I've Become The Immortal King And You Say I'm A Villain

Chapter 68 The Road Is Blocked By The Lord Of Snow Moon City!

Chapter 68 The road is blocked by the Lord of Snow Moon City!

"The simulator starts and starts simulation."

"You were killed by the Lord of Snow Moon City!"

Bright red text appears, announcing the end of this simulation!

"Come on, come on, it will never end! Why!"

A nearly collapsed voice sounded.

The owner of the voice is none other than Son of Fortune, who owns a silver-level emulator.

These days, he has been simulating it every day.

As he gained more experience, his simulations became better and better.

Harvests are also increasing.


Every simulation always ends with a sentence.

"You were killed by the Lord of Snow Moon City!"

Now, when he saw this sentence, his head got big.

My mentality is almost broken.

"No, this won't work."

This silver simulator Son of Fortune thinks.

He must find a way to bypass the Snow Moon City Lord, otherwise, his future path will be blocked by the Snow Moon City Lord.

His Goldfinger, while a simulator, is also a simulation based on everything he has now.

It also represents what may happen in the future.

If he couldn't get around the Snow Moon City master in the simulator, it would be even more impossible in reality.

"If this continues, my mentality will collapse. It is better to go out and work together behind closed doors. Go to the forum to find other Son of Fortune who have simulators and see what their situation is like."

The Son of Fortune who owns the silver simulator thinks.

There are quite a few Son of Fortune with the same type of Goldfinger.

He decided to check out other owners of the emulator Son of Fortune.

In the past, he actually didn't bother to communicate with other simulators, Son of Fortune.

He is a noble silver-level simulator owner. In his opinion, those Son of Fortune who have black iron and bronze-level simulators are not qualified to talk to him at all. The two parties are not on the same level at all.

Although everyone is the same kind of Goldfinger, there is no comparison between Black Iron Level, Bronze Level and Silver Level.

His silver simulator has a much higher upper limit for simulating, and the rewards are much greater.

If it is some Black Iron Level simulator, the simulation may reach the top, and it will still be mixed in a kingdom.

The silver simulator Son of Fortune soon opened the Son of Fortune chat forum.

He searched on it, planning to find a simulator Son of Fortune group to join.

There are many such groups on the forum.

There are communication groups established in the same area. For example, the Sons of Fortune from Great Li Dynasty created a Son of Fortune communication group called "Destiny Alliance".

There are also some Son of Fortune like Goldfinger who have established some groups to communicate together.

There are also some groups that have all kinds of Son of Fortune.

However, before the group could be found, he saw the post.

"Dali Imperial Capital?"

When the simulator Son of Fortune saw the word "Da Li", it felt familiar.

If you think about it carefully, isn't this the Great Li Dynasty where the Lord of Snow Moon City is?

News from him again!

Silver simulator Son of Fortune hesitated for a moment and opened the post.

Looked up.

The post is very long.

After about half an hour, he finished reading.


After reading this, Son of Fortune, which has a silver-level simulator, couldn't help but gasp!

Even if he has a silver-level Goldfinger, he has to admit that the master of Snow Moon City is awesome!

This Snow Moon City Lord is too scary and perverted!

Being able to wipe out the Son of Fortune on the battlefield with the Immortal King, and also kill the villain and a divine fire realm, I'm afraid, he also has some hidden strength that others don't know about!

This kind of hidden strength must be amazing!

Otherwise, why can he be sealed tightly?

No matter how the simulator simulates it, he can't escape the fate of being killed by the Lord of Snow Moon City!

His eyes flashed.

If he is strong enough, he wants to go there now and find an opportunity to kill the Snow Moon City Lord!

However, the villains had too great an advantage at the beginning. They have only entered the luck game less than a month ago, and they have not had enough time to grow!

“Find another emulator first Son of Fortune!”

This silver level simulator Son of Fortune thinks.

He continued to search.

Huangtian paid off his hard work, and soon he found a group and joined it.

As soon as he entered, he found that there were many people in this group, hundreds of them.

At this time, everyone in this group was also talking about the master of Snow Moon City.

"This Snow Moon City owner is really a ruthless person. I am in a country near the Great Li Dynasty. I am so scared and panicked."

"Me too. Although there is still a kingdom between us and the Great Li Dynasty, I am still on tenterhooks."

"Don't worry, he can't stretch his hands that far at this stage, so he can only dominate in the Great Li Dynasty."

"That's right, no matter how powerful Chen Haonan is, he can only bounce around on the island. If he dares to go to northern Myanmar, even if he is the leader in Causeway Bay, he will not be able to escape the fate of being pinched."

There are many people chatting in the Son of Fortune simulator group.

From time to time, some questions from Son of Fortune also pop up.

After watching the silver simulator for a while, Son of Fortune asked: "During your simulation, were you ever killed by the master of Snow Moon City?"

"Yes, why not? I met him twice, but more often he was killed by other villains."

Someone answered immediately.

"I also encountered it once, but it was very far back. It was my first time to simulate that far back."

"I encountered it once too."

"Why didn't I meet him? Maybe I'm too rubbish. Not long after the simulation, I was always killed by other villains."

"Thank you for the invitation. I was killed three times by the master of Snow Moon City during the simulation."

In the simulation group, many simulators such as Son of Fortune have appeared.

"The Black Iron Level simulator seems to be difficult to encounter. It has something to do with the distance."

Silver Simulator Son of Fortune thinks.

At this time, he saw a friend request. When he saw that the other party mentioned the owner of Snow Moon City, he added him.

"Brother, you have also been blocked by the Lord of Snow Moon City? No matter how I simulate recently, I always get killed by him!"

As soon as the other party joins them, they start complaining.

"Brother, what level is your simulator?"

Asked by Silver Simulator Son of Fortune.

"My simulator is Bronze level, but it's a little better than others, because I killed a villain at the beginning, which improved my luck a lot. We have a lot of luck in killing villains."

The other party said.


As long as Goldfinger has a higher level and can simulate to the back, it seems that no one can escape the Snow Moon City Master!

This Snow Moon City master will probably become the common terminator of all simulators Son of Fortune!

"Damn it, I'm so depressed, you don't understand how I feel."

"You can't understand my feelings at all. It's a deep despair. No matter how hard you try or what path you choose, you can't escape the fate of being killed by the Lord of Snow Moon City."

"He is like a big mountain, blocking all my roads."

Bronze simulator Son of Fortune expressed his depression with tears and runny noses.

(End of chapter)

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