Sun Qing sent a positioning past to Qian Yixuan.

"I recommend Chunxi Mountain, where the scenery is exceptional and there are beautiful stars at night. Qian

Yixuan saw that Chunxi Mountain was near Beicheng Institute of Technology, and he didn't think much about it.

Thinking that he could soon watch the stars at the top of the mountain with the top big beauty, Qian Yixuan was excited!

"Well, I listen to you, you are a good friend of Shin Shin, and the recommended place must be very good. How about we meet at Chunxi Mountain at eight o'clock tomorrow night?"

"It's better for me to say here, you keep it secret first, don't mention a word to Xinxin, then it will be more surprising."

"Okay. Hmph

, dead scumbag, I will definitely torture you slowly and expose you, I must escape the clutches of the scumbag with Xinxin!

Soon, it will be the next night.

Sun Qing had already tested Tian Xinxin in advance, and she had not received news from Qian Yixuan at all, and there was no date at night.

It seems that Qian Yixuan really did not tell Tian Xinxin! In fact, Tian Xinxin and Qian Yixuan

have not been together for a long time.

Qian Yixuan was originally attracted by Tian Xinxin's beauty, and Tian Xinxin, purely with a playful attitude, wanted to try the feeling of love, plus Qian Yixuan was quite handsome, so he agreed.

However, Qian Yixuan was soon attracted by Sun Qing, who had turned into a super beautiful girl, and his mind was no longer here at all in Tian Xinxin's place.

Tian Xinxin has long been separated from him, the freshness of love is only a few days, and then he actually felt that he had not been happy to brush the drama and play with his mobile phone

! Of course, what makes Tian Xinxin the most happy is staying with Sun Qing~ That is completely incomparable to brushing dramas and playing mobile phones!

Qian Yixuan has always wanted to catch Sun Qing first and then dump Tian Xinxin, Tian Xinxin did not realize that she had never liked Qian Yixuan, so the two are still in the state of a couple, but they have basically become out of touch.

But these things, Sun Qing did not know....

She always thought that Tian Xinxin liked Qianyixuan, and in the process of getting along, she didn't want to find herself unhappy, so she didn't take the initiative to mention Qianyixuan in front of Tian Xinxin.

Sun Qing's idea is very simple.

She hopes that Tian Xinxin can see the true face of Qian Yixuan's scumbag as soon as possible, but in this process, she must minimize the harm to Tian Xinxin.

Soon, Sun Qing came to Chunxi Mountain.

Qian Yixuan's message has been sent.

"Xiaobai, have you arrived? I still have ten minutes.

Sun Qing deliberately did not reply, she found a hidden place.

About ten minutes later, Qian Yixuan appeared with a box of exquisite cosmetics.

Because he didn't receive Sun Qing's news, Qian Yixuan felt a little strange.

He dialed the voice call directly....

However, it was unanswered.

In fact, Sun Qing had already set his mobile phone to airplane mode at this time!

He thought, could it be some accident

, or Sun Qing was on his way and did not receive a voice call?

Thinking that he could spend a wonderful night with a big beauty soon, Qian Yixuan did not want to give up easily.

He found a large rock, sat on it and waited.

The wind at night was a little cooler and blowing loudly.

There was no one in this mountain, and Qian Yixuan suddenly felt a little cold in his heart...

A cold wind blew, and something fell on

Qian Yixuan's feet! "Ah, mother!"

Qian Yixuan was so frightened that he immediately bounced up!

The things on his feet suddenly rolled down, and Qian Yixuan fixed his eyes on it, it turned out to be a wild fruit...

Why hasn't Sun Qing come yet?

Qian Yixuan looked east and west boredly, and suddenly he saw a small hill slightly arched not far away...


Yixuan rubbed his eyes, looked at it again, and cried out several times in fright!

"Grave, there is a grave!" Sun

Qing, who was hiding in the shadows to observe, couldn't help but show a look of contempt.

Sun Qing inquired about the news from the small pit, saying that Qianyixuan was a little timid and afraid of A Piao, but he didn't expect that it was actually true! If it weren't

for hiding himself, Sun Qing would have laughed at this moment!

After discovering a lonely grave, Qianyixuan also found a second and third ...

He now has no heart to think about beautiful women at all.

Full of brains: one A Piao, two A Piao, three A Piao... A group of ghosts with scattered hair, sticking out their tongues, and breaking their hands and feet surrounded him!

Really, I don't understand why Xiaobai would recommend such a place?

Moreover, now Xiaobai's WeChat has not been contacted....

The more Qian Yixuan thought about it, the more afraid he became, and he was terrified to think about it! His

lips began to tremble! With

the last hope, Qian Yixuan was ready to call Xiaobai's WeChat voice call again.

But at this time, Qian Yixuan found that his mobile phone had no signal!

"Mom, I was wrong, I knelt for you, don't look for me, I didn't do anything bad!"

Qian Yixuan was about to cry in fear.

He quickly got up and fled in a panic in the direction of the descent of the mountain.

Maybe the busier he was, the more wrong he was, Qian Yixuan had just run two steps, and he was tripped up by a stone and fell directly into a dog eating.

Qian Yixuan was frightened.

He muttered, "I, I, I... I'm a person who has nothing else but a little heart, I really haven't done anything wrong, I just fancy my girlfriend's girlfriend now, I want to split my legs, and I have split my legs before... Fellow immortals, don't tease me anymore, I'm not human, I don't dare anymore!" After

speaking, Qian Yixuan actually came directly to his face twice!

"Snap!" The

slap sound was particularly loud on this silent mountain.

Sun Qing was stunned

! Well played

! The scumbag should fight!

She didn't expect that her plan tonight would go so smoothly.

After Qian Yixuan repented, he trembled and got up, and he really walked more smoothly.

"Oh my God, it's really bad luck..." Qian

Yixuan quickly patted his chest, feeling relieved, it seemed that he was finally safe.

Sun Qing secretly thought, don't worry, there is a big move waiting for you!

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