
Chapter 139

I came backstage and was stunned. The Venerable Master and An Shigao looked at each other, and the students in the audience also followed suit. Li Jin stared at me with a frown, not knowing what he was thinking. Huang Haitang's crying behind me gradually became much louder, but it was still sobbing badly, and my shoulders and body shrugged one after another, and my heart also hurt a lot.

Huang Haitang has always been a lawless and happy little demon girl in my mind. She was among the four best in the world at a young age, and in the rivers and lakes, except for the second brother Guan, whoever saw her had to be honored as the ancestor of the sword. She acts arrogantly and uninhibited, whether it is fighting the White Horse Temple, slaughtering and slaughtering the Liukou of the state, as long as she wants to, she can do it, I have always seen her bully others, and I have never seen others bully her in turn.

She's a yellow begonia. To me, she is the yellow begonia high in the sky. No matter what kind of northland spear king Xichuan fierce general, when he saw Huang Haitang, he didn't dare to take a breath. I have always enshrined her in my heart, and I know that I am more than just a master and apprentice to her, but I am not qualified to think about it if it is a little more complicated, so I can only bury this dirty careful thought deeply, hoping that one day I can bloom bright flowers under the watering of luck by luck.

But that Li Jin, in front of me and in front of all living beings in the world, held me in the palm of his hand and put it on the tip of his heart to care for the respected people, and bullied him like a doll and cried loudly. A voice in my heart shouted, shouting until I was deafening and shouting until I was hoarse.

That voice told me: Even if you can't kill Li Jin, who insulted your master, at least you have to splash his head full of dirty blood before you die!

An Shigao exchanged a look with the Venerable Master, and An Shigao came over and persuaded: "This young man, the competition is over, let's go to the apse if we have something, it's important to open the altar here." Hearing An Shigao say this, Li Jin turned around and was about to step down, but was stopped by my voice.

I pointed a knife at him and said, "You despise my master in front of the world, and provoke my master to be so disrespectful, you want to leave?" Li Jin sighed and said, "She must fight me." I

nodded, fine. I said to Zhou Yu and Sun Ce in the audience, "Can you help me take care of my master?" The two of them jumped up like rabbits, and one by one they grabbed Huang Haitang and walked down. Actually, I originally wanted to ask Zhao Yun, after all, this time I had to risk my life to get back my dignity for my master, and I didn't plan to live, so asking Zhao Yun to come up was also a trust. But when it came, I changed my mind again, I was afraid that if Zhao Yun didn't want to take this responsibility at all after I died, he would pat his ass and leave, leaving Huang Haitang as a laughing stock that was taken away by a man today.

Huang Haitang had no master, and let Sun Ce and Zhou Yu carefully support him. Before An Shigao could intercede, I raised my knife and put it on my neck and said, "If the master doesn't agree, I will die here immediately!" An Shigao was extremely embarrassed, and repeatedly handed over his eyes to the Venerable Master, who didn't know what to say for a while, I was afraid that the scene would freeze for a while and then there would be a respectable person to come up to reason, so I said to An Shigao: "I only have one fight with the King of Lingnan, and I will never entangle."

An Shigao seemed to see through my mind of dying, and persuaded me: "People live for a lifetime, grass and trees for a autumn, why take your life for these vain fame and profit?" I listened to a wry smile and said to him: "The essence of Buddhism is not to pay attention to no self and no other, life is a stinky skin, how can the master use the red world to relieve me." An Shigao looked at me in a little surprise, then nodded again, so he stopped stopping and stood aside with the Venerable Master, but he did not step down, apparently trying to save someone's life at a critical moment. Judging from my level, Li Jin is not in any danger at the moment, so it seems that An Shigao wants to leave me a way back.

The venue was cleared, and only Li Jin and I were staring at each other on the stage. I made my starting move, and Li Jin still had his hands behind him, as if he didn't want to fight me. I saluted him, which was a basic courtesy greeting, but he didn't return the salute, still staring at me a little sluggishly.

I rushed over and jumped up with a pig-killing knife, straight up and down and slashed over my head. I know that with Huang Haitang's unique attainments in knife skills, he can't hurt him in the slightest, and no matter how much I dig out my thoughts, it's useless, it's better to pick the moves I am good at and like, at least even if I lose, I am willing to lose.

I slashed down, Li Jin's body was motionless, just a step to the left, and my knife fell directly down an inch against the tip of his nose. I turned the handle of the knife and followed the knife to hit the autumn wind sideways, Li Jin still held his hands behind his back, and took a step back on tiptoe. This step was no more, no less, and the tip of my knife still slipped an inch into the hem of his shirt, and it was just a mistake.

I flipped my hand and wrist, first took a step forward to lock the distance between the two of us, and then slashed diagonally, it was the cloak that killed Bai Impermanence with one knife back then. Li Jin didn't move this time, but just leaned back slightly and flashed the knife. His movements were so fast that I had the illusion that I had already slashed him, but when he stood upright, I realized how difficult it was to meet someone with such martial arts attainments.

Previously, when Huang Haitang made a move with him, he could force him to use a stunt like the Panshan Palm, on the one hand, Huang Haitang's knife skills were powerful, and on the other hand, it was also because Huang Haitang's moves were mixed with unclear internal strength, in order to ensure safety, Li Jin had to use the martial arts of Panshan Palm to stop Huang Haitang's attack. And now in the face of me, a rookie who can't even figure out what the internal force is, Li Jin doesn't even have the need to make a move.

I failed all three of my three major moves, and the boundless sense of loss in my heart was even more indescribable. I fought with my life, but I didn't even have a chance to die.

I started wielding the knife indiscriminately, and I didn't know where the next knife would be, but Li Jin just knew. No matter how quick and neat my knife is, Li Jin always gives up the knife without moving. Suddenly, I recalled that year in Guanxia, when Lu Bu and Second Brother Guan competed, Second Brother Guan played his dragon knife to the extreme, Lu Bu was as shaky as a pine and cypress in a storm, but he was like Li Jin now. The difference is that although Lu Bu tried his best to dodge, he was also thinking and looking for the flaws of Second Brother Guan at the same time, while Li Jin was expressionless, as if he was just playing a scoundrel with me, just waiting for me to leave the scene after splashing his face.

Our side was at an impasse for a while, firstly, because Li Jin didn't want to do it with me at all, and it could even be said that he was too lazy to do it with me, after all, it would be too bad to do that, and Huang Haitang and I were messing around with each other without a head or face, Li Jin respected his identity, and didn't want to continue to mess around with us, thinking about it as soon as possible. Second, I really don't have any new tricks, and it's just those few tricks over and over again, Li Jin is also tired of watching it, and there is no need to make a move.

At this moment, the sword god Li Yan, who had been silently watching the battle with Tong Yuan, suddenly spoke. He shouted at Li Jin: "King Lingnan, the junior is asking you for advice, don't you just let you not fight with a big bully?" Li Jin

didn't expect that Li Yan would come down to wade into this troubled water at this time, and jumped backwards to stand still, I also wanted to know what Li Yan was going to say next, so I didn't pursue again. Li Jin said to him: "Senior Brother Li, what do you mean by this, isn't it chaotic enough?"

I can understand Li Jin's mood, after all, he and Li Yan were both invited by the Master to help out, but I didn't expect that this son not only didn't help find a way to solve the chaos, but even helped me use words to squeeze myself, I really don't want to see a big deal.

And I wondered in my heart. Since the end of last year in the Hengshan Tianfeng Ridge battle, I indiscriminately beat Li Yan into a coma scandal has not been publicized to the public, it is said that Li Yan hates me to the bones, if I catch any opportunity today, I should secretly persuade Li Jin to kill me to kill me, but I didn't expect to say something to help me, it really made me want to break my head and didn't figure it out.

Li Yan didn't care what Li Jin was hinting at, and snorted: "I had a fight with this kid last year, and at that time, because this kid didn't practice enough, I also said that I wouldn't use my internal strength, but I couldn't please him. Saying that, he sneered again and again, and continued: "King Lingnan, you are the first of the four peers in the world, in the face of a stupid apprentice who wants

to be angry with the master, do you still want to bless your supreme internal force to play the juniors here?" Li Jin couldn't help but be furious when he saw that the more he spoke, but he finally suppressed his anger, but he still said with an angry face: "What do you want you to say, Senior Brother Li? Do I also want to take the internal force to accompany this kid to continue to mess around here? Do you still want to talk about the Venerable Master's

Mahayana Buddhism?" Li Yan laughed and said, "If you don't use your internal strength to defeat him empty-handed, Mahayana Buddhism will naturally be taught." But if you continue to hide around like this and don't treat the junior students as opponents, even if I don't say anything as a brother, the children of the capital below won't agree. Li

Yan obviously stirred up this water, and after he mentioned this, the onlookers all got enlightenment, and shouted that Li Jingong, the king of Lingnan, would fight with me fairly.

Under pressure, Li Jin had to look at me squarely, and couldn't hide his annoyance: "You really don't have internal strength?" Seeing that I just sneered and didn't answer, Li Jin shook his sleeves and showed a pair of rough and thick palms, and then shook a few times, and rolled up the cuffs by the way. Li Jin said: "In this case, this official will not bully you with internal force, dismantle your weapon with his bare hands, what will you do after subduing you?"

I shook my head, Li Jin thought that I would admit defeat after I promised him to be subdued, and I couldn't help but feel better, at least this matter saw signs that it could be solved. But in fact, what I think is that there is no winning or losing in this competition, only life and death, even if you restrain me, I will break my arms if you clamp my arms, and I will break my legs when I hold my legs.

Li Jinma stepped into a good step, and his left palm and right fist were pulled apart, still in the starting style of piercing the mountain palm. Li Jin said: "The last time I could touch this official with my fist has been dead for more than 20 years, I didn't expect that after I achieved great skills, I would actually fight against you junior with bare hands." I

gestured at the wooden knife and laughed carelessly.

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