It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 878: My demon ancestor is so fierce that he even scolds himself

Templars are coming to hug their thighs, which is quite normal.

"Teacher, what do you think?" For this matter, he didn't care. If he wanted to take refuge, he would take refuge. It's no big deal.

However, one of the most dangerous guys here is stealing the Thunder, and even his own sect has succeeded, and can he be expected not to steal Yan Huazong's things?

Of course, in the case of Zongmen, if Thunder has a very low probability of stealing success, he basically has no such assurance.

Lin Fan asked the teacher.

"This..." Tiansu hesitated, his expression a little serious.

The Holy Lord looked at Tiansu with expectation. If there were not many people, he must say, looking at his previous feelings, agree.

"Tu'er, since that is the case, then I agree. After all, the purpose of my sect is justice and friendliness." Tian Xu praised Zongmen.

"Yes, Brother Tiansu said very much." The Lord nodded in agreement, and now it is considered to be sent under the fence. If you don't follow other people's ideas, what can you do?


Once the evil monarch shook his head in distress and suffered, this is how it feels to be sent under the fence.

Seeing the Lord like this, he was the number one close to the small cotton-padded jacket, it was very sad.


Tiansu smiled, a little bit proud.

Yan Huazong, who was once a sect of the Orthodox Church, could not lift his head, but now that the feng shui has changed, Yan Huazong has become strong and left the Templar behind him.

As for revenge or humiliation of the Templar, this can't be done, I don't think it's a villain.

The Lord looked at Tiansu gratefully. When he came to Yan Huazong again, he had already made preparations, even if he was humiliated, or made very demanding requirements, he would stand on his head.

It is impossible to destroy Zongmen in his own hands because of his face.

"Holy Lord, since you are here, go there. It is not very far away, but don't be too close. If you encounter something, at least you can help." Lin Fan said.

"Thank you Lord Lin Feng." The Lord Lord was grateful, and did not expect that the matter would be solved so easily.

Thinking of the previous things, I felt sad in my heart. Templars treated Yan Huazong like this, but they did not expect that Yan Huazong not only did not remember it, but also agreed to move them around.

This kindness is definitely in my heart.

Lin Fan did not have much responsibility for the latter matters. The teacher and Huo Rong would handle them without him being responsible.

When I left, I looked at the sanctions and others.

Even, he saw Thunder's hands shaking, it should be itchy hands.

However, Thunder wants to steal something from Yan Huazong unless the sun comes out from the west.

The disciples of the Orthodox Church greatly changed their views on Yan Huazong.

They hadn't been to Yan Huazong before, and they always listened to others saying how poor and backward Zongmen was.

But now it seems that this is not so much better than Templar.

"Wow, it would be nice if I could find a Yanhua Sect disciple as a partner in the future." A female disciple of Sheng Tang Zong sighed, very thoughtful.

Hope to marry Yan Huazong.

"Yeah, yeah, if you look at Yan Huazong's disciples, you can see from the foot to the head that it is very extraordinary, it must be very rich, and if it can really become a partner, it is also very good."

This kind of thing is absolutely impossible.

How could the disciples of the Templars fall in love with Yan Huazong.

But now it's different. They are all delicious and popular.

Invincible peak.

"Unfortunately, it would be nice if the Templar can come early." Lin Fan thought of Liu Ruochen who was beaten to death by him, and felt a pity that he died too fast. Perhaps he was caught first, and until today, he can receive a perfect one. wave.

Forget it, don't think about it, or go to practice first.

The points harvest is very domineering.

With more than 60 million points, you can improve many exercises.

The exercises he practiced today are basically hard exercises, a little complicated, but these don't matter, it's not a problem, as long as they can enhance strength.

Fill up the background and step into the next realm.

Now he is invincible outside the domain, no one can hurt him.

But when it comes here, there will definitely be a more powerful arrival. By then, with its current strength, it may be a bit unqualified.

Know birds.

When the auditors learned that another master had hacked more than two hundred adversaries, he was stunned.

It's too tiger.

The strength of the guru has been terrified to such a degree, I really don't know who else can surrender to the guru.

The outside world is a forbidden place, where the demon ancestors are held.

A group of adventurous people traveled extremely fast, traveling through the void, and everything here was not a big crisis for them.

Even those terrible monsters are just ants in their eyes.

The existence can be extinguished by waving.

"Mozu is really imprisoned here?" Some adventors wondered.

As far as they know, the strength of the demon ancestor is extraordinary, how could this small realm be able to be held.

"Absolutely nothing wrong, Mozu must have been imprisoned here."

"Impossible, the strength of Mozu is terrifying. Who can suppress Mozu in this small outside world?"

For them, this is indeed the case, the pinnacle of the outside world is not the pinnacle of Dao Realm, and the strength of the Mozu, how many pinnacles of Dao Realm can't be hurt.

So the situation inside is unclear, and I don't know what the Mozu experienced here, how could it be suppressed here.

"Huh! It's here, how come there is no figure."

The descendants floated in the air and looked down at the rolling hills, where there was the figure of the demon ancestor.

"Isn't it a mistake? Or is it possible that Mozu couldn't stand loneliness and died?"

A descendant pondered, started his brain, and finally reached a conclusion.

Just as the voice fell, an angry roar burst from the mountains.

"Fuck, you're dead."

The voice was full of supreme magic power, and a group of scared adversaries tightened, a little scared.

It was too baffling to come, and it made people feel overwhelmed.

"I haven't hurriedly removed this abominable mountain from me, as long as you let me out and give you a great chance."

Mozu's voice is majestic and full of majesty. Even if he is imprisoned here, the breath is not weak at all, and has the power of Mozu.

The admirers looked at each other, they didn't come to save the Devil Ancestor, but came to do something.

"Don't move, maybe we will move these mountains, and the Devil Ancestor will come out."

"Yes, be careful. It is rumored that Mozu swallowed the sun and the moon and swallowed the outside world."

The admirers talked.

The demon ancestor, who was crushed under the mountains, was suddenly surprised, something was wrong.

These people did not come to rescue him, so it must come to inquire about his whereabouts.


It was planted here.

But no one saw that, besides himself, and the abominable sky, who else knew he was imprisoned here?


He already smelled the conspiracy.

The Adventists whispered to each other. For them, the Mozu is the legendary figure. When the Mozu crowned the world, their father’s father was not born yet.

So when I came here and heard the voice of Devil Ancestor, my heart was naturally very nervous.

Soon, there were adventors selected.

"Mozu, do you want to come out of the seal?" The adversary who spoke was a man with a handsome appearance. Among the adventurous group, the cultivation was the highest.

"You have found the wrong person, I am not a demon ancestor." Mozu replied.

His survival is very strong, although his strength is invincible, but he is imprisoned here, he has no strength at all, there is a fart.

And it can be guaranteed that this group of guys come to find themselves, absolutely uncomfortable.

Someone must be doing it.

Before restoring freedom, one must never let anyone know that he is a demon ancestor.

Of course, he did not believe in himself for so many years, and no one came to rescue him.

With his own communication, someone will definitely save him.

"Impossible, you must be the Mozu." The man retorted, how could it not be Mozu.

"Mozu is a fart? What is he? Laozi is the supreme demon, and what about Mozu? If he was in front of me, I would let him know what an ancestor was. It's a shit."

After a moment of silence, the demon ancestor opened the spray without hesitation.

As a demon ancestor, not only is he more spicy towards others, but he also shows no mercy even to himself.

The spray must be sprayed.

Those guys must be let, don’t think he is a demon ancestor, hurry where to get away.


The admirers looked at each other, very puzzled.

No way?

Could it be that he is not a magic ancestor?

They began to wonder, what is the existence of the demon ancestor, but the supreme, ruthless existence, how could they scold themselves?

"Are you really not a demon ancestor?" the adventors asked.

For them, the real strong man has never disdain to hide Even if faced with the threat of death, but for the strong man, face and dignity are more important than life, how can it be so humiliating Yourself.

"What is it? Can the devil ancestors still have my majesty and domineering?"

"I still say that, let me out, give you a great opportunity, and don't go to any devil ancestor, he's a gadget."

Mozu felt that he was cruel, and scolded himself. It didn't keep his hands at all. It was shocking and frightening when it was sprayed.

Although these little guys are a little smart, they are definitely not as smart as him, and they are too tender.

With his knowledge and experience, can this group of mentally retarded people have difficulty?

Although he was detained here for a long time, he broke off contact with the outside world, and his knowledge has not increased, but it is definitely higher than this group of guys.

"Not a demon ancestor, what should we do with this task?"

The advent are a little anxious.

They come with the space pillar, in addition to activating the space pillar, they are looking for the magic ancestor.

"Let's go first, here weirdness is revealed, whether he is a demon ancestor or not, at least he already has a direction." Some adventors said.


They don't care about people, let alone the chances promised by each other.

Sometimes, thinking too well is also a disaster, and can even lose your life.

"Hey, where to go, come back, let's talk."

Mozu wanted to go out, but he couldn't expose himself, and felt that they were leaving, and he was a little anxious. He could just flicker if he could, and he might come out.

But the Adventists ignored it and left quickly.

"Nima, running so fast?"

Mozu was shocked, and there was fire in his heart.

It's just that he felt the crisis. Someone had to find a way to get out if he wanted to get him.

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