I've Become The Immortal King And You Say I'm A Villain

Chapter 69 Take Action To Clear Out The Great Li Dynasty!

Chapter 69 Take action to clear out the Great Li Dynasty!

In the temple, everything has returned to normal.

Today, this matter has not spread widely.

The people who know are limited to a small number of people.

For the temple, the carefully cultivated successor is actually a believer in the Immortal King. If this news spreads, it will damage the majesty of the temple.

Therefore, this matter must not be spread.

Judging from Elder Liu's reaction, Yun Shu Immortal King did not react much and just asked him to continue to cultivate qualified successors.

However, because Elder Liu made a big mistake this time, Elder Liu's prestige among many elders was also greatly affected.

For Lin Changsheng, all hidden dangers in the temple have been eliminated.

He could start another plan.

"My lord's order has arrived, it's time to take action."


On the other side, Bai Zhi quickly started taking action after receiving Lin Changsheng's order.

In her hand, she already had a list with many names.

The names on this list are those suspected of being Son of Fortune.

However, it is not realistic to take care of all of Son of Fortune with the intelligence organization she has in hand.

The more important job of the intelligence organization in her hands is to collect intelligence. There are also some experts in it, but the number is not particularly large.

In such a huge Great Li Dynasty, it is not enough.

The most important thing is that at this stage, the strength of many Son of Fortune is slowly improving.

Some smart Son of Fortune have also found their backers.

For example, many Son of Fortune joined the academy after improving their strength with Goldfinger.

There are also some Sons of Fortune who have joined the army and so on.

Secretly, there are also some Son of Fortune hidden away.

Now that Lin Changsheng has mastered the power of the temple, he is planning to use the temple to overthrow the entire Great Li Dynasty and clear out all the Son of Fortune that can be found at this stage!

Once Aizen died, seeing how strong Lin Changsheng was, many Sons of Fortune might have thought of leaving the Great Li Dynasty.

Lin Changsheng wants to get them done before then.

First use Son of Fortune in Great Li Dynasty to increase a wave of villain value.

Upgrade several High Level Goldfinger.

Then, Lin Changsheng will find a way to increase the energy of the Immortal Domain so that he can condense more chaotic power!

So, a new plan began.

The first step of this plan is to use the remaining power of the Immortal King's invasion to cause greater panic in the temple.

Bai Zhi has been doing this for a few days.

As Lin Changsheng returned to the temple, the progress of this matter further accelerated.

"The Immortal King who was beaten away by us this time obviously hasn't given up yet. In the past few days, more and more exotic activities have been detected in various places. In just three days, there were five hundred places where exotic atmosphere appeared. Many places.”

"Exotic areas are more active than ever, and there are likely to be new large-scale operations."

"And they are very cunning. We sent a large number of people and designed some traps, but in the past few days, we have not caught any of them. We can't understand what these foreigners are doing."

"Although there are no casualties yet, they will make big moves sooner or later."

Two days later.

At the temple headquarters, an elder was reporting on some recent situations.

Elder Liu frowned.

He did not expect that although the Immortal King's invasion was defeated, the foreign land would be unprecedentedly active in the past few days.

In just three days, foreign lands were active everywhere. By the time the people from the temple passed by, those foreign creatures had already left.

The foreign land's actions this time seemed to have no clear purpose, which also made it difficult to catch these foreign creatures.

And it is precisely because of this that the people in the temple are even more worried.

They couldn't understand what Foreign Land was planning to do.

The less they understand, the more worried they become.

I am worried that they are planning a big move.

"Look at it this way, after Aizen was found out by us, the Immortal King behind him was unwilling to accept it."

An elder said.

Lin Changsheng gave him a like.

This wave of brainstorming is very good!

"Well, I feel that's the case too. The Immortal King must be trying to infiltrate us through Aizen. If Aizen is found out by us, he might become angry and take revenge."

Another elder said worriedly.

"Don't worry too much. Even if there is a large-scale operation in a foreign land, we will discover it as soon as possible."

An elder saw that the atmosphere at the temple headquarters was a little solemn and said.

Elder Liu shook his head and said: "This matter must be handled well. The Immortal King has just completed the baptism ceremony, which is a time when faith is greatly increased. If the foreign land is allowed to cause chaos, the effect of this baptism ceremony will be greatly reduced."

Speaking of this, Elder Liu had a headache.

First, the Immortal King invaded.

Then the successors became followers of the Immortal King.

Now, another foreign land is causing trouble.

If he could, he would retire now and ignore this mess.

"Saint Child, what do you think about this?"

Elder Liu asked Lin Changsheng.

The other elders also looked over.

In the eyes of everyone, Lin Changsheng thought for a few seconds and said: "Foreign lands can cause trouble everywhere in the Great Li Dynasty. It is difficult to do it without help."

His words made the elders present nod.

"What Saint Child said is absolutely true. Just like the Immortal King's invasion this time, if it weren't for the assistance of several princes and heirs, the two Immortal Kings would not have been able to invade."

Another elder asked doubtfully: "We have already hanged the culprit. Are there others who are also colluding with foreign lands?"

Lin Changsheng said calmly: "Everyone knows about cockroaches, right?

The elders all nodded.

Elder Liu didn't understand why Lin Changsheng suddenly mentioned cockroaches, but he didn't interrupt.

Lin Changsheng glanced at the many elders and said: "Everyone should know that when you see a cockroach in a room, there may already be a nest of cockroaches in the room, or even more. "

After hearing Lin Changsheng's words, the expressions of some elders who responded quickly changed.

The other elders also reacted one after another, and their expressions changed.

Elder Liu said solemnly: "Saint Child means that there are more than just those nobles who colluded with the Immortal King?"

Lin Changsheng said: "Not only are the nobles, foreign lands are so rampant, but even Elder Liu's successor has been infiltrated, which shows that the Immortal King has penetrated the Great Li Dynasty very deeply."

Lin Changsheng was right.

It penetrated really deep.

He, the Immortal Emperor, has become the most trusted Saint Child of Yun Shu Immortal King.

Hearing Lin Changsheng's words, an elder cooperated: "Saint Child is right. The last time we executed those nobles, someone in the imperial capital secretly fanned the flames and mobilized millions of people in the imperial capital. This shows that , the power of the Immortal King has not been completely eliminated yet!”

Another elder immediately added: "Yes, the penetration of the Immortal King is in terms of force. Ordinary alien creatures are hard to guard against, let alone the Immortal King?"

Soon, the elders started talking about you and me.

In their depiction, the entire Great Li Dynasty has almost become a foreign base camp.

Believers of the Immortal King are everywhere.

Extremely serious.

Whenever an elder speaks, Lin Changsheng will look at him with affirmation and appreciation.

After the elder is encouraged, he will become more and more firm in his words.

"We must find these people. Otherwise, if this continues, the entire Great Li Dynasty will soon be filled with followers of the Immortal King, and we will not be able to deal with the Immortal King!"

An elder said loudly.

"Yes, we must use all our strength to find them out!"

The other elder also felt like he had been injected with chicken blood.

Seeing that each of the elders was getting more excited, Elder Liu looked at Lin Changsheng and said in a pleading tone: "Saint Child, how about you take full responsibility for this matter?"

Seeing that Lin Changsheng did not agree immediately, he showed a wry smile: "I am old and useless. If you ask me to solve such a big trouble, I will definitely leave a mess. Saint Child's decisive method is to deal with this The best person for the job.”

"As for me, I will do all the personnel deployment work for Saint Child from behind, and I will never let Saint Child have any trouble!"

Elder Liu made sure to vote.

He really didn't want to take care of it anymore because he was worried that if something went wrong again, his career as an elder would be stained in the last few years.

Seeing Elder Liu looking at him sincerely, Lin Changsheng hesitated for a few seconds and said, "Okay, let me handle this matter."

"Very good."

Elder Liu relaxed.

Under the leadership of Lin Changsheng, a detailed action plan was formulated.

This plan is divided into several steps. The first step is to activate the power of the temple and determine the list of suspicious persons.

Then, launch a large-scale arrest.

Escort everyone to the temple headquarters for interrogation to avoid unjust accusations.

This will also be the largest operation in the history of the temple.

After the plan was formulated, the temple was soon in full swing.

In areas where foreign lands appeared, investigations were launched and some suspicious persons were reported.

In order to make this action more realistic, Lin Changsheng still did some work.

For example, in the past few years, Lin Changsheng found some ruffians, gangsters, bandits and the like in the Great Li Dynasty, gave them a lot of benefits, and induced these people to sign foreign contracts.

In addition, Lin Changsheng relied on the Immortal King's intuition to also find some hidden clues left by other Immortal Kings.

These people just took this opportunity to clean up.

The temple moves very quickly, with suspicious lists coming up every day.

Then, Lin Changsheng relied on his Saint Child authority to easily add private goods to this list.

Added the list of suspected Son of Fortune.

It's going to be interrogated anyway, so there's no need to worry about unjustly accusing innocent people.

In this way, a secret operation has been quietly carried out in the Great Li Dynasty.

The Sons of Fortune in Great Li Dynasty don't know it yet, but a big net has been laid out.

Three days after the operation was launched, it is still in the investigation stage. The official arrest will be two days later.

On this day, Lin Changsheng received news from Qing He.

Qing He took the two cat girls and finally arrived in the wild continent. Qing He had already found the goblin tribe and observed it secretly for some time.

Qing He discovered that there was something fishy about the goblin, so he reported all the situation.

“It should definitely be the mainstream one, Son of Fortune.”

Lin Changsheng whispered.

"Qing He, try to see if you can win him directly. If he has any strong cards, retreat first."

Lin Changsheng said.

Although Son of Fortune is weak at this stage, some Son of Fortune also have trump cards, especially those with high levels.

On the other side, after receiving the news, Qing He gathered his breath and headed towards a camp.

The camp was very neatly built, with many defensive buildings inside.

In the camp, a large number of green-skinned goblins can be seen walking around.

You can also see groups of Goblin soldiers returning from overseas battles. These Goblin soldiers are well-equipped. Compared with them, the equipment of the orc tribe is too backward.

After Qing He waited patiently for a while, a human appeared in the middle of the camp. This human was standing in front of hundreds of goblins, reprimanding something.

"It should be him."

After Qing He saw the human being, he moved and flew out.

In the wild continent, she had much less scruples. The aura gushing out of her body caused the goblins outside to fall into chaos before they could react.

Point the weapon at your comrades and kill them.

(End of chapter)

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