After running about twenty laps, Xingdust stopped.

A lap like this is about more than one kilometer, and running more than 20 laps in a row is equivalent to running half a marathon.

That sounds like a lot, but on the planet here, most of them are pretty good, so running such a small distance is nothing.

After running, Xingchen went over to his little brother to see the progress of tunnel digging.

Hey! These vines are really difficult to clean up from the outside to the inside. These vines become harder and harder as you dig in, and denser and thicker as you dig down. It seems that the construction period is likely to be extended.

Xingchen had no good way to do this, he could only cheer up the younger brothers, and then went back to the dormitory to rest.

These boys are robots and don't need to rest. He is different. Human beings of flesh and blood have to sleep on time to supplement sleep time.

The dormitory is relatively quiet, the three younger brothers are busy at the lake, and Xingchen himself is here.

Of course, they are also relatively quiet when there are younger brothers around. They don't talk indiscriminately, at most they make some noise when they walk around.

This is the Budokan, so it should be relatively safe.

However, various small bugs or other small creatures in the plant forest here may still come out to cause trouble.

These cannot but be guarded against.

It's just that 25 doesn't need to call those younger brothers back because of these trivial matters.

There are still two little followers on Stardust's spaceship.

When Stardust went to pick up scrap metal earlier, he was escorted by two robots, and those two robots were specialized combat robots.

Although due to problems in materials and energy supply, the strength of these two guard robots is not strong, they are only about the level of human level 4 [Song can deal with the agouti rat


But Stardust took both of them with him when he left Junkstar.

However, the strength of these two is too weak, so I didn't call them out when I went around afterwards, but let them huddle together and squeeze them in a small corner of the spaceship to save space.

Recently, they have been left out in the cold, and there is no way. On this outside planet, there are individuals who are stronger than the two of them, and it is useless to let them follow.

They are still dedicated guard robots, and they can't help with other things, such as driving a car, let alone flying a spaceship. Can only eat ashes on one side.

This time, the three younger brothers of Xingchen went to dig treasures, and it was finally the turn of these two.

Xingchen went to the spaceship and called these two over. They couldn't do anything else, but they could stand watch at the door of the dormitory overnight, killing a bug or something.

Someone was on duty at the door, and Xingchen finally rested in peace.

This night had a good dream, of course I dreamed of something, Xingchen also forgot about it when he got up early, he just felt that he had a good rest.

It was just dawn when Stardust woke up, not too late.

Calculating this time point, the main reason is that he has to go to the lake to inspect, and by the way, call the younger brothers back to start the work here.

The treasures in the lake were produced on the territory of the Budokan. If you dig for the treasure in broad daylight, even if you find it, once the people in the Budokan see it, it will be yours!

So during the daytime, Stardust is not going to continue digging there.

Xingchen plans to let the younger brothers clear the plant forest here in the dormitory during the day, and go there to dig treasures at night.

Anyway, it's digging treasure quietly, don't make any noise.

Xingchen went out, this time the vehicles were all working at the lake, he didn't have a means of transportation.

But the road was not far away, and Xingchen arrived at the location where the tunnel was dug after a few minutes of running.

The three younger brothers here are still busy digging the tunnel. After a night of work, the tunnel has been dug in more than 90 meters.

Not far from this passage, there are several large piles of waste, which were dug out from the passage.

This progress is not bad, but Rhubarb said that the difficulty of the last twenty meters has increased. It turns out that the vines here are the oldest and hardest ones, which are probably the first to grow, and the growth time is too long, so The vines in these locations are extraordinarily difficult to remove.

Stardust also noticed that at this time, the removal vehicle driven by Dangdang had removed less than half of the vines removed in a unit time than when it was on the periphery.

According to this progress, I am afraid that it will take another seven or eight hours to complete the work.

In this case, Xingchen is going to ask the younger brothers to call it a day, and wait until the evening to continue.

But before Xingchen gave orders, Rhubarb made a new discovery.

"Master, there seems to be something wrong with the treasure that grew under the vine. The energy in it is losing. Now the energy in the treasure has lost two points compared to yesterday's excavation.

I'll go! What's the situation? Why does this thing still disappear? If the energy in the treasure is lost when I dig it, then I will dig in vain. "I can't even earn a hair!

"How fast is the energy loss in the treasure? How long will it take to lose light and lose its effectiveness?"

"According to the current rate of loss, a point of energy will be lost every four hours. These energies have moved to the part that has been cleared, probably to repair the damage, but the clearing continues, so these energies have been lost go out."

I am dizzy, this is not possible, this time digging out treasures to sell, naturally the better the treasure, the higher the selling price.

Now the energy of the treasure is losing, and the price of the treasure will naturally drop when the energy is low.

It seems impossible to wait until night to dig. From here to night, there are still about ten hours left. This is another three or four hours of energy loss. You have to dig for several hours at night, and you have to continue to lose it. But it's big.

No, it won't be until night, so I can only dig continuously during the day to get the treasure directly.

Seeing this situation, Xingchen could only make up his mind and continue digging tunnels until all the treasures were obtained.

As for whether the problem will be discovered by others, at this moment, we can only hope that no one is idle and has nothing to do, and 627 will find the abnormality here.

However, Xingchen hoped that others would not find out what happened here, but it was still in vain. Just when Xingchen tried his best to hide the movement here and speed up the excavation, an uninvited guest arrived.

Instructor Dika turned around from the side of the vine mountain. When Xingchen found him, the instructor was only more than two hundred meters away from him.

Because the plants here are too luxuriant, Xingchen didn't notice the instructor coming, but it was Rhubarb who found someone coming from the energy reaction soul fluctuation.

But Rhubarb's warning range is only that big, and when it was discovered, the instructor also noticed the situation here.

There is no way, the noise of this professional cleaning vehicle is too loud, even though it has penetrated deep into the vines, but in this quiet area, these noises cannot be hidden from others, especially the experienced instructors.

Xingchen hurried forward, thinking of saying hello, and then covered it up by rambling.

It's best to get away with this matter, if you can't get away with it, then you have to withdraw. The treasure here is not my own in the first place, let others find out "I have no other tricks to resolve it.

However, Instructor Dika came very quickly. When Xingchen went up to meet him, he was no more than forty meters away from the entrance of the passage. This distance is such a large passage entrance. Naturally, Instructor Dika discovered this place. abnormal.

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