It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 853: Our friendship is just a little bit worse

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This is a pillar.

Very thick and long pillar.

Pillars with bumps on the surface.

If used for... this should not be able to bear the opposite sex.


He reached out and knocked twice, solid.

He didn't know how this space **** pillar cut through time and space and brought people here.

Moreover, there are as many as 10,800 such pillars of space, which belongs to a large number.

"If the person who brought each pillar of God beat him to death, wouldn't it explode?"

Killing a strong peak of Dao Realm can gain 240,000 points.

This is something I never imagined before.

The pillar is very thick and requires several people to hug it in order to hug it.


Lin Fan grabbed the Shenzhu and slammed it hard, making a loud click, feeling very heavy, feeling heavy, and somewhat unable to lift it.

"Master Benfeng really didn't believe it, you can be so crazy with a pillar."

with full force.

The body is high, the vast power erupts from the body, the arms bulge, and the blue muscles are like a dragon.

That kind of destructive force was vented unreservedly, and the space oscillated and black cracks appeared.

If the pillar is spiritual, I would like to say that I stayed here honestly, it's annoying you.

"Get me."

With a loud bang, ten fingers were quickly inserted into the pillar, clutching firmly, and then leaning on the heel, the body leaned back, regardless of the situation, the stone pillar should be pulled out.

He has nothing to say about what he likes.


The stone pillar was shaken and dust fell.


The thunder on the ground was intertwined, the stone pillars were invaded, and the thunder all coalesced to form a large net, wrapped around Lin Fan's legs, as if he wanted to pull him to the endless hell.

The sky was torn, and the thunder swam away, breaking through the clouds.

Thunder and thunder are like the end of the world.

"Well, the breath of life is weakening, these things are very strong." Lin Fan felt his own breath and lost it quickly. If it continues like this, it will really die.

He died before lifting the stone pillar, but it was not his division.

Ancient battlefield!

Turn on BUFF, enough to support to the end.

His arms swelled, and his strength was extremely powerful.


Crisp cracking sound.

Dense cracks appeared on the ground, rushing in all directions.

"It feels like coming up."

He held the stone pillar for a long time and pulled it for a long time, and finally got the feeling that he was about to pull it up.

"The Lord Benfeng doesn't believe it, you haven't come up yet."


Lin Fan opened his mouth and flicked his tongue, which was a complete blow.

When all forces erupt, it will be the most terrifying thing.

"Ancestor, what's the matter with you?" Luo Yun worked hard to bury the woman with purple hair, and then quickly followed, but when he arrived here, he found that the ancestor raised his foot and wanted to step in, but his feet were hanging in the air. Hesitated for a long time, but did not dare to let go.

"Well, nothing, waiting for Lord Lin Feng, people buried?" Jiu Se ancestor certainly will not tell the truth.

This is not good and has an impact on his majesty.

It was just a little dissatisfied. Why did Lord Lin Feng be able to enter, he would not be able to enter, which is unscientific.

His strength is not weak.

"According to Lord Lin Feng's request, bury it very carefully." Luo Yun nodded.

What is happening now, the situation is very wrong, let her use words to describe, do not know how to say.

It just feels weird.



Between the heavens and the earth, the wind and the clouds surging, the sky above the deep pit, the clouds are rolling, and the intertwined thunder swims.

The power of terror condenses between heaven and earth.

"Ancestor, what is that?" Luo Yun goddess asked.

Nine-color ancestor did not answer, where did he know what.

I don’t even have the qualification to enter, it’s enough to hurt people, okay.


"Hahahaha." Lin Fan pulled the stone pillar out of the pit, grabbed it in his hand, and waved violently, bang! Once waved, the space burst.

"This stone pillar is really enough. In the future battles, go down with a stick, and don't smash the opponent into a patty."

Lin Fan's energy is very interesting.

This time it came out, it was not a loss, the harvest was ok.

Looking at the injury on his body, it was still a bit serious, but he was not attacked, but the blood and flesh were a little confused by the thunder.

Holding the pillar of space and violently knocking on his head.


There is no breath, dead.

Ten seconds later.

Lin Fanmeng opened his eyes and twisted his neck, his bones creaked.

"It's much more comfortable and full of energy."

He couldn't help but took the stone pillar out and waved it a few times. It felt very good. The feeling of crushing with a stick made him find the mace.

It happened that the mace gave to his disciple, and it was regarded as something to replace.

As for the axe, I don’t like to use it very much. Every time I attack, I split the person in two, which is too cruel.

It's better to use this stone pillar. Keep going with a stick to ensure that the other party becomes a patty and at least retains the whole body.

"Lord Lin Feng, how did this thunder suddenly disappear." From afar, the Nine-color Ancestor hurriedly rushed, his expression was very excited and very curious.

He could not move just half a step, but suddenly, the thunder intertwined on the ground disappeared, which also surprised him.

"It disappeared and disappeared, nothing happened." Lin Fan carried the pillar of space, which looked a little weird after returning to a normal human figure.

The pillar is too big to see anyone.

"This is what she called the pillar of space?" Jiu Se ancestor was very puzzled and didn't see any difference, but the breath from this pillar seemed very strong and a bit mysterious.

"Well, that's it, but it's very general, it's useless. I just saw its unique shape and used it as a collection." Lin Fan didn't explain too much, and didn't wait for the nine-color ancestors to study, he put the space pillar into In the storage ring.

The ancestor of Nine Colors has not understood it yet, but he stopped.

His heart was a little restless, and he always remembered what Lin Feng said before.


In the end, what trade, panic.

"Ancestor, go back, but be careful in the future, 10,800 pillars of space, the people brought here are not easy," Lin Fan reminded.

Of course, he is not afraid at all. If he meets these guys, he will be killed with a stick.

But for others, the sense of crisis is even higher.

Whether it can be sustained is an unknown.

Nine-color Patriarch looked serious and nodded calmly.

"Well, Lord Lin Feng said that the old man would return to the Dan realm and recall all the tribes outside." Today's situation, although unclear, is absolutely unsafe, and it is wise to recall the tribes.

"Lin Feng Lord, are you going back to Zongmen? Or follow this clue and continue to track down?"

Nine-color ancestors asked back, as for the transaction, they should not know, so it is better to break up.

As for the matter about "The Lord of Pill Realm", I'm not in a hurry for the time being, I feel that this is going to be a major event recently.

"Don't chase, go back to Danjie with you." Lin Fan looked at Jiu Se Patriarch.

"Ah?" Jiu Se's ancestor looked at Lin Fan divinely, and his heart was very panic, "Lord Lin Feng, you see that such a big thing is happening now, you must go back to Zongmen to see if something goes wrong. ?"

The goddess Luo Yun lowered her eyebrows without saying a word. She understood the meaning of these words and knew why Lord Lin Feng was.

But if I don’t tell my ancestors, I’m afraid I will get a misunderstanding.

"Ancestor, actually..." Luo Yun whispered to the ancestor about the transaction.

The ancestor listened to the ignorant god, his eyes were a little loose, and he looked straight at Lin Fan.

"Lin Feng Lord, this..."

Lin Fan nodded toward the ancestor, indicating that needless to say, Luo Yun Goddess was right, that's the fact.

"No, Lord Lin Feng, I thought the friendship between us can abandon these secular bargaining chips, and I..." Jiu Se Pao was interrupted by Lin Fan before he had finished.

"Ancestor, the friendship between us is still a little bit worse, but you can rest assured that as long as you are willing to work hard or complete this transaction, the friendship between us will be deep. If you have something to do in the future, it is incumbent. , Absolutely don't talk about things outside of your body, do you say that?" Lin Fan said.

Ancestor Jiu Se was a bit depressed, but what he panicked in his heart was that he didn't understand what was panicking.

Now that I know it, it's the deal that was the panic.

"Then Lord Lin Feng, you said that there is a little difference between our friendship, how much is it." Jiu Se ancestor is very fine, how can you not hear the meaning in this sentence.

The last time I wrote "The Lord of the Dan Realm" was still bargaining, but this time it was different, life-saving grace, and obviously I will ask Master Lin Feng for help in the future.

The price tag for enhancing friendship has already appeared, so you have to ask.

"It’s not much. If we count it according to time, our friendship will be enough after a hundred or two hundred years, but then you have to measure it by substance, that’s not much, and the day after tomorrow, Danling comes a few baskets~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Innate Dan Ling is enough." Lin Fan smiled happily and said it was an understatement.

"Ancestor, what's the matter with you." Luo Yun is good, suddenly seeing that the ancestor has a tendency to faint, shouting anxiously.

"It's okay, it's okay." Jiu Se Pao's eyes were black and he waved his hand. Hearing the number of bridges of friendship made up, his heart almost burst.

A few baskets of acquired spirits?

A basket of congenital spirits?

It might as well be hacked to death.

"Ancestor, don't think too much, have you heard a word?"

"Life is precious and love price is higher. If it is for friendship, both can be thrown away. Think about it, the price of this friendship is very expensive." Lin Fan sighed.

"Ancestor, do you say this to me?"

"This..." Jiu Se's ancestor looked at Lin Fan divinely. He felt that his heart was blocked, and there was a pressure on his heart that he couldn't breathe.

"Come on, let's hurry back to Danjie."

Lin Fan beckoned, and then the three rose into the sky and disappeared into the world.

For Jiu Se ancestors, this is a sad thing.

Only in the eyes of Luo Yun Goddess, it is actually worth it.

At least he saved his life.

She had predicted that when she returned to the Dan Realm, the ancestor and Lin Feng master would have to pull back.

A few baskets of innate spirits or a basket of innate spirits are not a small number.

Friendly price can be negotiated.

PS: Recommend a book "Magic", written by a slut, it's pretty good, but it is a little worse than me. Hey, if you are interested, you can go and see it. It is a very safe push book.

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