

These words made the six captains slightly stunned.

In the surrounding position, a lot of onlookers gathered.

They watched curiously, and many of them took pictures.

The words “death factory” and trap made them frown slightly and look at it!

Wang Yue hesitated and walked towards the young man who spoke!

“This friend, what did you mean by that sentence just now?”

Wang Yue walked in front of the young man and asked.

“Hello Captain Wang Yue, hehe, I saw what a friend said in a group, saying that the Death Factory game is exactly the same as everything in the factory in front, including the traps inside, listening to friends in the group, the eldest brother carried out publicity in the live broadcast room, and also carried out publicity on the Internet, and came out as soon as I searched for this game on the Internet!”

When that young man saw Captain Wang Yue, he immediately greeted and answered!

“Death factory? Game? ”

When Wang Yue heard this, her face changed again, and her expression was a little ugly!

That Wang Yun actually made this action of theirs into a game.

Is this humiliating them?

“Then Wang Yun is going to stomp us on the ground and humiliate!”

Wang Yue returned to the five captains and said with a calm face.

The other five captains were silent for a while, and just now, the young man’s words, they also heard!

Humiliate them by stepping on top of their heads!

This made them feel very humiliated.

They are program inspectors.

And that Wang Yun is a ‘fugitive’!

“Death Factory?”

Wu Mingyu took out his mobile phone gloomy and immediately downloaded the game.

When the game was downloaded and opened, he saw the page inside, and his face changed again!

“Tell them that in an hour, we’ll give them two million and let them go!”

At this time, from the position on the side, Wu Yaoming spoke, sighed silently, and was a little weak.

In the current situation, there is nothing they can do!


Helpless too!

There is no way!

“In this hour, if there is no way, then you can only let them leave first!”

Jiang Youshan also said helplessly!

This time, they lost, and they lost!

“In an hour, we will give you two million, but our six brothers must not be harmed in any way.”

When the program inspectors heard the order, they were unwilling.

They said a little fiercely towards the young man in front of them.

“An hour is too long, give you forty minutes, one minute later, we will find a way to kill one of you!”

The young man looked at them, opened his mouth, and said with a smile.


When the program inspectors heard his words, they were furious!


When Wu Yaoming heard this, he gritted his teeth: “Agree with them!” ”


The leader of the program inspection team received the order, nodded unwillingly, and looked at the young man: “Okay, forty minutes!” ”

“ok! ok! Hahaha! ”

The youth laughed maniacally.

“I’ll go, this time the big brother will win!”

“This is simply crazy, and the inspection team of this show is too miserable, right?”

“It is recommended to weaken the eldest brother, it is too fierce, of course, I think we can continue to strengthen the program inspection team!”

“This eldest brother’s subordinates are also too crazy, I really want to beat him!”

When all the audience saw this scene, they sighed slightly.

This time, the program inspection team sent more than 300 program inspectors.

Now, there is nothing to do with this factory.

Take Wang Yun, they don’t have any way!

Or even give them two million and let them go safely?

Against the sky!

“The trap in this Death Factory game is exactly the same as the trap in the factory ahead!”

And at this time, in front of the factory, Wu Mingyu downloaded the game, and after dying a few times, he said with a calm face!

“The traps in the game are exactly the same as in this factory?”

Ying Yuezi heard it and frowned slightly.

“Exactly the same, he made our action into a game, completely naked mockery and disdain!”

Wu Mingyu shook his head bitterly.

“Since it’s a game, can you make the game clear and play the level?”

Ying Yuezi thought for a moment and said!

“Game clearance?”

Wu Mingyu was slightly stunned, and his face showed a pensive look.

“Program group, is it unfair for us to get the game this way!”

Wu Mingyu opened his mouth and asked about the technology chip on his body.

“No, then Wang Yun deliberately uploaded this game to the network, you can naturally get this game, he uploaded this game, may be mainly for you to see.”

The personnel of the program team immediately answered!

“Clearing the game, the only glimmer of hope!”

Ying Yuezi heard it and spoke.

“And in thirty minutes.”

Wu Mingyu spoke, slowly showing a glimmer of hope in his eyes.


A glimmer of hope!

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