Although his tone was calm, even with a sense of nostalgia, Ye Shuang couldn't help but shiver.

Because she felt that the murderous aura in Zhou An's eyes was gradually becoming more intense as he missed her.

At this time, the fat monk was still screaming, especially his fat face, whose facial features had melted together, as if he had lost his normal consciousness and turned into a madman.

Zhou An held the cold marrow knife, led the woman in black, and slowly walked to the fat monk, the murderous look in his eyes became even stronger.

"What did he see?" Ye Shuang was confused.

Soon, her doubts were answered by the fat monk.

The fat monk was rolling around, screaming, and speaking crazy words incoherently.

"There is also fog, an invisible fog. It is a monster, it is fear, it is the source of the most terrifying thing in the world, hahaha, it wants to eat me, eat me, I am going to die..."

Crazy, the fat monk was completely crazy, because he saw something that made him crazy enough. He saw something that did not belong to this world.

In fact, these are not the root causes of his complete madness.

The real madness was that after seeing this, he saw another layer of fog.

This fog made it difficult for him to see through, and it carried a majesty that disdained all living beings.

When he looked at the mist, just for a moment, he went crazy.

There is no room for negotiation at all.

"What is the fog?" Ye Shuang asked strangely.

"I don't know either." Zhou An said, "Ask."

He really didn't know, because he only experienced the days in Anding County, and everything disappeared before he could draw his sword.

So asking the fat monk, maybe you can find out something.

But before he could actually do so, the fat monk suddenly struggled several times, and then completely lost his breath of life.

He died, and died very clearly. Because of the joy of reincarnation, he saw things that were impossible to see at this level, and suffered huge backlash.

Ye Shuang was still thinking about what the fat monk saw, while Zhou An looked at the body of the fat monk and fell into deep thought.

"The clue seems to have been broken again."

In order to trace the identity of the woman in black, he made a special trip.

The ultimate goal is the fat monk, and the fat monk is already dead.

As for what the fat monk saw through the psychic space, Zhou An now has no idea.

This is what gives Zhou An a headache.

Feeling the slight strength of the woman in black holding his left hand, Zhou An reached out and touched the woman in black's head.

"You guys are giving me such a headache."

Just cut it off.

Zhou An planned to practice arithmetic as a life skill after returning home to see if he could figure out the heels of the woman in black.

The woman in black was touched on the head by Zhou An, and she narrowed her eyes and enjoyed it comfortably, as if she had been enjoying the caress of a cat.

As if sensing Zhou An's emotions, the woman in black scratched her head and suddenly uttered three words.

"I saw it."

Zhou An was stunned by these three words that came out of the blue.

He was already stroking the head of the woman in black, and was already planning to leave for home.

This trip was to see clearly the secrets of the woman in black, but now it seemed that there was no chance, so Zhou An planned to continue his proficiency after returning.

He even touched the woman in black's head while already arranging the follow-up tasks.

When the time comes, first develop an arithmetic skill, raise it to level three, and cause a qualitative change, and then calculate the situation of the woman in black.

But he never expected that at this moment, the woman in black suddenly said these three words, causing the scene to fall into silence.

Not only Zhou An was stunned, but also Ye Shuang.

After a while, Ye Shuang came to his senses, seemed to have thought of something, and said in surprise: "Did you also be dragged into reincarnation by the monk?"

The woman in black said she saw it just now, so combined with what happened not long ago, Ye Shuang could only think of this answer.

Zhou An touched his chin and carefully recalled the scene of his joyful reincarnation just now.

There does seem to be no woman in black in that section.

Then there is only one result. The woman in black also entered the reincarnation of joy and saw many previous experiences at the same time.

In this case, it means that the clues are still there.

Thinking about this, Zhou An asked: "What did you see?"

The woman in black and Zhou An naturally had a good connection. After hearing Zhou An's question, she gestured with her hands and said two words: "Man."

As if she was worried that Zhou An wouldn't understand, the woman in black worked hurriedly for a while and gave a rough outline.

Zhou An looked at the woman in black busying up and down, touched her chin, and asked: "Can you describe him in detail, just physical features and so on, by the way, just his appearance, appearance, do you understand? "

In order to make the woman in black understand her meaning better, Zhou An condensed all the words into two words - appearance just after half a sentence.

The woman in black in front didn't understand, but after hearing the word "look", she immediately understood what Zhou An meant. She stood there with her little eyebrows furrowed in distress, as if thinking about how to present herself to Zhou An.

After a while, the woman in black's eyes lit up slightly, as if she had thought of it, and she lightly stamped her foot in front of Zhou An.

The next moment, a luminous gossip appeared under the feet of the woman in black, covering the entire wilderness in an instant.

When the wilderness is shrouded, bright butterflies appear on the gossip.

This butterfly Zhou An knew was the butterfly that led them not long ago.

Zhou An was confused, wondering why the woman in black was making a butterfly at this time.

But he knew that the woman in black had an absolute purpose for doing this, so he didn't say anything and waited patiently.

Sure enough, after Zhou An waited for a while, these butterflies, as bright as stars, fluttered their wings made of light, gradually condensed in mid-air, and then turned into a tall figure.

There is also a part of the light that condenses into a chair with an exaggerated outline.

The scenery in front of him, condensed by butterflies, turned into a man sitting on a chair.

Zhou An couldn't see the man's face clearly, but just the scene simulated by the woman in black already had a deep sense of oppression.

The man sat on the chair with a sense of contempt for everyone, as if everyone in the world were just ants.

This was only simulated by the woman in black using Tongtian arithmetic. It was not fully simulated, but it was already quite oppressive.

"What's next?" Zhou An asked.

The woman in black scratched her head, and then waved her white right hand towards the condensed light.

As the woman in black waved her right hand, the next moment, the man made of light stood up from the chair.

The surrounding gossip is also constantly changing, condensing into a cliff composed of light.

At this moment, the man came to the top of the cliff, with his hands behind his back, as if he was looking at the vast number of sentient beings under the cliff.

After a while, a tiny light group suddenly appeared under the cliff made of light.

The light group continued to condense in mid-air, and finally turned into a baby made of light, which slowly fell into the man's hands.



Zhou An fell into thinking.

The scene that appeared in front of me should be related to the woman in black, so what will happen next?

Zhou An read on patiently.

He is looking forward to the next changes.

But the next moment, the scenery in front of him suddenly disappeared.

Everything returned to its original state, still in the wilderness.

The woman in black stared at Zhou An with big innocent eyes and said two words: "No more."

Zhou An's mouth twitched slightly: "Is this the end?"

The woman in black nodded, indicating that it was indeed gone. She lowered her head and came to Zhou An's side. She took Zhou An's hand and raised her fair face: "Go home."

At this point, Zhou An also understood that this was the only scene the woman in black saw in her reincarnation.

But he felt that there was definitely something wrong with the man sitting in the chair.

These things should have been experienced by the woman in black. The man made of light must be related to the woman in black.

Especially the baby held in the man's hands is likely to have a huge relationship with the woman in black.

Thinking of this, Zhou An did not go home first, but made a gesture of holding a baby in his arms, and then said to the woman in black: "Baby, you?"

What he meant by this was to ask if the baby in his arms was the woman in black.

After all, based on the current contacts and some of Zhou An's thoughts, he felt that it was probably the case.

He had read so many online novels in his previous life, and his thinking in this regard has always been unique.

Unexpectedly, when Zhou An said these words, the woman in black scratched her head and looked confused.


Although her expression was very confused, the woman in black still answered Zhou An. This meant that the woman in black didn't know clearly and only got a specious answer.

Zhou An touched his chin and asked again: "Is that you the man?"

The woman in black still shook her head: "A man... looks like him!"

"Like, what does it mean?" Zhou An fell into thinking.

The answer was too ambiguous and he couldn't figure it out.

The woman in black looked left and right. With her current understanding, she could only understand one meaning.

——If you can’t figure it out, you won’t be able to go home for the time being.

She had been out shopping for a long time, and the initial novelty had disappeared. At this time, she missed the chair at home.

So the woman in black at this moment fell into confusion when she saw Zhou An's meditative state.

At this time, a messy memory came into the mind of the woman in black, and the woman in black seemed to remember something again.

She glanced at Zhou An cautiously, then stamped her feet, and the glowing Bagua appeared again.

After appearing, the scene just now appeared in front of Zhou An again.

At this time, the woman in black pulled Zhou An and slowly came to the edge of the cliff, pointing to the bottom of the cliff.

Only then did Zhou An see clearly the situation below the cliff.

At the bottom of the cliff, there was a black eye staring at the man on the cliff.

There is a powerful killing power in the eyes, which seems to be able to extinguish all living things.

With a terrifying sense of oppression.

The woman in black pointed at the eye and said with excitement and joy: "Eye, like!"

Seeing this scene, Zhou An's mouth twitched slightly.

Another image came, this image made him unable to recognize the word now.

From his angle, the eye underneath carried a strong sense of oppression, which was stronger than that of a man condensed by light.

According to what the woman in black just said, not only the man and the baby, but also the eyes at the bottom of the cliff look like hers.

Zhou An felt that the identity of the woman in black was getting more and more strange.

At this moment, the woman in black looked like she was thinking hard. After a while, her eyes lit up, and then she pointed at the gossip at her feet.

Along with this movement, the eye suddenly emitted a ray of light.

When the light appeared, it shot directly towards the man above the cliff.

At the same time, the man's reaction was quick.

When the light was about to approach, he stretched out his right hand to block the light.

But this light carries endless destruction, as if it can defeat the world and destroy everything.

The cliff began to tremble, and the man's right hand began to break.

At this time, the man made a move that surprised Zhou An.

I saw the man lift the baby in his hand and throw it to the ground.

The baby fell to the ground and was thrown by the man into a sky full of stars.

Zhou An could feel that the anger in the terrifying eyes at the bottom of the cliff was gradually rising.

At the same time, the light began to change gradually with the power of destruction.

The man's right hand gradually collapsed, and the speed of collapse was increasing. More than half of the man's right hand had disappeared.

Just when the light was about to kill the man, suddenly, a thousand-meter-long thunder and lightning struck the cliff.

The eyes under the cliff began to vibrate and gradually disappeared in the thunder.

Everything returned to calm.

The danger below the cliff disappears.

This lightning was so fast that Zhou An was startled by it, but he quickly calmed down and planned to continue watching.

But the scenery in front of him was shattered again, and the surroundings returned to their original appearance.

The woman in black scratched her head, looking like she was thinking hard, as if she was thinking about how to show the next scene, but after thinking for a long time, she couldn't come up with any clues. On the contrary, the woman in black was spinning back and forth anxiously.

Next to him, Ye Shuang also saw this scene. After thinking for a moment, he said coldly: "I think...she seemed to have remembered something, but she couldn't finish it. In the cycle of joy, she might only have experienced the scene on the cliff. Later, , the second scene we just saw should be some of the things she recalled, but that’s where it ends.”

Zhou An nodded. Ye Shuang could understand these things, and he could also understand them.

Just like Ye Shuang said, the appearance of the second act should be some memories that the woman in black thought of.

But seeing the woman in black now looking scratching and complaining, Zhou An also knew that she would not be able to remember what happened next.

Judging from the clues obtained so far, the origin of the woman in black is definitely not simple.

There must be a connection between the man, the baby, and the eye at the bottom of the cliff.

Especially when the woman in black said that the man, the baby, and the eyes looked like hers, Zhou An had already imagined a lot of possibilities.

He is no longer the novice he used to be. After reading the books given by the emperor, he has come out of his new state. So when Zhou An combined the books given to him by the emperor and carefully deduced, he suddenly came to the conclusion an idea.

"The last bolt of lightning made the eyes disappear, otherwise it would be impossible for the man to survive, and the reason why the eyes were angry was because the man took the baby away."

"At that time, when this man was facing a fatal situation, he threw the baby to the ground decisively. Then I have a small guess." Zhou An said slowly: "This baby definitely plays an important role. It was killed by that man." They were cut off in the middle, so the fight between the two parties started. As for what the lightning that appeared later was, I can't figure it out."

Now that everything has been said, he is not in a hurry. While Ye Shuang is here, the two of them can discuss it and maybe make new discoveries.

After all, three cobblers are worth one Zhuge Liang.

In fact, Ye Shuang couldn't figure this out either.

Especially that inexplicable lightning, she always felt as if it was driving away the eye.

But what Zhou An thought of was what she thought of, and she couldn't say anything else.

The two fell into a state of deep thought.

At this time, the woman in black, who had been circling anxiously beside him, suddenly stopped and her eyes lit up again.

When Zhou An saw this scene, he also knew that the woman in black must have thought of something again, and said, "Just tell me what comes to mind."

The woman in black was urged by Zhou An and stamped her feet again, and the gossip resurfaced again.

Immediately afterwards, it was still the same scene as before, but now it was continuing the period that had just begun to disappear.

The man's right hand, which was made of light, had disappeared without a trace, but he didn't notice it at all. He just snapped his fingers, and his right hand recovered in an instant.

The man came to the edge of the cliff, stared into the depths of the cliff, opened his mouth, and uttered silent words.

There's no sound, but that's not a huge problem.

The woman in black's face suddenly became serious. In the eyes of Zhou An and Ye Shuang, she pretended to have a thick voice and said: "I'm sorry, I killed her, but she may not die. She will live. Better than following." It’s safer with you than with me.”

After the words fell, the woman in black returned to her blank look, and then, the light and shadow composed of gossip completely disappeared.

The woman in black pointed to her head and said to Zhou An: "It's empty."

This means that her mind is empty at this time and she can't remember anything.

Zhou An nodded, his face expressionless, but his heart was filled with waves.

The scene just now may have been just a few words, but it brought a lot of information.

At this time, because of those few words, Zhou An had connected all the causes and consequences.

Zhou An didn't know the identity of that eye deep in the cliff.

There was only one thing he knew.

The man snatched the baby, seemingly to kill the baby, but according to the meaning of the man's words, it was to let the baby be reborn in another way.

The woman in black says that the man, the baby, and the eyes look like her, does that mean that the woman in black is the baby?

After all, there seems to be some connection between the current woman in black and rebirth.

Zhou An thinks it is very possible.

If this is the case, then there are even more mysteries.

Who is this man?

Who is the owner of that eye at the bottom of the cliff?

Who is the baby that is most likely the woman in black?

These mysteries are difficult to solve with current clues.

Ye Shuang was also shocked by the news, and looked at the woman in black with a hint of surprise.

But the woman in black seemed unaware. Instead, she turned her head, grabbed Zhou An's hand, and said in a dazed tone: "Go home."

During today's trip, especially at this last moment, the woman in black always felt like her brain had been ripped out.

My head feels so itchy, as if it's about to grow a brain.

After Zhou An thought for a moment, he nodded and said, "Let's talk about it after we go back first."

Looking at this rhythm, replaying some scenes three times in a row, the woman in black seems to be unable to remember anything.

The information obtained so far is very messy and complicated, and Zhou An feels that it takes some time to digest it.

Ye Shuang thought for a while, then nodded and agreed.

Several people did not stay here longer and rushed towards the direction of Maple Forest State.

On the way back, it was naturally quiet, no one spoke.

Fortunately, nothing unusual happened on the way, and we returned to Maplewood State smoothly.


After Zhou An closed the door, he poured Ye Shuang a cup of tea.

After returning home, the woman in black happily sat on the chair, returning to her heartless state, as if the chair was everything to her.

"It seems that her identity is mysterious enough." Zhou An looked at the woman in black and said slowly: "What do you think?"

This sentence was asked to Ye Shuang.

When Zhou An asked this question, he actually had a profound meaning.

This time, the reason why he went to Fuhu Villa was actually related to the Imperial Master.

What the Imperial Master meant was that this trip would be helpful in uncovering the identity of the woman in black.

Now it seems that the national master was right.

It is true that part of it has been solved, but we can only know that the woman in black is related to the eyes deep in the cliff.

Other than that, the rest is unclear.

And the reason why he said this to Ye Shuang was to find out what Ye Shuang said.

After all, Ye Shuang also saw what the woman in black showed.

Although Ye Shuang is a cool person on the surface, she is actually a foodie, but that doesn't mean she is a fool.

If he was really a fool, he would not become the ninth disciple of the National Master.

There is no connection between purity of mind and stupidity.

She could hear that Zhou An was testing, but in fact, this kind of testing was normal.

After all, Zhou An knew her well, but he didn't know the national master behind her.

Thinking of this, Ye Shuang organized her words and then said: "The teacher said, no matter what you see, it doesn't matter, as long as she is still tied to you."

Zhou An touched his chin and asked, "What do you mean by this?"

As long as the woman in black is tied up with him, is it possible that the Imperial Master is so at ease with him?

To be honest, even if the Imperial Preceptor is at ease with him, he is not at ease with the Imperial Preceptor. After all, he is a famous old Yinbi from the Great Chu Kingdom.

Ye Shuang thought for a moment, then gritted her teeth and decided to say what the teacher had forbidden her to say: "You must never say this to Zhou An."

At this moment, Ye Shuang was like a person sharing a secret, and before sharing, he said a classic sentence.

When many people tell a secret, they will tell another person, "Don't tell the truth. This is the situation now."

Zhou An made a tight-lipped gesture and said, "I've always been very strict with my mouth."

Ye Shuang nodded: "Actually, the teacher used the Taoist divination method to calculate you before this... but in the end he seemed to retreat in panic."

Speaking of this, Ye Shuang couldn't help but think of the scene at that time.

At that time, she was next to the teacher, and then she saw that the teacher looked very fairy-like and was making fortune-telling predictions.

However, this immortal appearance could not be maintained for even a second, and he quickly retreated in a hurry, as if he had seen something terrible.

She swore that she had never seen the teacher so panicked in her life.

But when I asked the teacher what she saw, the teacher didn't mention a word, and she was not allowed to tell Zhou An.

As for why I told Zhou An now...

Ye Shuang didn't know, but she just wanted to tell Zhou An.

Zhou An pondered for a moment and asked, "What did the Imperial Master see?"

Ye Shuang shook his head and said he didn't know.

She really doesn't know.

Zhou An also understood that Ye Shuang had reached this point, and there was no need to lie to him about the rest. After thinking about it, he put his hands behind his head and said, "Okay, it doesn't matter. We'll see later."

We have already reached this point, and we understand everything we need to know. In this case, let’s take it one step at a time.

Zhou An now has a goal, and liver proficiency is his only goal.

Under this goal, figuring out the background of the woman in black is the second goal.

In Zhou An's view, these two goals can be pursued at the same time, and there is no rush now.

As long as the Holy Spirit Demonic Body is used more, the woman in black will become clearer. In addition, he will also develop arithmetic-related skills in the future. He feels that after this skill becomes stronger and stronger, he can also measure the black-clothed woman with his own hands. A woman's feet.

And he feels that he should be very awesome.

To be precise, it's not that I am awesome, but that Goldfinger is awesome.

The fat monk went crazy for no reason, and the national master couldn't blame him. Zhou An was a very clever person, and he knew it must have something to do with his golden finger.

Anyone who encounters these things one after another will feel very solemn.

Zhou An is different. He is a casual person. In addition, Zhou An has a principle at all times, which is to live well in the present while focusing on the future.

As long as you can get stronger and stronger, the future will get better and better.

So until now, after Zhou An has sorted out all the clues, he has temporarily buried them in his heart.

He knew that one day in the future, it would definitely be solved.

"I'm hungry." Ye Shuang suddenly covered his stomach with a pitiful look.

This has become normal. When she was in Anding County, it was Zhou An who took her everywhere to eat and drink.

When Ye Shuang was alone in the capital, she would sometimes turn into gray clothes and go out to eat, but Ye Shuang always felt that she was missing something.

After meeting Zhou An this time, I felt that what was missing in my heart had been filled.

Zhou An heard what Ye Shuang said and thought about it. He had been running around all this time and seemed to have really not eaten much, so he stood up and said, "Okay, let's go. I'll take you to try Maplewood Prefecture's specialties." snack."

Ye Shuang's eyes lit up when he heard this, and his foodie attributes exploded instantly, nodding like a chicken pecking at rice.

At this time, everyone had nothing to pack and was ready to go out.

The woman in black rolled her eyes slightly.

Although she looked confused now, she quickly put the chair on her shoulders, as if she was afraid of losing it.

Even if you want to follow, you have to bring a chair with you.

Seeing this scene, Zhou An said speechlessly: "You leave it at home and no one comes to steal it. What are you afraid of?"

The woman in black shook her head, then pointed to her head and said pitifully: "It's empty."

This means telling Zhou An that he has recalled too many things just now, and only by bringing this chair with him can he soothe the memories in his heart.

Seeing the stubborn look of the woman in black, Zhou An knew that he had no choice but to stretch out his hand towards the woman in black.

The woman in black had an expression of joy on her face, and she happily held Zhou An's hand, as if I was obedient.

After everything was ready, Zhou An took Ye Shuang and the woman in black to a small stall in Fenglin State.

Along the way, Zhou An became a sight to behold.

To be precise, it was the woman in black next to him who became the center of attention.

Before going out, Ye Shuang had already returned to his gray-clothed state and became ordinary.

Only the way the woman in black carried the chair made people look at her.

Sitting in front of the stall, Zhou An looked at the woman in black who was still holding the chair, and shouted to the stall owner next to him: "Let's serve, one of each special dish."

"Okay!" The boss smiled and left.

Next, another two or three days passed.

After two or three days, Zhou An had no liver proficiency and almost ate the entire Maple Forest State with Ye Shuang.

You have to be a person in the industry to say that this tastes like a bottomless pit.

Ye Shuang was also happy for the first time in a long time. His gray-clothed state continued, looking careless at all times.

Fortunately, these days didn't last long before Ye Shuang had to leave.

This time I came here under the order of the Imperial Master, and I had finished my work. I had enough fun to stay for two or three days, so Ye Shuang left very happily.

"Goodbye, Zhou An." Ye Shuang remained in gray clothes and stood at the gate of Fenglin Prefecture, waving his hand to Zhou An.

Zhou An waved and looked at Ye Shuang's back as he gradually left.

After Ye Shuang left, he took the woman in black's hand and rushed into Maple Grove State.

This time, Zhou An did not go home, but went to another place.

In fact, he has no liver proficiency these days. When he has been accompanying Ye Shuang to eat and drink in Maplewood State, he has already been thinking about ways to improve arithmetic.

Since it is improving arithmetic, it is just a simple calculation.

During the recent period, he tried mental arithmetic and oral arithmetic, all of which he tried quietly, but to no avail.

So Zhou An felt that this thing had to be done in a different way.

Since it is calculation, then you have to actually use tools to calculate.

So he decided to give abacus a try.

In this era, the abacus is the most important tool for settling accounts. In fact, Zhou An has learned about it before, but as a person who has traveled from a previous life, he doesn't know how to do this at all.

So Zhou An had the attitude of not knowing how to learn, so he decided to learn first.

As for how to learn, it depends on today’s destination.

Pulling the woman in black, Zhou An arrived at the destination of his trip not long after.

——Mapleland Prefecture Hengtong Chamber of Commerce.

Inside the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce.

At this time, the person in charge, Meng Jiang, was sitting in the reception room, pouring a cup of tea to the old man opposite.

I originally wanted to write about a fat monk who saw amateurs, study materials, and married women, but it was blocked by the system. I was on the verge of danger and frantically experimented.

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