Although the room was not big, there were only Meng Jiang and the old man inside, so it seemed very empty.

The whole room is antique, and both the furnishings and decorations have a unique charm.

Even the table is covered with precious sandalwood.

At this time, the hazy smoke of sandalwood is emitting, and just smelling it makes people feel refreshed.

This room is full of the flavor of rich people, and it is also the best reception room of Maplewood Prefecture Hengtong Chamber of Commerce.

Everyone in this room is an extremely distinguished guest.

"Elder Luo, please have some tea. This tea is a specialty of our Maplewood Prefecture and is also the most precious." Meng Jiang waved his hand and said with a smile.

He doesn't understand tea, but that doesn't stop him from using the most expensive one.

The expensive one may not necessarily be the best, but it is the most suitable for use here.

The old man in front of him comes from the Shengdan Sect and is a particularly important partner of the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce.

The so-called Shengdan Sect is a force of alchemists, and it is also a first-rate force in the Great Chu Kingdom.

This sect is not very powerful in combat, but its connections are ridiculously large.

There is no other reason. The profession of alchemist is extremely popular in the world.

Pills are specially designed to serve the people of the world. Whether they are traveling in the world or killing people on a dark and windy night, they are a must-have weapon.

The alchemist also relies on this guy to make a living and has gathered a lot of connections among the people in the world.

The Hengtong Chamber of Commerce has always had a close cooperative relationship with the Shengdan Sect, and the Shengdan Sect has also brought great income to the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce. Therefore, this time when the elder of the Shengdan Sect, Luo Fu, came over, Meng Jiang naturally received him personally.

Elder Luo picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and said in a calm tone: "It is indeed a good tea, I have you to take care of it."

On the surface, Elder Luo's tone was very polite, but in fact, his eyes moved slightly upward, making him appear condescending.

Meng Jiang sighed slightly when he saw Elder Luo's appearance.

This is the temper that the alchemist of the Shengdan Sect has always had, and he knows it very well.

This profession actually belongs to the lineage of Qi Refiners, but in the past, it belonged to the Taoist sect. Later, due to some things, it finally broke out of the Taoist sect and became a force on its own.

Because alchemists have close ties with people in the industry and have many people in the industry who ask for help from them, they have developed this very arrogant temperament.

Even if he cooperates with Hengtong Chamber of Commerce, he still has this expression.

Because for the Shengdan Sect, it was the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce that begged them to cooperate.

After all, if an alchemist does not choose Hengtong Chamber of Commerce, he can choose other chambers of commerce without paying a price at all. There are many chambers of commerce who are willing to come after hearing the news.

This is also the reason why Meng Jiang keeps company here.

As the person in charge of the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce in Maplewood Prefecture, there are really not many people he can personally greet here.

In fact, Meng Jiang was quite helpless. He didn't like to receive such arrogant people.

But when people are in the arena, they can’t help themselves.

Especially if the interests are relatively deep like this.

"Elder Luo, our cooperation this time seems to have stalled recently. Some of the elixirs sent by the Shengdan Sect to the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce are much less than before." Meng Jiang put down the teacup.

Elder Luo came here this time, actually for this matter.

Since last month, especially in Maplewood Prefecture, the amount of pills received has been much less, so Meng Jiang only extended an invitation to the Dansheng Sect.

The Shengdan Sect also sent Elder Luo here just to discuss this matter.

Elder Luo took a sip of tea lightly, without even looking at Meng Jiang, and said very calmly: "The rate of elixir creation has not been high recently, and Manager Meng also knows that our elixir refining lineage also pays attention to the probability of success. It doesn’t mean it’s 100% successful, so naturally the amount given is less.”

“It’s not just Maplewood State, it’s estimated that other places will also be affected.”

As he spoke, Elder Luo didn't even put down the tea cup and took another sip of tea, looking very casual.

While drinking tea, Elder Luo was even thinking about going to the best restaurant in Maplewood State to have a delicious meal tonight.

He did not regard this time as a mission, but as an outing.

After all, in his opinion, cooperating with the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce is a way for the Shengdan Sect to give them face.

If we don't give this face, there will be too many people to cooperate.

Meng Jiang has lived in the shopping mall for many years, so he doesn't know what Elder Luo means.

He could see through this expression at a glance.

After Meng Jiang thought about it for a while, he said: "Elder Luo, I heard that you are also cooperating with other chambers of commerce. The total amount this time has not changed, but part of it has been distributed to other chambers of commerce."

As a chamber of commerce, it naturally has its own intelligence network, so when he invited Elder Luo to come over, Meng Jiang had already found out.

When Elder Luo heard this, he put down the tea cup without any attempt to hide it, and expressed his dissatisfaction very naturally: "Manager Meng, are you investigating me? If so, what do you think between us? Is the cooperation done in good faith?”

Meng Jiang clenched his fists, with a gleam of disgust in his eyes, but he quickly covered it up: "Elder Luo, did they give you more?"

Elder Luo said with a smile: "Manager Meng is still sensible. After all, we are cooperating. Whoever gives more, we will give more to him."

Meng Jiang couldn't bear it anymore. Even though he had lived in the mall for a long time and had developed a calm temperament, he still stood up.

The other party obviously doesn't take him seriously, but it's a first-class weird thing that the conversation can continue under such circumstances.

Elder Luo did not panic at all. Instead, he asked in a rhetorical tone: "Why, Manager Meng is planning to terminate the cooperation. Can he represent the entire Hengtong Chamber of Commerce?"

Meng Jiang clenched his fists and then released them. He suppressed all the unhappiness on his face and showed a smile: "That's not the case. Elder Luo, remember to say this when you distribute elixirs next time, If other chambers of commerce can afford it, we can afford it too."

Elder Luo chuckled: "Of course, I will tell you next time. After all, alchemy is a craft job, so we have to clearly mark the price."

In his words, Meng Jiang seemed to have been taken care of.

Meng Jiang sat back again, preparing to continue talking to Elder Luo.

Next, he was going to find out who was behind the scenes.

Those small chambers of commerce dare to steal the business of the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce, and there must be someone behind them.

Unfortunately, before he could ask his thoughts, a businessman from the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce hurriedly ran in from the outside.

The businessman is well-built and dressed in expensive silk and satin, but his running speed is not slow at all, and is even much faster than normal people.

Because I was in a hurry, I tripped over the threshold and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, although the businessman is not good at fighting, he is still an expert in the industry, and he quickly stabilized his figure.

Meng Jiang always kept his men in a stable attitude and temper.

Unexpectedly, his subordinates were in a panic today.

He couldn't help but frowned and asked, "What happened?"

Meng Jiang knew very well that if there was nothing serious, they would not be so panicked.

The businessman who ran in heard Meng Jiang's question and knew that he was rude. Then he straightened his messy clothes, looked at Elder Luo next to him, and prepared to step forward and talk to Meng Jiang quietly.

Meng Jiang did not stop him, but turned his ears to the side.

The businessman came over and whispered a few words.

Meng Jiang's expression became very strange.

He was slightly stunned at first, and then showed a look of joy.

He stood up, even standing up too fast, almost losing his balance.

"Master Zhou is here. You should inform me as soon as possible. Hurry up and lead the way. Forget it, you don't need to lead the way. I'll go directly there!"

After saying that, Meng Jiang strode away without even speaking to Elder Luo.

Elder Luo was sipping tea carefully and even thinking about what to eat for dinner. At this time, when Meng Jiang left like this, he felt quite embarrassed.

Now, there is another businessman in the house.

Elder Luo pondered for a moment, and while the businessman did not leave, he asked: "What happened? You, Manager Meng, are not usually so anxious."

Elder Luo himself is responsible for connecting with Maplewood State, so after going back and forth many times, he naturally knows Meng Jiang's character and temper.

Logically speaking, Meng Jiang is a very calm person and it is impossible for such a panic scene to occur.

If this is the case, it can only mean that the person who came has a good background.

Even if he came here by himself, Meng Jiang behaved in an orderly manner, but in just one sentence, he became so impatient.

Elder Luo was thinking about the identity of the person coming.

The businessman was stopped by these words, stopped, turned around and clasped his fists: "Elder Luo, I'm really sorry, Mr. Zhou is here, so Manager Meng left in a hurry. If there is anything wrong, please forgive me." , if you need our cooperation, or let us take you around Maplewood State, I can arrange manpower right away."

The businessman was actually very anxious, but Manager Meng arranged for him to stay and did not ask him to go with him, probably to allow him to receive Elder Luo.

In fact, the businessman didn't like to receive Elder Luo, because Elder Luo had been to Maplewood Prefecture before. He basically treated it as if he was here for fun. After eating, drinking and having fun, he even went to a brothel to pick up two girls.

The most important thing is that after it's over, the matter remains undiscussed.

The businessman was ashamed of this behavior, but he had no choice but to stand here.

"Master Zhou, what Master Zhou?" Elder Luo frowned, somewhat confused about the situation.

He had only arrived not long ago, so he didn't know the current situation in Maplewood State.

But what he was thinking about was, in this Maplewood State, besides Zhou Ling and Sizhou, what else could make Meng Jiang receive him in such a panic?

Although Elder Luo has never met Si Zhou and Zhou Ling, he knows their names and it is absolutely impossible for them to be named Zhou.

The businessman quickly replied: "It's Mr. Zhou, the supervisor of the craftsmanship in our Maplewood Prefecture. Elder Luo, you also know that the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce attaches great importance to the mining of various ores recently, and Mr. Zhou happens to be the top leader of the craftsmanship supervisor. So naturally we have to treat him well."

He felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said, after all, he was telling the truth.

Today, relying on Zhou An, the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce has made a lot of money from the mining of iron ore and other ores.

What's more, Zhou An also published a medical book, which was manipulated by the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce.

What kind of version, what kind of special release, etc., all kinds of versions, my mouth is full of oil.

Coupled with Zhou An's strength, the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce certainly received him with the highest etiquette.

Not to mention in Maplewood State, even if you go to the General Chamber of Commerce of Hengtong Chamber of Commerce, you will probably get the same treatment.

Elder Luo was lost in thought, holding the tea cup in his hand and placing it on the table, spinning it gently: "I see, indeed, I also heard that you made a lot of money in the iron ore."

The businessman nodded, then turned to look at the door, showing a tangled look.

He was thinking about whether he should go there. After all, Mr. Zhou finally came here and he became familiar with him. Maybe one day he could become famous because of it.

"Let me go and have a look too." Elder Meng finally stopped turning the tea cup, stood up, and said: "Our Shengdan Sect has a cooperation with Hengtong Chamber of Commerce. Since another partner is here, I will go and have a look. , it’s also good to get to know each other.”

The businessman was slightly stunned. He didn't understand what Elder Luo meant, and couldn't help scratching his head.

Mr. Zhou is here. What will happen if you go?

You and Mr. Zhou don’t know each other, and there is no communication between the two. Could it be that you think Mr. Zhou is a noble person and want to get attached to him?

This is what the businessman thinks, which is actually completely opposite to Elder Luo's true thoughts.

Elder Luo felt that he had to go take a look and get to know this so-called Lord Zhou.

Because after seeing Meng Jiang's panic and joy, he felt that it might have a huge impact on the Shengdan Sect's business.

If the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce had other ways to make a fortune, and they were higher than alchemy, they would probably give them up directly.

The Shengdan Sect didn't want to give up. This time, they came here just to test it out. Not long ago, they deliberately adjusted the distribution of some elixirs to be smaller. It was also a test, hoping to make more money.

So Elder Luo just wanted to take a look and see who Zhou An was, so that he could take the next step after returning.

Elder Luo even felt that he had been slighted and was still dissatisfied.

After all, even when someone as distinguished as himself came, he didn't see Meng Jiang's expression like this. He was very curious about the other party's true situation.

The businessman didn't think too much. He thought Elder Luo really thought so, so he could only agree and lead the way.

Soon, the two of them left the room and walked towards the hall of Hengtong Chamber of Commerce.


In the hall of Hengtong Chamber of Commerce.

At this moment, Zhou An was sitting on a chair with the woman in black, waiting patiently.

Next to him, a bunch of businessmen gathered around, all introducing themselves and being very enthusiastic.

There is no way, when the status is raised, this is the impact.

Zhou An knew very well what these businessmen were thinking. They wanted to become familiar with him, so that if they encountered the opportunity to become famous in the future, they could soar into the sky.

This idea is actually a normal idea, and normal people have it, so although Zhou An saw it clearly, he didn't say anything.

And this is his temper.

You give me face, and I will give you face.

People respect me one foot, and I respect others one foot.

So he chatted one by one in a very natural manner.

The woman in black sat next to her and touched the chair in her hand, feeling that it was not interesting at all.

She still thinks that the chair at home is better, but except for Zhou An allowing her to carry it out on the first day, she was not allowed to carry it out later, and his attitude was very tough.

Between the chair and Zhou An, the woman in black spent a long time and made a difficult decision, choosing Zhou An.

"Go home." The woman in black took Zhou An's hand and looked at Zhou An with a pitiful look.

Zhou An smiled and shook his head, touching the black woman's head: "I will go back when I'm done. Don't worry, it's fun here too."

The woman in black said softly, unable to conceal the disappointment in her eyes, but she still sat aside obediently and did not continue to cause trouble.

Zhou An lifted the tea cup and took a sip. Just as he put it down, he heard a burst of hurried footsteps.

You know without asking that Meng Jiang must be here.

Zhou An turned his head and saw Meng Jiang approaching.

The businessman next to him even moved a chair for him to sit on.

As soon as Meng Jiang sat down, he eagerly handed over his hands: "Master Zhou, long time no see."

It's been a long time indeed. Since Zhou An came to Maplewood State, apart from the first few meetings, he has been focusing on his proficiency.

Otherwise, there is something important.

On the contrary, the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce came less frequently.

Meng Jiang understood the meaning above very clearly.

At any time and under any circumstances, not only must you not offend Zhou An, but you must also help Zhou An.

So I rushed over as soon as possible.

Zhou An cupped his hands and said, "I've been too busy recently, so I rarely come here. Please forgive me, Brother Meng."

His attitude was very sincere and he didn't mean to be fake.

At least on the surface, Meng Jiang felt that Zhou An's answer made him very comfortable.

Especially looking at Zhou An's sincerity, Meng Jiang thought of Elder Luo not long ago and sighed in his heart.

There is no comparison between this person and others.

Especially when he thought of Elder Luo's arrogant look, Meng Jiang felt even more uncomfortable.

Of course, as a businessman, he naturally covered it up and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhou, if you have anything to say, just tell me. As long as our Hengtong Chamber of Commerce can do it, we will definitely do our best to help you. "

He didn't think it was troublesome at all for Zhou An to come to him for help. Instead, he felt it was an honor.

From a businessman's point of view, they can see that Zhou An will definitely not be a thing in the pool in the future, so the more good relationships he has formed now, the easier it will be to do things in the future.

Zhou An is also a cheerful person. He said bluntly: "I want to borrow precious land to learn arithmetic. I even want Brother Meng to introduce me to a good teacher."

Meng Jiang was stunned. He really didn't expect Zhou An to say this.

He felt that Zhou An should ask him some difficult questions, but he never expected that the request would be so simple.

Learn arithmetic and find a good teacher?

Meng Jiang has these things, and can find them almost everywhere, and helps Zhou An complete them.

Businessmen, no one can count, and the best teacher is of course a businessman.

Although it was simple, Meng Jiang felt that this favor was a bit unkind.

"Master Zhou, are you sure you only need these things? If so, we can arrange them for you now." Meng Jiang said.

Zhou An nodded: "Sure, let's make arrangements quickly. I can also seize the time."

The development of new skills must be non-stop.

Not only can he find out the base of the woman in black, but he can also provide himself with additional protection.

Zhou An feels that he is a very goal-oriented person.

Once he has a goal, he will start working on it immediately.

Meng Jiang was not a wordy person. Now that Zhou An had decided, he quickly planned to arrange for a businessman who was the most proficient in arithmetic to teach Zhou An arithmetic.

But before he could turn around to make arrangements, he saw a person walking out of the guest room.

The businessman who just ran in to inform him was coming with Elder Luo.

"Why is he here?" Meng Jiang was slightly stunned.

Before he could react, Elder Luo had already walked closer and stared at Zhou An from top to bottom.

Zhou An felt strange.

He didn't know this person at all, so he looked up at Elder Luo and narrowed his eyes.

Zhou An felt that the older man in front of him seemed to be looking at him with a sense of scrutiny.

Although he didn't recognize her, he didn't like this look.

Before he could speak to Meng Jiang, Elder Luo spoke.

"You must be Mr. Zhou Anzhou. I have met Mr. Zhou. I am an elder of the Shengdan Sect. My surname is Luo. Just call me Elder Luo."

The abrupt opening and abrupt greeting, combined with Elder Luo's expression, seemed less abrupt.

When Elder Luo wanted to come, he came to see Zhou An himself to give him face, and because Zhou An was the top craftsman supervisor.

After all, their alchemist had no interaction with Zhou An, nor did they lick their faces like the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce.

Elder Luo originally just wanted to come over and see who could make Meng Jiangdu so anxious, so naturally he took on the arrogant attitude unique to an alchemist.

Zhou An frowned, then leaned back, leaned on the back of the chair, crossed his legs, took a sip of tea, and put the cup aside: "Okay, I know you, let's go."

The light words were filled with a sense of indifference.

Elder Luo was slightly stunned. He did not expect Zhou An to have such an attitude. He frowned and said, "Master Zhou, what do you mean?"

In his opinion, anyone in the industry would have a need for elixirs, so Zhou An would at least appear to be harmonious.

But he never expected that this would be the result, so Elder Luo was very unhappy.

At the end, he even added.

"Did I offend Mr. Zhou in some way?"

Elder Luo felt that there was something wrong with Zhou An's attitude.

He now wants to see what Zhou An will say next.

At this moment, Zhou An looked at him as if he were a fool.

This look made him very unhappy.

Elder Luo was still ready to speak, but Zhou An didn't let him continue.

Zhou An finally put down the teacup, then looked at Meng Jiang and said, "Brother Meng, is this your guest?"

Meng Jiang nodded, his face slightly gloomy.

As a businessman, how could Meng Jiang not understand what Zhou An meant.

Elder Luo looks like I know you very well, and his words also reveal the arrogance of an alchemist.

Let alone Zhou An, he felt uncomfortable just looking at it.

Since Nian had a lot of cooperation with the Shengdan Sect on weekdays, he winked at Elder Luo, meaning that he must keep a low profile.

As a member of the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce, I have cooperated with Zhou An, so of course I know Zhou An's details.

There are very few people who are arrogant in front of Zhou An.

He was worried that Zhou An would cut Elder Luo in half with one strike.

Who knew that this look in his eyes, in Elder Luo's opinion, would actually make Elder Luo show weakness.

Who is Elder Luo?

On weekdays, because of my status as an alchemist, I feel that I have to be humble to others, so I feel unhappy again.

"Master Zhou, with your attitude, you really want to make all the alchemists in the world unhappy. You must know that this alchemist and the people in the industry are closely connected."

Zhou An narrowed his eyes: "Alchemist, I seem to have come into contact with him. By the way, it seems to be a branch of yours called Alchemy Ghost. He seemed to be in the guild at that time."

Zhou An still remembered this person, after all, he had let himself swing a few swords.

It seemed that he was calling Li Ruofeng, but in the end he turned into gray.

When Elder Luo heard the word Dan Gui, his expression changed drastically, as if he had committed a big taboo, and he took a few steps back.

"Why, is Dangui scary?" Zhou An asked.

Before Elder Luo spoke, Meng Jiang explained over there.

"Master Zhou doesn't know. In the alchemy industry, people were used to make elixirs at first, and then people in the industry were used to make elixirs. Later, they even used alchemists from the same profession, so many alchemists mentioned alchemy. , it’s all about talking about tigers changing color.”

By this time, Meng Jiang no longer wanted to remind Elder Luo. He even felt that Elder Luo would definitely suffer the loss.

And after suffering this loss, Meng Jiang felt that he was actually very happy.

Look, I reminded you, but you don’t give me face. If you insist on offending Mr. Zhou, if you are really hacked to death by Mr. Zhou, you are asking for it.

As for the Shengdan sect behind you who wants to cause trouble, you have to see whether it is you, the Shengdan sect, or Mr. Zhou who is the stronger one.

"I see." Zhou An touched his chin and said, "By the way, Brother Meng, you haven't answered me yet, whether he is your distinguished guest."

Meng Jiang shook his head: "It used to be true, but not now. In the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce, the most noble person is only Mr. Zhou."

"Very good." Zhou An clapped his hands: "I like what Brother Meng said very much."

Elder Luo finally reacted to the two singing in harmony.

He clenched his fist and said, "Mr. Zhou, where did you meet the Alchemy Ghost? Do you think using the Alchemy Ghost to threaten you will do the trick?"

Zhou An had no intention of answering, or even wanted to pay attention. He just said two words lightly: "Get him."

He didn't say it to Meng Jiang, but to the woman in black next to him.

After saying these two simple words, the woman in black's eyes lit up, and her confusion turned into excitement.

She has been here for a long time and wants to go home.

The woman in black feels that only by returning home can she feel more free.

But Zhou An still had something to do, so she was very good and didn't cause trouble.

But this old man was very verbose and annoying, and was deliberately slowing down Zhou An.

Therefore, the woman in black has long been uncomfortable, but because Zhou An is here, she has not taken action.

Now that Zhou An said these two words, the woman in black finally couldn't help it anymore and took action decisively.

A stream of gossip flashed on the ground very quickly, going from light to light in the blink of an eye.

But in the blink of an eye, Elder Luo flew backwards, his mouth full of blood.

Elder Luo couldn't believe it. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He had been seriously injured. He quickly took out a bottle of elixir from his arms and drank it: "You, how dare you do it?"

Zhou An smiled, turned around and said, "Remember, if I say it in the future, it will be fatal."

The woman in black suddenly seemed to understand, nodded her head, and silently wrote it down in her heart.

"It's fatal, I understand... After the fight, go home!"

Isn't this a kind of pua?

Elder Luo could feel the murderous aura in Zhou An, especially the dazed and excited look in the eyes of the woman in black next to Zhou An, which actually contained a kind of bloodthirsty that frightened him.

This emotion made him still tremble.

This is the real woman in black, the woman in black who came from the coven.

If it weren't for Zhou An, there's no telling what kind of evil the woman in black would have become.

Elder Luo climbed up in a hurry, using his hands and feet to leave the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce.

He didn't even dare to say a harsh word, for fear that after saying these words, Zhou An would stay.

But he never expected that before he could take two steps, Meng Jiang suddenly spoke.


When these two words came out, Elder Luo stopped quickly, trembling and not daring to speak.

Meng Jiang turned his head, cupped his hands to Zhou An and said, "Master Zhou, I understand his temper. He will definitely add fuel to the fire when he goes back. He is indeed not a thing, but some people in the Shengdan Sect are also good people, and they are not guilty of this."

Zhou An said calmly: "He left the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce, met Zong Xing on the way, and died at the hands of Zong Xing. What does it have to do with me?"

Elder Luo: "..."

Good guy, tell yourself blatantly that if you die outside the house, you just do it sexually.

Doesn’t this make you afraid to go out?

"Master Zhou, if Meng wants to say something shamelessly, he shouldn't dare." Meng Jiang said.

"You can say whatever you want." Zhou An said with a smile: "I still have to give you Brother Meng's face. After all, I am still on good terms with the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce."

Meng Jiang nodded, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Elder Luo, if you don't want to bring disaster to the Shengdan Sect, you'd better explain what I'm going to say truthfully."

"Master Zhou, who is standing in front of you, is not only the top craftsman supervisor in Fenglin State, but also a well-known swordsman and potter in the world, and a role model admired by all doctors in the Great Chu Kingdom."

"Also, Mr. Zhou is the life and death brother of Yu Hang, the commander of Tiancheng Prefecture. He is the same Yu Hang who beat the entire Shengdan Sect of Tiancheng Prefecture a hundred times."

Elder Luo was stunned, and then said in a horrifying tone: "Are you the master of swords and pots? The best brother of Yufu Ling in Tiancheng Mansion?"

Zhou An: "?"

Wait, that’s a lot of information.

Yu Hang did so many things in Tiancheng Mansion? (End of chapter)

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