Jin Wang Dotes on His Concubine

The King's Concubine_The Feast of Masks【Complete】(245)

When she met Xiaobao and Yuchan when she was going out, Yao Niang hurriedly said to her son, "Your father is in the house," and left.

The Su family really doesn't have enough manpower, so they invite people from outside to help with the wedding banquet, but someone always has to watch. Su Xiucai was busy greeting his fellow guests, while Yao Cheng had to go to the door to greet the guests. Huiniang was busy going back and forth in the yard and kitchen alone. She couldn't stand it anymore, so she called Yaoniang.

The west wing, which had always been empty, was specially set up with several tables for entertaining distinguished guests. The yard was also filled with tables, and the team preparing the wedding banquet was busy coming and going. As time passed, more and more guests came to congratulate them, and most of these people were the Su family's next-door neighbors.

Mrs. Wu is a good-natured person and gets along well with her neighbors. The Su family is having a wedding today, and there is such a big movement. Naturally, people come to congratulate her.

Yao Cheng stood at the door, mouthful of hair


Aunt Hua, Aunt Ma, brought the people in. It was really admirable that he seemed not to be at home usually, but he could recognize none of these people by mistake, and even call them by their names.

Some old women were very loud, and they shouted when they reached the bottom of the steps: "I'm so successful, my mother, congratulations today."

At this moment, Mrs. Wu could no longer care about Prince Jin. She hurriedly walked out and said, "I'm so happy. I'm sorry to excuse you. I'd like you to make a trip."

"What are you talking about? My eldest nephew is marrying a wife, and I, as an aunt, can't do it? By the way, this is -"

This was exactly what he said to the little treasure in Wu's arms. Xiaobao did not escape Wu's clutches after all. Wu was holding him and chatting with the King of Jin that Xiaobao looked like his great-uncle, which suited her well. The old woman came, and she came out directly holding Xiaobao.

"This doll is really spirited. Look at it, it looks like a little adult! It doesn't look like the grandson of your eldest daughter's family. Could it be that it belongs to the younger daughter?"

Mrs. Wu deserved it loudly, "The eldest son of my daughter's family is named Xiaobao. Xiaobao, please call me grandma. This is your grandma Guihua."

Xiaobao looked embarrassed: "Grandma Osmanthus!"

"Oh, you are so articulate. At first glance, you look like a little baby who will be a high official in the future. Come give Grandma Guihua a hug, and let your grandma go greet the others. Grandma Guihua will bring you candy cakes to eat!"

It was obvious that the old woman was in a good relationship with Mrs. Wu, so she hugged Xiaobao and went to the table next to her. There was a snack and fruit plate in the middle of the table. The snacks were sugar cakes and cakes, and the fruit plate was filled with melon seeds, peanuts, red dates and the like.

The banquet hasn't started yet, so the guests who arrive first are allowed to eat and have fun.

Yu Chan had been watching from the side. First she was surprised by the old woman's openness. When she saw her taking Xiao Bao away, she subconsciously followed her.

Here, the person whom Yao Cheng calls Auntie Osmanthus has already sat down with Xiaobao in her arms, taking a handful of peanuts and peeling them for him to eat.

"When eating peanuts, you must eat the skin. The red skin is the most nourishing."

Seeing Yu Chan coming so unexpectedly, Aunt Guihua glanced at her: "Which family are you from? How come I haven't seen you before? Are you a relative of the Su family?"

"I am, I am..." Yuchan couldn't answer for a while. She wanted to say she was a maid, but she was afraid that it would be too abrupt.

Until Xiaobao called Yuchan, Aunt Guihua stopped asking her questions and started asking and answering herself: "Oh, are you from Yucheng's little girl's in-laws? Come and sit down here."

This string of titles was confusing to Yu Chan, but she understood the meaning. She was indeed from the palace, so let's just leave it at that and nodded hurriedly.

During this period, several more old women came, most of them women of the same age as Wu. When they arrived, they exchanged words with each other. Some chatted, some were talkative, and some even praised Xiaobao. Along the way, they did not forget to praise Wu's good fortune.

"Hey, have you seen Yucheng's little girl? Just now I said I was going to help in the kitchen, but someone blocked me and I happened to bump into her. Tsk, tsk, tsk, I couldn't see you before, but now I have met her once, sir. She is so graceful and beautiful. I don’t know anyone who is so lucky to have such a beautiful little wife.”

As soon as Xiaobao heard that he was talking about his mother, he pricked up his ears to listen.

Some people laughed at him: "This little kid is sensible and obedient."

"You said someone's mother, of course they know."

Several old women were smiling, and one of them said something: "The little girl is such a good character, I wonder if her man is here today?"

"Hey, don't tell me, it's been so long since the Su family moved here, I haven't seen her little daughter's man yet."

"Don't worry, these two are busy. Look, my little girl is back today, and people like green onions are also busy."

"Since a little girl is worthy of such a character, the man's character must not be bad."

"That's hard to say. I've never heard of a saying that a good man doesn't have a good wife, and a bad man marries a slut."

"Bah, bah, bah, what are you talking about? Today is a happy day."

The old woman who said the wrong thing pretended to slap herself in the face and said with a smile: "Look at my mouth."

Before he finished speaking, Xiaobao suddenly called out: "Dad!"

Following the sound of "Father", the eyes of several old women immediately went to Prince Jin.

Wu left in a hurry, leaving only Prince Jin and Er Bao in the main room. There was originally red silk, but the red silk was ordered by King Jin to go out to help Yao Niang.

Normally, no one could enter the main house casually, but today was different. From time to time, people would come in to get things or look for someone.

When people came in and took a look, they saw a man who looked like a painting sitting inside. He didn't know what to ask. He was embarrassed, and so was King Jin.

King Jin didn't last long before he came out with Erbao in his arms. I wanted to find Yao Niang, but unfortunately I didn't see anyone. I was looking around when I heard Xiaobao's voice.

Several old women were stunned for a moment, and then they came to their senses.

"Is this the little girl's man?"

"The child has already called me daddy, is there still a lie?"

"He's so handsome!"

These old women don't know how to write shy, and they are very brave to speak. In fact, older market women are like this. They are the elders, and the other person is a generation younger, so they use it as a junior to get close to each other.

"Come on, come on, Yucheng is the man of his mother's little daughter's family. Don't you have a place to sit? Come and sit here!"

Another poor man who was confused by this series of names.

But King Jin came over because Xiaobao was here.

"It's true that Yucheng's mother-in-law left her here alone. Don't blame me, kid. Your eldest brother is having a wedding today, and everyone in the family is too busy to keep their feet off the floor."

"This is the second eldest child in the family, he looks as fair and tender as his brother."

"The young couple grow well, and the children will naturally grow well too."

"Come on, give grandma a hug."

Erbao, a silly guy, just stretched out his hands to hug others, smiling so hard that his teeth could not see his eyes, which made several old women even praise this kid for his kindness and righteousness, and he is a lively person.

Xiaobao was finally freed. He was held and fed a mouthful of peanuts. When he arrived in King Jin's arms, he looked back at his silly brother.

Anyway, Erbao likes fun and will definitely be happy.

King Jin wanted to leave but failed, so the kind-hearted Aunt Guihua arranged for him to sit on a table next to him.

"Don't leave now. This person is quiet. The bombing will not scare the children later. The banquet will start soon. You, my uncle, are a distinguished guest. I have to greet you for Yucheng's mother. ”

Just as he was talking, there was suddenly a loud sound of whipping outside, and the sedan chair that went to welcome the bride came back.

It felt like the surroundings suddenly became noisy, and they couldn't hear each other's voices. King Jin saw Erbao sitting in Aunt Guihua's arms, having his two little ears covered. He also saw someone next to him gesturing to him constantly, and he clumsily imitated others to cover his ears.

The father and son looked at each other, both feeling embarrassed but not disgusted.

There were sounds of gongs and drums and whips, which were deafening.

It seemed that many people were pouring in from outside at once, including men and women, old and young. People gathered around on both sides, and a couple walked in from outside holding red hydrangea in hand.

There were many people standing at the door of the main room. Su Xiucai and Wu were pushed in in a hurry. Yao Niang seemed to be there too. In an instant, the newlyweds entered the main room. The surrounding area became quiet. Someone was shouting the lyrics: "Bow down to heaven and earth." !”

"Two thanks to Gaotang!"

"Couple greetings!"

"The ceremony is completed, send the newlyweds into their new house."

The sky was getting darker, but there were bright red lanterns burning everywhere in the yard, so it didn't look dark.

Everyone is seated, and they are just waiting for the food and wine to be served.

There were voices and laughter everywhere, and as the leader of the wedding banquet team stood in the courtyard and shouted: "The banquet is open!" several people came up carrying trays with various cold dishes on them.

The food came quickly and was plentiful.

This time, thanks to Yao Cheng, according to Su Xiucai's advice, just set up a few tables, but Yao Cheng said that there must be a lot of people at that time, so he should make it more complete. Sure enough, on the official day, more people came to congratulate him than expected, and even a few minor officials came from the Wucheng Army and Horse Division and Shuntian Mansion.

They were inconspicuous, but they were all polite and courteous, which made the Su family praise in their hearts that the capital was different, and the officials were treated more kindly than those elsewhere.

Little did they know that this was all for the sake of King Jin. In order not to attract attention, they only came with small fish and shrimps. The real big fish wanted to come, but they were afraid of backfiring.

Half of the dishes were quickly served and everyone started eating.

Because the other tables were full of people, King Jin, who had no time to move, could only sit with a few old women.

But there are advantages to sitting here. Everyone greeted King Jin to eat. King Jin actually didn't want to eat at all, but everyone greeted him, so he could only pick up his chopsticks and eat. Even Yu Chan was greeted and ate.

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