It's obviously a life skill, but you developed it into a magical skill

Chapter 161 Dual skills level 6, the woman in black has changed

The woman in black twisted for a while, and then, another shadow appeared next to her.

The shadow gradually condensed and turned into the woman wearing the mask before.

At this time, the woman in black exuded a terrifying murderous aura, and she punched the masked woman into pieces.

This masked woman is just a shadow, as if it was specially used by the woman in black to vent her anger.

"What is this?" Zhou An touched his chin and asked subconsciously.

Unfortunately, still no answer.

After the woman in black finished this action, she raised her hand again, preparing to press it towards Zhou An's chest.

It’s still the same, it’s still the same old routine.

Every time the woman in black appears, she will engage in these states.

Zhou Anxin thought, the woman in black must not have any thoughts about him, otherwise why would she act like this every time?

Of course, this is just his idea.

This woman in black is so weird.

And it’s also a terrifying gathering of conspirators.

So Zhou An didn't intend to try and didn't let the woman in black's hand touch him.

If you really try it, if a big problem occurs, everyone will be cold by then.

Zhou An came out this time just to let the woman in black out and see what secrets there are in this human nature.

He plans to study it, and the way he does it is very cruel.

Of course, this cruelty is only for the woman in black.

He wanted to give it a try and use the Holy Spirit to continue purifying the woman in black to see how far it could go.

Originally, he planned to keep practicing the fusion casting method and master the fusion casting method to level six as soon as possible. Now it seems that he still has to do it in the previous way with a clear division of labor.

During the day, he worked on the liver fusion casting method, and at night he continued to exchange experiences with the woman in black, talking about ideals and so on.

Thinking of this, Zhou An no longer hesitated and raised his hand to shoot out a Holy Spirit.

When the Holy Spirit appeared, the entire room was instantly filled with blazing white light.

The woman in black suddenly retracted her hand and twisted it under the white light of the Holy Spirit.

The amplitude of the distortion is like a TV with no signal, which looks very weird.

But the woman in black didn't have any pain on her expression, she still looked numb and dull.

But there was more resentment in his eyes.

And the vague humanity is more solid than before.

Of course, this change is subtle, especially the increase in humanity, which is even more minimal.

Just like a drop of water dropped into the ocean, it can't stir up any waves at all.

But as long as there is progress.

Zhou An rubbed his hands, forgot about everything, and began to use the woman in black to brush up his proficiency.

In the blink of an eye, several days passed.

After this period of time, just as the masked woman I saw before said, Zongxing seemed to have suddenly disappeared from the world, and did not do anything in Maplewood State.

In the recent period of time, Zhenguisi has also been constantly looking for news and whereabouts of Zongxing.

But unfortunately, nothing works.

Because when the monk turned into an idiot, all the members of the group had disappeared into the darkness and were difficult to find again.

Zhou An was not always proficient during this period.

During the day, I was doing fusion casting, and at night, I was playing an experience-earning game with the woman in black.

In addition, he spent two days visiting the entire Maple Grove State.

It was night when he was shopping, and he specifically chose a time when the people were asleep, and then used the Dragon Walk to turn into an afterimage, running in Maple Grove State while using the Holy Spirit.

Because he was thinking about one thing. If there are still people whose memories have been tampered with in this Maplewood State, then the Holy Spirit can definitely detect and disperse them.

To take a step back, even if he couldn't dispel it, he could still know where it was.

But unfortunately, he checked the entire Maplewood State and found no signs.

In Maplewood State, a particularly horrifying legend has recently spread.

When I fall asleep late at night, a white light will flash inexplicably, and then I will feel a warm feeling on my body.

The people didn't know what this white light was, but they all flashed away, and they all happened while they were asleep.

Therefore, this legend spreads more and more in Maplewood State.

Some people say that this white light is a sign of the arrival of immortals from the sky, bringing blessings to the people all over the world.

Some people say that this is an evil spirit from hell that uses white light to corrode people's souls.

Anyway, all kinds of legends are all very fancy.

Of course Zhou An also heard it, but these things had nothing to do with him.

Just pass it on, I'm just looking for that woman who indulges in sex.

After two nights without any results, Zhou An gave up temporarily.

He continued to indulge in the madness of proficiency.

Just like that, many days passed.

When Zhou An stopped one day and looked at the sunshine outside, he felt relieved.

At this time, it was almost winter, and the people on the streets also put on thick clothes.

This rare sunshine can bring a touch of warmth, but Zhou An's head feels even warmer.

Because a layer of smoke has appeared in front of me.

After such a long period of time, Kuanggan, who was never tired of it, reached level six in one step with his proficiency in the fusion casting method.

At this moment, the smoke condensed into a line of text, which gradually appeared in front of Zhou An's eyes.

【Please select direction】

[Original Iron Casting Technique: Hardness +4, Power +4, Durability +8]

[Form your own body: Hardness +4, Fusion +4, Defense +8]

When this line of smoke appeared, Zhou An was slightly stunned at first, and then a look of joy appeared on his face.

What did he see?

He saw the defensive attributes that he had been thinking about for a long time!

In order to defend against this, I actually became a blacksmith.

Now the sixth level of fusion casting method has produced a qualitative change, and he has successfully obtained the defensive attribute.

He didn't understand where this defensive attribute came from, but he knew how to choose now.

Zhou An did not hesitate and chose the skill of building one's own body.

When he finished choosing, the smoke in front of his eyes slowly disappeared, and then it condensed into a new line of text.

[Form your own body lv.6 (hardness +8, fusion +8, defense +8): 1/100000]

The headache-inducing 100,000 points of proficiency appeared in front of his eyes. At the same time, after the smoke disappeared, it turned into a large amount of information and passed into Zhou An's mind.

Zhou An closed his eyes and carefully absorbed the information in his mind.

After a while, he finally opened his eyes.

In his eyes, in addition to joy, there was also a kind of excitement, because this skill was not only important to him, but also allowed him to relieve many worries about things outside him.

The so-called defense skill of Forging Your Body is actually very simple, but it is also extremely terrifying.

This defense is to cast oneself as a living weapon.

Of course, it is not a steel object without flesh and blood.

There's still flesh and blood, but it's just cast in a different way.

Forge your own body. From the outside to the inside, from the surface to the inside, like steel on an anvil, you are constantly hammering and forging it to increase your defense.

To put it simply, it is similar to the kind of horizontal Kung Fu practice.

To practice, you must first be beaten.

It's just that the beating he received was done in the form of casting.

After reaching level six, you already have +8 defense, and the +8 defense brings the power of the skill of Forging Your Body.

The reason why Zhou An thinks that after having this skill, he doesn't need external things, is because when he has this skill, the soft armor on his body is no longer needed.

Thinking about this, Zhou An looked at his right hand, and then circulated the Qi in his body.

The next moment, a layer of golden light covered the whole body.

This light is not real light, but reflected light.

Because at this moment Zhou An's skin has turned into a golden color.

If outsiders see it here, they will find that Zhou An at this moment seems to be a Buddha statue with a golden body, looking extremely solemn.

Zhou An did not hesitate, then took out the cold crystal knife from the pink purse and tried to touch it carefully on the back of his hand.

He was very accurate, after all, he was trying to defend himself.

He is not like those fools who, after acquiring the defensive skills, just pick up the sword and strike without saying a word.

If something goes wrong, who will you go to for explanation?

The cold crystal knife is extremely sharp, and because it is made using the fusion casting method, Zhou An's cold crystal knife is more powerful.

When Zhou An held the cold crystal knife and landed it on the back of his hand, the next moment, the golden color on the back of his hand felt touched. The cutting of the cold crystal knife had no effect. On the contrary, a burst of sparks appeared.

"What a great defense!" Zhou An thought to himself.

Not only that, it also has the attributes of the original fusion casting method.

It not only has defense, but also has hardness, and also has powerful bonuses brought by fusion.

His current bonus has reached 80%. This is the horror brought about by fusion.

The skill of building one's own body has now made up for Zhou An's major shortcomings, and it has made up for it in all aspects.

Thinking of this, Zhou An put the cold crystal knife on the table, looked around, and after seeing no one around, he untied his belt.

After he untied it, he looked down and saw a golden object, and then tied his pants again.

"It's so strong. Even there is gold. My current defense is really all-round and has no blind spots!" Zhou An felt happy.

Of course, when Zhuji Shen reaches the sixth level, the effects it brings are not only skill bonuses and defense enhancements, but also changes in Qi.

Zhou An closed his eyes and felt the Qi Dan in his body.

Qi Dan's position was originally in the shape of a gourd, but the head on it was much smaller.

That has changed now.

Qi Dan, which was originally round, now became oval.

In Zhou An's view, it is more like a body.

He remembered the teachings about the innate realm that he had learned before, and he felt that the Qi Dan was gradually changing into the shape of a villain.

"This thing should be a head, then a body, and then even the limbs will grow, right?" Zhou An thought.

And this change gave him stronger resilience.

For example, if Zhou An uses all his six-level skills now, even if he is allowed to work for a day and a night, the Qi in his body will continue to flow endlessly.

Moreover, the purity and quantity of his Qi are very high, not only in quantity, but also in quality.

"I'm so strong, what can you use to fight me?" Zhou An thought happily.

Of course, happiness cannot be kept by oneself. Sometimes when you have happiness, of course you have to share it with others.

The objects of sharing are also very simple.

There is no one here, so let's create one.

Thinking of this, Zhou An took out the Qingxincao from his arms and put it on the table.

The next moment, the shadow shook, and the woman in black emerged from the shadow in that very strange posture and stood in the room.

Apart from the light outside, only Zhou An and the woman in black were left in the room.

At this time, the woman in black has changed a lot compared to before.

The vague trace of humanity has completely solidified, and although his eyes are dull, the resentment is increasing.

Even standing outside, you can feel it.

And this resentment is all directed at Zhou An.

Zhou An felt that this emotion should be related to his inactivity during this period.

In addition to the liver fusion casting method, he also caught the woman in black to use the Holy Spirit skill every day.

He feels that this kind of walking experience package is not used in vain.

And he was also curious about what changes would happen to the woman in black as her humanity became stronger and stronger.

So...this period of time is quite inappropriate.

"Look, I've become like this now." Zhou An said to the woman in black.

The next moment, his skin turned as golden as gold.

The woman in black still looked the same, stretching out her white hands and pressing them towards Zhou An's chest.

Of course, Zhou An just said this and did not give her a chance. The Holy Spirit emerged in her hands.

Then, it fell on the woman in black.

Proficiency began to grow crazily.

The woman in black began to twist again, and the humanity was slowly increasing.

In this way, Zhou An maintained this pattern again.

Now he no longer has a new fifth-level skill, but the full-strength Holy Spirit.

He planned to see what the qualitative change of this skill would look like after level six.

And after reaching the sixth level, he also wanted to try whether he could completely erase the woman in black, or whether he could change the woman in black into another state.

Time passes again.

Zhou An has become accustomed to this kind of life. In addition to eating every day, he has become a master of liver.

This was something that used to happen in Anding County, but now it’s in Maplewood State.

Zhou An is also used to it.

Of course, during the recent period, Zhou An was also looking at the information given by the emperor.

So far, all the information has been read.

After reading the information, Zhou An felt that he was now a very experienced martial artist.

Including the secrets that many people in the world don't know, I also know them all.

Especially some situations, Zhou An saw them thoroughly.

To be honest, Dachu State is very powerful, but after all, it has only been established for ten years.

In the past ten years, due to the drastic reforms and measures carried out by the emperor of the Great Chu State, the Great Chu State looked like a behemoth, and it had become evenly matched with other surrounding countries.

But in fact, there are still loopholes that cannot be repaired in many details.

Nowadays, the development of the Great Chu State has gradually slowed down, which is to make up for the loopholes caused by excessive development.

This is a hard work and takes a long time.

Fortunately, the country is now peaceful and the people are safe. Except for some troublemakers, everything seems to be normal at the moment.

After Zhou An finished reading these books, he burned them all on the spot.

After all, it is just some information. Now that I have read it, it has no effect, so burning it has become normal.

Time passed quickly in Zhou An's madness.

Zhou An has become more and more addicted.

Until one day, when Zhou An stopped, he looked at the woman in black in front of him, and then put Qingxincao into his arms.

The black woman disappeared, replaced by smoke before her eyes.

【Please select direction】

[Eight Directions Lion Roar Technique: Shock +4, Destroy Evil +4, Majesty +8]

[Holy Spirit Demon Body: Purification +4, Dispel +4, Power +8]

When the smoke emerged, Zhou An looked at the two choices in front of him and fell into deep thought.

In fact, he didn't even need to look at these things before he would choose this holy spirit demon body.

But what he was very curious about was why a holy spirit demon body would have the attribute of power added to it.

Power is easy to understand, it is to increase strength, but what exactly does this thing do?

Zhou An couldn't understand.

Of course, he did not hesitate and chose the Holy Spirit Demonic Body first.

After he made this choice, a line of text appeared in front of his eyes.

[Holy Spirit Demonic Body lv.6 (purification +8, dispersion +8, power +8): 1/100000]

It's still the familiar 100,000 points of proficiency. Even Zhou An, the liver emperor, seems to have some liver pain.

When the words composed of smoke appeared, they quickly dissipated and turned into a large amount of information, which was transmitted into Zhou An's mind.

Zhou An closed his eyes and began to absorb the information in his mind.

After a while, he opened his eyes.

At this moment, he has mastered all the skills of the Holy Spirit Demonic Body.

Zhou An felt that he was becoming more and more perverted.

This so-called power means that when the Holy Spirit Demonic Body is used, it can have an 80% bonus.

This thing is very scary.

If you think about it carefully, you now have the bonus of building your own body, the bonus of the Holy Spirit Demonic Body, and the bonus of reading hundreds of volumes.

When these things are added up, it feels like one has reached a terrifying point.

Of course, he couldn't find anyone to try, because among the current top masters, he felt that no one was qualified for him to try.

"It's all a matter of one sword. No matter whether you are strong or not, to me, it seems to be the same." Zhou An thought to himself.

But after getting a new skill, of course he wanted to try it, so at this time, Zhou An came directly to the yard.

Having just absorbed the information about the Holy Spirit Demonic Body skill, he knew that this thing couldn't be used in the house.

Because once it is used, this house can be dispensed with.

Arriving in the yard, Zhou An looked at the sunny weather outside.

Although winter is coming, it will be a bit cold, but for a person in the industry, this coldness is basically drizzle.

This courtyard is very large, and due to its secluded nature, there are not many people here. It happens to be the place where the Holy Spirit Demonic Body is tested.

Zhou An looked around, then circulated the Qi in his body.

When the Qi movement was completed, a huge white shadow suddenly appeared.

The shadow condensed by the white light is somewhat similar to Zhou An, and it is very big.

Really big!

A white shadow that was more than ten meters high appeared behind Zhou An, looking extremely terrifying.

Not only that, Zhou An raised the cold crystal knife in his hand, and behind Zhou An, the white shadow knife emitted white light, and a knife composed of white light appeared.

Zhou An looked terrifying at this moment.

He itself has a terrifying aura, and the white shadow is huge and powerful, giving people a sense of despair and oppression.

Zhou An tried to use the Chef Ding's Jieren Sword technique on the spot.

He did not wave the jet-black sword light, but only used moves.

When he cast it, the Holy Spirit Demonic Body also followed him.

The demonic body of the Holy Spirit, which is more than ten meters high, carries an extremely terrifying aura.

After performing a set of Chef Ding's Killing Sword Techniques, Zhou An put away the Cold Crystal Sword and turned to look at the Holy Spirit Demonic Body behind him.

The Holy Spirit Demonic Body also made the same move as Zhou An.

Zhou An realized it. He finally knew why this skill gave him a sense of déjà vu.

"Isn't this the Dharma, Heaven and Earth that often appeared in novels or TV series in previous lives?"

"This thing actually appeared on my side?" Zhou An secretly exclaimed.

The powerful thing about this thing is that whatever you use, the Holy Spirit Demonic Body will use.

And the power can be greatly enhanced.

In other words, if Zhou An slashes at the enemy, the Holy Spirit Demonic Body will also slash at him.

If you use the sword light yourself, the Holy Spirit Demonic Body will also use the sword light.

And due to the attribute of power + 8, which has an 80% bonus, if this sword is used, Zhou An may not be able to take it even if he is in the Xiantian realm standing in front of him.

"Good thing! Although I am becoming more and more perverted, I am always a pervert." Zhou An thought to himself.

He waved his hand and put away the Holy Spirit Demonic Body.

After putting it away, Zhou An felt the Qi in his body again.

Because he had broken through another level six skill this time, the Qi Dan in his body changed particularly obviously.

The protruding part was like a round head, and at this moment, a pair of eyes actually appeared.

These eyes are very similar to Zhou An's eyes, and they can be said to be exactly the same.

Not only that, the nose area also appears, but only with an outline.

"I guess if one more skill is upgraded to level six, the five senses will be perfected." Zhou An thought to himself.

In front of his eyes, the latest proficiency panel appeared.

[Pao Ding’s sword technique lv.6 (Speed ​​+8, Accuracy +8, Sharpness +8): 1/100000]

[Pot Spell lv.6 (Strength +8, Destruction +8, Seal +8): 1/100000]

[Wandering Dragon Step lv.5 (Speed ​​+4, Dodge +4): 1/80000]

[Form your own body lv. 6 (hardness +8, fusion +8, defense +8): 1/100000]

[Read a hundred volumes lv.5 (spirit +4, understanding +4): 1/80000]

[Waterbending lv.5 (Water +4, Water Control +4): 1/80000]

[Medical Gu species lv.6 (medical theory +8, toxicity +8, poison penetration +8): 3500/100000]

[Eye of Breaking Illusions lv.5 (Detection +4, Breaking Illusions +4): 1/80000]

[Holy Spirit Demonic Body lv.6 (purification +8, dispersion +8, power +8) 1/100000]

Now there are still four skills that have not reached level six, and Zhou An's obsessive-compulsive disorder is a little bit off.

He wanted to start having fun immediately, but now was obviously not the time.

Zhou An lowered his head, looked at the shadow under his feet, and then smiled: "It's time to see what's going on with you."

During this period of time, with his crazy liver proficiency, he finally reached the sixth level of the Holy Spirit Demonic Body. His purpose was actually very simple, just to see what this woman in black was.

If it can be eliminated with the Holy Spirit Demonic Body, that would be the best.

If I can't get rid of it, I also want to see the changes in the woman in black.

After all, this woman in black is no longer a burden to Zhou An, but more like a big secret.

This woman comes from the Guild, it can even be said to be the Guild, and now she can have humanity.

What does this mean?

This means that Weirdness has humanity, and Weirdness has humanity, which is the first time in the world.

He had also read a lot of information recently. After reading the information, he knew that weirdness was never human, but only instinctive.

And if humanity is born out of weirdness, and you go outside and say this, everyone will probably think you are crazy.

But Zhou An did encounter it.

So he wanted to see it.

At this moment, after the Qingxincao was put aside, the shadow under the feet changed again, and the woman in black appeared again.

Still wearing the same black clothes all year round, and still having the same curvy figure, normal men can't take their eyes away as long as they take one look at her.

Especially now that women in black have acquired humanity, they have even more of that taboo beauty.

At this time, when the woman in black appeared, she stretched out her hand again according to her previous actions and pressed towards Zhou An's chest.

But this time, Zhou An's reaction was faster.

Zhou An raised his finger. On his index finger, there was a glistening white light, only the size of a grain of rice.

But the strength of the Holy Spirit Demonic Body that has reached level 6 now cannot be judged from its size.

When the white light appeared, Zhou An flicked it directly on the woman in black.

The woman in black was enveloped in white light and soon began to distort.

The Holy Spirit Demonic Body, which has reached the sixth level, is exerting its power at this time. The stronger dispersal effect is causing the woman in black to twist faster.

At the same time, that trace of humanity is gradually strengthening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After reaching level six, the qualitative change brought about is not just a simple qualitative change, but also a doubling of attributes.

At this moment, when the light on the woman in black becomes more and more intense, after the woman's humanity has superimposed to a certain extent, her eyes finally have a new change.

This time, the woman in black's eyes were no longer dull and resentful, but looked around at everything with a sense of confusion.

Zhou An put away the Holy Spirit Demonic Body, and smoke appeared in front of his eyes.

[Holy Spirit Demonic Body +1]

This is the smoke of rising proficiency.

Zhou An thought in his head: "Who is this woman? She is so powerful that she can even use level six skills?"

Indeed, in front of him, this woman was a walking bag of experience.

But the experience package is too big!

I can still continue to use skills at level six, which is outrageous!

Zhou An looked at the woman, especially at a certain position, and thought in his mind: "It's really big."

When he was thinking this, the woman in black suddenly looked at his position.

There was confusion in his eyes, and there was a kind of clear stupidity in them.

Immediately afterwards, the woman in black actually raised her feet and walked towards Zhou An.

This time, the woman in black did not extend her fair arms, but looked up at Zhou An.

Zhou An is already 1.8 meters tall, while the woman in black is only 1.7 meters tall at most.

At this moment, looking up at Zhou An, coupled with the confused expression and the forbidden beauty, it gave Zhou An a powerful visual impact.

Zhou An is the Liver Emperor and only sees people with proficiency.

The appearance of this woman in black is similar to Ye Shuang's, and her temperament is also different from Ye Shuang's.

But for Zhou An, it is still a mobile experience package.

So when the woman in black looked over, Zhou An thought for a moment, and then said, "Can you speak?"

As these words came out, the face of the woman in black became even more confused.

Immediately afterwards, the woman in black began to walk around the yard.

Zhou An didn't do anything and just let the woman in black move around.

But when the woman in black walked out a distance of two or three meters, she suddenly disappeared.

Before Zhou An could make a move, the next moment, the woman in black emerged from the shadows again.

The woman in black who came out was even more confused.

She started walking outside again, but before she got two meters away, she disappeared again and emerged from the darkness again.

When Zhou An saw this scene, he knew very well that the woman in black would disappear if she moved two or three meters away from him.

The woman in black didn't know. She turned her head and stared at Zhou An with a confused and resentful look. Then she raised her hands and looked down at her palms.

These hands are very beautiful. Although they are very white, no matter from the shape of the hands or other parts, they have a beauty that makes people unable to take their eyes away.

Zhou An looked at the movements of the woman in black and actually felt a little regretful.

Judging from this, it seems that there is still no way to communicate.

"If we can't communicate, we have to continue to brush up. Sooner or later, the Holy Spirit Demonic Body will be able to defeat the woman in black."

Thinking of this, Zhou An put Qingxincao into his arms again.

But the next moment, a scene that surprised him appeared.

When Qingxincao was placed in his arms, the woman in black did not disappear. She was still standing there and looking at him with confused eyes.

Seeing this scene, Zhou An was stunned.

Then, he tried to move the Qingxincao towards the woman in black.

However, the woman in black still did not enter the shadows as before. Instead, she tilted her head and looked at the Qingxincao in Zhou An's hand, as if she was very curious.

The corners of Zhou An's mouth twitched, as if he thought of something.

Qingxincao can suppress the weird, but now the black woman does not seem to belong to the scope of weirdness, and it is not within the scope of the curse, so this Qingxincao seems to have no effect on the woman in black.

In order to test, Zhou An directly threw the Qingxincao over.

Unexpectedly, the woman in black raised her hand, took the Qingxincao into her hand, and then looked at it again.

After looking at it for a while, she actually used the green grass as a decoration, inserting it into the waterfall-like black hair.

Not to mention, after being inserted, the woman in black has a pure beauty besides the taboo beauty.

Zhou An touched his chin with his hand: "The situation is not right."

He was just saying something to himself, but he didn't expect that after he said this, the woman in black took action.

The woman in black followed Zhou An's example, folded her arms, dragged her chin with one hand, and said the same thing as Zhou An: "The situation is not right."

Zhou An: "?"

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