Deng Shiyu chose a place with good scenery.

The whole college is quite large, and this is exactly a garden, with flowers and grass, and trees are shady.

At this time, Deng Shiyu suddenly handed Sun Qing

a magic wand! "This is..." "

When you wait for the next transformation, you take the magic wand and wave it as a prop." Deng Shiyu explained.

Sun Qing was a little incompetent, but he accepted it anyway.

Deng Shiyu likes to play photography, quite professional, not only has a camera but also a fill light, and this fill light is intelligently controlled, it is connected to the camera, only when the shutter is pressed will flash.

After placing the fill light, Deng Shiyu began to officially start shooting

! At this moment, Tian Xinxin was standing next to him, looking at Sun Qing intently, she was simply a proper little fan girl!

"Come, let's go in a circle first, Xiaobai, you take a beautiful turn..."

Deng Shiyu said while demonstrating the action.

I saw her hands open, her eyes slightly closed, her head slightly back, her toes slightly tiptoe, and then slowly turned.


Qing was stunned

, so Princess Fan had a hint of contrived action, she really wanted to do it

, but seeing Deng Shiyu working so hard, she was embarrassed to temporarily retreat, so she had to follow Deng Shiyu's movements and imitate.

Deng Shiyu saw that Sun Qing began to enter the state, her head nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and the shutter kept flashing

! "Yes, that's the feeling! Imagine that you are about to transform a beautiful girl! Confident, shining, and beautiful feeling!" shouting

, Deng Shiyu excitedly sounded next to him, "Bleating Risava... Beautiful girl transforms!"

Sun Qing felt so embarrassed, she could really use her toes to pick out a villa now.

Fortunately, it is relatively remote and there are no students.

Tian Xinxin and Deng Shiyu, who were present, did not feel embarrassed at all, but relished.

This undoubtedly made Sun Qing also let go a little.

As long as I'm not embarrassed, it's someone else who is embarrassed, haha! Sailor

Moon, Sun Qing has also seen a little, isn't it a concave shape? I saw Sun Qing leaning

sideways, his left leg slightly raised, bending his knees, perfectly showing his S curve and long legs, and then holding a magic wand with a confident smile....


Shiyu's hand pressing the shutter almost never stopped, because Sun Qing's performance has exceeded her imagination, and it can be described as perfect! Deng

Shiyu thought, fortunately, the memory card memory used today is relatively large, otherwise I am worried that it is not enough, it is really a pity.

After about an hour or two of shooting, it's almost time to finish.


remembered something, and then looked at Sun Qing expectantly, "Xiaobai, you haven't done the most classic action of Sailor Moon, how about we finish this action?"

Tian Xinxin hurriedly gestured, "Look, it's this, and then say, I want to destroy you on behalf of the moon!" At this moment, Tian Xinxin gestured

a scissor hand, and blinked his eyes mischievously, and Sun Qing immediately felt that he was electrified.

"Xiaobai, come on!" Tian

Xinxin looked at Sun Qing with expectant eyes.

Deng Shiyu also shouted on the side, "Yes, the most classic action, indispensable!

Does she really want this?

And the last wink....

Woo hoo, she felt a little embarrassed, and a little

oil! There was a time when a certain video of Wink was particularly popular on the sound, and as a result, after Sun Qing saw that the boy did Wink's action, the oil almost had to drink porridge three times a day to go to the oil!

One of her hands was on Xiao Man's waist, and the other hand was in the shape of a scissor hand, and then slowly made a wink look.

"Perfect, so cute! There is also a playful sense of elves!" Deng

Shiyu was simply full of praise, Sun Qing was still a little hard to believe, this senior sister is also too good at praise, is she blowing her rainbow fart?

Oh, by the way, she almost forgot one thing, she is now a girl, no longer the boy she used to be, so of course she will not be greasy when she makes this kind of discharge, but looks very cute and aura.

After Tian Xinxin saw those photos taken by Sun Qing, her eyes suddenly brightened, each one of which she praised for her good looks, and her expression was particularly excited.

When he saw the first one, Tian Xinxin was stunned.

Because this photo was taken in the costume room.

At that time, Tian Xinxin was chatting with Sun Qing, and the two of them were talking and laughing, especially sweet, but I didn't expect this scene to be captured by Deng Shiyu.

Speaking of which, she and Sun Qing have not taken any photos seriously, this such a loving photo, she must develop it at that time, and then put it in her bag, which can be easily viewed at any time.

Finally completed, the shooting was almost two hours, Sun Qing felt that she was about to collapse, and at this moment she realized that it was not easy to be a girl, especially a beautiful girl.

Today, a total of hundreds of photos were taken, and Deng Shiyu sent the original film to Sun Qing and Tian Xinxin, and told Sun Qing that she would also select some better photos to repair and finally make the finished product.

The three girls ate a meal together and went back to their dormitory. And Sun Qing, naturally, went back to his rental house.

At about seven or eight o'clock in the evening, Sun Qing suddenly received a WeChat message from Qian Yixuan.

It turned out that Qian Yixuan was asking when she was free, and he was ready to surprise Tian Xinxin, depending on the time on Sun Qing's side.

Sun Qing also thought of a plan, so she immediately replied to Qian Yixuan.

"I have time for both days.

"Well, Xiaobai, what do you recommend

?" Qian Yixuan's message came back very quickly, because he couldn't wait to see Sun Qing, this time he made a very good plan, I believe Sun Qing will definitely have a good impression of him.

Qian Yixuan's original excuse was to give Tian Xinxin a gift, but when giving gifts, he would also give Sun Qing a gift, so that it would seem that he was a particularly caring person.

Moreover, this will not reveal his true intentions, and he can successfully brush a wave of favorability here in Sun Qing.

Qian Yixuan's abacus was very loud, but what he didn't expect was that Sun Qing had already seen Qian Yixuan's conspiracy and had come up with a way to deal with him one step ahead of him.

Sun Qing sneered, I really didn't expect things to go so smoothly, Qian Yixuan actually took the initiative to let her recommend a place, wouldn't it be better to do it?

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