It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 880: What I said is real

Lu Qiming is very hurt and does not think he is worse than others.

But reality taught him the gap.

When those disciples passed by, all disciples of the Templars touched the porcelain, but he was completely deserted.

"Maybe they are because I'm so handsome, they feel ashamed and know they don't deserve themselves?"

Lu Qiming can only comfort himself like this.

In fact, Lin Fan really does not know what to say about this matter.

Templar women are very dangerous.

The Shengsheng Chaos crushed I. Although it has been surrendered by the Huaniangniang, no one dares to say if he had anything to do during the time of the Holy Patriarch, it is unknown.

Invincible peak.

"Unfortunately, these adventists are really disappointing." Lin Fan muttered, all a group of counselors.

Every time I taunt, I hope to attract more people,

But who can think of it, these adventurists have already scared people, okay?

"Lao Hei has been outside for so long, I don't know what he is doing, but he is still alive."

In order to find opportunities, Lao Hei went straight to the court, but nothing happened, but he could feel that Lao Hei's feelings had weakened several times during this time.

According to his guess, it should be injured, but then it came through.

As for Brother Wang Fu, there is no news till now.

The probability of being killed by a person is very low, and it may certainly be where to practice slowly.

He took out Jin Cancan's paper and contacted the people over there.

Want to increase publicity and attract more adventists.

In the current situation, the Adventist can bring him more points, and what he needs now is too huge.

Relying on the current situation, it is simply not enough.

"Guru, what did you tell me?" The Zhizhi bird reviewer asked. The guru's power is obvious to everyone. At the same time, there are many contents on the Zhizhi bird, which are all related to the guru.

There are some forces who want to seek the protection of the guru and have been content on the Zhizhiniao.

Of course, in his view, this is definitely impossible.

How could the guru answer the party.

"I let you put the content of the provocation into the hands of every advent. Is it really possible?" Lin Fan asked.

He thinks there must be something wrong.

Otherwise, why would only come to such a few people.

It's simply impossible to fill your stomach with more than a gap in your teeth.

Knowing birds and reviewing people has always been very foolish. How could he not understand the meaning of the master, but it is really done, people can't blame him if they don't come.

"Guru, I really did it. For this matter, we know that all the birds are basically dispatched. Some of the adversaries hide too deep to find, but as long as they are exposed to the sun, we have found it, just If the other party doesn’t come, we don’t know.” The auditor said helplessly.

The master is such a tiger.

Ordinary people are afraid of trouble, but the master is better, just to start work, and simply do not want so much.

It's really amazing, okay.

Lin Fan wondered, impossible, the advent is so indifferent to the ancestors?

According to the frog, those ancestors who are descendants are all.

As long as he is still a **** person, his ancestors have been sprayed like this, how can they bear it.

So, it’s not scientific.

It makes no sense.

Wait, he thought of a very terrible thing.

That is, he did write all the ancestors of the descendants, but the writing is more intensive and complicated.

With the wisdom of the advent, I am afraid it is difficult to understand what is said.

Or it is not impossible to simply throw away the paper without paying attention to it at all.

Lin Fan clapped his hands, oops, careless.

This must be the case, otherwise it just doesn't make sense.

"Guru, what's wrong with you?" The auditor didn't know what to do, but the guru was silent for a long time, then there must be something big.

"Nothing, just a pity."

It is true, watching the points dangle in front of you, but it is not attractive, but it is really helpless.

"Guru, are you troubled by the advent?" The auditor asked. Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, seeing the guru's enthusiasm to attract the advent, it must be related to this.

Moreover, this is not a bad thing.

The guru can kill all the descendants, and it must be said that it is a good thing for people outside the domain.

In the recent period, I don’t know how many gates there are. The forces publish content on Zhizhiniao, hoping to seek help.

Or it is the crime of the Complainant.

"Well, that's the problem." Lin Fan wondered, not wanting to start the brain, feeling that the brain cells were wasted.

Zhizhiniao audits humanity: "Guru, I should have a way, do you believe me?"

"You talk about what is the first way, if a good way, I will believe you." Lin Fan asked.

"Look, you can do this. Let the Zhizhi talk to the adventors, and say that the guru is the most capable person from outside the domain. Challenge them to scum, set a time and place, and come as many as you like. A fixed time will definitely attract more adventists."

The reviewer gave this method. Of course, he actually has another method, but he felt that this method was a bit not very good, and was easily angered by the master.

That is to personally walk around the outside of the domain and cut all the advent.

It's just that it's too time-consuming. I'm afraid it won't be possible in a year.


Lin Fan was surprised.

The reviewer creaked, what's wrong? Could it be that there are still problems with this approach.

"Okay, very good. Just try your method. As for how to operate it, I will leave it to you. If you get it done, you can come to me if you have trouble in the future." Lin Fan nodded in satisfaction.

Sure enough, there are still many wise people.

But he is not alone in his wisdom.

Knowing birds knows how to review people's wisdom. Otherwise, if they are mentally handicapped, they can't think of such a high-end solution.

"Ah?" The reviewer was ignorant, and it was not so good for him to do it.

"Is there a problem?" Lin Fan asked.

"No, what's wrong with this, Master, don't look at me as a reviewer. In fact, I am a very talented person." The reviewer patted his chest and praised himself.

This is indeed a little difficult to handle, but finally let the master see him flashing point, even if it is difficult, then it must be hardened to get it down.

"Well, I can see that when I communicated with you for the first time, I have already learned from your words that you are a very talented person. When you know and appraise a bird, it is Qu Qu, you can rest assured, When you want to change your career someday, come to me." Lin Fan likes talents.

Especially those who like and can share for him.

Think about the blood reverent once, and I don’t know how.

Is it dead or alive, I really haven't thought about it.

There are too many people scattered outside the domain and do not know the result.

"Thank you Guru, but I'm very happy here. I just hope that if the knowing bird is in trouble, I can ask the guru to help me." The reviewer must not say yes, okay, if this is said, don't say the master can't Forgive him, not even himself.

"Sorry, no problem, when you know the day when the bird knows that it is going to be destroyed, just look for me and make sure you are fine." Lin Fan said readily.

It's a small problem.

Upon hearing this, the reviewers wanted to vomit blood.

The master's words were really polite.

If someone said this, they would have turned their backs.

But the guru said that it was right, and it was also a great thing for the wise bird.

"Go quickly, go quickly, get me informed when you're done, the location is near Zongmen, don't go that far, it's a waste of time."

Lin Fan couldn't wait, maybe this time it was really possible.

Hammer all the descendants to death, but it is really about to be reached.

Some forest.

The atmosphere was very depressed, with the breath of death, shrouded in the sky.

"Don't panic, everybody. Wang Fu said that he will take you to a safe place, and I will do it." Wang Fu leaned against a tree, his expression a little tired, but he didn't panic.

There is a group of people around.

It's not much better, the spirit and spirit are a bit depressed.

Wang Fu has been away from Zongmen for a long time.

Hearing what Brother said, everything was playing steadily, and he had good luck. During his training, he met a group of like-minded friends.

Although there are occasional contradictions, they are resolved.

Among them, he looked at a woman not far away.

This is the strong woman he has experienced in his experience. He has a long history. He is the granddaughter and granddaughter of the top powers in the outside world, and he is a pearl of the palm.

Originally, he wouldn't have any ideas, but the two of them gradually fell in love with each other on the way to experience. Although they were not clear, they both knew each other.

"Safe? Where is it safe now?"


A group of people talked and did not know where to be safe.

The woman who was indifferent with Wang Fu was very beautiful. It was black, smooth and shining with light, but the look was the same, and she blamed herself.

"Sorry, everyone, I'm hurting you."

She is the granddaughter of the great ancestor of the great religion, Shu Yin, and now everyone escapes like this, and it has something to do with it.

"Shu Yin, we can't just sit back and pay attention to this matter. If we blame it, we will blame those who came for being too abominable." Wang Fu said.

At the same time, it is deeply helpless.

Those who came are too strong and too scary.

His left arm wrist was cut off.

With his strength, he was able to regenerate his limbs, but he was suppressed by the descendant and placed a ban on his wrist to prevent him from recovering.

"My grandpa..."

Shu Yin was very worried, they could not escape but her grandfather rescued them, and was finally suppressed by the descendants and imprisoned.

And she did not expect that the second ancestor, who had a very good relationship with grandpa, turned to the advent and betrayed them.

If she didn't go back to practice, she wouldn't even know about it.

Wang Fu looked at everyone's expressions and knew that they were very low now.

"Everyone, I said that I will definitely take you to a safe place, please believe me, my sect is very powerful, and my brother is unparalleled in the world. Those who are coming are not in the eyes." Wang Fu said.

It's just that he didn't really believe many people.

It's very simple.

'Oh! ’

'Oh! ’

"Wang Fu, don't be amused, how is it possible, if it is really so strong, you will be like this now." said a man who was paralyzed on the ground.

He is the main force of the team's output, but when he meets the adversary, he feels like a child, being pinched in his hands to deal with.

"Really, my brother is really strong." Wang Fu was anxious, and he was telling the truth, why no one believed it.

"We know your brother is very strong, but compared with the advent, it is really incomparable. No matter how strong it is, it can be better than Shuyin's grandfather? That's the veteran Taoist peak strongman."

"You saw that war, her grandfather was suppressed by the advent."

Wang Fu got up and said anxiously: "Don't believe it, what can it be compared with my brother?"

When this was one thing, he felt something was wrong.


Shu Yin looked at him.

Some are unhappy, some are sad.

Wang Fu wanted to scold others, and he was telling the truth. Why didn't anyone believe it?

What is said is true.

No lie.

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