It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 848: what's the situation? what happened?

Lin Fan and Luo Yun searched for a long time, there is no trace.

He didn't want the Jiu Se ancestor to die, so he had this opportunity, and he must make a good profit.

This is a transaction.

As the ancestor of Danjie, Jiusai ancestors have a lofty position, and the wealth in their hands is even more amazing.

Those magical pills are priceless to others.

For him, these spirits can increase the value of ascetic cultivation, and upgrade cultivation cultivation to a higher level.


A voice came from afar.

For Lin Fan, that voice was Tianyin, and the whole person was excited.

"It's fine without dying."

The voice is the voice of Jiu Se Pao.

It sounds a little panic, but full of gas, there must be no problem.

"Quick, quick, your ancestors are not dead, hurry and look over."

He is not in a good mood now, as long as he is alive, then the transaction can be perfectly closed.

Of course, it would be impossible to kill the Nine-color Ancestor in front of him.

This is not just a provocation.

It is not support for his transaction.

Therefore, in this situation, you can only use your fists to teach the other person to be a man.

The nine-color ancestor who was locked in the furnace was overjoyed, and the smile on his face was too strong.

"Hurry up and let me go, my good buddy is here, so I am afraid you are not really opponents."

"But my good buddies, like me, are warm-hearted and hospitable people."

"Now let me go, this should not happen, the old man invites you to visit Danjie."

Nine-color ancestors were overjoyed and even moved. When the outside world merged, they didn't really have good friends.

But this Lin Feng is a special case, and it really came.

Moved, really touched.

He didn't know what to say in order to express his inner excitement.

"Oh, someone came again. It's fine. The indigenous people outside the territory are the same as they come. When you refining and refining the cost source, you will use the Dan Realm as the base."

"If you pledge allegiance with blood, you can show compassion, let you serve us, and become a member of us. This is a supreme glory for you, and it is an unprecedented greatness. Opportunity."

The man in the golden robe has a strong tone, exuding the power of the overlord.

Hearing this, Jiusei Patriarch immediately refused to accept, "What the **** do you say this? Allegiance to you, Laofu Tangdan Patriarch, allegiance to you guys, it might as well be dead. ."

He knows that these guys are not simple, the realm is the same as him, even weaker.

But there are so many methods, it seems that it is a very backward person, encountering a very advanced existence.

Everywhere I was pressed, that feeling was very uncomfortable.


In the air, a figure landed violently.

The ground cracked, forming a cobweb.

"Nine-color ancestors, you are too miserable." Lin Fan stepped on the ground with feet, the feeling of down-to-earth was very cool.

However, he was shocked when he saw the situation of Jiu Se Pao.

what's going on.

The ancestral ancestor of the Tang Dynasty was even kept in the stove, and his head was exposed.

Does this mean that the ancestors of Jiu Se can be returned to the original and refined into the purest medicine?

Jiusai Patriarch was a little embarrassed and coughed lightly, "Lord Lin Feng, you have to be careful. The methods of these three guys are a little weird. The old man also didn't pay attention to it for a while, and followed their words."

He tried his best to defend himself.

This situation is indeed not very good.

Take a closer look at the situation you are in. A alchemy stove, and he is the ancestor of the Dan realm. Now he is locked in the stove. What is it that you say?

It must be fish on a chopping board, which can be cut freely by anyone, without any room for resistance.

"True and false, how does Ben Feng feel that it is so different." Lin Fan looked at it, but didn't quite believe what the Nine-color Patriarch said, it was a bit fake.

Nine-color ancestors are embarrassed.

Say this, although he believed it himself.

But Lord Lin Feng did not believe it, and that was what was expected.

"Ancestor..." Luo Yun, the goddess, looked at her ancestor like this, but she couldn't bear it.

Fortunately, no one else is present, otherwise it will have a great impact on the reputation of the ancestors of the Dan world.

And ancestors are now celebrities outside the domain.

"The Lord of Pill Realm" is very popular, and I don't know how many idols are in the minds of young people.

If they let them know that the idols were so miserable, they might be sad.

The two men and one woman frowned slightly.

Are they here, haven't they seen each other?

"Boy, what are you coming for?" There was a hint of playfulness in the tone of the Jinpao man's tone. He didn't put the other party in his eyes.

Look carefully.

very young.

How great can it be.

Although they look young, they have all experienced countless fights, and the time limit for cultivation is more than a hundred years.

And for these hundred years, they are still very young.

"Who are you?" Lin Fan asked.

He looked at each other's three men, his breath was very strong, and at first glance he was a master.

However, compared with the ancestor of the Dan world, it is slightly weaker.

But there must be some means to suppress the nine-color ancestors.

"What is nonsense with him? Take a clear look." The man beside the Jinpao man snapped, then turned into a streamer and disappeared in place.

His speed is very fast, and there is a strong momentum bursting out, condensing on the legs.


The man screamed, appeared on the side of Lin Fan, lifted his leg, and pumped it out violently. The air was squeezed, and the terrifying airflow wrapped around the leg, enough to tear the sky.

"Be careful!" Luo Yun exclaimed, looking horrified, too horrible, feeling that the space around him was solidified, if the target was her, even if the reaction came, he could not escape.

Lin Fan was indifferent, too lazy to move.


A dull sound resounded.

The strength was too strong, and this leg was pumped on Lin Fan's neck, and there was a strong white mist. At the same time, the strong impact, radiated away, the ground was torn and extended to the distance.

"Hey." The man sneered, but in a flash, his smile converged, his eyes flickered and shook, he couldn't believe it, hell.

How can this be.

"Don't you dare to hit me with this strength?" Lin Fan reached out and grabbed the other's ankle. Under the fearful expression of the other side, his wrist moved and flung down.

The man's body blasted to the ground uncontrollably.


The flicking of the understatement bursts into an astonishing power.

The ground cracked and the terrifying shock wave spread out. The surrounding gravel was blown away, and then disintegrated into ash and swept into the distance.

The arm was raised, and then banged down again.



The sound is dull, but every blow is terrifying.

Lin Fan was indifferent, expressionless, and even said there was no fluctuation, even a little excited expression.

It seemed to him that the blow just now was acceptable, but it was really too weak.

Today, he has become a powerful player.

The strong man of the same realm, no matter how powerful he is, even if he is against the sky, he must be beaten like a dog.

"My God, Lord Lin Feng's strength is too terrifying. It didn't seem to explode like this last time." Nine-color Patriarch was stunned and looked stunned.

If he didn't see it with his own eyes, he was wondering if it was a hell.

a bit!


Three times!

The shooting is very rhythmic.

Nine-color ancestors counted.

The mentality burst. When this guy fought with him, it was amazing, and he had many means, which made him somewhat unpredictable.

But now this situation is directly killed by spikes, and there is no response at all.


The man caught in the hand by Lin Fan still has consciousness, wants to growl in anger, and even wants to struggle.

But a terrifying force swept through his body, suppressing him and preventing him from exerting his strongest power.


Heaving vomiting blood can't stop it.

The bones in the whole body are like broken ones.

The feeling of strength crushing the body is really uncomfortable.


last blow.

Thick dust stirred up.

"Nine-color ancestors, you are crushed by these things, a little shameful." Lin Fan clapped and said.

The man and the woman were shocked.

They didn't expect this to happen.

"You..." The Jinpao men couldn't believe it. They came, they wanted to kill the Quartet and establish prestige.

"Good thing, Lord Lin Feng, you are great." Jiu Se ancestor exclaimed, his excited heart almost beating.

Cool, really cool.

This time it was stable and definitely okay.

Lin Fan walked toward the front.

The man lay there, and blood continued to spur out, and his bones seemed to have broken.

"How could this be."

He was very unwilling, and some could not accept the current situation.

Consume several elixirs in a row.

But as soon as the power of the medicine had been dissipated, a very terrifying force swept through the body and shattered the power of immortality.

"Dog stuff, how dare you hurt me like this, I want to break your bones, piece by piece." The man was angry and his body burst into glory.


Suddenly, he was stunned. This awful guy appeared in front of him.

"What do you want to do?"


Lin Fan walked straight forward, stepping on the other person's head with a clear voice.

The head exploded directly, flesh and blood splashed to the ground.

"Lin Feng Lord, hegemony." The ancestor Jiu Se looked at the blood boiling.

But more shocked.

He did not expect the strength of Lord Lin Feng to be so terrifying.

"This is the scary existence that the frog has been worried about?"

"Even if they are pioneers, they are too weak."

Lin Fan sighed, somewhat helpless, maybe not the other party was too weak, but he was too strong.

Helpless people do not want to speak.

The Jinpao man and the purple-haired looked dignified.

The situation has changed too much.

They did not respond for the time being.

"Lin Feng Lord, be careful." At this moment, Luo Yun reminded her that she saw the guy who was trampled on the head by Lin Feng, reorganized and resurrected.

"Give me death." The man floated behind Lin Fan, slammed, and shot several babies from his body. These babies looked extraordinary, bursting with radiance.

"It's terrifying." Luo Yun's eyes widened. This power was ten times more terrifying than before.

Several treasures wrapped around the man's body, the brilliance is too strong, and too compelling.

"Well, it's kind of interesting." Lin Fan stopped and swiftly turned back, pulling his leg away.


The power of terror crushed over the treasures wrapped around the men, and they instantly shattered and turned into ashes, and there was no room for resistance.

"how come……"

The man felt this irresistible force, his look changed, and he couldn't believe it.


Pulling back the waist, the power of terror is like a blade storm, directly strangling the other party.

A tyrannical momentum blasted away, striking into the distance, pushing all the way.


The distance becomes an endless wasteland.

Points increase.

"It's dead now." Lin Fan smiled. The other party had just come alive, and now he was dead again. Only a few pieces of minced meat exude heat and lay quietly on the ground.

The people around were dumbfounded.

Especially the man in gold robe and the woman in purple hair were already stunned.

what's the situation?

what happened?

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