It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 1023: Hard gas 1 time

"Spread, you all spread out to me." The leader of the Golden Armored Army could not bear the scene of the indigenous people beheading him.

His cultivation base is strong, and he always wanted to kill Lin Fan.

But the other party was too insidious, and instead of fighting him, he slaughtered his men frantically.


Lin Fan smiled, it was really cool, carrying a corpse in his right hand, swept across the surrounding.

An uproar!

The remaining Jinjia Divine Army stared at Lin Fan in panic, and scattered around.

Their hearts are bleeding.

Too much.

There's really no room for resistance, and I don't even know how to counter each other.

The world is very strong, but in the hands of Lin Fan, it is the material that has been hit, and there is no chance at all.

"What are you running? The battle has just begun. I'm not cool yet." Lin Fan pinched his neck. It was really cool. These golden armored troops looked like Jin Huang's, as if they were fierce. They are not fierce and docile.


The Golden Armoured Army was tremble, this guy was simply a demon, and the method of killing was too rash.

"You retreat."

The leader shouted and shot instantly, but he didn't dare to fluctuate too much, there were too many people around him.

Colored eyes open.

Lin Fan glanced at the people around him.

"What's the situation?" The leader of the Golden Armor exclaimed. The brains of these guys were all ill, and they all let them back away, even rushing up one by one.

"remarkably brave."

Although helpless, the Golden Armored Army has no timid people, and even if it is not enemies, it must fight for the emperor.

Lin Fan disappeared in place and closed his colored eyes. Those golden armored troops who were close to Lin Fan saw the demon in front of him, and their scared face was pale.

"how come……"


The Golden Armored Army was very panic. What happened, how could it be rushed towards the other party, just like this group of people looking for dead people?

It's a pity that he didn't finish talking before he was killed by a punch.

The Green Fox couldn't see it anymore, and forced to roam the dragon, then shouted: "Emperor, I really can't continue anymore, otherwise I will die."

He looked at Kirin.

The guy was miserable and almost beaten to death, but not far from death.

If it is not over, Kirin will definitely be killed.

The emperor's face was so dreadful and horrible that Emperor Dongyang was indistinguishable from him and could hardly be distracted.

"Come, come, continue playing, you rising star, see my predecessors, do not know respect, deserve to beat you." Dongyang emperor entered the state, playing crazy, while relying on racial talent, no fear of the other side.

"Brother Dong, keep playing for a while and let me kill all these guys." Lin Fan said.

It seems that the weather is really working.

Distributing the things sent by the sky to the younger brothers and sisters, although not much, but the use is absolutely amazing.

It must be extraordinary that so many people gathered here.

So Emperor Dongyang came, and he also brought a group of his wives.

When he arrived here, Emperor Shengyan also came, completely resisting.

I have to say that luck is really a bit confusing.

Emperor Dongyang replied: "Brother, rest assured, I won't cut this guy's **** into two pieces today, and I will definitely not stop."

The desire to fight is already burning in the heart of Dongyang Emperor.

Lu Qiming is very envious, he also wants to fight for his brother like these people, but the strength is too weak, just look at it.

But what he worried about was that the scene of the battle was so amazing that the ground was destroyed and how to fill it afterwards.


The screams continued.

The golden armored soldiers were killed by Lin Fan with no resistance.

Even if there is a dominant powerhouse, Lin Fan doesn't hang him at all.

"Don't kill me." There was a Golden Armored Army crying miserably, trying to escape very far, but not long afterwards, he shouted angrily, "I'm going to kill you."

It was fierce to return straight.

The look of the leader of the Golden Armored Army looked dazed.

What the **** is going on.

Even if it confuses the other party, it doesn't do that. This is simply to treat the other party as a fool.

But, he couldn't watch his men die unclearly.

"Dog stuff, there's a heads-up with me." The Golden Armored Army was already snarled with rage, and he was really about to burst.

Never seen such a brazen generation.

The man who was hiding him while killing him.

The voice fell.

The void was squeezed, the storm formed, he raised his hand to resist, dull, the pillar of space slammed on the wrist of the Golden Armored Army.

The Golden Armor Divine Army was angry, making a beast-like roar, and immediately shot, trying to grab the space pillar, but grabbed a void.

Lin Fan shoved the pillar of space and slammed towards the fellows around him.

With a bang, the void burst and blood fluttered.

"You miscellaneous things, I'm going to put you down."

When the anger reaches the highest level, the anger of others wants to flare, but they can't send it out. Finally, because of anger and anger, the blood has overflowed before being beaten.

"Okay, Xiaofan, you stop."

At this time, the voice of the suzerain came.

Originally, Lin Fan wanted to continue to shoot out this group of guys, but the Sovereign said, this face still had to be given.

he knows.

A group of elderly people, after all, can't beat this threshold.

"Sovereign, you have to think clearly, weeding grass will not be rooted, it will be very annoying." Lin Fan reminded.

"Xiaofan, is it okay to give the Sect Master a face?" said the Sect Master.

Lin Fan told Dongyang Emperor to stop, "OK, OK, you are the master, you have the final say, you come here."

He doesn't matter.

Talk about whatever you want.

With the current situation, there must be a fight in the future.

But by then, it's not like this now.

As for his absence from the Yanhua Sect, will the Zong Men be in danger? The current situation of the Sect Master is very unlikely.

The tranquility is unpredictable.

Not his ability to understand.

And the patriarch can protect the patriarch without being destroyed by shock waves, which shows that the patriarch is a patient person.

Just hidden deep.

In the recent period, one by one was exposed.

"Brother, don't do him anymore." Emperor Dongyang appeared beside Lin Fan, as if he had just warmed up, ready to come true.

Lin Fan glanced at the Sect Master, "No need to do it, the Sect Master spoke, and see what to say."

In the air.

Kirin was very painful, half of his body was exploded, flesh and blood were growing and moving, and every second was torture, "Emperor, help me get revenge."

Then stared at Yan Huazong with resentment.

He was beaten by a woman and lost his face.

"Go away, something that's not enough to accomplish something," the emperor said angrily.

The green fox stood aside and said nothing. It was really tricky. The sect of the outside world was really tricky. The emperor had already suffered a great loss.

The Sect Master had a headache. It was a very simple matter. It was extremely complicated by the emperor. The times are different. The old should also retreat and leave the world alone.

"Emperor, let's go, don't come. The fate of Yan Huazong and you is over. Thank you for everything you have done. This history will not be erased, but will be passed on."

"As for this incident, I will assume that it has not happened, and there will be no records. For future generations, you are still an emperor."

He said that, he already had many concerns.

Yan Huazong will definitely become stronger and stronger, and behind it, a unique historical background is needed.

From the establishment to the prosperity, every time, there are his representatives.

It is impossible for future generations to know that the great emperor who founded Yan Huazong came back after a hundred years to prepare for the destruction of the sect. If it spreads, it will be a stain for Yan Huazong, a black spot that will never be erased.

Lin Fan did not speak. Although the Sect Master was weak, he was a person who respected any high-level Zongmen.

Weak hour respect.

When you become stronger, you naturally have to respect it.

Otherwise, it would become an annoying existence.

"Huh, do you think I will leave based on your words?" The emperor said angrily, his eyes were already breathing fire.

The shame was imprinted on the body and could not be erased.

Only by destroying Yan Huazong can this shame be washed away.

"You debris, garbage, the emperor will not kill you and swear not to be human."

The emperor trembles, not fear but anger.

As the master, he lost his face in front of the former sect, how could it stop there, even if the other party is destroyed, it is difficult to dispel the anger in his heart.

The disciples onlookers looked at the void with a solemn and complicated expression.

They haven’t seen the emperor, but it’s a pity that they have heard the story of the emperor. Now, in their view, all this is deceiving.

"What an emperor is disgusting."

"When my father sent me to Zongmen, let me be a hero like the emperor. If I really become a person like him, it is the person I hate the most."

The disciples were talking, and the characters in their hearts had been shattered and completely disappeared from their hearts.

The suzerain looked at the emperor. Suddenly, an unyielding momentum burst out, and he stepped forward. "Emperor, Yanhuazong everyone respects you, that is because you founded the Yanhuazong, but now, I am the Yanhuazongzong. You must defend the honour and dignity of Zongmen. You are insulting my sect like this. You cannot be forgiven or forgiven."

"I want you to make a major contribution to Yan Huazong, and I will not kill you today. If you still have obsession, you will kill all of you even if you destroy the, and defend the dignity of the sect."

Mo Jingzhe shook his head and came to the suzerain, "The suzerain is quiet, calm, and immobile."


The patriarch slapped Mo Jingzhe to the side with a slap, "Shut up, what is peace."

Mo Jingzhe was a little wronged.

This is not what you said, everything is not scared, quiet and indifferent.

Why has it changed?

"Damn." The emperor gritted his teeth and looked at everyone untiringly, unforgivably.

Qinghu regrets that things shouldn't be like this. When he first met the emperor, he was not such a person. The reason for becoming stronger at the same time was also because he found the upper boundary and wanted to become stronger, which would protect Yan Huazong in the future.

How to get into a magic obstacle, it becomes like this.

"Emperor, don't be overwhelmed by anger. Even if it is really destroyed, you have to wait for the opportunity." Qinghu knew that these words would cause the anger of the emperor, but he had to say.

Although the other party may not have the ability to leave the emperor.

However, even if he couldn't stay, he would never make the emperor feel better.

The emperor is not stupid, and even a little smart.

"Wait for me, I won't let you go."

The voice fell.

The Emperor waved his arm and took the crowd out of here.

"Sovereign, I went out for a stroll." Lin Fan said, blinking at Dongyang Emperor and making eye contact.

The patriarch stopped, with a firm tone, "Xiaofan, don't go, after this time, my patriarch will have nothing to do with the other party. The next time you meet, you will die."

Lin Fan sighed.

That's it.

Then kill next time.

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