
Chapter 140

Last year, when Huang Haitang taught me internal strength, she used such a method: she found a piece of pork with three layers of flowers, which was square and one foot long, and found an extremely expensive rice paper to spread on it, and said a word to me, type.

I saw that the piece of raw pork was very good-looking, and I was thinking about how to eat it if it was cooked, and where I was willing to start beating it. And the rice paper is as thin as a cicada's wings, and soon it is soaked in lard and transparent, and I don't know whether it is to beat paper or meat.

Huang Haitang held a thin bamboo branch in his hand, raised it high and whipped it along the square meat. It only sounded a crisp sound and nothing seemed to have happened, and the paper and the flesh were still lying there. Huang Haitang ordered me, "Open it and take a look." I took off the paper from the meat as I said, but when I carefully tore the rice paper off the meat, I was surprised to find that the square piece of meat covered under the rice paper had been peeled open by Huang Haitang's peel, and the rice paper on the top that would tear with a little effort was unscathed.

Huang Haitang pouted and said, "Now, this thing is internal force." "I was carrying a thin piece of rice paper in one hand and a skinless pork belly in the other, and I didn't know what to say. Huang Haitang instructed: "You will practice this from today onwards, take the paper and cover the meat and beat hard, think of a way to fight, don't work hard with a dull head, and use your brain to find the point of force and the feel of the move, whether you are bare hands or take something, as long as you can do it like this, you can break this piece of meat through the rice paper, even if you have mastered the trick of internal force." "

Huang Haitang is also really generous, so he took out a stack of snow-white rice paper and put it there for me to practice. At first, I was a little hesitant, afraid of hurting this rare and precious rice paper, although it has been almost more than 100 years since Long Tinghou invented papermaking technology, but most of this thing can only be afforded by those who draw and write. Although the ruler is a lot heavier than the paper, but it is better than the long shelf life, and it is not afraid of blister bites, it is cheap and affordable, and it can be pulled out to fill the façade if it is more, many old masters boast to people all day long that they are rich in five cars, and the five cars must be loaded with bamboo slips, and if the paper is changed, it is estimated that three books will put the old master's lifelong knowledge into it.

I thought to myself, since I use a knife, I don't want to practice nonsense, just honestly take the knife to cultivate the feel, so as not to practice empty-handed and change the knife and find the feel. The ideal is always good, and the reality is always skinny. I didn't say anything about rice paper and meat with this knife, and even the firewood table where the meat was put was almost split in two by me. Huang Haitang was also a little surprised when he saw it, first laughed for a while, and then pulled his face down and said fiercely: "What are you doing with such a big bear energy!"

I was a lot more careful this time, thinking about trying to put it away as freely as possible, and quickly rebounded after a knife, like a bubble on the water, and then I saw that the meat was not injured, but when the blade touched the rice paper, the paper was broken.

Huang Haitang said: "You don't know what internal force is now, and you still want to take a knife to practice in one step, you must know that you must first master the internal force before you can infuse it into the weapon and use it." Let's practice empty-handed first. I

was a little frustrated when Huang Haitang said this, so I put the knife aside and began to slap the meat with my bare hands. Originally, I thought that if I could grasp the feel of the knife as soon as I came up, I might be able to save a lot of detours, but I didn't know that there was no opportunism in the practice of the exercises, so I could only slap it myself.

I adjusted my breath, took a deep breath, condensed the power of my palm in the palm of my hand, and quickly took out a palm when I fell off the horse, slapping it heavily on the flesh from top to bottom. I only heard a crisp sound, and the five-flowered square meat shook my palms with hot pain, and then I saw that there was no fart in the square meat, but the rice paper was slapped by this slap.

I was a little angry and wanted to laugh, and my palms hurt so much, I shook my palm, thinking that whose old sow was so energetic, and it hurt so much to slap it. Huang Haitang saw through my mind and said: "You will definitely hurt your hands if you slap it like this, you must know how much area you hit it, you have to master the techniques and experience, although I am not a master who teaches others kung fu, but I will still be angry when I see you stupid like this bear." Huang

Haitang trained me halfway through with a straight face, and suddenly I didn't know what to remember, so I started to bend over and laugh with my stomach in my hand, and I didn't stop laughing until I burst into tears. I knew that she was crazy again, and I didn't bother to pay attention to her and practice again. But until the month before going to Hengshan, there was no progress, Huang Haitang sighed and said: "I spent a lot of money, but I didn't even smash a piece of pork, are you reluctant to start with your compatriots!

I heard a crisp sound, and after Huang Haitang's slender little hand took it away, there was a slight crack on the stone brick.

Huang Haitang rubbed his hands and rubbed it, breathing in pain, and said with tears in his eyes: "If you really can't practice internal strength, just rely on this vigorous external kung fu! I don't think you can practice that way, so let's try as hard as you want. As

soon as I heard that it was reasonable, I followed the example of Huang Haitang and slapped the stone brick vigorously. This slap is far from the feel of the pork belly, and it almost didn't break my fingers, and my slap that exhausted my strength didn't even have a trace of floating soil, but it hurt to secretly wipe my tears for a long time on the side, and laughed so much that Huang Haitang leaned back and scolded me for being a waste of firewood.

So I've always thought that what bullshit is to practice the outer kung fu to the apex and then turn the inner family to cultivate is all nonsense to fool people, what kind of internal strength can you use to slap this stone pier to the top, reckless and it's over, you can shoot the stone and you are afraid that you can't shoot the brain.

Today, however, I saw it.

I was dumbfounded as soon as I exchanged hands with Li Jinqiu, I slashed at him, Li Jin did not dodge or dodge, he slapped his palm head-on, and I felt that my breath was suffocated when I landed, and then my face was blown like the north wind at the top of Heng Mountain. I was shocked, didn't I say that I didn't need internal force? The form did not allow me to think about it, so I hurriedly mentioned parrying, and Li Jin's palm clicked on the surface of my wooden knife, and immediately shook me out of a fight, and when I got up, I found that the wooden knife was broken to the point that only one knife handle remained.

I was stunned for a long time, looked at the handle of the knife in my hand, and then looked at Li Jin with an arrogant face. Seeing my doubts, the Venerable Master over there explained, "Don't be upset, the King of Lingnan really didn't use his internal strength, he used authentic foreign kung fu. Li Jin was quite unconvinced when he heard this, and snorted: "When the old man was young, he ran rampant in the world with a pair of iron palms, and he didn't kill many madmen, but he only transferred to the inner kung fu when he practiced this palm technique to the extreme and could no longer be refined, so his temper and personality converged a lot, and it was all thanks to this kung fu of cultivating the mind." If I had met a kid like you in the early years, I would have killed as many as I could.

"Now I was completely dumbfounded, and turned to look at the sword god Li Yan who proposed not to use internal strength to fight for kung fu, and then I understood the insidious intentions of this old boy.

I was still wondering why this Li Yan obviously lost such a big face here with me and actually helped me speak, daring to love is that he knew from the beginning that this Li Jin's foreign kung fu is extremely strong, and if he touches it slightly, he will either die or be disabled, and if Li Jin uses internal force, he will be able to retract it freely, and the damage to me is the kind that stops at the point. So Li Yan squeezed Li Jin with words, and even didn't hesitate to take out the matter of his defeat in my hands, I thought at first that he and Li Jin were at odds in private, so I forced Li Jin to fight me with external skills, thinking that I also wanted to make Li Jin ugly here. But I'm still too young after all, this Li Yan is obviously here with Li Jin to help the Venerable Master, and it can be seen from his attitude towards Tong Yuan and Huang Haitang that although they are both the four best in the world, it is obvious that the relationship between the two is better.

When I was in Hengshan and Li Yan, I didn't have half a chance of winning, then Li Yan was known as the sword god that was really well deserved, I had seen Ma Chao's tricks before, and I felt that it was a wonderful move that followed the sword, how did I know that after fighting with Li Yan, I found out that if Ma Chao's swordsmanship is to follow the mind and hit wherever I want, then Li Yan's swordsmanship is obviously higher than this level, it has exceeded his own self-consciousness, almost no need to think, his sword controls his own thinking, as if he has his own life。

At that time, Li Yan was very competitive, in order to show off his amazing swordsmanship in front of his disciples, he boasted that he could not move his internal strength, and secondly, he had to stab the same wound on my right wrist with ten swords, and finally I grabbed the loophole and gave him an old punch to beat him to a coma, if he didn't have such a reckless ability, let alone ten swords and eight swords, as long as he boasted that after stabbing five swords and six swords, he would definitely lose if he changed somewhere to fight me.

Li Jin is different from Li Yan, if Li Yan does not use internal force, the sword is a sword, although it is fast and sharp, but he is just a sharp weapon. However, Li Jin is different, after he has collected the internal force, his palm technique has suddenly become dozens of times more fierce, Li Yan's sword is a sharp weapon, but his pair of fleshy palms have become murder weapons! Perhaps because he has not used external strength for many years, Li Jin has actually changed a lot of temperament after receiving internal force, and he has lost the elegant and generous temperament of the official just now, but has more of the irritability and ruthlessness of the reckless men in the rivers and lakes.

My head is a little empty at the moment. The first move was to break my wooden knife to pieces, and no matter how many weapons I wanted to bring in the next day, it would be a matter of smashing him with one palm. Although my body bones are harder, but it is not much better to compare with the hardwood weapons, if I really eat his palm, regardless of whether the internal organs will be like the square meat under the rice paper, the skin and flesh will be broken, and the skin of this muscle and bone alone will have to be broken and safe.

I stood there stupidly, dazed.

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