Jianghu: Get the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms at the beginning

Chapter 589: Temporarily suppressing the anger, a letter from Nie Sheng

In the dark stone room, coldness is the first and only feeling when entering this secret room!

Lin Chaoying's face was complicated. The first tenet of the Ancient Tomb Sect is to prohibit men from entering the Ancient Tomb Sect!

She never thought that such a weird guy would break her first purpose of establishing the religion today...

However, Lin Chaoying just changed her mind slightly and didn't care.

This stranger is indeed very strange, and those disciples of the stranger who join do not even have to follow the ancient tomb sect's rule of not leaving the ancient tomb for life!

I thought that the man who got into the fight was a man from the world, but I never thought that he was also a stranger. When you think about it, it seems to be nothing!

But the man from a foreign land in front of him was able to be escorted here by such two women with extremely terrifying strength. What is the identity and strength of this foreign man?

Lin Xiao naturally didn't know what the founder of the Ancient Tomb Sect was thinking at this time. It was already very difficult for him to control his mind and say these words just now. Now he finally came to the rumored cold jade bed. Sitting cross-legged, I felt like my whole body was frozen by the most terrifying ice, and it was so cold!

Perhaps the rest of the Ancient Tomb Sect didn't feel this way when they used the cold jade bed.

But now Lin Xiao's heart is burning and full of desires, coupled with the effects of many magical skills, making him extremely sensitive to other senses.

effective! !

This bed made of cold chalcedony produced in the arctic ice of the Far North is indeed of indescribable benefit to Lin Xiao's current situation!

But it's just a benefit...

Lin Xiao could very clearly sense the gradual subsidence of the inner fire caused by the obsession at this time, but the "Establishing Demon Chapter" of "The Dao Heart Demon Planting Technique" left by that bastard Pang Ban was in his heart, like a stuck in his throat. .

If there is no suitable way to deal with it, Lin Xiao estimates that he may not be able to escape from this cold jade bed in his life!

Thinking of this, after the inner demon subsided slightly, Lin Xiao opened his eyes.

He felt as if only a moment had passed, but a lot of time had obviously passed in this ancient tomb.

After a quick glance, in this frost-filled secret room, besides Lianxing sitting cross-legged and practicing "Mingyu Gong", there was also a girl in a white dress standing aside, her phoenix eyes motionless. Stare at him.

Seeing Lin Xiao open his eyes, the girl was stunned for a moment, but then returned to her normal appearance.

After Lin Xiao saw the girl, a smile appeared on his lips, and then he said politely:

"The two palace masters were rude earlier, so I ask Miss Long and Master Lin not to take it to heart!"

The girl was stunned for a moment and asked with curiosity on her face: "Do you know me?"

Lin Xiao smiled slightly and naturally did not deny it.

Lianxing heard the movement in her ears and quickly opened her eyes. When she saw Lin Xiao was awake, she showed a rare smile:

"Is it better?"

Lin Xiao nodded, then investigated carefully, and then slowly said:

"But we have to continue to rest during this period. Otherwise, this obsessive inner fire will easily come out again and again. If nothing happens to you and Yao Yue, you can go back to Yihua Palace first. Next, I will be here by myself. Just fine..."

Lianxing nodded. She and Yaoyue had been really annoyed in the past few days, mainly because it seemed that following the previous momentum, a large group of players crowded outside the Tomb Sect.

Not to mention that she and Yao Yue were out, even among the Ancient Tomb Sect, there were players who wanted to receive some kind of mission from the two of them, or wanted to join them in Yihua Palace.

"If anything happens, please come to me and my sister at any time!"

Lian Xing knew something about Lin Xiao's strength. Lin Xiao's ability to say such words obviously meant that he had enough self-protection and would not care about anything. Naturally, she would not say anything more.

On the other hand, Yao Yue, after hearing Lin Xiao's words, went to the secret room to ask questions, and then threatened the ancient tomb sect, making Lin Chaoying's face even more ugly. Only then did all the players feel a little regretful. He left Zhongnan Mountain with his eyes wandering!

Three days passed by. After Lin Xiao ended his five hours of stabilizing his inner demons every day, he opened his eyes again.

Looking at the little dragon girl who was looking at him unmoved, Lin Xiao showed a smile.

This girl had an extremely cold temperament. She hardly talked to him, but she rarely interacted with outsiders. Even those foreign players and disciples didn't pay much attention to her.

However, in the past few days, the two of them have become somewhat familiar with each other.

"Are you coming to continue playing?"

The first thing Lin Xiao did when he opened his eyes was to say with a smile.

Xiao Longnu wrinkled her nose. Although she still felt cold, she also showed a hint of a girl's unwillingness to admit defeat:


The two people were seen holding two wooden branches in their hands, which turned into two-handed sword skills and started sparring with each other.

The swordsmanship of the two hands is completely different and can be described as extremely magical.

It's nothing else, it's the technique of fighting with both hands that I learned from the old naughty boy on Peach Blossom Island.

This miraculous thaumaturgy in the gold martial arts system is actually of little use to Lin Xiao, but for Xiao Longnu and other players, it is enough to greatly increase their strength!

This can be regarded as Lin Xiao's small compensation for the Ancient Tomb Sect occupying this cold jade bed for him during this period.

But I haven’t played for long today when a reminder sound came!

Flying pigeons delivering messages?

It’s no one else but Nie Sheng’s letter

Nie Sheng: [Did you die? Why don’t you reply?]

Lin Xiao was stunned, and then he saw that this guy had sent him countless pigeon messages when he was in Yihua Palace a few days ago.

But at that time, he didn’t have the energy to care about it at all. After so many days, he actually forgot about it!

Lin Xiao was too lazy to look at the previous records and sent him a message directly:

Lin Xiao: [I’m here.]

Nie Sheng: [Scared me to death, I thought that guy’s crow mouth was really right, how are you now?]

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows. What does Nie Sheng mean? Could it be that he knows about my situation?

However, Lin Xiao did not hide it and told him roughly what happened.

Lin Xiao: [The inner demons are rampant, it is indeed very dangerous, almost overturned, and it is estimated that it is easy to leave troubles. There is no way to completely eliminate these inner demons!]

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao was a little silent.

Unless one day he can completely complete the "Heavenly Demon Strategy" and the "Dao Heart Demon Cultivation Method", first enter the innate and then establish the demon, but Lin Xiao doesn't need to think too much, and knows how cautious Pang Ban should be after suffering such a big loss!

Nie Sheng: [It's good that you are okay now. Someone asked me to bring you a message. He said that he can directly help you solve the worries about the demon in your heart and all the troubles! ]

Lin Xiao was stunned. What does this mean?

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