Jin Wang Dotes on His Concubine

The Favored Concubine in the Palace_The Feast of Masks【Complete】(247)

"So you pulled off Brother Yan's sleeves?"

"This incident was an accident. My grandson didn't expect that Brother Yan's sleeves were so weak. But this just proves that the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs bullied Aunt Qi and the others." Xiaobao doesn't mind showing his caution at all. machine.

Emperor Hongjing nodded his nose: "You are a little man, but you know a lot of truth."

Xiaobao immediately puffed up his little chest and nodded proudly: "Of course, my grandson is no longer a child after he goes to school. Only by studying can he understand the truth. I understand a lot of things now."

Emperor Hongjing laughed: "Then tell me, what truth do you understand?"

"My grandson knows how to show mercy to the weak and not to bully orphans and widowed mothers."

Emperor Hongjing was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Li Dequan: "Look, Lu Hai doesn't understand what the little boy understands. Go talk to him. If the Ministry of Internal Affairs does something like this again, I will withdraw." he."

"Old slave, go now."

Lu Hai was the deputy general manager of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the general manager was Li Dequan. However, Li Dequan was serving as an errand beside Emperor Hongjing, so he was only in name only. Lu Hai, like Li Dequan, worked as an errand beside Emperor Hongjing earlier. Because he failed to win against Li Dequan, he was sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

However, this place is a rich and lucrative place, and one must be the emperor's confidant.

"Don't worry about this kind of thing in the future, and don't learn from your father." After Li Dequan went down, Emperor Hongjing said to Xiaobao.

Xiaobao rolled his eyes, wondering why his father was involved again. Then he remembered the relationship between Prince Qing and Prince Jin, and he immediately understood what Emperor Hongjing meant.

It seemed that the emperor's grandfather didn't just hate the seventh uncle. I don't know what he had done to make the emperor's grandfather so disgusted. No wonder the Ministry of Internal Affairs dared to do so blatantly, and it seemed that it was not without reason.

But this matter has nothing to do with Xiaobao. He is currently focusing all his attention on dealing with Emperor Hongjing.

"Why don't you care? Brothers should help each other. That's what the book says, and my dad said the same."

Emperor Hongjing laughed: "I didn't realize that your father could still teach you this kind of truth."

But then I thought about it, Lao Wu was not always like this. He seemed to have a cold face, but in fact he was warm-hearted.

Ever since he was little, he has made many mistakes for Lao Liu and Lao Qi. Just because he can't speak, Lao Liu still has a gap with him.

At this time, Brother Yan, who was led down to change clothes, came. Emperor Hongjing patted Xiaobao's shoulder: "Okay, don't bother your grandpa, and go home quickly, so as not to worry your mother. Grandpa Huang still has some problems." I haven’t finished reading the memorial yet, so I’ll finish it soon.”

"Then Xiaobao is gone. Grandpa Huang, don't look at him for too long. My mother said that we should do things one by one and eat the food one bite at a time. There is no point in rushing."

"Your mother has a lot of great principles." Anyway, Emperor Hongjing had heard it from Xiaobao many times. Not through Xiaobao's words, he knew that Yao Niang was a gentle and kind-hearted woman with noble moral character. Emperor Hongjing would not have been so quick to agree to King Jin's wish to straighten things out that time. To put it bluntly, he usually had a very good impression.

"My mother is a good mother."

Xiaobao saluted and took Brother Yan down.

Li Dequan walked in from outside and stood next to Emperor Hongjing.

Emperor Hongjing looked at the zhezi in front of him. This zhezi was not an ordinary zhezi. It was a secret zheji that was rushed eight hundred miles from Guangxi to the capital. It was presented by Guo Ruhai, the imperial envoy who was on this trip to Guangxi. The story contained in it was none other than Guo Ruhai. Go find some stuff.

"These good sons of mine can stretch their hands so long."

Li Dequan did not dare to speak.

At this time, a young eunuch walked in from outside the door and whispered: "The Queen ordered someone to deliver ginseng soup to Your Majesty."

Emperor Hongjing glanced at Li Dequan.

Li Dequan said hurriedly: "Go and order someone to bring it up."

Soon the ginseng soup was served, and Li Dequan took it carefully and placed it on the dragon table.

But at this moment, Emperor Hongjing had no intention of drinking ginseng soup. He didn't even look at it. The reason why he let people come in was just to give Empress Wei face.

Queen Wei had always been virtuous and sensible. Knowing that Emperor Hongjing was not feeling well recently, she made various tonic soups and brought them to him every day. Emperor Hongjing sometimes drank them and sometimes he didn't.

As time passed, the ginseng soup naturally cooled down. It was too cold to be eaten, so the eunuch took it down.

It was only when Yao Niang or Xiao Jirou came to thank her that she found out what Xiao Bao had done.

Nowadays, Xiaobao is said to be very popular outside, saying that he is the first among the emperor's grandsons, not even comparable to the emperor's grandson back then. He said that those dog slaves in the Ministry of Internal Affairs are not smart enough to offend anyone but the Qing family.

Prince Qing and Prince Jin are good friends, and the eldest son of Prince Qing's house is good with the eldest son of Prince Jin's house. Nowadays, the eldest son of the Prince of Jin is serving in front of the Holy Master every day. I don't know if this is because the monk is looking for lice on his head and is looking for trouble.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs didn't even use three days to make up for the arrears owed to Prince Qing's Mansion. Lu Hai, the deputy director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, personally delivered it to the door. As soon as these rumors were turned around, they spread outside. On the surface, everyone was amazed, surprised, and envious. But secretly, everyone said that the eunuchs in the palace had tricked the eldest son of Prince Jin's palace.

It is possible to have praise, but if you praise it too much, you will be flattered and killed.

Especially now, no one knows what is going on. This is not obviously pushing Xiaobao into the limelight.

So as soon as she heard about this, Xiao Jirou hurried to Prince Jin's Mansion. One of the things she said was thanking her, but the other part was feeling guilty. She is well aware of the attitude of Prince Jin's Mansion, but now that it is being circulated outside, it is undoubtedly harming Prince Jin's Mansion and Xiaobao.

"Originally I wanted to bring Yan Ge'er to apologize to the fifth brother and his wife, but although he is young, he is sensible. His father is not here now, so I can't blame the child. Fifth sister-in-law, it's all our fault. If it really delayed the fifth brother's important event and harmed Xiaobao, where can I rest in peace?

"It's also because I, as a mother, am incompetent. I can't do such a thing. I made the children worry and anxious. The two little ones did it behind people's backs without discussing it with the adults..."

Yao Niang finally digested the content of Xiao Jirou's words, and looked up to see her crying like this. This is not common. You know, Xiao Jirou is used to being a strong person and rarely shows weakness in front of others. It means that she is very uneasy.

"Stop crying, it's really not Yan Ge'er's fault, nor yours. Although I rarely go out, I also know that this matter must have been deliberately made into this by someone with ulterior motives. Don't think too much. Since the incident has already happened, we can only face it head-on. Your fifth brother will be back soon. With him around, nothing will happen. "

Chapter 189

After finally sending Xiao Jirou away, Yao Niang was like an ant on a hot pot, fidgeting. Although she said nice things when comforting Xiao Jirou, she was actually quite panicked.

I didn't feel the time was hard to bear before, but today I felt that the days were like years. Finally, Prince Jin came back. After asking, I found out that Prince Jin had known about this for a long time. The reason why he didn't tell Yao Niang was that according to Prince Jin's own words, this matter was not a big deal. Yao Niang was told to eat and drink as she pleased, and to do as she pleased, and not to take it to heart.

It's really not a big deal?

Yao Niang was suspicious.

She didn't know that Prince Jin had met a person before he came back, and it was Lu Hai, the deputy general manager of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Lu Hai had no choice but to come to Prince Jin. If he knew which grandson had cheated him, he would have to eat the other person. But now he was in a hurry to do one thing, that is, to explain it clearly to His Royal Highness Prince Jin.

That matter was really not his doing. His Majesty personally sent someone to give orders. He was very brave to do it in front of him. Then he turned around and spread the news. That was not courage, that was stupidity. He was just not dead yet and wanted to get into the coffin as soon as possible. So when the rumors were getting more and more outrageous, Lu Hai finally couldn't sit still anymore. He secretly left the palace and took a carriage with green curtains. He waited at the entrance of the Ministry of Industry for a whole afternoon. Only then did he wait for the King of Jin.

After finally inviting the King of Jin to a teahouse, Lu Hai didn't care about the fact that he was always a grandfather. He knelt down with a plop and begged the King of Jin to save his life.

The King of Jin didn't want to pay attention to the old eunuch, but Lu Hai was shameless. He hugged the King of Jin's legs and cried with snot and tears. He also recalled the King of Jin's childhood.

Finally, the King of Jin gave him a word. Instead of wasting his energy here, it is better to go to his father. If he can use three points of his spirit, he can be safe and worry-free.

The King of Jin left after he finished speaking. Lu Hai thought for a long time before he slapped his forehead and reacted. He hurried back to the palace.

"It's nothing serious, so what advice did you give him? Why can't I understand it?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, as long as he can understand it. "

At the same time, a big drama was staged in front of the Qianqing Palace.

On this snowy day, Lu Hai, the deputy general manager of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, actually knelt in front of the Qianqing Palace.

What did he want to do?

In addition to asking Emperor Hongjing to spare his life, he was crying for injustice, saying that someone deliberately tricked him. He had just done the job, and someone released such a news. It was obvious that they couldn't bear to see him do well and wanted to trick him to death.

Lu Hai said that he had served Emperor Hongjing for many years, and no matter how stupid he was, he would not be so stupid. He didn't mention Xiaobao's matter, but the news came out in recent days. It must be a hot topic. Everyone knows that Lu Hai's behavior today is related to that incident.

The Qianqing Palace is a place where people come and go, and it didn't take long for everyone in the palace to know about it.

Everyone knows that someone deliberately stirred up trouble in order to provoke a fight between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prince of Jin's Mansion, and even more so to make people regard the eldest son of the Prince of Jin's Mansion as a thorn in their side.

He is so scheming and has evil intentions!

In the East Warm Pavilion, Emperor Hongjing said to Li Dequan: "Go and call Lu Hai in. He is also a man of considerable age. What does it look like for him to kneel in the snow?"

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