It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 865: Hey, you will not die


There is the sound of swallowing saliva.

The adventors floating in the sky and shining in the sky and earth were obviously somewhat stunned.

It did not react from the scene just now.


"Asshole, asshole, you killed Liaoyun."

The barbarian lion was furious, and the two canine teeth bulged out, with a terrifying look, and looked at Lin Fan's eyes, full of frightening anger.

"Well, I killed him. He was weak and so rampant. Don't kill him for the winter?" Lin Fan calmed down and smiled: "Why, do you want to avenge him? Okay, come on."

"My God, what Lin Feng said is very overbearing." Wu Quan's ancestor was shocked, but he didn't expect that Lin Feng would step on his feet without giving face.

Just now, he did not see what was born.

In the blink of an eye, there was a shock.

"This battle is inevitable, everyone, joke to joke, what if there will be a real war?"

"Evacuation, or help Lord Lin Feng?"

Nine-color ancestor asked with a low eyebrow, he would not believe that these old guys would stay and help.

His previous relationship with Lord Lin Feng was not bad, but it was not that good.


Is there any egg under the nest!

For this reason, he knows better than anyone else. The advent is not just to Lord Lin Feng. If you sit idly by and wait until the end, it is difficult to say that they will not suffer.

"The old man will come and take a look. He will go back again later." Dao Zu smiled, but this smile was a little embarrassing.

He will not stay, nor look at how many people there are.

With these few people alone, I am afraid there will be no big waves.


An infinite amount of ancestors were hesitant to walk, neither to walk nor to walk, which made it difficult for him to know what to do.

"Chi Jiusha, what do you say?" He asked, wanting to see how Chi Jiusha chose, if they all ran, then they ran for no reason, and they were not ashamed.

"Stay here and resist Lord Lin Feng together. These adventurs, when they come here, have no good plans. Even if we escaped today, do you think you can escape in the future? Fight hard, maybe there is hope, if It’s really late when you are afraid of hands and feet, and you are weak."

Chi Jiusha takes a deep breath, condenses the breath, runs around, and is ready to go to war at any time.

"That's what it said, but it's too baffling, let alone a few of us, can it be done?" Wuliang Patriarch hesitated.

If this is the case, it should bring enough people and directly use the sea of ​​tactics.

And the outside world is so big, there are definitely a lot of strong people, and it's not just a few of them who want to go up.

"You can do it if you can't do it. If you're afraid of death, you will leave, and no one will leave you." Chi Jiuza looked up and responded coldly.

An infinite amount of ancestors suddenly became unhappy when he heard this.

This is too hurtful.

As they talked constantly, those who came to the void were already sullen.

"Barbarian, let's go together and cut this native." Adventist suggested.

They arrived here, in addition to opening the pillar of space, there are other tasks.

This time there are only a hundred or so people, not everyone is afraid, but each has its own thing.

In addition, the clamor of ants is not taken into consideration.

"No, I personally dealt with him." The Barbarian Lion refused decisively, so that everyone was not allowed to shoot. He would use his own hands to twist the other person's neck.


The barbarian squeezed his fist, his phalanx creaked, his body was burning with anger, and it had solidified into a substance, and even a barbarian behind him.

"Brother, don't you care, this native is a bit patient."

The rest of the admirers reminded that it was not kind, but not to lose face.

The life and death of the wild lion has nothing to do with them.

If it is dead, it can become a joke.

But now, the barbarian lions are somewhat representative of the faces of their descendants. If they die in the hands of the indigenous people, they will be ashamed.

"Hum, patience? What kind of patience can an aborigine have, he is not good at learning art, he is proud and arrogant, and the vanguard is not qualified unless he follows him desperately."

The barbarian sneered and lifted his foot towards Lin Fan. Whenever his footsteps fell, there were black cracks under his feet and they spread towards all sides.

It was a phenomenon that was so powerful that it could not bear the void.

And his body is also inflating, his muscles bulging, giving a very shocking vision.

There is a twisted mist spreading out of the body.

"Is it hard practice?" Lin Fan was curious. He hadn't met anyone who practiced hard practice for a long time. He missed it very much.

It is a pity that the real world has never been there.


Just then, the barbarian body disappeared in place, and when it appeared again, it had already appeared in front of Lin Fan. The feeling of oppression was terrifying.


The disciple of Yan Huazong felt that Wan Junwei's power was pressing on his body, and the sweat on his forehead was falling, just like coming out of the pool.

too much stress.

"Answer me, I'm here. Do you feel the breath of death?" The barbarian lions were grim, golden eyes, and looked at Lin Fan deadly.

There was a terrible and wild atmosphere, bursting out of him.

"Enviable bloodline power." Adventists sighed.

"Yes, the people who have their bloodline power are all genius wizards, and they will have great achievements in the future. Compared to those of us who have no bloodline, they are much happier."

Some people are very jealous.

Although the wild descendants did not reach the point of returning to their ancestors, they should not be underestimated.

Lin Fan looked at each other and fanned the air in front of him, "The smell of death is not smelled, but the smell of your bad breath is a bit too choking. If you let you stink for hundreds of years, you are really invincible. Now."


Suddenly, a disciple covered his mouth, couldn't help it, laughed, and sprayed two crystal clear noodles into his nostrils.

In an instant, he felt an extremely terrifying glance.

The frightened disciple shrank his head and dared not look at it.

Too scary.

But it's really funny.

"Look for death." The barbarian lion angered, and the natives laughed at him, just to look for death.



"Eight evils!"

"Lion Bite"

Barbarian lion shot, his hands spread out with five fingers, pinched into claws, tearing the space, and fiercely caught Lin Fan.

At the same time, the power flows between the ten fingers, condensing into a big mouth of a wild beast.

The surrounding power is affected, all condensed into ten fingers.


The dull sound is amazing.

"Huh?" The barbarian lion was shocked, his fingers pinching the neck of the native, but this was not what he wanted to see.

In his cognition, it should be the native's neck, which broke instantly.

And this scene also shocked many people.

Especially those who are waiting for the advent are even more incredible.

"How is it possible, although the strength of the barbarian lion is not the best in our country, but it is also one of the best. It contains such a terrible blow, and it is impossible to break the neck of the other party. This is impossible." A descendant horrified, as if Hell.

"Wait, there must be something wrong. I think the barbarian lest not trying to break the other person's neck, but trying to strangle him."

"Interestingly, this is the best way to torture people."

The sentiments of the adventists are free and high.

For the indigenous people outside the domain, some of them are indeed not opponents, but they never take it seriously.

They have unlimited potential, but these indigenous people can only reach the peak of Tao Realm.

This is the horizon.

"It's a little itchy." Lin Fan was very calm. Although it felt uncomfortable to be pinched by his neck, he had to praise him for seeing the other party's offensive so fierce.


The barbarian lion was furious, with ten fingers violently pulling Lin Fan up, his straight arms were swelled continuously, the green tendons burst out, and endless power rushed from his arms to his ten fingers.

In any case, this native should be strangled.

"Hahahaha, the indigenous people, slowly feel the coming of death, your eyes will gradually become dark, losing all light, even if you struggle, it won't help."

The wild lion was furious, and the hair spread outward, and a primitive fierce burst out.


The barbarian's body began to swell, the back was raised, and animal patterns appeared, which began to be animalized.

"Great, the bloodline purity of the barbarian lion should be very high, and there are signs of returning to the ancestor."

"The bloodline of the barbarian lion is very high purity. It is rumored that the barbarian’s ancestors once obtained a long tube-shaped artifact in the abyss of the source ancestor. Longitudinal I."

"Looking at his current situation, I am afraid that he has inherited that bloodline, but it is not pure enough. If he can reach the status of returning to his ancestors, it is really terrifying.

Many of the descendants are the descendants of the upper class within the clan or large forces, and have some knowledge of many secret stories.

I am afraid that the spirit liquid is the beast spirit, the fusion is successful, and it obtains amazing power.

And the strength of the beast must be very strong, otherwise there will not be such a big movement.

"Hahaha, I feel the breath of death, stupid natives." The eyes of the barbarian lion are completely golden, and there are more cold and scary teeth in his Lin Fan couldn't help it, it was so stinky , Stinky people can't help but smell a lot more than before.

"No, it's too boring, it's better to solve you guys."

with full force.


Lin Fan's body swelled violently and instantly pulled up to ten meters. The horrible muscles were too shocking.

"Well." Some lions couldn't grasp Lin Fan's neck with both hands, and his feet were off the ground. His pupils flashed in horror.


Lin Fan reached out and grabbed the neck of the wild lion violently.

Pinch with five fingers, click, there is a sound of broken bones.

"Ah!" the barbarian screamed, his hands were loose, a spit of blood spewed out, the expression on his face changed sharply, and he became frightened and afraid.

"You are really weak, tell me if you smell death."

"Tell me, has the light in front of me dissipated, did you fall into the darkness?" Lin Fan twisted his neck, smiled with his mouth open, and the strength between his fingers continued to increase.

The barbarian lumbled his voice and wanted to say something, but couldn't say it.

"Can't you feel it? Maybe the death is not close enough." Lin Fan wondered and put a little effort.


The barbarian's neck was crooked, its tongue sticking out, its limbs hanging down, and it was motionless.

"Do you feel it now?" Lin Fan raised his head with a smile, but his smile converged instantly. Some fans were confused, "Hey! Hey! Speak."

"Not going to die."

"It's too boring."

Sure enough, the points reminder.

Lin Fan shook his head and dropped the body, and then looked at the Void.

"Okay, it's time to die."


Pull out a stick.

"What? Why is the space pillar here?"

Everyone saw this scene and was completely ashamed.

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