It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 867: Their character is extremely problematic

Bang! &1t;/

Earth and earth shake, amazing power, tearing the sky. &1t;/

The advent are all mad under the influence of colored eyes. &1t;/

"My God, what's the matter." Wuliang Pao and the others had just landed, and they were startled by the movement behind them, and they were all covered in cold hair. &1t;/

If you faced these people before, it was just a little bit of pressure, but now the other party exploded with such amazing power, but it was like a row of mountains and seas, and violent waves. &1t;/

To overwhelm everyone. &1t;/

Void, muddy, all kinds of forces shake the world, and visions occur frequently. &1t;/

Even, there are many amazing treasures, shining bright, reflecting the world. &1t;/

"Kill!" &1t;/

The admirers, led by their colored eyes, did not say much nonsense, and stared at Lin Fan with boundless anger. &1t;/

To directly take out the strongest strength and give up any defense, you must crush everything with the most terrifying power. &1t;/

"Interesting." Lin Fan smiled, holding the stone column with one hand, his arm muscles began to swell. &1t;/

"Can't fly." &1t;/

"You can't fight an explosion, you have to keep the whole body." &1t;/

He murmured, and he had to be principled in his hands. &1t;/

The disciples of Yan Huazong looked dumbfounded and even dumbfounded. &1t;/

The void is dense and dense, and the terrifying strongmen all flock to Brother. &1t;/

Their hearts are tangled. &1t;/

Playing one is playing. &1t;/

But so many, they really will worry about something. &1t;/

"Brother, come on." Some disciples were too nervous, and their faces turned red, and they grasped the side of the brother's flesh with both hands. &1t;/

"Brother, you are the one who caught me, don't try so hard." &1t;/

The disciple next to him was miserable, his painful teeth grinned. &1t;/

"Lin Feng's main play is too big, the situation is not good." Jiu Se Pao grabbed his heart, a little worried. &1t;/

The situation can scare people to death. &1t;/

If he were surrounded by so many people, the chickens would be scared and blown away. &1t;/

Suddenly. &1t;/

"Colored eyes, close." &1t;/

The adversaries are already close, he will not let these guys burst out the strongest strength, and temporarily shut down directly, very safe. &1t;/

"Huh?" &1t;/

Extremely vicious, he vowed to kill Lin Fan's adventors, and he was shocked. &1t;/

"What happened?" &1t;/

"What the **** is going on." &1t;/

Just when they were surprised, the sky above them was torn apart, and the destructive power poured down. &1t;/

Lin Fan lifted the stone pillar, and didn't want to talk more about nonsense. &1t;/

"Bang!" &1t;/

"No..." &1t;/

The descendants shrouded in stone pillars looked frosty, and they fought desperately to resist, and the force bombarded the stone pillars, and only struck the stone with eggs. &1t;/

Poof! &1t;/

Those who were hit were spitting blood in disbelief, they did not expect it to become like this. &1t;/

call out! &1t;/

call out! &1t;/

Several figures descended from the sky, just like shells, bombarding the ground. &1t;/

The impact force was too strong, the ground cracked directly, hitting a big pit. &1t;/

Points increase. &1t;/

A stick will definitely die. &1t;/

Each strike uses the strongest power. &1t;/

"It's very comfortable." Lin Fan sighed. It didn't feel like that. At the same time, his favorability for this stone pillar increased linearly. &1t;/

Affection +1&1t;/

"How could this happen." &1t;/

The advent were shocked, all a little stunned. &1t;/

The other side just waved the stone pillars and bombarded it. The horrible wind blowing on his face felt like a split. &1t;/

This power is simply not what they can contend with, or the strength of the other party is much stronger than them. &1t;/

"Die to me." Suddenly, a descender gritted his teeth and burst into a scream, which was directly difficult. &1t;/

The vast light shines on the world. &1t;/

"It's good, and the response is fast enough." &1t;/

Lin Fan smiled, Shi Zhu flicked, and the space oscillated frequently. Then, regardless of March 7 or 21, he shot directly. &1t;/

Wherever the stick passes, there are shadows falling. &1t;/

Just like dumplings, crashing down to the ground. &1t;/

"Impossible, how could he be so strong." The advent were stunned. &1t;/

One of the descendants, a tiger with a bear on his back and a waist on his back, is another person who practices hard skills. He has a strong momentum and a great potential to tear the world, but at this time, his expression is full of fear. &1t;/

Beans sweated down from his cheeks. &1t;/

The whole body was shaking. &1t;/

The figure reflected in the pupil is the scene of Lin Fan holding the stone pillar to kill them. &1t;/

"My God, it's going to change." Nine-color ancestor opened his mouth wide, and he was stunned. &1t;/

Even the goddess Luo Yun on the side is the same. &1t;/

If it was not seen with her own eyes, or she could not believe it. &1t;/

Such a powerful adversary was actually beheaded by Lin Feng as a ants. &1t;/

"Aboriginal, you are looking for death." &1t;/

Suddenly, a descendant burned the flames of the sky, and the void around it spread like ripples. &1t;/

"Ah!" &1t;/

The advent screamed, and the void exploded like a mirror, showing a dark countercurrent. &1t;/

He grabbed it with one hand, as if pulling the world into the palm of his hand, a long knife emerged from the palm, spreading the power of ruining the world. &1t;/

"Brother Li, behead him." &1t;/

Other admirers saw this scene and were immediately overjoyed. They knew who this person was. &1t;/

Who can cultivate the sword technique to this level, besides him. &1t;/

"Great, I didn't expect my sword ancestor, sometimes even surprised by the sword of some younger generation." Knife stunned, his knowledge of the sword way has reached a higher level. &1t;/

But at this time, the knife that the advent showed was surprising him. &1t;/

In other words, another path was opened. &1t;/

"Chop!" The descender of the knife held the long sword high, all the surrounding power gathered, condensed on the knife, and then slammed and slashed. &1t;/

He believed that this knife was enough to kill this native. &1t;/

This is his strongest strength. &1t;/

Even the more self-experienced, in the desperate situation, burst out the power that could not be reached. &1t;/

"This is the ultimate knife. Brother Li has opened up his own path." The adventists were still sighing in this crisis, and they had to say that it is not without reason. &1t;/

"It's true, if Brother Li's knife can't deal with the other party, then we can only flee quickly. It's all careless."&1t;/

The advent are not fools, can you beat them, countless? &1t;/

I thought that there were many people, and you could kill each other. &1t;/

But now, they are wrong, and they are very wrong. &1t;/

Many people are useless, but only to increase the target of the slaughter. &1t;/

boom! &1t;/

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the ultimate Fanghua knife, and they wanted to see his trajectory, but a terrifying scene was born. &1t;/

"Your knife is okay." Lin Fan smiled, holding the blade with one hand. &1t;/

"What?" &1t;/

The advent were stunned and almost suffocated. &1t;/

Impossible, how is this possible. &1t;/

They thought about many possibilities, but never thought about it, but the other party took the knife so easily. &1t;/

"You..." The knife-bearer was shocked, because the transition was unfolding, and his face was already covered with bloodshot eyes, just like a worm is climbing. &1t;/

"Although it's okay, but it's still a little weak." Lin Fan smiled and raised his hand violently, stroking the stone pillar towards the distance. &1t;/

boom! &1t;/

When the head hits, the opponent's head is directly knocked and exploded. &1t;/

"This power is terrifying." The sword-bearer resisted, but in the blink of an eye, that kind of power swept through the body, leaving no room for resistance. &1t;/

The bones in the whole body were as if they had burst. &1t;/

The internal organs banged apart. &1t;/

In the end, the body turned into a stream of light, struck down below, banged and smashed to the ground. &1t;/

"What a terrible aborigine, guys, let me take a step first and save each other's lives." The rest of the admirers know their own strength very well. &1t;/

Whether you can beat each other, you know. &1t;/

At this moment, they really don't know what to fight with each other. &1t;/

Even if you stay here, you are just humiliating yourself. &1t;/

"Senior brother, invincible." Lu Qiming shouted enthusiastically. &1t;/

As the number one housekeeper of his brother, he must take the lead in cheering at this exciting time. &1t;/

This is not only to make the disciples have a sense of pride in the sect, but also to make the disciples witness the invincible power of the brothers and have a sense of worship. &1t;/

Sure enough, under his leadership, the disciples shouted madly. &1t;/

Some people have flushed faces and clenched their hands tightly, staring intently at the sky. &1t;/

The pride as a disciple of Yan Huazong came to mind. &1t;/

What a pride. &1t;/

Although, it is not their own who fights the advent in the void, but that is their brother. &1t;/

Even if they are salted fish, it must be the most proud salted fish. &1t;/

The female disciples screamed and their voice was very penetrating. &1t;/

"Brother, Brother, I love you..."&1t;/

At this moment, Yan Huazong was mad, and as the void continued to fall, the emotions of the disciples began to rise. &1t;/

There is the temple. &1t;/

The patriarch was indifferent like water, eating fruits, nibbling seeds, and watching the scene in the distance. &1t;/

"Look, that's my sect disciple, very powerful."&1t;/

"Hey, it's needless to say, a very good boy, respecting teachers and respecting me, and respecting me too. I don't understand the blessing of Yan Huazong."&1t;/

The Sect Master was alone, and he did not know who he was talking to, and kept talking to himself. &1t;/

Lv Qiming recovered his emotions, looked at the disciples around him, shouted his arms, "What else do you see, hurry up and act, Brother, don't you understand? The bodies of those guys are all in the pit, ring the storage, Collect all the clothes and wait for Brother to come back and give to Brother."&1t;/

"Yes, Brother Lu." &1t;/

The blood of all the disciples excited was boiling. It was too exciting and too cool. &1t;/

The kind of person who kills the adventurous ones is their brother. &1t;/

Under the leadership of Lu Qiming, the disciples began to harvest, and no body was turned over. &1t;/

Storage ring All clothes are stripped, of course, following Brother Lin's teachings, giving the deceased the last dignity. &1t;/

So they didn't pull the white cloth of their crotch. &1t;/

An infinite amount of ancestors looked at the surroundings without a word, and they also went to participate in the harvesting industry. &1t;/

These adventists are not weak, they must have a big secret, or something they do not know. &1t;/

The rest of the ancestors saw the behavior of the immeasurable ancestors, they also had an idea, and then joined the action. &1t;/

"Obious, great. Although this man died, his breath was even at the level of the old man. This..." The innumerable ancestor was shocked, but even so, he was knocked to death by the master Lin Feng, and had to be said to be extremely cruel. &1t;/

"No movement, what do you do, who allows you to take it." &1t;/

Just as countless ancestors were going to secretly hide each other's storage rings, a loud cry came. &1t;/

That was Yan Huazong's disciple. When he saw this man sneaking, he immediately followed him, but he didn't expect to see this scene. &1t;/

"Brother Lu, come here, someone steals something," the disciple shouted. &1t;/

Lv Qiming, who commanded the scene, was shocked by the words and could not help but condensate. &1t;/

Even if someone touches the fish in muddy water, you don't need to look at it to know that it is definitely not a disciple of Zong Men, it must be those ancestors. &1t;/

There has long been serious doubt about their character. &1t;/

It must be distrustful. &1t;/

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