"There are assassins!"

Gu Shundong and others roared loudly, but their bodies were half a beat slower than others. ? top? point? Novel ww.2w.

Although they had speculated for a long time, Ye Qingxuan's assassination still surprised them. At this moment, the opportunity was lost. They were still a distance away from the carriage. Even if they went all out, it was a slow step, and they might even be in Qing Xuan suffered a huge loss under the rapid attack. Especially now that Ye Qingxuan's displayed combat power has increased more than a few times compared to a short time ago. The obvious step into the "return to the virtual world" makes them dare not to act rashly. Although he yells hard, it is never dangerous.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan's mighty palms severely injured four first-class swordsmen in Fengyi Pavilion, and smashed the specially-made luxury carriage. All the experts at the scene saw involuntarily a heart palpitation in their eyes.

So powerful martial arts, good domineering power!

Under the powerful palm of the hand, the roof and walls were completely shattered and splashed around, but the bottom of the car was intact, and both of them were clearly displayed in front of everyone.

It was the filial piety Prince Huangfu Jingming and Feng Yige's master Wu Huitong.

At this moment, the master of Fengyi Pavilion was holding the double swords to put himself in a position, guarding his body and covering the carriage with a broken carriage, protecting himself and the filial prince beside him.


Ye Qingxuan's smashed car's palm once again hit the opponent's sharp sword. The powerful force pressed the other two together with the bottom of the car downward for more than half a foot, and the wheel protected by Qi Huitong's gas was completely pressed. Into the stone slabs on the street, there was no breakage, which shows how strong the Qi Huitong's protective body is. It also proves that the martial arts of Fengyi Pavilion is indeed outstanding. But Tong Huitong is still not as good as Ye Qingxuan in terms of strength.


Ye Qingxuan vigorously spit. With a loud roar, the puppet Huitong immediately spit out blood, and the guardian's breath was broken like glass. The whole person ducked to the side with all their strength, fell to the slate floor, and howled away to the extreme.

Ye Qingxuan repelled Wu Huitong, facing Huang Fu Jingming in the carriage alone, at this moment, he was afraid of despair. Even when he didn't attack himself, Ye Qingxuan secretly said that it was not good. Although this person looked exactly like Huangfu Jingming, he was obviously not the filial prince.

"The heroes spare their lives!" At a critical juncture, the man never dared to maintain any demeanor and began to ask for mercy.

When he said this, Ye Qingxuan immediately confirmed his conjecture ...

tmd, avatar, avatar again!

Ye Qingxuan burst into fury and immediately fled ...

Since the other party has arranged a stand-in. There will inevitably be other arrangements, and there may even be a deliberate arrangement. Waiting for their brother to come in.

Sure enough, after Ye Qingxuan missed a blow, the sound of blasting air came around in the distance. Although the other party had a master secretly waiting for himself and others to get into the net, he did not expect Ye Qingxuan to return. Where did they come from, so these masters are still far from here, and will not come immediately.

Ye Qingxuan was surrounded by people in a large area, but with such a gap, there is still a lot of room for turning around.

Ye Qingxuan cursed aloud, struggling to escape in one direction, and his light work had reached his limit. There was only a ray of light in front of everyone's eyes, and Ye Qingxuan had channeled more than ten feet away.


A clarion call sounded, and the torches gathered further away. Within a large range, Ye Qingxuan and Zhan Yu were surrounded in the center, and the center of the encirclement was this narrow street.

Zhan Yu had lost his trace after the previous throw, but it was definitely still in the encirclement, but on the surface only Ye Qingxuan jumped up and down to find the encirclement gap.

"Where to go !?"

Ye Qingxuan just landed on a roof beam, and several Jinpao Hans rushed out next to him. Currently, one of them has the highest martial arts skills. He slammed and flew up. The sharp sword turned into a thunderbolt and pierced the throat !!

Jian Guang also illuminates the surrounding area and reveals the face of the opponent.

"One Leaf Covers the Rain" Tian Zhongmou.

The deputy owner of "Tsing Yi Tower", after Xu Qingyi's disappearance, Tsing Yi Tower split, Tian Zhongmou received the support of Feng Yige, and led Wucheng's brothers to establish the "Tiandao League".

At the end of the banquet, he also saw him bid farewell to Huangfu Jingming, but unexpectedly came here all the way, ambush, waiting to hunt Ye Qingxuan and others.

The man who made the plan had a frightening and delicate mind. He not only guessed that Ye Qingxuan and others would take risks and assassinate him, but also arranged the hunting in one hand, trapping Ye Qingxuan and Zhan Yu here.

Ye Qingxuan did not evade, with his right **** slightly bent, a sword light rose into the sky and used the "Six Swords" of "Six-pulse Excalibur". The moves were wide open and magnificent. Sharp and unbeatable.

"One Leaf Covers the Rain" Although Tian Zhongmou is also a practice of returning to the realm, but for the first time, he has fought against Ye Qingxuan who has entered the emptiness. However, only a few moves, he has fallen behind and a sword flashes. Tian Zhong Mou Meng shook his head, Jian Guang rubbed his scalp past him, and swept his hair out of his head.

Tian Zhongmou exclaimed and flew back, only to realize at this moment that besides himself, several gang masters who had accompanied him had already died on the spot. The body was fragmented into pieces and dropped on the roof.

Tian Zhongmou was frightened and rushed away, afraid of Ye Qingxuan's pursuit.

There was a sudden shock behind him, like a sledgehammer hitting the back of the heart, Tian Zhongmou spit out blood and flew out.

Ye Qingxuan wounded Tian Zhongmou with [push finger magical power], but did not have time to kill it. At this time, more masters around him were killed. Among them, the predecessor Sun Xianzhang and "Flower immortal" would rather be broken, and there are several other generations of master-level masters, who were only entangled by Tian Zhongmou for a moment, and immediately reached the distance in front of him.

Ye Qingxuan didn't dare to neglect and turned and ran!

During the flight, Ye Qingxuan's body flashed into a ray of afterimage, and she spun away at a strange pace on the way forward, Ding Ding Ding ...

Several sharp secrets nailed Ye Qingxuan's original direction.

If Ye Qingxuan does not exhibit [Linbo Weibu], I am afraid that the hidden weapon has just been nailed to his back.

What is even more surprising and fearful is that. Those hidden weapons were not really sharp weapons. It's just a few ordinary leaves.

Pick flowers and fly leaves. Can hurt people.

And it is still so fierce, the function penetrates the guardian's suffocation of the virtual master, and even a figure such as Ye Qingxuan who dares to protect the body and magic can not dare to attack it, which shows how terrible the master's strength is.

With a cold hum, "Flower Fairy" would rather rush out and speed up, surpassing everyone's light power, and chasing up behind Ye Qingxuan.

The person who shot it was the "Flower Fairy" who would rather fall.

That rather bleak face was very handsome. But his eyes flickered, revealing the gloomy awn, showing that it must be a cunning and changeable heart, a gloomy and terrible adulterer.

Dressed in a gorgeous brocade, embroidered with all kinds of flowers, tailored to fit, the gown is fluttering, the style is extraordinary, and the purple gold crown on the head is very eye-catching. A dark gray hair was very eye-catching. But there is another kind of extraordinary sanctification.

Ye Qingxuan sighed secretly, this operation was indeed too risky. And the enemy invited out these hundred-year-old monsters are also extraordinary. The "Flower Fairy" in front of him is rather foldable. Obviously, he is very clever in light power and hidden weapon. All the characters in the audience, only he can barely keep up with his light power, otherwise even if Zhuo Huifan comes, he can only He ate his dust behind him, but this would rather be so powerful that Ye Qingxuan couldn't help worrying about how much Feng Yige's hidden strength was.

As for another "crazy" Sun Xianzheng, he followed him carelessly, not seeing any anxious mentality, but he was not dropped too much by Ye Qingxuan. The open Confucian shirt was exposed with a chest, and a wine gourd was chasing. On the one hand, the manners were wild, and she really lived up to the name "Crazy Life". The long sword behind it was ancient and awkward. At first glance, it was extraordinary. This one must also be a master in Kendo.

As Ye Qingxuan ran, he watched, but he was rather frustrated enough to see that Ye Qingxuan had not yet been able to move out, and the generation of masters who had not entered the rivers and lakes immediately burst into anger, at his feet. Intensify, accelerate sharply, and flutter towards Ye Qingxuan ...

Unexpectedly, the opponent could speed up, Ye Qingxuan could not speed up, Mom, as soon as possible, picked up [Lingbo Microstep] to dodge.

Rather, I just felt a flower in front of me, and then disappeared Ye Qingxuan's figure. At the moment, my ears felt like a needle and struck. Immediately I stepped on my feet and my body spun. The whole person was moving fast. The gyro generally soared upwards, avoiding a blow indiscriminately.


When Ning Kang exclaimed in excitement, a laser-like sword-gas brushed his cheek and shot, and when he fell suddenly, the tingling on his face surprised him, but he touched it with blood.

It turned out that although Ye Qingxuan's sword qi did not hit Ning Zhe, it left a scar on his face.

Ning Kan was startled first, and then the violent rage rose.

The most important thing in this life is his handsome appearance, but he is an out-of-the-box narcissist. He loves his looks more than life. Ye Qingxuan's stroke hurt his cheek, although there is a way to completely Remedy will not leave any scars, but this anger is by no means ordinary people can imagine.

At this moment a sneer of irony sounded from behind him, and said, "Well, is this restless man? Why? Your little loved face has been scratched? Well, now the junior really doesn't know how to cherish Hongxiangyu what!"

Sun Xian's beard stubble on his face, a swaying look, came slowly.

Ning Kanzhe said with disgust, "This Ye Qingxuan is dead. I tried my best to let him grieve for hundreds of days before he could relieve my heart."

Sun Xianyi smiled: "Okay, as long as Brother Ning can catch him alive. Hey, that Ye Qingxuan is also a handsome brother. If he catches alive, Brother Ning remembers to give Sun somebody three days first, and let the brothers be happy and happy Some time, hahaha ... "

That Sun Xianyi confessed himself to a great Confucian, but he also likes Long Yang's habit, especially the child boy. At this time, referring to Ye Qingxuan, he looks like a big interest.

This made Ning Xuan next to be unable to bear a chill.

Having known this "crazy" for so long, I still feel aversion to his habit ...

At this point Ye Qingxuan had gone away from the two, but the two were slowly and slowly shrinking the range, but they were not in a hurry, after all, there were other masters in front of Ye Qingxuan. No worries about getting him to escape.

Ye Qingxuan turned a circle with a large number of experts here. Although the circles are getting smaller. But at one and a half minutes, no one was able to treat him.

On the Long Street side, many experts also joined the pursuit of Ye Qingxuan. The remaining batch of more than one hundred elite guards searched from door to door along the Long Street, hoping to find the hidden "Little Eagle King" "Zhan Yu.

Within this area, chaos has been formed, but the overall situation has been fixed. Ye Qingxuan and Zhan Yu have difficulty flying with wings.

A large number of masters gathered in one place, hahaha long laughter. The real Emperor Jingming appeared, surrounded by many masters, most of whom were very special status, including several extra-territorial masters, the Savant Suwan of the Barbarians, Charenton and Ban Nai, and the " "White Wolf" Tuyan, as well as several peerless masters of the Di tribe, look at the pattern of the machete around his waist, and he is undoubtedly an apprentice of Nalan Chengji. It may even be one of the "eight swords".

At this time, Hui Huitong was pale, and the blood on the corners of her mouth had not been dried. But he couldn't hide his excitement and said, "Success!"

Huangfu Jingming quickly stepped forward to support Qi Huitong, and laughed brightly: "Xi Aiqing has worked hard, and there will be a reward in the future!"

Wu Huitong smiled reluctantly, but there was a trace of unnaturalness in her heart. The emperor respected and honoured her. He had been kind and polite before seeing herself. After establishing her status at the banquet today, she turned into a change, so arrogant that she could not help but feel depressed.

Ge Yuanzhao, "the real person in Tianyuan" next to Huangfu Jingming, seemed to be very adaptable to this change. He took the first step and said, "Master Wang is wrong."

"Oh? What's wrong with Solitary."

Ge Yuanzhao said with a smile: "Today, the identity of Wang Ye has been determined. Assassins are removed today, and then the Chu family mansion is flattened. Three days later, he will be crowned as Dabao. These are already well-established plans. Therefore, Wang Ye should not be called" solitary ", but should Called '朕'. "

"Wow haha, what Ge Aiqing said is reasonable, it's lonely, uh, it's awkward, it's awkward not, hahaha ..."

This conversation saw Tong Huitong staying on the spot. Regarding Ge Yuanzhao's shameless horse-racking behavior, as a feminist, Yun Huitong could not do anything in her life, and it is hard to imagine someone doing it so shamelessly. .

This Ge Yuanzhao can be shameless to this extent, it is really a personal character.

"Come, Ai Qing, friends from afar, let's go and see what happens, and see what kind of end this assassin will dare to oppose!"

After speaking, the crowd went out of the way, took the lead in the street, avoided the corpses on the ground, and jumped into the air with a lame, and fell to the top of a nearby building.

But at this time, a bone on the ground with a broken body and a distorted "corpse" suddenly popped up, pounced behind Huang Fu Jingming in a ghostly manner, and turned his hands into the shape of a dragon claw. Strike, both hands are like a squall, "catching style", "capturing style", "musical style", "drum type", "criticism style", "tampering style", "holding style", " "Defense style", eight-style serial, sprinting.

Everyone was alert, but it was too late.

When the comer started, several masters in the hall shouted at the same time: "Zhan Yu !?"

Huangfu Jingming didn't even have time to dodge, and managed to gather his back.

The rumbling sound suddenly broke out, Huangfu Jingming was attacked by the opponent fiercely and blasted back, and his body suffocation only lasted for a short while, and then he broke apart. Then he took a few tricks, and his mouth was filled with internal blood. Sprayed out, the body shook like sieve bran but did not fall ...

After Zhan Yu blasted several moves, before the crowd flew up, the last move was the "grab beading". With both hands, he went straight to Huangfu Jingming's temple from both sides of his head with a muffled sound. Huangfu Jingming's seven tricks bleed, his eyes burst, and he died on the spot!

Zhan Yu flew out, and received a blow from several sky-level masters in the air, which was also a spurt of blood, but the peerless method passed down from the "Eagle King" let him escape, and in the enemy When he rushed in front of him, he fled out, and several ups and downs widened the distance from many masters.

Even if there were such masters in the crowd as "white wolf" Tuyan and Ban Naiye, there were peerless masters such as Tong Huitong and Ge Yuanzhao, but they just watched Zhan Yu so closely that they looked around. Was killed alive.

The whole assassination process was just a few blinks of eyes, as fast as a thunderstorm, and the wind was blowing leaves.


Huang Fu Jingming's body finally fell to the ground, and he put a heavy hammer on the heart of everyone.

Suddenly, the upheaval turned out to be true, and Qian Zhi's falsification came true. The change from joy to sorrow was too unacceptable. Everyone stood on the spot, watching Zhan Yu not go into the dark and high altitude that cannot be reached by lights ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It's like being in a nightmare that will never wake up.

Wu Huitong hissed and shouted, "Kill them!"

Ge Yuanzhao felt that all of a sudden the sky had fallen. He had long been optimistic about the prince of filial piety, so he had been showing off his mind for a long time. He had to slap his horse. I never thought that all the hard work would be in vain. Road: "Come here, set the house of the Chu family together without leaving a living!"

It is the same as His Excellency Feng Yi's order to kill. All the masters in front of him wake up in a flash.

By the way, Huangfu Jingming is dead, but Fengyi Pavilion has not fallen. As long as Fengyi Pavilion is still there, everyone has a backer, or there is no failure ...

The Huangfu family listened to Fengyige's orders to the relatives of the imperial family. Didn't there still have the "Changhe King" Huangfu Taixin who took it out as a cover? It's a big deal this time to take the fake as a true **** and give it up again.

But the most important thing right now is that both Ye Qingxuan and Zhan Yu must be killed to prevent future troubles.

The whistling sounded again, and the city of Luodu suddenly became a mess. (To be continued ...)

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