It's obviously a life skill, but you developed it into a magical skill

Chapter 111 Mi Mo’s plan was defeated by Spirit 2

Chapter 111 Mi Mo’s plan, broken by Spirit +2

When Lao Lin finished saying this, everyone present turned their attention.

Because Zhou An's weapons were so brilliant before, everyone has extremely high expectations for him now.

Zhou An doesn't care, it doesn't matter if it's earlier or later, it won't have much impact on him.

After hearing what Lao Lin said, he stepped forward and placed the things on the table.

Lao Lin raised his hand and uncovered the cloth, revealing the contents inside.

Everyone's eyes turned from expectation to disappointment.

What was in front of him was just an ordinary piece of armor. There was nothing unusual about it, and there wasn't much difference in creativity.

In fact, Zhou An also thought about it and felt that there was no need to think too much about creativity.

Now that the victory has been decided, in terms of quality alone, we can win the battle perfectly, and there is no need to spend time thinking about these things.

Lao Lin thought it was nothing. He picked up the armor, touched it, nodded, and said something that shocked everyone present.

"The hardness is the same as the previous weapons, and it can also increase the defense effect by 20%. What branch are you in? Not only weapons, but also armor can achieve this effect."

There are too many branches of the Miscellaneous Sect, and even Lao Lin may not know them all.

Sometimes some branches appear in the deep mountains and old forests, and there are some that have not been registered.

As soon as he asked this question, Lao Lin knew that he had lost his temper.

This kind of question should not be asked because everyone has their own secrets.

It's not polite for you to pry into other people's secrets.

So Lao Lin waved his hand, indicating that Zhou An didn't need to say anything.

Zhou An shrugged and didn't take it seriously.

However, all the young people present opened their mouths wide, wishing they could stuff two eggs into them.

They really didn't expect that at this time, even if you are not as creative as you are, the quality is still so high.

What does this allow everyone to do?

This armor is not only hard, but can also increase its power by 20%.

Even if the big guy's creativity is fancy, he can't beat it at all.

"It turns out that he doesn't bother to be creative at all, and we don't even have the qualifications to let him take action."

The young people were crestfallen, obviously shocked by this thought.

"Okay, okay, don't look dejected. The world is so big and there are always people better than you. Don't be like frogs in the well. What we craftsmen have to do is to work hard and make progress every step we can. I understand. ?"

Lao Lin frowned and gave a cold drink.

Although this sentence was of little use, it at least cheered up these young people.

If you can't compete for first place, you can always compete for second place, right?

"Let's fight for second place, it's the same thing."

As for number one, people cannot be compared with each other.

The young man from Zhudao began to show off what he had built, and Lao Lin continued to judge.

Zhou An was the first to be assessed, so he has nothing to do now.

He no longer paid attention to the game, but looked around with his eyes, trying to spot something strange.

That woman Mi Mo is insidious and very powerful. She might attack at this time.

All details must be controlled.

Zhou An would never miss the slightest chance.

As long as he seizes the opportunity, he will remove the other person's head from his neck forever.

After looking at it for a while, Zhou An even looked at the corner of the wall, but still found nothing unusual.

The competition continues.

Since Zhou An was the first one to show up, he didn't put much pressure on those behind him.

So the subsequent competition was extremely lively.

When every young man opened his own creation, he had to introduce it carefully and even compete with his peers.

This situation made the competition become more intense.

Zhou An was still looking around, and as the competition became more and more intense, he seemed to feel something.

Just now, he suddenly found that his spirit had become a little sluggish. This situation was very detailed and difficult to detect.

If it were someone else, they might just think they were in a trance and not feel vigilant.

But Zhou An became vigilant.

He has a mental +2 attribute, which gives him powerful mental defense.

The sudden malaise, although it was only for a moment, was made up for by the +2 spirit, but it did happen.

At this time, no detail can be ignored.

Even if it's just inconsequential.

Zhou An felt it for a while, and the energy and spirit that had just disappeared were replenished.

But the place where it disappeared really disappeared, and I don’t know where it went.

With doubts, he looked at the young people around him, and then he noticed that some of the young people had tired faces.

This fatigue has nothing to do with crafting.

Because now is the hot time, even if you are tired, your face will not show too much.

But the fatigue he saw just now seemed to have arisen suddenly and could not be covered up by the fiery competition.

"Something's wrong, something's very wrong!"

Zhou An looked at it again, and more and more young people showed signs of exhaustion on their faces.

These young people are still immersed in the game and are not aware of their own situation.

Lao Lin has been checking what the young people have cast.

He is the judge of this game, so even though he looks calm and relaxed on the surface, in fact, as an official, he carefully examines every item created to ensure fairness and justice.

It was precisely for this reason that he did not observe anything wrong with the expressions of these young people.

Zhou An was thinking in his mind, and suddenly took a deep breath, put his hands behind his back, and made a gesture.

This gesture was told to Sun Fuling when he came over yesterday.

Here, the Zhenguisi also arranged some personnel, and these personnel were hidden in the dark.

If Zhou An wants to contact them, he only needs to make this gesture, and these people will see it.

Sure enough, when Zhou Anbi made this gesture, a person suddenly appeared on the originally heated field.

This person came out of a corner, very hidden.

Not many people saw it as young people were obsessed with the game.

When the members of the Zhensi came to Zhou An, Zhou An told the story.


The members of the Zhenshisi were obviously stunned, and then nodded, indicating that they would check it out immediately, and then inform the Zheng Sifu by the way.

After the members of Zhenshisi left, Zhou An waited patiently.

He found that after a while, he felt detached again.

This time it was still very rare, but Zhou An noticed it again.

Zhou An was okay and immediately added, but this group of young people who cast the path showed even more sluggishness.

"If this continues, will these people die?"

The phenomenon in front of him reminded Zhou An of this point.

At this moment, the members of the Zhenguisi who had just disappeared appeared.

"I just received a message from Master Zheng. I have found Mi Mo's whereabouts. It is in a cave in the wilderness."

The members of the Suppression Division whispered.

Zhou An came back to his senses and frowned: "Is the news reliable?"

The members of the Suppression Division nodded: "The arithmetic person we invited is very confident that he is right. Mr. Zheng has already brought people over. He said that we can stop here temporarily."

"Arithmetic from a miscellaneous family, another member of a miscellaneous family."

Zhou An didn't trace what arithmetic was, he touched his chin and watched the extremely heated game.

If I had known that I would be the finale, it would be difficult to stop at this time.

The atmosphere has been set up to this point, and it can't just stop.

He didn't expect that these guys would compete so vigorously for the position of second child.

Zhou An looked at Lao Lin.

This situation occurs to so many people, no matter how carefully Lao Lin evaluates it, he will still find something.

He and Zhou An looked at each other.

In fact, he had already received news about Mi Mo. The abnormality at this time was definitely related to Mi Mo.

Zhou An looked around and said loudly: "Stop everyone."

At this point, there is nothing to be particular about. It is best to use the simplest method to solve it.

Just ask them to stop and this situation should not happen.

As Zhou An shouted loudly, everyone present stopped for an instant, and the originally heated atmosphere dropped a lot.

Everyone is paying attention.

They didn't understand why they were suddenly stopped at this time.

Zhou An glanced at everyone and said, "Someone is making trouble, look at your faces."

He didn't make it very clear, especially about the eight unique skills, which he couldn't talk about at this time.

But the easiest way to make this group of people stop is to let them see it.

Everyone was confused, but they all subconsciously looked at the people around them, and then they all noticed each other's depression.

Soon, everyone present was shocked.

There were bursts of exclamations on the field.

"What's going on? Why do you look so much older?"

"You too, you look like you haven't slept in several nights."

"No, what's going on with everyone!"

The originally fiery arena suddenly became noisy, and the sounds of one after another resounded throughout the space.

"Everyone, be quiet."

Lao Lin knew that Zhou An had given him a head start, and now he had to assist him, so he quickly raised his hand and made a comforting gesture.

When the master craftsman like him opened his mouth, the young people naturally stopped one after another.

"There are demons making trouble, so the game is suspended. But don't worry, the adults to suppress the evil spirits have been dispatched. There is no problem with this matter." Lao Lin also gave a reason.


All the young people present were stunned.

They really didn't expect that someone would come to make trouble for such an important competition.

But when they heard that there was a spy taking action, they didn't think much about it.

In the Great Chu State, Zhenguisi specializes in handling these matters, and they can be said to be very professional people.

It is precisely because of this that the young people happened to see the person next to Zhou An wearing clothes to suppress the spies.

Not only that, the members of the Zhenshisi seemed to be in awe of Zhou An, and even stood one step behind when standing next to him.

This scene aroused the suspicion of the young people, and they started talking one after another.

"Isn't that Zhou An? Why is he accompanied by a person who suppresses Guisi?"

"Didn't you see the expression on this man's face when he looked at Zhou An? He seemed very scared."

"Isn't Zhou An good at casting? He is not in the same circle as Zhen Guisi at all, how can he be related to it?"

At this moment, many young people had many conjectures in their minds.

Zhou An became more and more mysterious in their eyes.

The members of the Suppression Division continued: "Master Zheng wants them to deal with Mi Mo. You still have to guard this place. If something happens, you and Master Lin can help each other. By the way, plus Sun According to the government order, we can be sure of everything here."

Zhou An, Sun Fuling and Lao Lin, there is really no problem for the three of them to stay here.

But there were a lot fewer people over at Si Zheng's Mansion.

At least the masters have a lot less.

"Can Mr. Zheng be able to withstand it?" Zhou An asked.

The members of the Zhenguisi nodded: "If Mi Mo only has that kind of strength, it will be no problem. Although the masters have not been there many, they are all the top among the Yunlaifu Zhensi."

Zhou An nodded, he always felt that things were not that simple.

With the suspension of this competition, the decadence of the young people of the Casting Road has not deepened, proving that they have not continued to be drawn.

Zhou An was worried that the tiger would be lured away from the mountain, so he kept guard here.

Time passes gradually.

At this time, something unusual appeared in what was originally a normal situation.


One of the young men screamed, fell to the ground holding his head, and fell into a coma.

As the young man fell to the ground, more and more young men fell to the ground, all unconscious.

Seeing this scene, Zhou An was about to take action when he suddenly sensed a hint of danger.

He felt as if a giant hammer was hammering into his mind.

Every time he hammered down, his spirit collapsed.

If the spirit is completely broken, he will fall to the ground in a coma.

The Qi in the body began to flow rapidly.

The powerful defense brought by Spirit +2 allowed him to push back this invisible giant hammer.

But this invisible giant hammer did not disappear, but hung high above his head, as if it would fall at any time.

Lao Lin had quick eyes and quick hands. He ran to a young Zhu Dao man to check, and his expression became very strange.

"What happened?" Zhou An walked over and asked.

"Most of my energy was taken away in an instant, so I fell into a coma. There is no danger to my life, but I need to rest for a while." Lao Lin said.

"The other party seemed to be specifically targeting them, as if there was some kind of trigger due to the creation."

Zhou An nodded.

He also thought about this problem just now. There was nothing wrong with Lao Lin, but there was a problem with participating in the competition.

Even he almost got hit, and now the invisible giant hammer is still hanging in the air.

If I hadn't happened to have spiritual attributes, I probably wouldn't have been able to withstand it.

"Old Lin, do you think it's possible that what she wants is these things, such as the current situation." Zhou An said.

He didn't say what he said later. If Mi Mo was really for the Absolute Realm Casting, and the opportunity to obtain the Absolute Realm Casting was triggered by these, then Mi Mo's goal would have been achieved now.

While the two were checking, an unusual situation occurred again. A white dove flew from outside and landed on the shoulders of the members of the Zhengui.

The members of the Suppression Division first took off the white pigeon and removed the letter paper from the leggings.

When he opened it, his expression immediately went blank.

Zhou An walked over: "What happened again?"

The member of the Suppression Division handed over the letter in his hand: "Look."

Zhou An took it in his hand and roughly read the contents on the letter.

There is not much content, but every sentence is important.

What was mentioned above is that Zheng Sifu has arrived at the destination.

But we are currently in trouble.

They found Mi Mo and surrounded Mi Mo, but Mi Mo held Yu Hang in his hands and used Yu Hang as a hostage, and the situation reached a deadlock.

And asked Zhou An not to act rashly, they suspected that there was danger here too.

Zhou An saw this and returned the letter.

He always felt that there was something wrong here.

First of all, one thing is certain, Mi Mo cannot be so stupid.

This thing is too simple, especially when Mi Mo is discovered.

Mi Mo's ultimate goal seems to be to obtain the Extreme Casting.

After obtaining it, Yunlai Mansion's troubles became bigger. seems...

too easy!

Zhou Angang thought this, and the next moment, an abnormality really appeared.

The young man from Zhudao who had been lying on the ground suddenly woke up.

Their eyes were open and lifeless, as if they had lost their souls.

But unexpectedly, they all stood up and stood there like logs.

There are hundreds of people who cast the path here. When hundreds of people stand like logs, it brings a great sense of shock.

The appearance of this scene has to be said to be extremely strange.

Seeing this, Zhou An was about to take action when Lao Lin suddenly moved.

Lao Lin's eyes also became dull.

Not only that, Lao Lin actually picked up the Fangtian Painted Halberd made by Zhou An before.

Other young people also held weapons.

Their weapons were aimed at Zhou An.

"I'm hit!"

Although he couldn't explain the scene before him, Zhou An felt that it must be related to Mi Mo's conspiracy.

Since Mi Mo can use special methods to extract the spirits of these people who cast the path, he can also use special methods to control these people.

It's obvious that these people are now under control.

Even Lao Lin is the same.

Just like it was triggered through the casting competition, Lao Lin was equivalent to participating in the casting competition and was also triggered.

"Why do they look like puppets?" The members of the Zhensi secretly muttered as they saw them for the first time.

It was precisely because of this muttering that Zhou An heard it, a light flashed through Zhou An's mind, and he thought of something.

"Puppet! Wait! Puppet!!!"

Zhou An thought about the fake Yuhang he met not long ago, but he was actually made of iron.

The other party seems to have the ability to create iron puppets.

"You send a message as quickly as possible and tell Mr. Zheng that Mi Mo is probably a fake and a piece of iron."

"Mi Mo used lies to confuse you, and even asked Yu Hang to accompany him, just to make you believe it. Go and inform you quickly, and leave this place to me."

Zhou An said calmly.

The more chaotic the situation, the more you need to learn to be calm.

When you become calm in times of chaos, you can find real opportunities.

After hearing this, the members of the Zhengui quickly left.

At the same time, all the members of the Suppressing Secrets hidden in the dark have appeared. They each hold weapons and aim at these young people who cast the path.

Ruoyouruowu's murderous aura gradually bloomed on the field.

"Zhou An, he is an iron puppet with all kinds of skills!"

At this moment, a voice sounded.

Sun Fuling rushed to the scene quickly with a brush and a book in his hand.

Not only him, the police also came to the competition venue and surrounded the controlled group of people.

The fused various skills are called the Eight Ultimate Skills, but that does not mean that there are no more various skills.

The various skills are indeed lost, but over the long years, people still appear from time to time.

"Master Sun, you didn't tell the truth before. It seems that you are very knowledgeable about these things." Zhou An said calmly.

When we were chatting not long ago, we were talking about the eight unique skills and the various skills that were not very clear, but now it seems very clear.

Sun Fuling coughed to cover up his embarrassment: "Brother Zhou, please forgive me. These things are indeed secrets. I have disclosed everything I can."

Zhou An didn't think anything of it.

Originally, you are not a member of the officialdom. If others can tell you so much, it is already very good.

This thing is a secret, and hearing too much about it will not only do no good, but may also cause harm.

"Master Sun knows so much, can he find Mi Mo?" Zhou An asked.

As they were talking, the murderous aura had gradually become stronger, and these controlled people all aimed their weapons at Zhou An.

Zhou An pulled out his long sword and said calmly: "Everyone, although you are controlled, if you want to attack me, I can only kill you."

This thing is not acting in a TV series. If this kind of scene appears in a TV series, it may avoid accidental injuries or something.

But in reality, this is not the case.

If you still think about these things in this situation, it will be your own head that will fall off.

Sun Fuling could already feel that murderous intent was erupting in Zhou An, so he quickly grabbed hold of Zhou An.

"Brother Zhou, don't be so excited. The situation can be controlled."

"Oh?" Zhou An turned around and said.

"Master Sun, you should know what is Mi Mo's rhythm now?"

"Use a puppet to pretend to be your true self to contain Mr. Zheng."

"If we continue to use these people to contain us, if we don't solve all these containment with lightning speed, we will lose."

"When I say lose, I mean death. I will die with Yunlai Mansion. It is not good to be indecisive."

Things must be clearly distinguished. At this pace, it is impossible not to take action.

Sun Fuling said helplessly: "Brother Zhou, I mean I can stabilize them temporarily, and then you can conserve your strength and go all out to deal with Mi Mo."

Zhou An was originally very serious, but after hearing this, he immediately smiled and patted Sun Fuling on the shoulder very familiarly.

"Master Sun, look at me just making a joke. You think too much. How could I be a heartless person?"

Sun Fuling: "..."

He wanted to say, you are.

But I have to say that he actually admires Zhou An's thinking.

If you don't have a solution, the best thing is to attack these people directly.

Because these people could not be protected, the entire people of Yunlai Mansion were harmed.

The way he looked at Zhou An changed.

If a person is ruthless, he is at best a reckless man, but if he is cruel and ruthless, coupled with a thoughtful and flexible mind, then this person is not a reckless man.

"This is not the time to think about this."

Sun Fuling shook his head vigorously to get rid of the thoughts in his mind.

Taking a deep breath, he threw down the book in his hand.

When the book was thrown out, it suddenly fell apart and turned into thin sheets of paper.

Each piece of paper is floating in mid-air.

At the same time, Sun Fuling took the brush and tapped on the papers.

Zhou An could see that the paper gave off a faint light and outlined the words one by one.

These words instantly grew in size, covering the entire site.

Including Lao Lin, all the Dao Casters lay on the ground, unable to move.

People who cast the path are not good at fighting.

Lao Lin might be able to fight, but after being controlled, he seemed to have lost the characteristics of a spiritual blacksmith and was just holding Fang Tian's painted halberd.

So the final result was successful suppression.

"Brother Zhou, half an hour."

Sun Fuling said slowly: "If the problem cannot be solved in half an hour, I will kill them myself."

Prolonged pain is not an option.

Sun Fuling just tried his best to save these people. If he really couldn't save them, he had no choice but to take action.

Zhou An walked out and grabbed the members of the Zhenguisi who had just gone out to deliver the news.

The members of the Suppression Division were also confused.

Now the situation has become increasingly strange and out of control.

He was suddenly caught by Zhou An again. He was indeed blinded.

Zhou Andao: "Is Mr. Zheng's place far away?"

The members of the Zhenshi Division shook their heads: "It's not far."

Zhou An pointed to a place: "Run towards that location."

The members of the Zhenshisi didn't know why, and they didn't know how Zhou An found out.

Zhou Andao: "Just say it, nothing will happen."

The members of the Suppression Division are also aware of the current situation and have no choice but to continue transmitting information through flying pigeons.

After the members of Zhenguisi finished, Zhou An closed his eyes and felt it.

In fact, just now, after Lao Lin and others were all controlled, Zhou An had already sensed the difference.

He was almost controlled, but the benefit of Spirit +2 was that he resisted this kind of control.

As I said just now, there seems to be a huge hammer floating above the head.

It's just that I was resisted temporarily.

It was precisely because of this hammer that he felt that something was calling him from somewhere.

After careful identification, he was very sure that that place should be the source of control.

Since it is an iron puppet, the source of control over him should be where Mi Mo is hiding.

This is a guess. Everything has its origin. Now that there are no other clues, we can only give it a try.

"You all stay here and assist Mr. Sun."

Zhou An said something, performed the Wandering Dragon Step, turned into an afterimage, and rushed towards that location.

the other side.

Zheng Sifu looked at the two iron puppets in front of him with an extremely gloomy expression.

Not only was Mi Mo fake, but Yu Hang was also fake, and they fell into the trap.

This time, he had definitely fallen into the trap. The opponent's plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain was played out by the opponent. He really didn't expect that the opponent had even considered various arithmetic.

The surrounding members of the Zhengui had the same expression.

Yunlaifu Town Guisi has never suffered such a loss before. This time, it is considered a big loss.

"Sir, what should we do next?" asked a member of the Suppression Squad.

Zheng Sifu stood there, thought carefully for a moment, waved his hand and said: "Go back to Yunlai Mansion first. Zhou An is alone there. I'm worried that he will be in danger."

Everyone nodded and prepared to return to Yunlai Mansion.

But at this moment, a white dove flew over from a distance and landed on Zheng Sifu's shoulder.

Zheng Sifu frowned, took the white dove off his shoulder, and pulled out the paper at the white dove's feet.

"Send me a message at this time. Do you have any new discoveries?"

With such a mood, Zheng Sifu opened the paper and saw the content on it.

The next moment, his expression turned from gloomy to surprised.

The surrounding members felt very strange and didn't know why this phenomenon occurred.

Soon, they got a response.

"In that direction, let's go!"

Zheng Sifu destroyed the paper in his hand, pointed in a direction, and led the way.

Although the surrounding members felt confused, they didn't say anything and followed behind and left the place.

Both sides are rushing.

At this time, it was deep in the mountains.

Mi Mo dragged Yu Hang and ran through the mountains and forests.

She held a broken white jade glowing white in her hand, but her face didn't look good.

This time, her plan worked perfectly.

But he never expected that Zhou An was not controlled.

As the caster of the iron puppet, she could sense it. Not only was Zhou An not controlled, he even followed the clues and found her location.

At present, the extremity casting has not been found.

If Zhou An finds out, he will die.

There is no second way.

Although Mi Mo was a pervert, he had no intention of dying in vain.

The only way in front of him now is to find the Extreme Forging first before they arrive.

As long as you find it, you can find a way to leave, or before they come, you only need to understand a little bit to make a comeback.

The mountains are very steep and every road inside is difficult to walk.

Mi Mo heard a sound of river water while walking. Finally, she followed the sound and the prompts on the white jade and came to the river.

This was a very ordinary river, and the water flowed calmly, but when Mi Mo approached the river, the light on the white jade became more intense.

"The thing is in the river!"

Mi Mo made a judgment instantly.

Looking at the river in front of her, she tied Yu Hang to the tree without hesitation.

Yu Hang's body was already extremely weak: "You have found what you want, why don't you kill me?"

"You have a beautiful idea." Mi Mo sneered: "If they are faster than me, you are my hope for a comeback."

"Despicable!" Yu Hang cursed.

Mi Mo didn't say anything more. After confirming that it was tied up, he came to the river and jumped in with a splash.

The river splashed with water and soon became calm.

Yuhang was the only one left on the entire river bank.

The rope that tied him was tight and showed no signs of loosening.

He once asked Mi Mo why he didn't break his hands and feet.

It turned out that Mi Mo was very smart and said that if he broke his hands and feet, it would probably make Zhou An desperate.

A complete Yu Hang is the best way to threaten Zhou An.

Yu Hang began to struggle hard, but no matter how hard he struggled, the rope showed no sign of loosening.

"I've become Lao Zhou's f*cking weakness!"

"Brothers, you can't cheat your brothers. I will never be sorry to Lao Zhou in my life."

"I have to run, this is my only chance, otherwise Lao Zhou will be threatened by her, and I will feel guilty for the rest of my life."

Yu Hang lowered his head and looked at the rope tied to his body, with a look of color in the corners of his eyes!

He struggled against the rope!


The sound of broken bones was heard.

The ribs were broken and the pain came like a flood.

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