It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 854: I really passed by

Dan world.

On his way back, Jiuze Patriarch was silent and silent. He seemed to be calm like water.

He has been thinking of ways, what to do, and what can he do to escape.

On the way back, the closer he was to Danjie, his heart panicked.

He didn't blame the goddess of fall, but blame him for being careless, and was pitted by the three little guys.

In the end, Master Lin Feng seized the opportunity and had no room for discussion.

Lord Lin Feng is so strong.

People who are good at seizing opportunities are also an expression of strength.

He is unmatched and dreadful.

As an ancestor of the Dan realm, I am already convinced that there is no room for resistance.

"Ancestor, Goddess of Fallen Yun, leave, thank you for your hospitality. If you have anything in the future, remember to inform me." Lin Fan smiled broadly, "Oh, ancestor, the friendship between you and me now is extraordinary, but in the future, You don’t need to be so polite to me. Everyone is a friend. I help you, you help me. Remember to find me if you have any difficulties in the future. I, a poor person like me, can only help my friends."

"If I have difficulties, the ancestors only need to give out the Elixir, anyway, the friendship between you and me, there is no need to say anything, goodbye."

The voice just fell.

Lin Fanmei's shuttle to the void, the goal is Yan Huazong, he is going back now

The harvest in Danjie is great, and the wealth is amazing. It is even more ruthless than the two previous visits.

"Ancestor, what's the matter with you?" The goddess Luo Yun found glittering drops of water in the eyes of the ancestor.

Seems like tears.

But it may be a testimony of friendship.

"It's nothing." The ancestor would rather stand lame, and never kneel with a smile. The feeling of heartache has not been experienced for a long time.

But this time, the experience was thorough.

Ten acquired spirits, two congenital spirits.

This wealth made him even want to die.

"Ancestor, did Luo Yun do something wrong?" Luo Yun felt that things weren't what he thought, and the expression of the ancestor was clearly the urge to cry.

She did not know the specific situation, and the ancestor and Lord Lin Feng talked alone in the house for a long time.

During the period, there was a crackle in the house, and there was a boom.

There is a constant sound of ‘ahh’.

Although I don't know what's inside, when the ancestor came out of the house, his legs were soft, his face pale, and there was a slight tendency to collapse.

On the contrary, it was Lord Lin Feng, with a rosy face and a smiling smile, as if he had experienced something pleasant.

"No, Luo Yun, you don't need to worry. The ancestor is very good, but the ancestor wants to ask you a question. What do you think of Lord Lin Feng? If you are with him, who will control your future wealth? ?"

The ancestors of Nine Colors made people confused, more like a demented person.

He is heartbroken.

Want to get back the lost things.

In his view, if Luo Yun can be with Lord Lin Feng, and later he will be in charge of the power and give away things, maybe he can take them back. Unfortunately, this is just a matter of thinking.

A demented fantasy.

Luo Yun stared at the ancestor dumbfounded, feeling that the ancestor was crazy.

A desert, endless, without end.

The pillar of space stands there.

Throughout the desert, the huge deep pit was too weird, and the yellow sand rushed towards the deep pit, to be poured into the center of the earth.

"Bah! What a broken place." A handsome man with a rich heart patted the yellow sand on his body and frowned.

He didn't expect the pillar of space to fall in this place.

"Eagle Nine, we are here to open the pillar of space, but we are not here on vacation." A man stood on the mountain rock not far away, with a spiral horn in his forehead.

The unicorn is black and glowing, exuding a strong atmosphere, as if it is blended with the world.

"I know, who made us an elite member of the family." Ying Jiu smiled, his arms were shining, vaguely like a pair of eagle wings, and then looked at the space pillar standing there, and he prepared it long ago. Good runes.

call out!

The rune paper turned into a stream of light and struck the pillar of God, which was attached to the surface, and suddenly a brilliant burst of light burst through the clouds.


The space pillar shocked violently.


A ray of light rose into the sky, straight into the sky, spreading in all directions.

"Other pillars of space should also be turned on." Ying Jiu looked at the light, and the smile on his face grew stronger and stronger.

This is mowing.

In their words, the resources are ripe and it is time to harvest.

They waited for tens of thousands of years.

Another place.

The pillar of space falls in the middle of a sect.

The blood flowed up and down the gate, and the blood flow was very tragic.

"Turn on the space pillar."

The blood-stained man, with the corners of his mouth upturned and a grinning smile, a piece of rune paper was affixed to the pillar.

Thousands of rays of light rose into the sky and penetrated into the void.

At this moment, the outside world of all domains oscillated.

Countless people have seen the extreme distance, a light rushed into the sky.

Many people don’t know what happened, but the kind of light that penetrates into the void gives them great pressure,

People who followed the pillar of God to the outside of the domain looked up to the void.

The light spread to the void, forming a light curtain of power, just like the tide, and began to cover the entire outside world.

Ten thousand eight hundred pillars of space are indispensable, and they are the most mysterious existence there.


Lin Fan was already on his way back, and the stone pillars in the storage ring were a bit wrong.

Struggling, bumping everywhere.

"Help, brother, you stick is crazy." The stone stool wailed, and the pillar was very unstable in the storage ring.

"Well the situation." He wondered, not understanding, the stone pillar was good before, so how suddenly became so irritable.

He took the stone pillar out of the storage ring and showed signs of struggling, trying to escape from him.

"Where do you want to go?" Lin Fan grabbed the stone pillar and began to question. It was too unreliable. He just didn't take his latest master into his eyes.


The stone pillars were oscillating, and there were dark cracks all over the body. That was the ultimate force that shattered the space.

"Want to go far?"

Lin Fan's eyes looked far into the distance, there was no idea there, but Shi Zhu wanted to go, maybe there was any secret.

"with full force."


The strength swelled in the body, and the body instantly rose to ten meters.

"Since you want to go that way, let's go."

Lin Fan had his hands on his shoulders and stood proudly on the stone pillar, but he wanted to see where he wanted to go.

What is there in the distance, the attraction for him is so great.

The Space God Pillar wanted to shake Lin Fan away, but Lin Fan burst out and stepped on it, the power of terror was poured into it.

"Give you face, don't go too far, fly where you want to go."

He doesn't care if the Pillar of Space can understand it. If it's too presumptuous, he must hack the stone pillar.

Don't doubt if he can do it.

The axe is no joke.

Sure enough, Shizhu did not oscillate, but attacked far away.


The wind blows on the face, and it feels cool.

"I'm looking forward to it, Shizhu can lead the way, I don't know what will be there." Lin Fan was looking forward, looking forward to the unknown.


"What is the situation, the power of the space **** pillar reaches the void, why hasn't it spread." In the distance, a dark-haired man stared at his eyes, his expression was anxious, and he couldn't understand it.

"Hello, who of you can tell me, what is the situation of this pillar of space, and how has it not spread out?"

"Moss, can you not make a fuss, this is a female pillar of negative space. The male pillars of positive space are not connected one after another to form a whole. It seems that there is a problem." In the distance, a tall man with a cold voice and eyes There is no emotion at all.

It feels very violent and terrible.

Especially the blood axe behind him, shining brightly, exudes coldness and feels bloodthirsty.

"Summon the masculine pillar of the positive space to summon it, to see what went wrong. Ten thousand eight hundred sacred pillars. One or two of them is a normal thing. It only needs to be repaired." The thin man who had never spoken proudly Looked at the two.

Subsequently, he took a jade that he had brought beforehand from the storage ring.

It descended to the outside world, in case the space pillar did not respond, so everyone carried a piece of jade.

The fusion of Yin-Yang space **** pillars can blind the outside world.


The jade broke, and an extremely powerful suction burst out.

"Hahaha, the pillar of space is on. I will go to the outside world to look for some servants. I am afraid that they have never seen such a powerful person like us."

Moss laughed.

But he took the initiative to come and act as a vanguard.

It is to look at the outside world of this domain.

When he arrived here, he already felt it.

Not the strongest in the clan, but he came to the outside of this area, he is the most powerful existence.

"Response, here."

There was a lot of movement in the distance.

The space pillar of masculine space shuttles through the sky, and the speed is extremely fast. That sound is the sound of space burst.


The pillar of space fell on the ground, smashed the ground, sinking deep, and rippling with dust.

"Huh! It turns out there are people."

"Shizhu, I blamed you wrongly. You found the enemy and brought me to harvest."

The sound came from the dust.

"Huh?" Moss frowned slightly. "Why would anyone come over?"

The space pillar cannot be obtained by people outside the domain.

When it hits the ground, it will form a thunder jail. If you don't carry certain things, you will be greatly hurt, even if they are not supported.

Dust dissipated.

Lin Fan stood at the top of the stone pillar and looked at the three curiously.

"Who are you?" the thin man wondered. "Or, are you a native of the outside world?"

"Well, I am a person from outside the domain. Did you come along with this stone pillar? I also met a batch of them before, and I was cleaned up by three, five, two, how do you say?" Lin Fan smiled. There is no hurry.

The big man carrying the blood axe exudes a strong momentum and looks at Lin Fan as if he were a dead man.

"I have nothing to say to the indigenous people. It is the big thing to activate the space pillar, kill him."


As soon as the words fell, the big man instantly shot, withdrew the blood axe behind him, and slashed toward Lin Fan fiercely.

"Is it so unfriendly?" Lin Fan's fingers spread out, grabbing the stone pillar under his feet, and as soon as the Han was about to approach, he suddenly mentioned the stone pillar and waved it in his hand.

"What?" Han Han's pupils shrank sharply.


The stone column hit the big man's body fiercely, bombarded on the ground, a huge force exploded swept around.

"Weak ones are fine."

Lin Fan grabbed the stone pillar with one hand and regretted shaking his head.

The thin man froze for a moment, as if he hadn't expected it.


There was an explosion of air.

When the thin man reacted, he was already covered with a dark shadow, raised his hands to resist, snapped, his arms broken, and then bombarded his chest.

With a bang, the body burst.

Overwhelmed by this terrifying force.

"It's even weaker."

The peak of Dao Dao Realm, just like the dog slaughter, has no difficulty.

"one left."

Lin Fanmeng turned his head and looked not far away, but when he saw the specific situation, he frowned.

"What do you mean?"

Moss had been scared to death, he knelt down on the ground without hesitation, put down his gesture, panic.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I am not with them."

"They tied me up, I am an innocent."

Lin Fan smiled, waved the stone pillar, jumped violently, and enveloped towards the other party, "Not a gang, then go, give you the whole body."

Moss only felt that his breath was overwhelming, and yanked everything off his body.

The head is buried deep in the ground.

"Dad, I was wrong. I gave you everything. I was passing by."


Lin Fan stopped his hand instantly, the stone pillar was very close to Moss, and the powerful impact left many scars on his body, and the ground collapsed violently.

"This stick will kill you." Moss growled inwardly, and was almost scared to pee his pants.

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