It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 847: The old man is panicking now

Luo Yun didn't expect Lin Feng to agree so quickly.

Emotionally excited, looking at Lin Fan with great gratitude.

What a nice guy.

Lin Fan remembered the spirit pill of the pill world.

Not to mention the value of ascetic cultivation now, it is too massive, and I am accustomed to increase the amount of ascetic cultivation by the Kang Elixir. If I want to return to the situation of slowly practicing before, the possibility is extremely low.

Therefore, can only rely on Danjie to continue life.

"Tu'er, are you going out?" I don't know when Tianxu appeared, his eyes fixed on Luo Yun, looking up and down, slightly satisfied.

"Well, teacher, this is the goddess of Danjie. Their ancestors went to adventure and encountered danger. The disciple was going to look at it and take the people out by the way."

Lin Fan was very indifferent, he didn't take this matter to heart at all.

"Oh, ah, then you pay attention to safety, but you have to protect this little girl." Tiansu said with a smile, eyes are divine, that is exudes a strange divine light.

Lin Fan felt that there was something wrong with the teacher's eyes.

Never mind.

Teachers are always like this.

Luo Yun feels that the people in Yan Hua Zong are very strange.

Looking at her eyes, there is a strong sense of appreciation, it seems to be comparing something.

She didn't know what was going on.

"Teacher, Tu'er went out first, and staying a second longer, the ancestor would be a little more dangerous. If something really happened, Tu'er would be really busy." Lin Fan said hurriedly, he held in his heart.

Nine-color ancestors, you have to put up the strength to support breastfeeding.

Don't get there, there is only one corpse left in the end, then the transaction will fail, and it's a trip.

"Go." Tiansu waved his hand, and Tu'er was busy. He could see it, but as long as he came back safely.

"Luo Yun Goddess, let's go."

The voice just fell.

Lin Fan rose from the sky, very fast, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.


Luo Yun stunned God, Lord Lin Feng's speed was too fast, she could not keep up, but still clenched her teeth to follow.

"Goddess is gone."

"Really beautiful woman."

The disciples sighed that the beautiful and extremely beautiful woman has always been very popular.

If Brother Brother really can bring such a goddess back to Zongmen.

They looked at it every day, it was also a kind of enjoyment.

"It's fast." Luo Yun tried her best, but he couldn't even see the other's butt.

Being able to meet fellow ancestors is naturally not an ordinary person.


Lin Fan appeared beside Luo Yun, "Forget, you are too weak to train, and fly too slowly, let Ben Feng take you."

This made Shao Yun a little ashamed. The other party said too straightforwardly. Although he was flying slowly, he could be gentle.

"I..." Luoyun Goddess wanted to refute, but couldn't find any words to refute.


Lin Fan naturally grabbed Luo Yun's back collar and directly carried it in his hand, "Stabilized and left."

Luo Yun is lost. She is the goddess of the Dan realm. Although it is nothing in the outside world, she can still be in the Dan realm.

Now that people are treated like this, if people see it, it's all gone.

call out!

Lin Fan’s speed reached its peak, surpassing the speed of sound, and the surrounding space was constantly bursting and rumbling, bringing out a very long white mist.

The boundary of Danjie belongs to the most distant part of Danjie, a deserted place with no one left.

And it is not the scope protected by the Danjie Poison Mist.

The normal domain merges with the outside world, and all major forces also behave like enclosures. Anyway, those who pass by are all considered to be their own forces.

Under Luo Yun's guidance, it was all right to fly towards the distance of Danjie.

He was curious about what happened to Jiu Se Pao.

But it's not stupid. I even knew that I wouldn't come back and asked someone to help.

Think about it.

He also understood.

Jiuze Pao, a friend of a fart, thought of him when he was in danger.

After a long time.

"Lin Feng, the frontier is the boundary of the Dan boundary." Luo Yun is serious, looking forward. "Lin Feng, the place where the ancestors came is here."

"Is it?" Lin Fan looked at the ordinary disciple in front of him and didn't see any difference.

"Lin Feng Lord, I think it can be concealed. The ancestor came here without a message, and it must be in danger." Luo Yun thought very thoughtfully.

The ancestral peak strength of the ancestors, the whole world outside, can make ancestors encounter dangerous places, very few.

Such a swaying past, I am afraid that not only can not save the ancestors, but also attract the attention of the other party.

"It's okay, how big can it be, if it's sneaky, your ancestor might have been killed by someone."

Lin Fan said indifferently, without any problems.

In his opinion, what needs to be sneaky is not his style at all.

"Hello! Jiu Se Patriarch, where are you, I heard a reply." Lin Fan shouted with a voice.

When the strength reaches the peak of the Dao Realm, oneself is stiff.


"What the **** are you?" Nine-color ancestors have swollen noses and bruises, their injuries are severe, their legs are cut off, and their flesh moves to regenerate their legs. To prevent him from recovering.

He was bound by something strange and could not move.

At the same time, he is now in the stove with only one head exposed.

This group of people is going to cook him.

Nine-color Patriarch looked at these people in front of him.

Very young and very domineering.

Two men and one woman.

The man is handsome in appearance, gorgeously dressed, and radiates a strong radiance on his body, which is not possessed by people outside the domain.

The woman standing next to the two men, with a purple hair, exudes a magical luster, and an aperture is wrapped around the wrist.

The strange thing wrapped around him now is the aperture on the woman's wrist.

"This old guy's strength is not weak." The talking man, dressed in a golden robe, had special lines wrapped around his forehead, exuding a strange brilliance.

His eyes were on those corpses not far away, who were the tribes with whom they came.

But when he took the old guy, he was beheaded.

Even the three of them took some effort to win the old guy.

"It's really not weak. I didn't expect our luck to be so good. This old guy's body is a congenital panacea. Even if we are there, it is a rare god. If we can refining it into a source of cost, even if it is for us, there is The use of Tianda." Another man, looking at Jiu Se Patriarch's eyes, just like looking at treasures, full of great interest.

Nine-color ancestor was very panicked, a panic.

He found that these guys are experts.

Seeing what his body is at a glance.

And his knowledge is so strong that he knows the status of refining him as a source of cost.

That's the real way to take him.

The results of years of hard work have been brought together.

The innate spirit pill at the peak of Dao Realm is not impossible even if it is soaring in day.

"Damn, these guys came from there."

He doesn't know what to say now.

Follow the light to get here.

A stone pillar stood there, he didn't think so much, and quickly stepped forward to investigate.

Unexpectedly, the space around the stone pillars superimposed, and a group of mysterious guys appeared.

Nothing was said at the time.

The group of guys saw him, their eyes glowed, and they were surrounded by beatings.

However, he is not a soft persimmon. If someone else wants to dry him, it must be reversed. As the ancestor of Danjie, he is also afraid that these guys will not succeed.

The strength of these people is not weak, which shocked him. It is really amazing to have such cultivation at a young age.

Kill the blockbuster, feeling inflated, even if the strength is good.

Dare to start his ancestors in the Dan realm, it will have to pay the price.

It's just that when the three men shot, his pressure doubled, and the opponent's method was very unusual.

All kinds of different treasures emerged endlessly, so that he had no backhand.

In the end, unfortunately he was recruited and suppressed by these three people, which is now the scene.

At this time, the woman's round eyes flashed with light, "This innate spirit pill, although it is only the pinnacle of Dao Realm, but if it is refined, it may also become a peerless pill."

"Now the congenital panacea is too scarce. Even if it is, it is not our turn. Now that we have arrived as pioneers, we did not expect to encounter such benefits."

The woman's voice was soft and her face was beautiful, her purple hair fluttering in the wind.

"Everyone, if you have something to say, the old man is the master of Dan Realm and the most hospitable. Previously it was a misunderstanding. It is better to give the old man a chance to go to Dan Realm as a guest. The old man will accompany you." Jiu Se Laozu said, The three must be coaxed.

Then he took it to his site and bombarded it with scum.

"Hahaha, do you think we are fools or something?"

Nine-color ancestors said these words, and met with the sarcasm of the golden robe man.

"The integration of the outside world, great development, great harvest, I will come to harvest, and yours is ours. That is the right thing. Danjie, it seems that there are many They don’t have a head. Hot, went to Danjie with Jiu Se ancestor.

There will be more important things later.

That is to establish a complete and stable spatial channel.

At the same time, initially establish a base outside the domain, gradually slowly cannibalizing the entire domain outside, harvesting everything you see.

Nine-color ancestors are really flustered and very uneasy, these guys are not easy to solve.

At the same time he heard what the other party said, his complexion changed.

Some are unbelievable.

These people are not people outside the domain, that is from other places.

There has been constant war in the Dan Realm, but the ancient people have left ancient books that record what happened in the Dan Realm.

Tens of thousands of years have passed.

Although the ancient books are dilapidated, the content is lost.

But vaguely recorded some intermittent content.

It was mentioned, but I didn’t know what was said.


A voice came from afar.

"Nine-color Patriarch, where are you?"

The sound is very loud and oscillating in the air.

The already panicked Nine-Color Patriarch was crimson with excitement, shouting with his neck.

"Lin Feng Master, I am here."

He didn't expect to be finally saved.

When he followed that light at that time, he felt that something bad would happen.

So it will leave a letter.

If you don’t return within a few days, let Luo Yun give Yan Huazong Lin Feng the master.

Of course, he did not know if Lord Lin Feng would come, but at least there was a silver lining.

As for the ancestors in the Dan realm, he had no idea.

He is not as good as him, and he will die even when he comes.

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