Jianghu: Get the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms at the beginning

Chapter 588 Seeking the Cold Jade Bed, the two Tianjiao stars fought each other (4k combined chapter

On the mountainside of Zhongnan Mountain, in a huge valley, a huge mountain gate that is not inferior to Quanzhen Sect is entrenched here.

This is the Ancient Tomb Sect among Jianghu sects, which has the same rules as the Emei Sect and only accepts female disciples!

As a plot sect, the Ancient Tomb Sect has martial arts such as "Nine Yin Manual" and "Jade Girl Heart Sutra". The unique martial arts and full-level martial arts are also fully covered here, so it is also highly sought after by the player community.

There are quite a few players coming and going. After all, this ancient tomb sect has one of the most famous female characters in the gold system. The sect mainly recruits female disciples. Even if male players cannot join the sect, they can still appreciate it, right?

Especially when the Tomb Sect reaches NPC, it is also an extremely eye-catching scenery in the world!

And there are many players who have other purposes...

"It's been so long since the plot of the Condor Shooting ended. Is the plot of the Divine Condor no longer going to start?"

"Yes, we squat eagerly towards Zhongnan Mountain every day without practicing leveling or martial arts. Where is this silly boy Guo Jing? Why haven't you brought Yang over to become our disciple?"

In front of the Tomb Sect, the leader of a group of players spoke.

"Captain, are you still thinking that you can follow the plot of the original work? Didn't Bai Xiaosheng post on the forum a few days ago? The plot in this world has almost nothing to do with the original work!"

"Yes, yes, boss, Guo Jing has gone back to be the Prince Consort of the Golden Sword. As for Yang Guo in the plot, who the hell knows where he is?"

Speaking of this, the group was obviously speechless. The woman among them sighed and said:

"The organization specially found a person here for us to study this area, but it turns out that we can't use it now."

"Hey! I can only continue to be a blind cat in Zhongnan Mountain and kill the mouse!"

"Eh? Speaking of which, I heard that Li Haoran's level broke through level 60 a few days ago. This guy posted on the forum that after the player's level breaks through level 60, he can no longer rely on monsters to increase his level. So, let's practice in a hurry now. It doesn’t matter if you level up or not, because after everyone reaches level 60, there is a threshold. What level of attainment you can reach in the end depends entirely on your personal understanding! "

"Holy crap? Is there such a thing? I still want to practice killing monsters for ten or eight years, and then I will perfect my magical skills and loot all the scripture-storing pavilions of various sects! If you put it this way, isn't there no hope? "

While this group of people were chatting, the topic had already led to an unknown place.

However, after a while, these two-to-one conversations suddenly stopped, because at this time, three figures on the Zhongnan Mountain road attracted everyone's attention.

Two cold women followed a figure from the left to the right!

It's just that the man in the middle is wearing a long robe and a hat. Apart from the fact that he is a man, no other characteristics can be seen.

On the other hand, the other two women were dressed in moon-white palace dresses. Almost all the men present were unable to look away after looking at these two figures!

There is no other reason. The beauty of these two women's looks and the cold temperament can be ranked first in the hearts of almost everyone present!

Even the only female disciple in the Ancient Tomb Sect is still slightly behind in this regard.

This is definitely not a female gamer!

This is the first thought in everyone's mind, but most people dare not continue to look at it after taking one look.

The temperament of these two women is so cold and beautiful that almost everyone, regardless of gender, makes people feel ashamed of themselves!

Yaoyue Lianxing naturally ignored these strangers. After turning her head and scanning around, she took Lin Xiao straight to the ancient tomb sect.

"Where the Ancient Tomb Sect is located, no one can enter!"

At the entrance of the Tomb of the Living Dead, the disciples from the ancient tomb directly crossed and blocked three figures.

"Step aside!"

Yao Yue said coldly, the Grand Master of Yihua Palace was not an easy character to get along with, whether in previous novels or in the world.

Although this ancient tomb sect is now famous in the world, it really doesn't take the two sisters seriously!

Several disciples from the ancient tomb looked at each other, and they all noticed the chilling power all over the body of the visitor, but they had no intention of getting out of the way.

Lianxing also frowned slightly. Compared to her sister, she was much gentler, but now that the matter was urgent, she was even more anxious than her sister!

Seeing that there was no intention of giving way, Lianxing flicked his white sleeves slightly and took action. The twelve disciples who were guarding the gate of the Ancient Tomb Sect were thrown away directly.

However, she was also measured. She was only slightly injured, but her life was not in any danger.

But just that, after surprising everyone, they showed joy!

It's not that he was shocked by his strength, but by his courage. This was the Tomb Sect, and there was also a Quanzhen Sect on the top of the mountain!

This is the first time I have seen anyone who dares to come to Zhongnan Mountain to cause trouble.

And this kind of emergency situation will undoubtedly easily benefit players!

However, the two women did not delay any longer. A lot of time was wasted along the way. Lin Xiao's situation has now reached a very urgent point.

Now I can't even speak or take action normally, all my mind and energy are suppressing the inner demon that is ready to move!

"Who is here? Dare to break into our Ancient Tomb Sect?"

A woman's voice came. Although the Tomb Clan was quite mysterious and popular among the players, there were not many NPCs in the clan. In addition to Li Mochou, who had been sentenced to leave the clan and now secretly joined the Azure Dragon Society, there were only one Lin Chaoying and one Little Dragon Girl!

Of course, if you have to say it, there is also a Grandma Sun. As for the rest, there is no NPC character whose name can be mentioned separately...

And the one who spoke now was naturally Lin Chaoying, the confidante of the head of the Tomb Clan and the Quanzhen Sect's Wang Chongyang Zhenren after breaking into the ancient tomb!

Looking at the age of more than 30, the wrinkled face still has the beauty of youth!

But at this time, Yao Yue didn't have the heart to argue with this person, and snorted coldly:

"Where is the cold jade bed? I need it urgently!"

Lin Chaoying was almost laughed out of anger by the domineering woman in front of her. Even in their Tomb Clan, this cold jade bed is a rare treasure. How many disciples can use it?

Now such an outsider first injured the disciples in front of the sect, and then asked for their ancient tomb sect's treasure.

If such robbery behavior is spread out, how can their ancient tomb sect still gain a foothold in the world? !

Wouldn't it make those stinky bull noses on Mount Zhongnan laugh their teeth out?

Thinking of this, Lin Chaoying almost didn't think about it, and with a clang, he directly pulled out the long sword from the sheath!

"If you want the cold jade bed, ask this sword in my hand first!"

The long sword in his hand shone with cold light. No matter what, Lin Chaoying was originally a master second only to Wang Chongyang in the original book!

Needless to say, the strength of his subordinates is naturally not much, and with the progress of the timeline, Lin Chaoying's strength is also increasing rapidly.

After Lin Xiao persuaded Wang Chongyang last time, the situation in the world changed, and masters emerged in large numbers. A "Nine Yin Manual" is really nothing.

Therefore, this Lin Chaoying also has the "Nine Yin Manual" at this time, and his own strength is obviously incomparable!

However, Lin Chaoying's strength has greatly improved. Compared with Yaoyue, who is only half a step away from the realm of heaven and man, who has reached the ninth level of Mingyu Gong and is the best palace master in the history of Yihua Palace, there is a gap of about three jellyfish Yinjis in between...

What's more, Lianxing is also by her side now. It can be said that if it is a relatively weaker master of the realm of heaven and man, these two sisters have the strength to fight, let alone Lin Chaoying.

The white dress stretched, and Lin Chaoying didn't even see the sword light clearly at the moment of unsheathing, Yaoyue had already appeared in front of her, and her face was as cold as the moonlight, and it was also covered with frost like the moonlight.

Lin Chaoying had hardly reacted yet, and Yaoyue's palm had already pinched her neck directly, and suddenly lifted her up.

This terrifying scene almost stunned all the disciples of the ancient tomb!

Only those who have participated in several ancient curtain missions know that Lin Chaoying's strength is definitely worthy of the term peerless master, but what do they see now?

Lin Chaoying, the head of the Tomb Clan, who was second only to Wang Chongyang, the supernatural power among the Five Great Masters in the World, had almost no power to fight back and was directly detained. This shocking visual experience almost made all the Tomb Clan disciples think that they had seen it wrong!

This is a completely crushing difference in strength!

Who is this woman in front of us?

Just looking at her face, she is only in her early teens, but her strength seems a bit exaggerated, right? !

Immediately, a group of Tomb Clan disciples began to daydream in their hearts.

Could it be that the owner of the Lingjiu Palace in the gold system did not die in the plot killing, but it is rumored that because of some special adventures, the sequelae of the "Eight Desolations and Six Directions Only I am the Supreme Power" that he practiced seemed to be completely eliminated, and he returned to normal Tianshan Tonglao?

But that Tonglao has appeared in front of the public. Although Lingjiu Palace is also not open to outsiders, it still has intersections with the world!

And the photos and videos of Tianshan Tonglao are still on the official forum. How could the players who are mixed in the world have never seen the appearance of Tianshan Tonglao?

Although they are of the same age, their appearance is completely different, and their temperament is completely different!

"Who are you? Let my master go!"

At this moment, a crisp voice sounded in the ancient tomb.

Yao Yue frowned and looked at her, but her eyes lit up slightly. The reason was that the girl in front of her was indeed very beautiful.

The most important thing is that the cold temperament on her body is a little bit similar to her!

Of course, after just one look, Yao Yue retracted her gaze.

"Who is it?!"

Feeling the terrifying low temperature on her neck, Lin Chaoying finally couldn't help but speak again.

Yao Yue raised her eyebrows slightly, and then she said:

"Yihua Palace, Yao Yue!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole ancient tomb sect was in an uproar, and as a rich man had turned on the camera early to record this mysterious but powerful woman, the whole forum was almost boiling under the broadcast.

Yihua Palace!

This is a real hidden sect!

Lin Wan'er, the Palace Master of the Player Guild Xuannv Palace, has become increasingly famous in the martial arts world recently. She has almost completely suppressed the Eight Dragons, which have always been ranked in the top three among the Player Guilds. She is even not far behind the Shenxiao Guild led by Long Batian.

The reason is that this Palace Master Lin worshipped in the Yihua Palace, and by chance, he also learned the Yihua Palace's unique internal skills "Mingyu Gong" and unique palm skills "Yihua Jieyu" and made a great reputation!

And now the two Palace Masters of the legendary extremely secretive Yihua Palace have come out of the mountain, and appeared in Zhongnan Mountain, in front of all the players!

At the same time, all the players also murmured in their hearts.

These two Palace Masters are fine, but who is the man in the middle?

Looking at this posture, it is obvious that they came because of this person!

Lin Chaoying's face changed slightly, but at this time, the pair of beautiful hands on the neck became more and more powerful, like an iron hoop, but he couldn't even speak!

"Let go of my master!"

The sword chanting sound suddenly moved, and the girl in the white dress had already drawn the sword and stabbed it, but was caught directly in the hand by Lianxing.

At this moment, a dull voice suddenly rang out:

"We are here only to borrow the cold jade bed for a while, and there is no need to hurt anyone's life. Please help us, Master Lin. After this matter is settled, we will naturally give Master Lin and the Tomb Sect a satisfactory answer and appropriate compensation! Grand Palace Master, let him go first!"

After these words came out, Yao Yue's movements undoubtedly slowed down suddenly. In this matter, Yao Yue was undoubtedly still led by Lin Xiao.

No one wanted to die, and Lin Chaoying was the same, but Yao Yue's attitude was too strong. If she compromised, how could she, the female hero Lin, have a place in the whole world?

In this world, it is normal to rather let someone chop off your head than let someone slap you in the face!

Therefore, Lin Chaoying knew the gap between the two sides the moment Yao Yue took action, but she could not admit defeat!

And Lin Xiao just gave the other party a way out...

After seeing Yao Yue put the person down obediently, Lin Chaoying's face immediately looked much better.

She also saw that the man who looked inconspicuous and covered his face was undoubtedly the central person who had the right to speak.

And it was obvious that the man in front of her needed to use the cold jade bed!

Lin Chaoying frowned, but after noticing the cruelty in Yao Yue's eyes, she was a little scared in her heart.

She was not afraid of death, but after Li Mochou left the Tomb Sect because of love, her only disciple was Long Er, and judging from the other party's attitude, if she refused, she would definitely be able to slaughter the sect and destroy the sect!

Lin Chaoying had lived for most of her life, and finally felt what it meant that the situation was stronger than the person, so she could only nod obediently and slowly said:

"In that case, the three of you will come with me!"

Obviously, the other players could not see the next scene.

The Tomb Sect was very large, but the place where the cold jade bed was located was the deepest part of the Tomb Sect. Usually, except for Lin Chaoying and Xiaolongnu, only Grandma Sun could enter.

However, despite this, it has already caused a great stir among the entire player community.

Some self-important guys have even traveled thousands of miles to Mount Zhongnan, hoping that the two palace masters who finally showed up in front of the public would recognize their talents and directly accept them into the Yihua Palace, so that they can learn this unique skill and reach the pinnacle of life!

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