Jin Wang Dotes on His Concubine

The Favored Concubine in the Palace_The Feast of Masks【Complete】(246)

It was so hot that I didn't know what to do.

Yao Niang finally sorted it out and remembered King Jin. Thinking that she didn't care about him and didn't know how he was doing now, she hurried out from the back to take a look.

At a glance, she saw King Jin sitting among a group of old women at a table, with Xiaobao sitting on his lap, and feeding Xiaobao with chopsticks.

In fact, Xiaobao wanted to eat by himself, but the old women didn't let him, saying that King Jin didn't know how to feed children, so they helped to feed him.

Although Xiaobao liked these old ladies very much, he didn't like them to the point of sharing bowls and chopsticks with others. He grabbed King Jin's clothes and wouldn't let go, holding his little hand tightly, so King Jin could only say that he would feed him.

Yao Niang felt embarrassed and wanted to laugh a little. She walked over with a strange mood and asked, "Why are you sitting here? Didn't your brother-in-law invite you to drink?"

"I came, but I don't want to go."

In fact, Yao Chenggang had been here, but the people sitting at the same table with him were all small officials. How could those people be qualified to sit at the same table with King Jin? Sitting with those people, the King of Jin would rather sit with a few old ladies, just for leisure and no trouble. In order to avoid causing trouble for others, the King of Jin sat there, whether they would eat or not, and whether they would smile or not? It would ruin the atmosphere!

"Wife of the aunt, you are done with your work. This girl is really filial and capable. Come and sit down to eat. She must be very tired."

Under the "intimidation" of the old ladies, Yao Niang also sat down.

She sat next to the King of Jin, listening to the old ladies calling her "wife of the aunt" with a strange heart, while eating the dishes under everyone's invitation.

While everyone was not paying attention, Yao Niang whispered to the King of Jin: "Why do they call me wife of the aunt?"

The King of Jin was embarrassed.

It was really embarrassing. He had never been so embarrassed in his life.

Just now, when people asked him what to call him, he couldn't say that you can call me Your Highness the King of Jin, so he could only report his real name.

Zhao Youtang!

What a grand name!

Zhao, the royal family's surname!

Finally it was shortened to Tangzi!

Yao Niang asked again, and the King of Jin said with a twisted expression: "I'll tell you when I get back!"


No matter how lively the scene is, there will always be a time to leave.

The King of Jin has been holding it in for a whole night, and he doesn't want to stay any longer. In fact, he doesn't want to run into those petty officials. Just now, someone was walking around and wanted to come over to toast, but retreated because there were too many ladies at the table.

Yao Niang went to say hello to Hui Niang. Hui Niang also knew that Yao Niang's situation was different, so she didn't ask much, and asked her to be careful on the road. Then, while the people who left the banquet were walking out, the King of Jin and Yao Niang took Xiaobao, Erbao and two maids and also left the gate of the Su family.

The moon was bright and the stars were sparse, and the night wind was cool.

The carriages and people of the King of Jin's mansion were waiting outside the alley, so the road out of the alley had to be walked. Walking in this kind of alley, looking up at the sky, I always feel that the sky is very high.

"That's great, my brother is getting married too."

Yes, that's great.

Chapter 188

After the beginning of autumn, the court entered a season of trouble.

First, the Tatars raided the border city, and then a major corruption case broke out in Guangxi. Not to mention the Tatars raiding the border city, it would be abnormal if they didn't make such a scene every year. The corruption case in Guangxi attracted the attention of everyone in the court.

Nothing else, it was because this incident was a bit big, and dozens of officials were implicated. From top to bottom, from head to root, it was rotten to the core.

Emperor Hongjing was furious and ordered people to take Li Heming, the governor, back to Beijing, and sent two imperial envoys to investigate the case.

Because these two things happened in succession, the matter of discussing the succession that had just begun naturally ended without any success. Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye it was the end of the year again.

At the end of the year, it was always busy to handle the affairs of the year. At this time, an incident broke out, and the matter was related to the Prince Qing's Mansion.

The incident was caused by Xiaobao.

The source was that the Ministry of Internal Affairs withheld things from the Qing Palace.

According to the regulations of the Daqian Dynasty, the salary of a prince was 10,000 taels of silver, 10,000 shi of rice, 40 pieces of brocade, 300 pieces of silk, 100 pieces of gauze, 500 pieces of silk, 1,000 pieces of winter and summer cloth, and so on. Even the rough materials for horses were subsidized. In the past, when they were still in the fiefdom, these things were transported all at once. Since entering the capital, because the Ministry of Internal Affairs was responsible for it, it was divided into four parts, one for each season.

These things seem to be a lot, but because the palace has a large population, in fact, it often does not cover its expenses. Therefore, most of these princes and princes have private property income subsidies, and from time to time there are tributes from their followers.

This time, the Qing Prince was sent to guard the imperial mausoleum because he was disliked by the emperor. Because of her status, the Qing Princess often did not enter the palace if she could, and the number of times she showed her face in front of people was greatly reduced. The weak ones are always picked, and now they have picked the Prince Qing's Mansion.

The summer and autumn allowances of the Prince Qing's Mansion have not been delivered yet.

In fact, this kind of deduction is not uncommon. It often happened when the Prince Jin and his men were still princes.

The eunuchs are in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Eunuchs have no descendants, and they are greedy for only two things: money and power. There are regulations for the annual allowances of the princes, but how to send it, when to send it, and what to send, there is a lot of knowledge in it.

If you are angry and go to them, if they are in power, they will definitely send you out with a nice voice and a good face, and the things will come within three days. If they are not in power, they will send you away with a sentence that the Ministry of Internal Affairs has a lot of things to do and you can go back and wait.

As for how long to wait, it depends on their mood.

Princess Qing had asked people to urge them, but the Ministry of Internal Affairs asked them to wait. Seeing that the monthly wages of so many servants and guards in the mansion had been delayed for several months, it was time to change seasons, but the clothes for the change of seasons had not been made yet. Summer and autumn were barely enough, but the winter in the capital was always cold, and it was unreasonable not to make winter clothes, especially since the New Year was coming soon.

Princess Qing had also taken out money from her private treasury to make up for it several times, but because Prince Qing had no maternal family, his family was originally poor, and because he was not favored, his fiefdom was not a rich place. Princess Qing was born in a family of minor officials, and her dowry was not very rich. The money she took out was just a drop in the bucket for all this.

These days, Princess Qing was so worried that her hair was almost white.

She wanted to go and beg Prince Jin, but Princess Qing was too embarrassed.

For a long time, Prince Qing relied on Prince Jin. When Prince Qing said that, Princess Qing felt guilty, but she was too embarrassed to explain for Prince Qing. After the incident of Prince Qing, Prince Jin helped a lot with all the affairs in and out of the Prince Qing's mansion. Even the matter of Yan Ge'er entering the upper study was arranged by Prince Jin.

It seems that the matter is not a big deal, but you have to know that the Prince Qing's mansion has been using it, but there is no way to repay it. Prince Qing doesn't know if he can come back. It will take many years for Yan Ge'er to repay it. Besides, Prince Jin may not be able to use his nephew at that time. It is obvious that it is something that makes people pay all the time. Princess Qing doesn't ask for help if she can.

These things inevitably affect the children. Zhuzhu still doesn't notice it, but Yan Ge'er sees it and remembers it in her heart. Seeing Yan Ge'er in a bad mood for several days, Xiaobao couldn't help asking about it.

Although Yan Ge'er is more mature and introverted than children of the same age, he is still a child after all, so he told Xiaobao about it.

After listening, Xiaobao patted his chest and said that he would take care of it.

In fact, this matter is not difficult to handle. To put it bluntly, it is about power.

No one dares to bully you if you have power, no matter if you have power yourself or ask others to borrow power. If you can use it, it is power.

Just like the King of Lu, doesn't he know that his character is very annoying, and doesn't he know that a bad temper is not a good reputation. But like the King of Qing, the mother of the King of Lu, Concubine Chen, was not of high birth. She was only given the title of concubine after giving birth to the prince, which can be seen.

The son is noble because of the mother, and the mother is noble because of the son. They have always complemented each other. Without a noble maternal family, being a prince is high and mighty in the eyes of outsiders. If you want to survive in the palace, you have to be very alert and use hundreds of minds.

The King of Lu has been a troublemaker since he was a child. He will tear the tiles off the roof if he doesn't fight for three days. But even so, he was punished and scolded by Emperor Hongjing since he was a child, and no one in the former dynasty and harem dared to ignore the King of Lu.

Everyone knows that the Prince of Lu is very important to His Majesty, and he really doesn't care about punishing you, and he doesn't even want to see you. The Prince of Qing is the best example.

So the Ministry of Internal Affairs doesn't dare to control the Prince of Lu, and they don't dare to provoke this gentleman, knowing that this gentleman is a person who will explode at the slightest touch. If he is really irritated, he will make a scene and kill a few people, and His Majesty will not do anything to him.

Xiaobao naturally can't let Yan Ge'er follow the path of the Prince of Lu. Besides, Yan Ge'er is still young, and he is also young. The only thing he can do is to take Yan Ge'er to the Qianqing Palace more often, and then let Yan Ge'er show some shortcomings appropriately.

Yan Ge'er was taken away by the eunuch. Emperor Hongjing looked at Xiaobao: "You have been bringing him to me recently. Do you have something to tell me?"

Emperor Hongjing was not a fool. To be honest, he understood subtext better than anyone else. So when he saw that Xiaobao had accidentally torn the sleeve of Yan Ge'er's clothes, and remembered that Xiaobao had always made excuses to let Yan Ge'er come here twice recently, he understood the meaning.

Xiaobao did not hide it. He grabbed the hair that had just been left. "Grandpa Huang, did you see it? Xiaobao did not mean it. Dad said that Grandpa Huang is busy with all kinds of things and cannot always bother you with trivial matters. But Brother Yan encountered some problems, and we can't solve them as young as we are, so we thought if we could come to ask Grandpa Huang for help."

"What is it?" Emperor Hongjing pretended not to know.

When he heard this, Xiaobao shamelessly leaned over and climbed onto Emperor Hongjing's knees without any shame. He has been familiar with these things recently, and it is easy for him to do them.

After sitting in the arms of Emperor Hongjing, he recounted what Yan Ge'er had said to him, trying to choose simple words and a tone that matched his age, and then he continued, "Seventh Uncle was not at home, so Seventh Aunt took Brother Yan and Sister Zhuzhu with them, and those servants in the Ministry of Internal Affairs bullied Seventh Aunt and them. Seventh Aunt is a woman with a thin skin, and Brother Yan is young and incompetent, so I wanted to ask Grandpa Huang for help, but I didn't know what to say."

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