Zhou An feels that no matter what the woman in black does, he will not be surprised, because he has long been accustomed to the existence of this woman in black, so no matter what, it will not be enough to shake his heart.

But what he never expected was that the woman in black would actually speak!

Weird things only act on instinct, and if you want them to speak, they will also say some illogical words.

But after the woman in black in front of her lost her weird aura and turned into a human thing, she actually spoke at this moment.

Zhou An couldn't help but be shocked.

To be honest, Zhou An felt that the woman in black was not much different from human beings now. Except that she looked a little dazed and silly, there was no other difference.

But when she spoke, Zhou An knew exactly what it meant.

This means that the woman in black has gained consciousness as a human being.

A strange transformation into a human being was completely unprecedented. Even if Zhou An had gone through all the information given by the emperor during this period, there had never been any precedent.

Zhou An felt that things seemed to have become serious.

Now he was still standing in the yard, but he felt that the light in the sky was a little dim, especially the woman in black. Coupled with that blank expression, Zhou An felt that the air around him was a little cold.

It was already winter, and he felt a chill inexplicably.

In fact, this does not come from the woman in black, but a psychological reaction.

Just like when you encounter a ghost, and the ghost suddenly turns into a human and starts talking, this feeling is really enough to make your scalp numb.

Zhou An touched his chin, then looked at the woman in black.

The woman in black kept the same movement and looked at Zhou An.

Because she supports the elbow of her other hand with one hand, the woman in black looks even more majestic.

"You just spoke, right?" Zhou An asked.

"You just spoke, right?" the woman in black replied.

Zhou An's mouth twitched slightly, and he felt that the woman in black was imitating him.

"No, I don't think so, but I really imitate it."

Zhou An thought to himself.

Even his expressions and movements were imitated by women.

Zhou An tried to take a step back, and the woman in black followed closely.

He looked back, and the woman in black also looked back.

It's just that although the expression is imitated well, the eyes are still very blank, as if they have come to a brand new world and don't know how to integrate.

Zhou An saw this scene, thought carefully, and walked into the room after a while.

As he walked into the room, the woman in black also followed behind him and walked into the room.

Zhou An closed the door and then looked at the woman in black.

"Don't imitate me." Zhou An said.

"Don't imitate me." The woman in black said the same thing.

It was the same scene just now, and it felt familiar again.

Zhou An had a headache. He felt that communication was impossible in this scene.

He had seen a comedy before, which involved imitating other people's speech.

This situation, at some point, can easily force people into problems.

Zhou An thought for a moment and decided not to consider this situation for the time being.

He believes that the current woman in black is more like an ever-upgrading handicraft.

The higher you go up, the more likely it is to change.

For the current plan, let the woman in black disappear first.

Thinking of this, Zhou An pulled out the cold crystal knife and flicked it gently.

He planned to try to see if he could kill the woman in black.

Yes, that's what he was thinking.

Secrets and the like, these things are not important.

If he were acting in some TV series, he might try every means to find out the secrets of the woman in black.

But for Zhou An, this is not the most important thing.

Just being safe is enough for him.

Having the woman in black by his side is a time bomb for Zhou An.

If that's the case, then try killing it directly.

Although Zhou An felt it was a pity for such a mobile experience package.

But compared to safety, this pity is nothing.

Thinking of this, Zhou An waved the cold crystal knife in his hand.

The next moment, a jet-black light emerged, and the woman in black was stabbed in half by Zhou An.

No blood was spilled.

After the woman in black became two halves, the scene became weird.

The woman in black, who had turned into two halves, turned into a shadow, then quickly condensed again, and continued to look at Zhou An with blank eyes.

Not only her eyes were blank, but the woman in black was holding her hand as if holding a knife, making the same movements as Zhou An.

"Still can't be killed, it's difficult to deal with." Zhou An thought to himself.

He put away the cold crystal knife, looked at the woman in black, and then made a move.

Zhou An jumped up on the spot, then landed on the ground, pointing at the shadow on the ground, and uttering onomatopoeia.

"Gurgling, gurgling, gurgling..."

What he meant was that he wanted the woman in black to disappear into the shadows.

As a result, this time, the woman in black did not imitate him, but looked at him in a dazed state, as if she could not figure out why Zhou An would make such an action.

Zhou An felt that his face was a little hot.

To be honest, if he wasn't the only one here, he really wouldn't be able to do this action.

The object of my admiration as a doctor from the Chu State, a master of swords and pots, a well-known person in the world, is now doing such childish actions, it is simply embarrassing!

And don’t you fucking know how to imitate?

Why not imitate this time?

It made me feel embarrassed to be alone.

Zhou An's head is full of black lines.

The woman in black still had the same puzzled expression, and her confusion became more intense, as if she was looking at a mentally retarded person.

Zhou An pointed to the shadow on the ground: "Go in!"

The woman in black began to imitate again, pointing to the shadow on the ground: "Go in!"

The situation became awkward again.

If a crow flies by at this time, coupled with a series of ellipses, it can perfectly interpret Zhou An's mood at this moment.

"No, this won't work. This woman must not stay around like this. But she can't be killed, and she seems to have become disobedient. What method should be used?" Zhou An thought.

He felt that he had to use some new methods, so he walked towards the woman in black.

The woman in black also imitated his movements and walked towards Zhou An.

This time, Zhou An decided to make a bold attempt.

The Qi in his body circulated for a while, and his skin turned into a golden color, and he performed the form of Casting His Body.

Casting one's own body brings powerful defense, coupled with various bonuses, Zhou An's defense at this moment has reached a level that is beyond the reach of all first-class masters.

Zhou An stretched out his hand, and the woman in black also stretched out her white palm.

The hands of both sides are gradually getting closer.

This time, Zhou An plans to try to make contact. He has the defense brought by Forging His Body, and he may be able to gain something.

After all, the woman in black has always wanted to get close to him, and he wanted to see what was fishy here.

The hands of both sides are getting closer and closer.

When Zhou An completely held the woman in black's hand, their fingers intertwined.

Zhou An could feel that the skin of the woman in black had amazing elasticity, and it felt like touching mutton-fat jade.

Very smooth, tender, and very comfortable.

Especially the touch of the fingertips, with a hint of coldness, makes this feeling infinitely amplified.

The feeling of silk is very comfortable, but the hands of the woman in black are a hundred times more comfortable than silk.

At this moment, the woman in black's blank expression changed slightly.

She did not imitate Zhou An, but turned her head and looked at Zhou An's palm that was in contact with hers with a curious look.

Zhou An was about to say something. At this moment, a wave of emotion followed the contact point between the two and suddenly filled the entire room.

This emotion is very light, but it is unforgettable.

Zhou An is the most intuitive experiencer.

The woman in black's mood was one of blank curiosity and deep panic.

Zhou An can understand this kind of panic, and he has experienced it deeply before.

That was the feeling when he first traveled through time.

It's like being in a place where you were fine, and then suddenly appearing in a strange place with no worries around you.

It was a helpless panic.

Not only confused, but lonely.

The woman in black didn't feel lonely at this moment, but the trace of panic was completely captured by Zhou An.

Not only that, pictures flashed before Zhou An's eyes.

The picture was very messy and unclear, and it flashed very fast and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Zhou An let go of his hand and wanted to leave.

But at this time, the woman in black held Zhou An's hand tightly, not wanting Zhou An to let go.

With a hint of curiosity, the woman in black tightened Zhou An's palm, then raised her other hand and touched Zhou An's wrist.

It felt like looking at a novel thing, especially with that blank and curious look in his eyes.

At this moment, Zhou An felt that this woman's forbidden beauty was even more profound.

But who is Zhou An?

In his eyes, there is only one thing, and that is proficiency.

Zhou An pulled away his hand without hesitation.

The confusion, curiosity and panic of the woman in black disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Maybe everything is just a new life for her. She is like a blank piece of paper now and doesn't understand anything." Zhou An touched his chin and thought to himself.

Now he can no longer be said to be a novice. After all, after reading all the information left by the emperor, Zhou An has a strong reserve of knowledge.

Soon, he analyzed the current situation.

The woman in black no longer looks weird anymore. Even if a master stands in front of her, he will only think of her as a human being.

But somehow, after turning into a human, the woman in black was like a brand new piece of white paper.

There is no past life, only this life.

This sentence can perfectly describe the state of the woman in black at this moment.

Seeing this situation, Zhou An couldn't deal with the woman in black, so he simply decided to make a new attempt.

"Just use it as a temporary experience package for the time being, and you can also see her changes. This woman definitely has a big secret." Zhou An thought to himself.

Thinking about it this way, he became curious.

Since it is a piece of white paper, you can draw on it.

The so-called painting is actually learning and contacting the world.

Thinking of this, Zhou An's interest arose.

Develop a game!

He felt that he suddenly awakened to a very abnormal attribute, but he also felt that this attribute was actually quite normal.

"Maybe I can change a lot of things." Zhou An thought to himself.

Thinking of this, he pointed to a chair in the room: "This is a chair."

The woman in black looked at the chair with a blank expression, and imitated Zhou An: "This is a chair."

"Chair." Zhou An repeated again.

This time, the woman in black's confusion became slightly lighter.

"Chair." The woman in black said softly.

Zhou An rubbed his hands and felt that he could continue.

So, on this night, Zhou An lost his liver proficiency for the first time. He taught until late in the morning and after midnight, when he felt a little tired and stopped teaching.

When lying on the bed, the woman in black no longer imitated his behavior, but sat on the chair and curiously touched the lines on the chair.

"Chair." The woman in black said softly.

This night just passed.

The next day, when the sun shone in from outside, Zhou An got up early.

He planned to change his clothes and go out for a meal.

The woman in black was still sitting on the chair, looking at the tea cup next to her, and said softly: "Cup."

This night, Zhou An taught a lot, most of them teaching how to speak.

The woman in black was very curious and followed suit.

At this time, Zhou An took off his coat and prepared to put on new clothes and go out.

When he made this move, he heard a voice behind him.

"Take off." The woman in black said one word, and then followed Zhou An's example and prepared to take off her black clothes.

Seeing this scene, Zhou An raised his hand to stop him.

"Wait a minute, I can only take it off, do you understand?"

The woman in black looked at Zhou An blankly. She only heard the word "take off" and quickly tried to unbutton her coat.

At this time, Zhou An stepped forward, grabbed the collar of the woman in black, closed her collar, and then shook his head.

After a whole night of teaching, the woman in black knows how to shake her head and nod her head.

So after seeing Zhou An shake his head, the woman in black nodded, then stretched out her hand and touched Zhou An's wrist, as if she was very dependent on him.

Zhou An then breathed a sigh of relief, let go and put on his clothes.

Then, he looked at the woman in black next to him and was making a decision in his mind.

He planned to take the woman in black out.

After all, if this woman is two or three meters away from him, she will come back automatically. Even if she is not taken out, she will follow her out. It is better to go out together to see the world.

With him here, the woman in black can't cause any trouble.

Thinking of this, Zhou An pointed to the door.


The woman in black said nothing, stared at Zhou An's back, and followed behind him silently.

The two of them went out and came to the yard.

The yard was now illuminated by the sun.

Although it is winter, there is a warmth unique to winter.

Yesterday was night and now it is day.

The woman in black looked around curiously. Her cold white skin became even more crystal clear under the sunlight.

A new emotion floated in the eyes of the woman in black, this emotion was called happiness.

It's like a newborn baby, seeing the warmest sunshine in the world, showing a silly smile.

The woman in black smiled for the first time.

Zhou An was stunned.

A weirdo turned into a human. After becoming human, he still looked like a blank piece of paper and could still laugh?

Zhou An felt that the world seemed a little crazy.

"Forget it, let's stop thinking about it and eat." Zhou An put his thoughts back.

After leaving the house, Zhou An took the woman in black to the street.

Before he took two steps, he felt as if his sleeve was being pulled by someone.

Turning around, he saw the woman in black grabbing his sleeve nervously, and looking around from time to time.

For the first time, Zhou An saw nervousness in the woman in black.

It can be seen that the woman in black at this moment has a strong curiosity about everything around her, but she does not dare to touch it.

Just like a person who has been at home all year round, he always carries this emotion with him when he steps out of the house for the first time.

Zhou An didn't know why, but looking at the expression of the woman in black, he felt quite sympathetic.

In his previous life, he had seen a lot of news, and many people were in the same situation.

Therefore, unconsciously, there is a connection with one's past life.

"It's okay. Let's keep walking. I'll take you out to have something to eat." Zhou An said.

The woman in black heard Zhou An speak, raised her head, looked at Zhou An blankly, and then grabbed Zhou An's arm.

Even if Zhou An said this, the woman in black seemed unable to let down her guard against those around her.

Seeing this scene, Zhou An knew that the problem could not be solved by talking alone, so he could only lead the woman in black towards a stall where he often ate.

On the street, a strange combination appeared.

A man was walking towards the street, and to the man's left, a woman in black who was a little too beautiful and full of taboo beauty, like a frightened rabbit, held the man's arm and walked cautiously. With.

And as he walked, he looked at the surrounding stalls with curious eyes.

Soon, Zhou An took the woman in black to a bun shop.

This is where Zhou An often comes. When Zhou An sits down, the woman in black sits closely next to Zhou An on the same stool.

Seeing this, Zhou An felt helpless and said to the boss: "Two cages of steamed buns and two bowls of porridge."

The boss was also surprised. He knew that Zhou An was a regular visitor here, but this was the first time he saw Zhou An bring a woman.

And this woman is so beautiful that it's a bit breathtaking.

But the boss responded quickly and knew what to look at and what not to look at. He quickly responded and went to prepare the buns.

Not long after, two cages of steamed buns and two bowls of porridge were placed in front of them.

The woman in black raised her white arm, picked up a bun curiously, looked around, put it on the high bridge of her nose, smelled it lightly, then turned her head and looked at Zhou An with a blank look. .

Zhou An pointed at the buns, then picked one up and stuffed it into his mouth, saying, "Eat."

The woman in black followed Zhou An's example and also put the bun into her mouth and ate it carefully.

As the red lips of the woman in black opened and closed, a hint of excitement appeared in the woman's eyes.

Then, as if she had discovered a new world, she grabbed another bun and stuffed it into her mouth.

Not only that, but he also imitated Zhou An and took a sip of porridge with a happy expression on his face.

Zhou An touched his chin and thought to himself: "This woman seems to have really turned into a human. She can even eat. This can no longer be called weird."

Feeling the temperature on his arm, he suddenly felt that except for being slightly cold, the woman in black was no longer different from a human being.

The most important thing is that a slightly cold feeling does not mean there is no temperature. This cold feeling is a very cool feeling.

It feels like a piece of jade in the hand, very comfortable.

Soon, the two of them finished all the buns and porridge.

Zhou An wiped his mouth.

The woman in black followed Zhou An's example and wiped her mouth.

Zhou An paid the bill and then stood up.

The woman in black still grabbed Zhou An's arm with her hand and did not let go.

"Go back." Zhou An said.

The two of them raised their feet and prepared to rush into the house.

Along the way, the woman in black remained in that state, looking around.

Zhou An was also watching everywhere.

Because he found that there seemed to be some changes in Maplewood State recently.

Obviously, there seem to be more people.

Although you can't tell without careful observation, Zhou An is a frequent visitor to this street, and you can see some clues with just one glance.

"There have been a lot of people in the world lately." Zhou An thought to himself as he touched his chin.

There are some people in the street, wearing different styles of clothes, walking around casually.

As for why, it can be seen that it is actually these Jianghu people and the people around them who have developed a strongly different style.

Every state, every prefecture, including every county, has its own unique style.

Some outsiders will always show a different atmosphere.

"I don't know what happened again." Zhou An didn't think about it, he just muttered.

The woman in black was very curious and looked around, but she didn't dare to go too far away from Zhou An. She grabbed Zhou An's arm tightly and did not relax at all.

"Let's go back." Zhou An just looked at it.

The two of them walked towards the door of their house, one behind the other.

The journey back was uneventful, but when he was about to arrive, Zhou An met a few people in the remote alley that he must pass home.

These people are all young people, and they are all wearing uniform clothes, all in white, with tokens hanging around their waists.

Zhou An is very familiar with this white suit because he has seen it from Ye Shuang before. It is the clothes worn by the Supervision Department and the uniform of the Supervision Department.

At this time, the Supervision Department suddenly came to his door, seemingly anxious, and Zhou An felt that something was going on here.

When Zhou An appeared in this alley, the people from the Supervision Department also discovered Zhou An.

At this time, a leading man walked up.

This man looks handsome, and he carries a unique temperament when he moves around, just like a Taoist priest who has emerged from the world in a Taoist temple.

In fact, the Supervisory Department is mainly Taoist people, that is, Qi practitioners.

This sect currently focuses on Buddhism and Taoism, while the others are some unknown forces.

When the woman in black saw someone approaching, she nervously grabbed Zhou An's arm, but did not step back.

"I've met Mr. Zhou."

The young man cupped his hands towards Zhou An and said.

This is etiquette in the world.

Zhou An frowned and asked, "Several adults came to my place. What's the matter?"

The Supervision Department is not permanently stationed in one place. They sometimes conduct inspections and usually come when something happens.

And every time, there will be routine inspections.

According to the laws of the Great Chu State, it should not be a day for inspections.

But Zhou An knew that these people were coming, and they must have brought something with them.

Sure enough, when Zhou An asked this question, the young man continued to hold his hand.

"Qiu Shiwen, I came here because of something, and I want to give Master Zhou something."

Zhou An touched his chin and said, "What's there? I don't remember breaking the laws of Dachu State, and I have to trouble your Supervision Department to give it to me."

Usually those who come to the door like the Supervision Department are officials from the Great Chu Kingdom.

And once someone comes to your door, it means there is a big problem.

Zhou An didn't remember what was wrong with him.

Qiu Shiwen quickly said: "It's not what Mr. Zhou thought. It's not related to the duties of the Supervision Department, but some private matters."

With that said, Qiu Shiwen took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Zhou An.

There was nothing on the letter, it was a bare piece. If you didn't open it and see the letter paper inside, you wouldn't even know who sent it.

Zhou An looked at it repeatedly, but did not open it. He asked with interest: "What is it? Who gave me this letter?"

Qiu Shiwen looked around and then said: "Master Zhou, this letter is from the Imperial Master. As for why it is given to you, we don't know. We are just going to patrol nearby, and stop by to bring this letter to you. of."

"I see."

Zhou An nodded.

He thought he was being traced, but it turned out that he was stopping by to bring a letter.

But this letter did interest him somewhat.

In fact, he already knows something about the Imperial Master.

After all, I read so much information.

This man is now regarded as the leader of the Taoist sect of the entire Great Chu Kingdom, and is also a high-ranking national master of the Great Chu Kingdom.

No one knows what state he has reached.

Moreover, what he is good at is not only Taoist charms, but also various spells at his fingertips.

The Qi Refiner has been trained to the pinnacle level by the national master.

Of course Zhou An was very curious about this letter.

"Master Zhou, I have something else to do, so I'll take my leave now."

Qiu Shiwen's purpose was just to deliver the letter. After delivering the letter, he didn't stay long. He handed over his hand and left with his companions.

After leaving, the alley returned to calm.

Zhou An looked at the envelope in his hand, and then returned to the yard with the woman in black.

After coming back, the woman in black obviously let go, directly let go of her hand, and then pointed to Zhou An's room, meaning she wanted to enter the house.

Of course Zhou An would not stay in the yard for long and took the woman in black back to the house.

As soon as she came back, the woman in black sat on the chair where she was yesterday and began to swing her slender legs.

Apparently, the woman in black was very fond of this chair.

At this time, she had ignored Zhou An and was sitting on her chair, playing with the teacup on the table.

Zhou An didn't care about the woman in black, but found a seat to sit down, poured himself a cup of tea, and took a sip.

He opened the letter in front of him.

Now he was very curious as to why the Imperial Master came to him.

Although there was no intersection, he did have a strong curiosity about this person.

After the letter was opened, Zhou An read it carefully. After he had read all the contents, he found a brazier and burned the letter to ashes.

"The Imperial Master is actually helping me. It seems there is something useful this time." Zhou An thought to himself.

The content of this letter only revolves around one person, and that is the true holder of the spiritual magic, that is, that woman.

The Imperial Preceptor has already found the woman's location. As for how he found it, it's actually very simple.

Because the national master personally took action and used the monk Luan Xin as the basis to perform a Taoist divination technique.

In fact, the magic of divination has quite high requirements for its use.

Especially in terms of finding people.

During this time, Monk Luanxin was sent to the capital by Hou Sizhou, who was suppressing Guisi.

The national master used Monk Luan Xin to directly find out the location of the true holder of the spiritual magic through divination.

In fact, there are some skills here.

The trick lies in the fact that Monk Luan Xin has also practiced spiritual magic, otherwise the national master may not be able to find it.

And this letter tells Zhou An the location of the woman.

Who is the national preceptor?

The number one person in the Taoist sect of the entire Da Chu Kingdom.

The divination done by oneself is very stable.

The National Preceptor's meaning is also very simple, find this woman and then kill her.

Of course, it wasn't for nothing that Zhou An took action.

In the future, if Zhou An is in trouble, the National Preceptor will help him if he can.

That's the whole letter.

But Zhou An felt that something was wrong.

He felt that the Imperial Master personally took action and asked him to kill this woman. There was always something mysterious in it.

"The Imperial Master seems a little impatient. He asked me to kill this woman. Could it be that he wants to cover up something?" Zhou An thought to himself.

Of course, this is just a conjecture on his part.

This thing is good for me, and I can get a promise from the national master.

And that woman with spiritual magic must also get rid of him.

Only after getting rid of it can you feel completely at ease.

After all, in the last incident, the woman made it clear that as long as she freed her hands, she would deal with her.

In this case, if you can get rid of this woman easily and get a promise from the national master, why not do it?

The location mentioned in the letter is already nearly a hundred miles away from Maplewood State.

That place was very remote, it was a hilltop, and it was a hilltop that had no name.

To be honest, if he was really there, even if he looked for Potian, he might not be able to find him.

"Going out." Zhou An stood up and looked at the woman in black next to him.

The woman in black also stood up and silently came to Zhou An's side.

Zhou An ignored her and walked directly outside.

Left the room and came to the street.

It's still sunny outside.

Zhou An felt his arm being grabbed by the woman in black again.

"I will go to a place later, and there will be a battle. Don't grab my hand at that time, understand?" Zhou An raised his arm and said.

He didn't know if the woman in black could hear it, but if he really wanted to fight, he wouldn't let his hand be pulled like this.

The woman in black looked confused, but looking at Zhou An's serious expression, even though she didn't quite understand, she still nodded blankly.

Zhou An did not stay any longer and rushed towards his destination.

At this time, Zhou An was on his way.

And on a hilltop more than a hundred miles away from the Great Chu Kingdom, there was a small house.

In the house, wearing a yellow dress. The woman wearing a white mask is looking at a booklet in her hand?

Below her, four men stood.

These men all took off their shirts, revealing their muscular bodies.

The masked woman finished reading the book and placed it on the table.

"Now, we have completely controlled 20% of the counties and prefectures around Maplewood State. Let's continue to move forward. Do you understand?"

The men standing below all knelt on the ground and said respectfully: "I understand!"

The masked woman stood up, then came to one of the men, stretched out her hand and touched the man's chest.

The man didn't dare to move and just kept kneeling.

The woman shook her head, and then sighed: "Originally, I thought that controlling top-notch masters like you would give me a great sense of accomplishment, but it's far behind compared to Zhou An."

"Remember, I am giving you the spiritual magic so that it will be more convenient for you to control all the people in Maplewood State."

"After taking control, I want to get Zhou An, do you understand?"

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