Instructor Dika approached and saw the passage on the side of the vine mountain.

"Stardust boy, I didn't see you clearing the vines over there this morning, so I thought you didn't get up! I didn't expect you to come here to dig vine treasures!"

Uh! With these words, how can Xingchen answer?

It is true that there are treasures in the Fuji Mountain, and it is also true that Xingchen came to dig them. But this mountain of vines grew in other people's martial arts gym, so it should belong to the martial arts hall.

Now that Xingchen came to dig treasures privately, it was considered a thief. If others don't pursue it, it's better to say something. If they do, they will have to pay for it.

But it's best to be fooled about this matter, and of course it's best to lie about it.

"Instructor Dika, what is the vine treasure you are talking about? Is it growing in the vine mountain?"

"You don't know Tengbao? Then why are you digging here?" Instructor Dika looked at Xingchen suspiciously and said.

"When I dumped the waste here yesterday, I saw that the mountain of vines was growing very vigorously, and there should be some good fruit kernels at the bottom, so I dug inside, and it would be a good thing if I dug out something good. , nothing can be dug out, and it doesn’t take much effort, it will take two days at most.”

After hearing Xingchen's words, Instructor Dika didn't become suspicious, but nodded and said:

"Plants with strong spiritual energy and vigorous growth will easily grow these core crystals or fruits with sufficient energy after a long time. This kind of vine, commonly known as the ground-born vine, is extremely active in life. Once it takes root and grows in a place with sufficient fertilizer , After a long time, a false fruit will grow near the root of the vine."

"This false fruit contains the life activity and energy that this vine has absorbed and stored for many years. We call this false fruit Tengbao."

"It turned out to be such a vine treasure, the life essence of the vine. But this vine is old enough, does the Martial Arts Hall know that it has a vine treasure? Why didn't it take it out~


Instructor Dika rolled Xingchen's eyes and said, "This thing has been here for so long, of course the Budokan knows that there may be vine treasures in it, but do you think this thing is so easy to dig?"

"Is it difficult? Although the mountain of vines is bigger, if we find more powerful cleaning vehicles and more people to clean it up together, it should take a few days to clear it up, right?"

"It's easy to say, although this rattan treasure is quite rare, but the value is not too high. In previous years, the transaction price was only hundreds of thousands of Lares."

"But this mountain of vines occupies a huge area. If it is completely cleared, the Budokan once asked professional shops to quote a price, and there is no price lower than three million rals."

"Do you think the Budokan will spend three to four million lahrs in cleaning costs for the rattan treasures of hundreds of thousands of lahrs? Isn't this a loss of money? Or several times the money.

"Will it cost millions of rals to clear the mountain of vines? That's not worth it."

"It's not just a futile thing, this kind of vine treasure is also a troublesome thing. Once you start to clear the vines to find the vine treasure, then the vine will extract the activity and nutrient supply from the vine treasure due to the injury of the vine. The parts are repaired. This causes a continuous loss of energy in the rattan treasure."

"This kind of loss will continue to be lost due to the continuous damage of the vines. The longer you delay clearing the vines, the more damage those vines will cause, and the greater the energy loss in the vine treasure will be."

"The clearing time given by those shops is generally about four to seven days. Even if additional vehicles and manpower are added, this time will not be much shorter. This makes the Budokan even if it costs three to four million rals, the final vine Po, it might just be an empty shell."

"You said that such a risky investment, what would the Budokan do?"

"Ah! From this point of view, there is really no need to dig this vine treasure!"

"It's just such a thing. Everyone knows it's in it, but it's not worthwhile to invest too much, so just throw it here and leave it alone."

"Instructor Dika, since the Budokan left it here, it shouldn't matter if I dig it up?"

"You can dig it if you want, it's a matter of losing money anyway! But if you just make a tunnel to go in like this, can you really dig Vine Treasure?"

"Usually, none of the experts who dig vine treasures will dig such difficult vines. They all go to the barren hills to find the kind of huge vines that climb all over the mountain. Although they are also huge, the roots are not like this. It's as high as a vine."

"As long as the vines that climb all over the mountain find the root, they can easily find the vine treasures and remove them. The energy loss in the vine treasures obtained in this way will be smaller, and the value will naturally be higher."

"Xingchen's way of taking the Vine Treasure, the chance of success is not high. Who knows if the passage you opened will lead to the Vine Treasure right there!"

"Dika Church, I have planted some plants before, and I have some experience in this area. When I dumped the waste here yesterday, I carefully studied these vines,"

"Although these exposed vines look similar, there is not much difference in appearance and leaves. But if you really look closely, you will find a little difference."

As Xingchen said, he brought the Dika Church to the area where the vines had been cleared out before, and pointed out those vines to teach Dika's instructor a lesson.

"Look at these vines, most of them are active energy common vines. There are only seven growth buds on each vine, and the most are nine."

"However, among these vines, there are some very active vines, and each vine has a full twelve growth buds. I feel that these active vines are very likely to grow that vine treasure. So I Along (Qian Wanghao) the most active vines, extend in reverse until the bottom position."

"After reversing the direction of many vines, I probably confirmed that a place more than a hundred square meters away from Fang Yuan is most likely to grow vine treasures. The passage I opened now extends to that location."

"You can deduce this?" Instructor Dika didn't quite believe it.

But Stardust has dug such a long tunnel, so he is naturally a little confident. Instructor Dika didn't think that Xingchen was completely talking nonsense.

Of course, Instructor Dika is fine at this meeting, and he is happy to dig tunnels here with Xingchen to pass the time.

Xingchen saw that the instructor Dika did not pursue the matter of digging the vine treasure privately. The instructor is also allowed to watch the robot remove the vines. Anyway, he just wants to drive people away, and he won't move if they don't leave.

Besides, this is someone else's land, so there is no reason for a tenant to drive someone away.

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