It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 879: Could it be that I don't even have the qualification to be touched porcelai

A few days passed.

There are many things happening outside the domain, and many knowledgeable birds and chicks can't report.

The adversaries are in groups, and there are too many of them to do many big things.

And some of those who came are in groups, forming a great force.

Many forces surrendered under the prostitution.

Joined the advent team.

The overwhelming force, under the horror of the descendants, collapsed into a pile of rubble.



Can only be described as miserable.

The Templars finally settled down, not far from Yan Huazong, but not very close.

In the words of the Holy Lord, we can't rely on Yan Huazong too close, otherwise we will make the disciples feel like they have no faces, so they will renounce themselves.

But it shouldn't be too far away. If you are really in danger, it will cause too much time to come back and forth, and it will easily lead to the destruction of the sect.

Today, this thigh is determined.

They did not think about when they could hold, but they could not leave before the Templar did not rise.

"Thunder, is there something wrong with your hand? How do you think you have been shaking these days?" Once the evil monarch found that Thunder had a problem, he found this reason after Yan Huazong left.

At first thought it was just a simple matter.

But now it's been a few days, and it's still shaking, something is amiss.

"It's okay." Thunder glanced at the once wicked monarch, and left without thinking of anything.

He couldn't help it.

I always wanted to steal a wave from Yan Huazong, because I thought too much, so my itchy hands shook.

Once the evil monarch did not think much, he looked at the leaving Thunder Lord and muttered.

"The thief hidden in Zongmen is definitely not a thunder. With his shaking hands, he is unable to steal things."

He is now the number one horse beside the Lord. It is necessary to catch the thief in the sect, so he has been patrolling for suspicious targets.

A lot of things were stolen from Zongmen's treasure house.

Something of the disciples will also disappear inexplicably.

This is a very serious matter, and it also makes the disciples of Zongmen fear. No one knows who will be stolen next time.

Invincible peak.

Lu Qiming is waiting. Brother is really too hard, and is retreating, and he doesn't know when he will come out.


The secret stone door was pushed open.

Lin Fan's brain hurt a little.

It feels good to improve the exercises, and it feels cool to feel the feeling that your own power is skyrocketing.

The 250 adversaries are not scum, but many people still practice hard work.

"Great, I feel that the descendants practice more hard work."

He found this problem.

There are not many outsiders who practice hard exercises, but they are not without them. However, it is generally certain specific forces that will practice hard exercises.

But now it is different.

He dare to guarantee that these adventists did not come from the same big force, they were scattered, but many people have practiced hard skills.

That only shows that hard work can shine brightly with them.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Lu Qiming approached and asked, a little nervous. I didn't know what happened to him, could it be trouble?

"Nothing, think about things." Lin Fan reacted, the points were used very quickly, and the exercises improved a lot.

But the background is too large, he does not know when to accumulate.

If he were not determined and talented, he could really be forced to death and give up completely.

"Look at what you want to say, is there something you want?" Lin Fan looked at Lu Qiming, his expression was a little wrong, that was holding his words in his heart, just waiting for his own brother's inquiry.

A bit routine.

Lu Qiming was a little flustered and found the big secret. Instead of taking the initiative, he pretended to have something he wanted to ask the brother to ask.


Brother still knows him well.

"Hey, Brother, I don’t know if there should be something. It’s not good to come out, but Brother asked, and I have to. It’s related to our future." Lu Qiming was worried, obviously. There is a big deal.

"I'm listening." Lin Fan was a little bit upset, and he could make the younger brother take this seriously. That must be a big deal, just don't know what the big deal is.

He was a little panicked.

Lv Qiming looked around and made sure that no one was there before whispering, "Brother, we are attracting wolves into the room. Recently, I found that many of Zongmen’s brothers were a bit wrong. At first, I didn’t take it seriously. It feels like many younger brothers are like this, so I got a snack and followed the past."

"You, what did I see?"

When it was time to focus, Lu Qiming also sold a pass.

"My brother, who are you talking to, half of the words, hurry up." Lin Fan wanted to beat him a little, the most annoying thing was half of the words, it was too cheap.

Lu Qiming shrunk his head and quickly said: "I saw the female disciples of the Templar, it was intentional. They collapsed on the ground one by one, twisting their ankles and feet, and the pain was so pitiful."

"Originally I felt it was nothing. Spraining my foot was normal, but I followed two days in a row and found that the same female disciple twisted six times in front of the same disciple, three times in the morning, middle and evening. Now."

"You, this is not to seduce my master brother, this is to break into the inside, brother, you must be vigilant."

Lu Qiming couldn't believe it, even those of his mentors couldn't keep his heart.

"It's so powerful?" Lin Fan was surprised, but did not expect such a situation, wondering, could it be that Yan Huazong was too strong, and all the female disciples of Shengtangzong had found their home, and wanted to find a diamond king and five to marry.

It is possible, very likely.

"Yeah, why can't your disciples keep their hearts? What good are those disciples?"

"It's not just big breasts, buttocks, slim figure, beautiful face, exotic style, even the fans who have been fascinated by them have been touched by porcelain, what good is it."

Lv Qiming's inability to do so, this move of the Templars had to be very vicious and insidious.

"What's the good? You don't give all the good things of others." Lin Fan looked at Lv Qiming, and these good things came out. If not, then in Lv Qiming's eyes, what can be considered good?

"Brother, what can you do?" Lu Qiming saw that his brother was still calm and couldn't help it.

If something really happened then, I wouldn’t regret it.

"What can I do, what's the problem? It is clear that our sect students are very charismatic and understand? Has anyone sprained their feet in front of you?" Lin Fan asked.

He can understand that Boda, buttocks, is a man (except him) who can resist.

"How could I see through their thoughts at a glance." Lu Qiming said.

"You answer me, is there any?" Lin Fan asked.

"No." Lu Qiming shook his head.

The teachers and brothers were touched porcelain, but he was not touched, but had to, this is a bit strange.

"Let's go and see what's going on." Lin Fan also wanted to see how the female disciple of Sheng Tangzong touched the porcelain.

"Yes, Brother, you will see if you go to see it yourself."

The outside world is very unstable now.

Many great forces have been shrouded in the panic of the advent.

Already started to make a living.

As for Yan Huazong, those who live in leisurely life are relatively rare.


The two floated in the void.

The way to go in Huizongmen.

Someone is hoarding there.

It was a female disciple of Templar, and if you look closely, it is obviously well-dressed.

"Brother, look, this is prepared." Lu Qiming whispered.

This is very disdainful.

Originally, the Templar came to hug his thighs. As a disciple of Yan Huazong, he was very proud.

How could one think that the female disciples of the Templars were so miserable that they dared to seduce the disciples of the sect, which was a serious matter.

Lin Fan had no words, but looked at the situation below.

In the distance, there was a disciple Huizong. When passing by, a female disciple suddenly fell to the ground with a beautiful voice and a painful look.

The pitiful appearance was distressing.

The disciple naturally saw that it was the female disciple of the Templar, originally wanted to leave it alone, but when he thought of the purpose of Zongmen, he could only come forward to help.

"Huh, what a coincidence, it's you again." The disciple was surprised.

This has been done several times.

"Yeah, it's me again." The disciples of the Templar nodded, frowning with ankle pain, pointing to the ankle. "My foot sprained."

"Ah? Well, be careful. You have been sprained three times in the same place." The male disciple is a bit shy. Although his strength is not weak, he is still a little boy in terms of girls.

Moreover, the sprained woman is still very beautiful, with a slight scent coming in, which makes the male disciple a little bit unsettled.

Afterwards, the male disciple helped the woman to walk towards the distance, to send someone back to the sect.

"Brother, did you see that? This is unsightly, shameless, seduce yourself, are you, this Templar disciple, is there a problem, and I think these disciples, too, how can it be so simple Was it deceived by others?" Lv Qiming was very angry, and the disciples let him down.

"Look there, the industry chain has been formed. A group of people are waiting, clearly seduce my disciples."

When angry, Lu Qiming's face was black.

And also.

The disciples of the Templars were hiding in the distance and got together. They have formed a set of procedures.

Touch one, then another.

Come in their words.

That is to seize the opportunity and marry into the magistrate, which is the only choice.

"Hey, as a senior, there are also places where we can't do well." Lin Fan sighed.

If according to the previous temper.

He had gone up a long time ago, and a whip leg would pump these women in half.

"Brother, this is not your fault, it is their reason." Lu Qiming hurriedly said.

Lin Fan shook his head, "No, I didn't expect the major events of the younger brothers to live forever. At their age, they also got married. As brothers, they must be arranged like brothers and fathers. A big event."


Upon hearing this, Lu Qiming was stunned and a little dumbfounded.

Brother, what?

You agree.

" I still have something to do. There is no need to block this matter." Lin Fan left without much.

Lv Qiming looked helpless when Brother left, and then looked at the women.

"Well, okay, let me try you. What magic power actually attracted my master brother to see me debunk you."

He was dissatisfied, he had to try it himself, and then he fell, and he should pass by.

"Hey, someone came again, who are you going to?"

"I don't go. The fat people are a little short and don't look good. If I get along in the future, wouldn't it be torture me."

"Forget it, there are many male disciples of Yan Huazong, and this is fine."

A group of women discussed and then filtered Lu Qiming.

"Huh, come, let me see how painful your ankles are." Lu Qiming walked very slowly, giving him time to see what he could do.

But soon, his expression was a bit off.

What about people?

Good feet twisted, no one came out how to get to him.

Impossible, you must not see it, and go again.

Lu Qiming did not believe in evil, and walked back and forth many times, but no one came out every time.


He really didn't believe it, and felt a kind of unpleasant feeling over his heart.

When he pretended to leave and hid, a younger brother passed by, but the woman with a twisted foot immediately lay on the ground, revealing a pitiful appearance, and shamelessly seduce the younger brother.


Lu Qiming was a little silly, and a terrible thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Isn't Lu Qiming even qualified for being touched porcelain?"

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