It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 1024: Not teachable, not teachable


Emperor Dongyang breathed a sigh of relief and finally didn't have to fight.

Just kidding.

Zhiming Shengyan Emperor's strength is very strong, even the rising star, can not be underestimated.

At the same time, if it is really entangled, what is the result, it is really hard to say.

If the other party fights for life, it may suffer a big loss.

People are coming to destroy the sect, with a clear purpose.

You can give up your life for this purpose.

And he was a little embarrassed.

There is no purpose, that is, this big brother let him do a big fight with others.

It’s okay to do it.

But if you take the chance to do it with others, it's a bit wrong.

If you don’t have the advantage of a big fart, just play with your life, even if it’s a brother, it’s not like that.

But now it's okay, nothing happened, there is a scene, a few tricks to support the scene, this is the end.

Lin Fan found that the outside of the Zongmen was dilapidated and the ground was blasted into an abyss, and he didn't know what to say.

A little bit want to scold mother.

This location is a bit awkward if I come again.

"Brother Dong, you are responsible." Lin Fan said.

Emperor Dongyang wanted to have a rest, but when he heard what Brother said, he was completely shocked, "Brother, what am I responsible for?"

He was confused.

Nothing is done, so fight with Zhiming Shengyan Emperor, and you will be responsible for things.

What the **** is this, no reason.

Lin Fan pointed to the abyss of the open space. "You see, I let you fight. Whatever you look like on this ground, it becomes an abyss. If one day my masters and sisters drank and got drunk, I accidentally fell into the abyss and whined, what should I do."

Emperor Dongyang defended himself, "How can this blame me, the battle forms an impact, it is inevitable, can not blame me."

"Don't shirk your responsibilities, my brothers and sisters, really, that's your brother and sister. You can watch this danger exist, and you must kill this danger in the cradle." Lin Fan said.

The harem lady frowned and muttered in a low voice, "The husband is about to be hedged."

"Sister, what's wrong with your husband?" another beautiful woman asked.

The harem did not say much, just sighed, the wisdom of the husband was obvious to all, and the sisters knew it, so she was not surprised.

"Brother, this remark makes some sense." Emperor Dongyang nodded. Although he always felt something was wrong, forget it, and there was reward.

Since I got on this boat, I didn't get any benefit and didn't justify paying so much, so I disembarked in advance.

At this time, the atmosphere of Zongmen was slightly suppressed.


In any case, Zhiming Shengyan is the Yanhua Emperor in their hearts after all.

This is the existence of the supreme idol, but it has become like this.

Like a heavy hammer, heavy bombardment is in my heart.

Lin Fan saw the atmosphere a bit uncomfortable and clapped his hands and shouted, "What's wrong, lifeless, brothers and sisters, you should be happy, just now we won."

The Zongmen disciples looked at the seniors and smiled reluctantly.

"Brother, I can't laugh." Some disciples said.

I don't know why.

Perhaps it was because seeing the real man of the emperor was different from what I thought.

Lin Fan didn't say much when he saw this. The younger brothers and younger sisters were not happy, only to show that the students are all people who have thoughts.


There is a shock in the void.

Lin Fan looked back, raised his eyebrows, a little interesting, even someone came back.

Emperor Dongyang glanced at him and said, "You dare to come back, your emperor was run away by me. Will you come back and die?"

The coming person is the green fox.

He looked calm and impatient. When he saw Lin Fan and the suzerain and others, he clenched his fists and said: "Everyone, I have something to tell you."

Emperor Dongyang choked the other party angrily, "If you have anything to say, get out, or you will be killed."

The purpose of the Green Fox here is very simple, he does not want to see this scene happen again.

He knew that some things were not what the emperor did.

"Okay." The suzerain stopped, and then looked at the green fox, "say what you have to say."

The green fox fell down and came to the suzerain, Lin Fan surrounded him, and Tian Xu and others were also close. He wanted to hear what was going on.

The disciples around were curious. They remember this guy, the people around the emperor, and the guy who worked on them.

Come back now, there is nothing wrong.

"Everyone, the emperor is the founder of Yan Huazong. What personality he used to be, you should know more than me. Now it is like this, because the magic barrier is rooted in his heart, and the emperor is lost."

"At that time, the great emperor appeared in the upper realm, and his strength was only the realm. I knew him at that time and knew his character."

"I came back secretly this time, I just want to tell you that something happened, don't blame the emperor, at the same time I want to ask you to help me, and pull the personality of the emperor from the magic barrier."

The Green Fox couldn't find anyone to help. When he met Yan Huazong, he thought about it and told them the truth.

If even Yan Huazong did not want to help the emperor, then nobody really wanted to help.

You Long, who stood beside the patriarch, said: "The Green Fox is telling the truth, it is indeed like this."

"It turned out to be this way." Sect Master Shen said, "When I saw the emperor, I felt that his heart was like a surging water surface, and the waves were rough."

"However, the magic barrier belongs to the disaster that you want to overcome, and it is difficult for outsiders to help."

I do not know why the suzerain is in a better mood, as if I knew the emperor or the former emperor, but my heart was impaired by it.

If you can overcome the magic barrier, you can naturally turn back.

You Long was silent for a moment, and then said: "Actually, I have been doubting a problem."

The Green Fox froze, "What's the problem?"

There are thoughts in You Long's eyes, "You remember a long time ago, the emperor didn't get anything in the abyss of the source ancestor. A great deity of the Buddha Demon Tower has been here. He talked to the emperor for three days and three nights, and finally left. Since then, , The emperor began to change gradually."

"We all think that the emperor is too eager to practice and is controlled by the baby. In fact, otherwise, you think."

When mentioning this.

The green fox suddenly remembered that it seemed to be the case.

Lin Fan pondered, but did not want to understand, "Okay, since this is the case, I can be a little more considerate. Let me just say, what should I do to break his magic barrier?"

Green Fox shook his head, "I don't know."

Lin Fan smashed his mouth and asked in vain.

"It's not too early, I should go back, otherwise the emperor will doubt, and please understand that it is not that the emperor has changed, but that there is no way, but I believe that one day, the emperor will recover." Qinghu held his fist and turned around go away.

You Long reminded: "Green Fox, watch out for Kirin, I doubt him."

Having left the emperor, You Long also expressed his doubts.

Gradually, the figure of the green fox disappeared into the void.

Staying here for too long will always be a problem.

Sect Master looked at the distant figure and made a decision, "Xiaofan, we are going to rescue the emperor."

Lin Fan wondered, "Sovereign, whether this rescue is not rescued is not our final decision. It depends on the individual. Maybe he doesn't want to come back, but thinks it's good now."

"That being said, but in any case, the emperor is ultimately the emperor of Yanhua Sect, which is immutable." The Sect Master exclaimed.

No one would want to fight against the emperor.

Especially their older generation, they do not want to fight against the emperor, because they have a memory.

Emperor Dongyang was too lazy to take care of these things, and had nothing to do with his fart.

Now wondering how these infinite abyss should be filled.

I knew it would be like this, and I paid attention to it at the beginning.

After a few days.

Emperor Dongyang moved the water of the Jiuhe River and filled the infinite abyss directly.

The Yanhuazong became the gate of the river.

At the same time on the river, across three stone bridges.

After making it, I feel pretty good, but it has a little charm.

"Brother, it's been a long time, and I should go." Emperor Dongyang took his family to say goodbye to Lin Fan.

Don't go no way.

During this time, Emperor Dongyang felt like a free labor force and had been helping Yan Huazong.

If it’s not a better state of mind, it’s not necessarily supported if you think you’re paid for it.

And the daughters-in-law are also urging, thinking that this is not a place for people to treat, it is really dilapidated.

Food is even harder to swallow.

The water used for bathing is ordinary water, there is no aura, and there is no way to whiten the skin.

It has always been believed that the savages live here.

A daughter-in-law urged her to live in a parry, and the 100 daughter-in-laws she brought were all shouting to go home, which made Dongyang Emperor not knowing what to do.

Can only be withdrawn first.

If the weather is unlucky, you will not get it. There will be opportunities in the future.

He got on this He didn't think about it.

Lin Fan was a little bit reluctant, a tyrannical ruler, what a good thing it would be to sit in the sect.

But to go now, it's a bit unpleasant.

"Brother Dong, are you really leaving?" Lin Fan asked. "I have a hunch recently that the sky will come."

Emperor Dongyang heard the words and got excited, and suddenly didn't want to leave, but just had this idea, the flesh in the waist felt a little pain.

The harem girl stared, as if to say again, if you don’t leave, we will go by ourselves. If you are wearing a green hat halfway, don’t call it wrong.

Silent conversation.

The splash in his eyes made Dongyang Emperor admit.

Emperor Dongyang sighed, "Hey, brother, forget it, next time, come out for a long time, I should go back and see, if you have the opportunity, you can come to Phoenix Island to find me."

Lin Fan saw that Dongyang Emperor had fallen under the threat of his wife-in-law, what more could she say.

Sum up a little.

Woman is not a good thing.

Limits freedom, but also limits dreams.

Lin Fan didn't say much. Even Cangtian couldn't seduce Dongyang Emperor, which was enough to show that the other party was determined.

Emperor Dongyang felt Lin Fan's eyes, a little ashamed, feeling as if he had lost the man's face, and was soft in front of the woman.

But there is no way.

It is not unreasonable for him to have such a large harem.

Respect, respect each other.

He wanted to tell his brother this truth and let him understand.

It's just a pity.

Brother's strength is not weak, but there is not even a woman, that can only explain one problem.

Not teachable.

Not taught.

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