It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 866: Colored eyes open

The barbarian lion was beheaded by the indigenous people, which is a bit amazing, but it can still keep calm.

But the pillar of space appeared, but they were shocked to say nothing.

The space pillar is an indispensable artifact to open the passage of space, but it is only in the hands of the indigenous people.

Who cares about this, and such a big event happened.

"Seriously, Lord Lin Feng's hand is almost blind, so terrible." Jiu Se ancestor exclaimed, thought there would be an amazing war, but how can you think that the result is so fast, even dumbfounded, some not Come over.

"It's really powerful." Chi Jiusha nodded. The moment just before was really amazing. The power exploded by Lord Lin Feng could not be underestimated.

The barbarian lion is very strong, even he dare not say that he can suppress the opponent with a spike.

But Lin Feng hosted it.

There is no brilliant brilliance, but only the most terrifying power.


Lin Fan's body reached ten meters, just like a hill, with complex lines entwined in the body, looming and gleaming.

Overbearing, terrifying power, rising from the sky, enveloped the void.

Shaking the stone pillar in his hand, the wind roared and shattered the space.

"Okay, time is a bit anxious, I won't give you the opportunity to perform alone, don't worry if you will lack arms and legs, this sect will kill and bury, and ensure that you leave decently."

Lin Fan looked at this group of guys fanatically, all of them were moving points, and he could not bear it anymore.

Points are waving to him.

come! come!

"How come I have such a bad feeling in my heart." Some adventors stepped back unconsciously.

The indigenous people in front of them are too weird, and they have a feeling that they can't speak.

"Huh, not good? How bad can it be, so many of us, can we be afraid that he will not succeed alone?"

Most of the descendants did not take the natives in their eyes, even if they killed the Liaoyun and the barbarian lion, they were not afraid.

It can only be said that the two of them are weak enough to lose their faces.

If they shot, they would never have such a thing.


Just when the Adventists were thinking about these things, Lin Fan had already carried a big stick, ready to start outputting, and smashed all these guys into patties.

Of course, with humanitarianism.

He will leave the whole body to the opponent, even if he fails to stay, he will put them together afterwards.

"Come on, start fighting, and bring out those who have patience, let alone Lord Ben Feng will not give you a chance."

Lin Fan waved the stone pillar in his hand, the space was cracked, the power of terror was completely exploded, and that kind of power made many adversaries numb.

Just seeing so many people in there, their agitated heart gradually calmed down.

The large number of people is the foundation, and it is also the reason for them.



The admirers screamed and thundered, with extraordinary momentum.

If it is someone else, I am afraid that the fart scared by this momentum will urinate and bow to the head, absolutely not yelling at the advent.

"What the **** do you think?" Chi Jiusha turned around and asked, these guys are the masters of the big forces. It is really impossible to ask them to fight for their lives.

Everyone looked at each other without opening.

"Wait a minute, if Lord Lin Feng really can't support it, we won't be too late." Wuliang Patriarch pondered, then said.

His heart kept asking himself.

What is this situation?

How could such a thing happen.

They came here, although they were helping, but they did not come to die. Look at the current situation. So many people can have a few lives to beat others.

"Hum, forget it, depending on you, I'm afraid even old sows can climb trees." Chi Jiusha disdained, and then attacked Lin Fan, "Lord Lin Feng, I'll help you."

"Oh, listen, what did he say, what did he say to us?" An infinite amount of ancestors were furious, and an ancestor was said to be inferior even to an old sow. This is humiliation, Chiguo. Fruit humiliation.

If you put it in the past, you have to use your life to defend your dignity.

It’s just now, forget it, not the time.

Too impulsive is not good.

Lin Fan came to a descendant.

His degree was too fast, even the advent did not respond quickly.

Daojing is in his eyes, and it is no different from the ants.

"Ah!" The Adventist was very young, and his clothes were gorgeous. When Lin Fan appeared suddenly, he was stunned for a moment, his expression was a little panic, and there was panic in his eyes.

He really did not expect that this native will spend so fast.

But when he appeared in front of him, nothing happened.

"Hey." Lin Fan cracked his mouth, lifted the stone pillar, and smashed towards the other party.

The momentum is rolling, and the void is suppressed.

The young Adventist wanted to run, but was horrified. The void around the body was blocked and he couldn't even move a finger.

"No..." The advent exclaimed, his eyes popping out. He didn't expect that the third person who died would be him.

"Lord Feng, I will help you."

In an instant, Chijiu Shock struck and instantly shot to kill the descendants.

"Oh my God."

Lin Fan shuddered, feeling bad, and the stone pillar he smashed stopped sharply, then turned around and slapped Chi Jiusha with a slap.

"What do you want to do?"

This guy wants to grab his points.

"Lin Feng Lord, I'm here to help you. You are weak and can't be brave." Chi Jiusha was a little ignorant. He came forward to help himself. Why didn't he seem to care about it at all.

"Don't, please, go back immediately and stand with them immediately. You can talk and complain, but don't come over here. I'm here to take care of you."

He must drive away Chi Jiusha, this guy obviously wants to **** his points.

For such things, it must be severely rejected.

Outside the domain.

The relationship with most forces is okay, you can’t make a decision, and finally you can encounter what can be cut, and you have to face the situation of being robbed. Is this justified and fair?

"Master Lin Feng, can't be like this. The strength of these adventists is obvious to all, and they are very powerful. This is a disaster for the outside world. As a person outside the domain, if we are not united, the consequences will be unimaginable." Chi Jiu Sha retorted, serious.

He cannot let this happen.

It must have exploded all of its own strength against this.

Lin Fan squinted, this guy really wanted to divide his points, it seems that without a little violence, it is not easy to solve this matter.

"Are you going?" he asked, more like giving the final order.

Chi Jiusha looked at Lin Fan's eyes, then shook his head, "I can't go."

"you do this delibrately?"

"No, it is impossible to leave anyway. My Chijiusha is not as greedy as they are, afraid of death." Chijiusha said.

"My God, Chi Jiusha, you devil, will you talk, we provoke you? You can do you, we are greedy and afraid of death in your mouth?" Stayed, refuted sharply.

They can't see it.

When I came here, I thought much about it and distinguished the situation, and was described by others as a greedy and fearful person.

"Huh, are you afraid of death, don't you know?" Chi Jiusha disdained, then looked at Lin Fan, "Lin Feng Lord, you said, are they afraid of death?"

Lin Fan blinked, what happened?

What does this guy want to do, obviously it is fine, how come these things come out again.

"Chi Jiusha, today you don't make this clear. We will never end with you." Wuliang Patriarch, the first to sit still, rose into the air and came to Chi Jiusha. His old face was flushed with anger.

"Yes, I am a great power ancestor, how can you allow you to be humiliated?" The Star Ancestor couldn't bear it either.

Although he is very powerful, he is not afraid.

"Lin Feng Lord, you said, is it too much for Chi Jiusha? I'm waiting for someone who is afraid of death?" Bingzu couldn't help himself, he had to defend his dignity.

Lin Fan stopped his movements, and even the advent did not have time to beheaded.

For these guys, he is really uncomfortable, delaying time.

"I said, can you stay at Zongmen, and don't come out and mess with things?" Lin Fan asked patiently, there is still something to do next, which is what they can delay.

The adventurously dressed adventurous had just walked from the edge of death, and his heart was beating quickly.

A drop of sweat rolled down his forehead.

He dare to swear that if this person had not just appeared, perhaps he was really dead.

too scary.

There is no room for resistance.

He looked back at the crowd, his lips moving.

"help me!"

At the same time, he was not prepared to fight hard with each other, but fled instantly and entered the crowd.

But the moment he moved.

The breath of death shone over the sky.

He turned around violently and saw the stone pillar crushed in the sky.

"Do not……"


The stone pillar roared, UU read to cover the other side, blood stained in the air.

"I want to run, don't ask me if I agree." Lin Fan didn't look at it. Now that the other party wants to slip away, naturally he can't bear it. He shoots directly and knocks the other party to death with a stick.

It's true when you get points.


The old ancestors who had just been arguing, shut their mouths fiercely and looked at Lin Fan in a dazed expression.

"I said you guys, can you stay here honestly, no matter what happens, don't come over, otherwise it doesn't matter to me." Lin Fan reminded that he was ready and he must be killed.

"Master Lin Feng, this matter..."


Chi Jiusha just spoke, but stopped suddenly, his pupils contracted, and he raised his head hard,

The abdomen was hit hard, and it felt like the mind was about to dissipate.

"Lin Feng Lord, what's the situation?" Innumerable ancestors and others were surprised, how did they do it to themselves.

Although this guy, Chi Jiusha, is too unpleasant to speak and a little bit beaten, don't be really beaten.

"It's too annoying, too much talk, some can't stand it, you quickly take him down, the things here have nothing to do with you, just watch and don't do it." Lin Fan threw Chi Jiusha, who has lost his ability to move, to the infinite ancestor .

An infinite amount of ancestors took Chijiusha, glanced at it, then looked at Lin Fan, and nodded, "Okay, no problem."

The ancestors returned to the sect.

"I have told you, don't be arrogant, be beaten, and regret is too late." Wuliang ancestor looked at Chi Jiusha, it was full of regret, even a little gloating.

Lin Fan flew to the sky and carried the pillar of space on his shoulders, looking around.

Split his mouth and show a big smile.

"No more wasting time, it's dry."

"Colored eyes, open."

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