It's obviously a life skill, but you developed it into a magical skill

Chapter 110 Fang Tian’s halberd painting, eight unique skills of various sects

After the cloth was lifted, everyone turned their attention to it. A long weapon was placed in Lao Lin's hand.

Lao Lin frowned. After looking at it carefully for a moment, he asked.

"What kind of weapon is this?"

Not only him, but also the other Zhudao young people also looked puzzled.

They had never seen the weapon in front of them.

In fact, they all come from various casting forces and are very discerning, but they have never seen such weapons.

The weapon in front of him was very long, with a spike at the top and half-moon-shaped blades on both sides.

It is in the shape of a tic-tac-shape and looks extremely symmetrical, giving it a different kind of beauty.

Many young people in Zhudao started talking.

"What is this? Is it a stick?"

"I think it's more like a gun."

"That's nonsense. If it's a gun, why isn't there Hongying? It should be a spear."

"It's not a gun, it's not a stick, it's not a spear. What on earth is this?"

Everyone's discussions gathered together and became very noisy.

The whole space was like a vegetable market, noisy.

Lao Lin coughed lightly, asking everyone present to quiet down, and then turned his attention to Zhou An.

"What is this weapon of yours?"

Based on Lao Lin's experience, he had never seen such a weapon before.

Zhou An pointed to the weapon in front of him and said, "This thing is called Fangtian Painted Halberd."

In the Great Chu Kingdom, there is no such thing as Fang Tian's painted halberd.

He thought that since this competition, in addition to quality, was more about creativity.

Then create something that doesn’t exist in this world.

As for why Fang Tian painted the halberd, it was because he was very famous.

If this thing was mentioned in the previous life, anyone could conceive of such a picture in their mind.

——Lu Bu is among men, and the red rabbit is among horses.

Fang Tian's painted halberd is synonymous with fierceness.

Zhou An also thought of it immediately and used it.

Old Lin shook the Fang Tian Hua Ji in his hand: "It's very heavy. Can you tell me its function?"

Zhou An nodded.

"Fang Tian's painted halberd combines the functions of a spear and a sword. It consists of a halberd head and a halberd handle. The halberd head is made of metal material. The halberd can be up to more than three meters long."

"It can not only stab and pick, but also hook and peck. It is a sharp weapon used by infantry and cavalry."

"But you can also see that this thing is difficult to use, but if you are proficient in it, it is definitely very powerful."

Of course Lao Lin was an expert. He tried to dance with Fang Tian's painted halberd.

Although he is not a martial artist, it is a good purchase.

At this time, a policeman next to him was moved and stepped forward.

"Sir, I'm just practicing spearing. Can you let me try it?"

Lao Lin nodded and threw Fang Tian's painted halberd to the policeman.

The police officers in the government office are the real deal, and most of them have just entered the profession.

After taking Fang Tian's painted halberd into his hand, the policeman started to wave it with Fang Tian's painted halberd.

When swung, it is full of power, and every move and style is filled with a sense of power.

"Good! What a weapon!"

After finishing one set of swings, the policeman couldn't help but praise him and stroked the front end of Fang Tian's painted halberd with his hand.

"It's really all about thorns, hooks, and pecks. It's hard to guard against."

When a martial arts practitioner comes across a weapon that comes handy, they will naturally fall in love with it.

It's a pity that now is the time for the competition, so the detective can only suppress the joy in his heart and return Fang Tian's painted halberd.

After Zhou An waited until the weapon was returned, he continued: "The use of Fang Tian's painted halberd is complicated and requires great strength and skill. It combines the functions of a light weapon and a heavy weapon."

"Generally, those who use Fang Tian's painted halberd must be strong and have superb halberd skills in order to take advantage of the weapon."

"After you become proficient, you can compete with heavy weapons, such as bones, hammers, boring machines, etc."

"It can also compete with light weapons, spears, guns, and knives in combat skills. It places high demands on the user's physical fitness on the battlefield."

At this point in the explanation, all that needs to be said has been said.

Lao Lin is indeed an expert. After Zhou An finished speaking, he looked at the front end of Fang Tian's painted halberd: "If the hook on one side is removed and it becomes one-sided, the requirements for use will be reduced a lot."

Zhou An nodded and said, "That's right. This Fangtian Painted Halberd is suitable for use by generals. If half of the hook is removed, ordinary soldiers can also go to the battlefield after training."

Lao Lin looked at it carefully for a moment: "No need to compare, you are the first, I will consider the second place carefully."

At this point, the meaning is already very clear.

But as soon as Lao Lin finished speaking, a young man stood up.

"My lord, I am not convinced."

The young man cupped his hands.

A happy expression appeared on Lao Lin's face: "Why are you not convinced? You can bring it up. Our competition is inherently fair and just."

He thought it was funny. It was outrageous for someone to rush in and get fucked by others.

Long Xing stood below and sighed silently when he heard the young man's words, as if he thought of the time when he provoked Zhou An.

"Alas, another young man who is about to lose his luster."

The young man didn't know what they were thinking, and said very seriously: "Sir, of course, creativity plays a part in this competition, but another part is the quality of casting. Now I am ranked first based on creativity alone. Is it right?" A little sloppy?"

He was right. Some young people stood up and began to agree.

A competition is not just about creativity.

If this is the case, everyone can just think of creativity every day.

So the most important thing is quality.

When Lao Lin heard this, he looked at the weapon in the young man's hand.

It was a hammer, completely black and looked extremely heavy.

"Raise the hammer in your hand." Lao Lin said slowly.

The young man didn't know what he meant and returned the favor.

But after hearing what Lao Lin said, he still raised the hammer honestly.

Old Lin slowly walked up to the young man, then swung the Fang Tian Painted Halberd and struck it on the hammer.


A crisp sound rang out, and as the fire radiated, the hammer was smashed into pieces.

The young man only felt the tiger's mouth tremble, and he couldn't help but let go of the hammer, and saw the broken hammer falling to the ground.

This scene made the scene quiet for an instant. The few people who had just come out to echo silently retracted their heads, as if they did not dare to watch anymore.

Lao Lin looked around, his expression gradually becoming serious: "Who is still not convinced? Come up with a weapon and try it?"

No one present spoke.

Try a hammer!

Do you all want to go up and beat Fang Tian's painted halberd to pieces?

No one is that stupid.

The young man whose hammer was knocked off had a dull expression on his face.

He suddenly felt as if he had stepped into an abyss. The dullness on his face gradually disappeared and turned into a look of despair.

"I'm convinced."

The young man handed over his hands and was about to turn around and leave.

We are all craftsmen who specialize in crafts, and we cannot accept this kind of thing.

"Wait a minute."

At this moment, Lao Lin didn't intend to let him leave, but threw Fang Tian's painted halberd over.

"If you want to lose, just do it with all your heart. Just take a look."

The young man took it subconsciously, feeling extremely heavy in his hand.

He was also very curious, so he tried to test it using the casting method, and then a look of horror appeared on his face.

"Raise... increase the power by 20%!"

Everyone is into casting, and although their vision is not as good as that of Lao Lin, they can naturally feel it after they have received it.

It only took a moment to completely understand what the Fangtian painted halberd in front of him actually represented.

This time the young man was convinced that he had lost. He silently returned the Fang Tian Painted Halberd in his hand and returned to his position.

Not only him, but also other young people were speechless.

Lao Lin nodded with satisfaction and said, "Have a rest for half a day. You will continue to build defensive objects tomorrow, but you still can't go out. You can each share your thoughts."

After saying this, Lao Lin waved his sleeves and left here directly.

Zhou An was also ready to go back to the house.

But before he could take two steps, he found himself surrounded by a bunch of people.

There was excitement on the faces of these young people who wanted to communicate in depth.

There is no way, this kind of craftsman pays attention to his craftsmanship. Seeing his colleagues with superb craftsmanship, everyone wants to communicate with each other and learn from each other to improve themselves.

But Zhou An is really not interested.

"Everyone, it's really tiring to forge such a weapon. I just want to take a rest." Zhou An said.

The young people present looked at each other, and everyone was very polite and silently stepped aside.

Everyone knows it, they are all in this industry.

Casting something like this, even though it only requires a few hits with a hammer, is extremely taxing both mentally and physically.

So no one continued to stop him.

Zhou An returned to the room minding his own business.

The young people present started to communicate.

"Hey, tell me, why haven't you heard of him?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? The world is so big, have you heard everything?"

"Long Xing, no wonder you are dejected. You didn't lose unfairly. Everyone lost."

Long Xing smiled bitterly and said nothing.

Indeed, all the Zhudao young people in Yunlai Mansion have now lost.

But there are still many people holding on to hope. After all, there is still another competition.

"My family is good at forging defensive objects. I will definitely win the next game."

"That's right, when it comes to armor casting, my family is famous for being good at it."

"I will definitely win against him in the next round!"

There were several young people with high-spirited expressions on their faces.

When Long Xing saw this scene, he didn't want to say anything more.

Sometimes, only when you are hung up and beaten do you realize how dangerous the world is.

Young people began to communicate with each other again.

Zhou An didn't care about this. After returning to the house, he closed the door and sat on the chair to think carefully.

"Why hasn't that woman made any movement?"

"I took the most precious eagle from the Falcon Gate and couldn't find it at all. Does the method of waiting and waiting really work?"

He wasn't so sure.

But now, the enemy is in darkness and we are in the clear. Staying unchanged in the face of ever-changing situations is indeed the best way.

While he was thinking this, on the other side, Sifu Zheng looked at the information handed back by his subordinates and communicated with Sun Fuling next to him.

"A variety of skills?"

"Has it ever appeared here before?"

“And it’s the place of origin?”

When Sun Fuling heard what Zheng Sifu told him, he was secretly speechless.

Just now, through the investigation of materials, Zheng Si Mansion has found out some of the foundation of Yun Lai Mansion.

These things are all information sent from the superior Suppressor. Even Sun Fu Ling does not have this information.

Zheng Sifu nodded and said: "Master Sun, you should know what the various skills represent. Please go and tell Zhou An that we can't leave here for the time being."

Sun Fuling looked heavy, then nodded, left the place, and walked towards Zhou An's position.

Along the way, his expression was extremely serious, as if something important was about to happen.

The short distance was enough for a stick of incense to be walked before finally reaching Zhou An's door, raising his hand and knocking on the door.

In fact, it was inconvenient for him to come out for this kind of competition, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

But there is no way now, and Zhou An's strength has been recognized by everyone just now, which can alleviate a lot of misunderstandings.

There was a knock on the door, and Zhou An's voice came from inside. Sun Fuling then opened the door and walked in.

Zhou An was eating the meal brought by the police when he saw Sun Fuling coming in and put down the roast chicken in his hand.

"Master Sun, what's the matter?"

At this time, Sun Fuling came over, and Zhou An felt that there must be something going on, and there were a lot of things.

Sun Fuling closed the door with his backhand, walked to Zhou An and sat down, his face becoming more serious and dignified.

"Zhou An, things have gone beyond expectations. We have guessed what that guy wants to do. There may be a bloody storm here."

Zhou An frowned: "Master Sun, has it exceeded the capacity of Yunlai Mansion?"

He just asked casually, but he didn't expect Sun Fuling to actually nod.

Tell him clearly that it has indeed exceeded expectations.

"We have already reported it to the state level, but it takes time to get there. Even if we get there, sometimes everything may be too late."

When Zhou An heard this, he roughly understood the meaning.

"Master Sun, since you can find this place, you must have discussed a countermeasure with Zheng Sifu. I may need to take this countermeasure, right?"

Everyone is already here. If we don't have countermeasures, there is definitely no need to come and talk to ourselves about these things.

So Zhou An was very sure that the other party had something in mind.

Sun Fuling nodded, indicating that this was indeed the case.

"It's still early, so I'll tell you what happened in detail."

"This matter is a long story, starting with various skills."

"The so-called Hundred Skills of Miscellaneous Sects refer to the hundred most powerful branches among miscellaneous sects that have long since disappeared."

Zhou An's eyes lit up slightly. He was actually most interested in this kind of ancient history.

He came from time travel, and to be honest, he is very strong, but his foundation is weak.

The basis here does not refer to anything else, but to his knowledge.

Zhou An's understanding of this world is very poor.

You can fight if you can, but this aspect is still at the level of a newbie. Sometimes, this kind of information can be of great help.

So Zhou An was very interested in hearing these secret messages.

Sun Fuling only paused for a moment before continuing.

"A long time ago, there were four major categories in the world. Although the miscellaneous sects were leaderless, they were not the weakest because of the existence of miscellaneous sects with hundreds of skills."

"Something happened later. These things can be traced back to before the founding of the Chu Kingdom. It was a long time ago, so long ago that people have forgotten it."

"But there is a saying that can describe a variety of skills."

"A master of hundreds of skills, with unparalleled ingenuity, with one skill, the world will be in chaos, blood will rain, and a bloody wind will blow!"

Sun Fuling seemed to have thought of something, and his face turned ugly.

Zhou An took the tea and took a sip. He felt like he was listening to gossip and was very excited.

The sentence described by Sun Fuling just now painted a mysterious veil on the miscellaneous skills.

According to Zhou An's understanding, each of these so-called miscellaneous skills, listed individually, is enough to throw the entire world into chaos.

Such a powerful thing has been lost, which makes Zhou An wonder what must have happened inside.

As expected, Sun Fuling continued speaking after a brief pause.

"This sect is very powerful, but as a saying goes, it flourishes but then declines."

"Actually, this is a very secret thing that few people know about. At that time, Zamen was firmly in the top spot."

"Especially those who master various skills are at their peak, but one day something happened."

"There is a person who is extremely talented and can be called the strongest master of his generation. As for his name, it can no longer be traced back."

"The various skills that ordinary people need to spend a lifetime to study are easy to do in his hands."

"He spent a lot of time and energy to integrate various skills into eight."

"It's called the Eight Unique Skills, which means unique skills in the sky and on earth."

Zhou An became more and more interested and quickly asked what the eight special skills were.

Sun Mansion ordered: "They are psychic medicine, magic poison-breaking, arithmetic, illusory annihilation array, mind magic, extreme casting, skillful weaving of silk ribbons, and arranging troops and dispatching generals."

"Brother Zhou, you definitely want to ask what these things mean, and you also want to know what's strange about them, but it's a pity that even I don't know."

Having said this, Sun Fuling showed a helpless expression.

"Whether it is the Great Chu Kingdom or other countries, these eight special skills have been sealed. It is impossible to reveal them to others. It is good to know the names. The reason is also very simple. They are too powerful and they are afraid of causing others greed."

"Let's talk about the follow-up."

"Later, the person who created these eight unique skills got greedy and wanted to fuse the eight unique skills. Who knew that after the fusion, he died."


Zhou An murmured in his heart.

People who can create eight unique skills are definitely not just ordinary people.

According to what Sun Fuling just said, this person was probably invincible in the world at that time.

He died inexplicably. What happened?

Of course, Zhou An looked at Sun Fuling's expression and seemed not to know about it, so he asked Sun Fuling to continue talking.

Sun Fuling said slowly: "Not only is he dead, the power of the miscellaneous sect and Baiji also disappeared overnight."

"Later, according to the records of later generations, there was a person at that time who swept away all the forces of all kinds of skills and destroyed all their foundations."

"Actually, by this point, you should have guessed who it is. Of course, it's just a guess."

Zhou An pondered for a moment and said slowly: "The person who created the Eight Special Skills destroyed all the Hundred Skills forces."

This is what we can only guess. In that era, the miscellaneous sects were unparalleled, and their skills were unmatched.

Except for those who combine the eight unique skills, there is no one who can continuously push back these forces.

Sun Fuling nodded and said that Zhou An's guess was correct.

"The founder of the Eight Special Techniques died inexplicably, but the cause of death was found out. He died from all the Qi in his body being consumed."

"Later people speculated that it was because he had a battle with various skills, and one person overpowered them all, but he was completely exhausted."

"As for the reason, we don't know."

It would be extremely terrifying for one person to push everything away. Of course, there is no clue as to why he pushed away these things.

Zhou An is a very smart person. He drew inferences from one example and figured out the next thing: "According to what Mr. Sun just said, Yunlai Mansion is related to the miscellaneous skills. Is it possible that there is an Eight-Tricks Skill here?"

This is the only guess that can guess the source.

Sun Fu ordered: "When that person died, he disappeared together with the eight unique skills, but later someone discovered the incident of the eight unique skills. A person once walked out of Yunlai Mansion."

"That person is proficient in extreme casting. He even once said in the world that there are eight unique skills hidden in Yunlai Mansion."

"Later, many people came to Yunlai Mansion to look for him, but they couldn't find anything after searching for a long time. Gradually, the news faded away."

"By the way, that person is dead, very dead. Before he fully grew up, he said that he was the owner of the Eight Special Skills, which aroused a lot of greed."

Zhou An touched his chin.

This kind of person is really stupid.

"The other eight unique skills may not be clear, but we have some understanding of this one."

"Absolute Casting is related to casting. It is said that it can not only improve the quality of casting, but also practice it to the depths, and everything can be turned into a cast object."

There was a look of fear in Sun Fuling's eyes, as if he remembered something.

"It is said that there were thousands of masters from various sects at that time, and every one of them was a first-class giant, besieging the person who had the ultimate forging."

"They came from different countries, and more than 800 of them died. When they came to check the bodies, what do you think they were like when they died?"

Zhou An asked curiously: "What?"

Sun Fuling took a deep breath, and his fear became even stronger.

"The weapons they... held became forged objects, and the mineral deposits underground also became forged objects when they were drilled out of the ground. They died miserably!"

Zhou An's eyes widened and he took a deep breath.

If this is the case, it is really terrifying. Not only can it improve the quality of casting, but it can also turn others into enemies of the world.

This kind of... Huh?


It seems I can also improve the quality...

Zhou An shook his head and put away the special thoughts.

"According to Master Sun, the other party wants to get the Eight Special Skills, but what does this have to do with the bloody storm in Yunlai Mansion?"

If you really want eight unique skills, then there won't be much trouble.

Sun Fuling smiled bitterly and said: "I learned from Brother Zhou before that you can do whatever you want. We are worried that if the other party really finds the Absolute Domain Forging and tells the specific location of the Absolute Domain Forging, then they will not be able to tell the truth about it. Yes, if they come here secretly, Yunlai Mansion may not be at peace either."

Those are eight unique skills. Obtaining one of them is enough to gain a firm foothold in this world.

If someone really knew that he was in Yunlai Mansion and knew the exact location, he would be able to cause trouble if he didn't say it openly but secretly.

After all, it would be okay if this thing was really taken away. The key is to worry about not taking it away and exposing the position.

It is true that Dachu State can come and take it away in advance, but if it cannot be taken away, no one can say for sure.

If you can't take it away and keep it in Yunlai Mansion forever, Yunlai Mansion will really become a troubled time.

The safest way is to let this matter rot in your stomach forever.

After Zhou An figured everything out, he asked: "Tell me the specific method. What do you plan to do?"

Since he came to find him, he must have a plan. Zhou An wanted to hear what the plan was.

He was going to kill that woman.

After all, he offended himself, threatened himself, and even kidnapped Yu Hang.

This woman must not be kept.

Isn't it just asking for trouble for yourself if you keep it?

"We have to guard her."

Sun Fuling said.

"If she wants to deal with the young Zhudao people here, then people will be needed to protect the place. If she wants to find the Eight Jue Techniques, the Eight Jue Techniques will also need people to protect them. There are not enough manpower."

"What we mean is that since Brother Zhou is here to participate in the competition, Brother Zhou can be protected here. Brother Zhou can rest assured that your work will never be in vain."

Zhou An became interested: "What are the benefits?"

To be honest, Sun Fuling understands these things very well. When I heard what Sun Fuling said, I actually felt quite comfortable in my heart.

There is no free thing these days, and no free help. Only when there is something beneficial can everyone be willing to do it.

This is not Zhou An's reality, but that those who work purely for nothing are fools.

Zhou An really wanted Mi Mo to die, but if he could get some benefits on the way, why not?

"Materials." Sun Fuling said seriously: "How about taking the essence of iron ore as you please?"

Zhou An's eyes lit up slightly.

He is skilled in the fusion casting method and has practiced forging for a period of time. He also learned a lot from Blacksmith Zhao.

In fact, to build this thing, first look at the craftsmanship, and secondly look at the materials.

The better the materials, the better the things you build will naturally be.

It's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

If the materials are good, the things created will naturally increase in price.

Take the things Zhou An builds as an example. He uses ordinary iron materials.

If he can get better materials, what he can produce will be stronger.

The so-called essence of iron ore is the best of iron ore.

In fact, according to common sense, there is no such thing as the best iron ore, but this world is even weird and cannot be described by common sense.

If he really wanted to talk about scientific principles, Zhou An felt that he would become a bully.


He agreed without hesitation.

With this thing, he can change his outfit and become stronger.

What's more, he can kill Mi Mo and kill two birds with one stone.

"But I have a condition. If she dies by your hands, I want to see her head."

These days, the only way to feel at ease is to see the enemy's corpse in person.

Sun Fuling promised: "I will definitely do it when the time comes. In addition, we will also arrange some people here to assist Brother Zhou. Of course, they will all hide in the dark."

Zhou An nodded.

The matter was settled, and Sun Fuling didn't say anything more, turned around and left directly.

Zhou An's place was quiet again.

He waited patiently, waiting for the next competition to come.

Outside Yunlai Mansion, in a wilderness.

In a cave.

A piece of broken white jade appeared in Mi Mo's hand, and the white jade was emitting hazy light.

Looking at the light above, Mi Mo's eyes showed excitement.

"Okay, okay, give me a little more, I'll wake you up if I give you a little more."

The light on the white jade flickered, but overall it was relatively stable.

After waiting for a while, Mi Mo put the white jade away, and his smile became more and more excited, as if he had a treasure.

Yu Hang was tied to a stone, his face extremely pale.

During this time, he only ate a small amount of food and became extremely weak.

"Witch, witch!"

Yu Hang is still talking.

He suffered not only physical torture every day, but also mental torture.

This witch instills incredible thoughts every day.

The most surprising thing is the so-called idea that ordinary people are not destined to die.

"Demon girl? You keep scolding me like this over and over again, it seems really boring." Mi Mo Le said: "Soon, I will become a person that no one can match in this world."

"Extreme casting is one of the eight unique skills. Who would have thought that the casting competition held by the Great Chu Kingdom could indirectly fulfill our indulgence?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, who would have thought that to know the specific location of the Absolute Realm Forging, a large number of casting people would be required to devote themselves wholeheartedly to casting, communicating with the spirit of casting, and then using the white jade fragments left by the original genius Only after it is absorbed can it become a key?"

"The Great Chu State held this Dao Casting Competition, which happened to fulfill our ambition."

The more he talked, the more excited Mi Mo became.

"When I activate the extreme casting, all those who contributed their casting spirit and energy will lose their lives. No one knows, I will take my life from the air."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Witch! You don't deserve to die!" Yu Hang said angrily.

Mi Mo said nothing more and took out the broken white jade again, admiring it carefully.

Time passed gradually, and the next day arrived in the blink of an eye.

The arrival of the second day made all the young people working harder.

Although Zhou An was beaten in all aspects in terms of weapons.

But they at least held on to hope.

Maybe there will be some victory on the road of defense, no one can say for sure.

Zhou An didn't take a step out of the room, and he was casting defensive objects with peace of mind.

This time, he had a new idea and planned to create another flowery activity.

Carrying the iron material, Zhou An began to beat it.

Two more days passed, and two days later, Zhou An had already typed out all the forged objects.

In the remaining two days, he planned to continue the liver fusion casting method.

In the last two days, the sound of banging gradually became less and less, until the last day came.

Following the shouts outside the door, Zhou An and other young people carrying their own castings walked out of the house.

Everyone has a look of confidence on their face.

After walking out of Zhou An, he felt that everyone was looking at him, full of challenge.

This time, Lao Lin did not take the usual path and set his sights directly on Zhou An.

"Zhou An, I'll start with you this time."

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