Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 5 Chapter 54: Jedi Escape

A large number of masters began to chase Zhan Yu and Ye Qingxuan desperately. & Top & Point & Fiction {}. {} {Wx}. {}

Fengyi Pavilion is really crazy this time ...

With such a long-term plan in hand, major events can be expected immediately, and Huangfu Jingming, who will be on the throne three days later, did not expect to be assassinated in the eyes of everyone, and such a blow can be said to be extremely difficult to accept.

Ye Qingxuan and Zhan Yu must die, and the Chu House must be eradicated, even if Nalan Chengji is offended.

The news of Huang Fu Jingming's assassination was also passed to the cabinet as soon as possible. Such a big event must be known to Zhuo Huifan.

Tong Huitong thought of Zhuo Huifan's possible anger, and couldn't help feeling cold all over.

Immediately after Zhan Yu's success, Ying Xiaoxuan responded with a whistle, and Ye Qingxuan responded with a whistle. The two fled at the same time under the net name. This time, it was different, but it was a real escape.

Ye Qingxuan had deliberately run eastward and westward in order to attract the attention of the other side, so that Zhan Yu, who was hiding in the crowd while the flour was scattered, calmly ambushed. At this time, the two of them finally did not need to act and started the victory. Great Escape.

The brothers are united, and its profit is broken.

In order to succeed in rushing out, Ye Qingxuan and Zhan Yu both rushed in the same direction. They merged into one place halfway. Although the enemy was better contained, the two have cooperated for a long time. The power of the two is also higher than ordinary people. Outperform.

The lantern goes out, the night is dark and the stars are dark. Coupled with Ye Qingxuan and Zhan Yu's peerless merit, only the masters in the surrounding area can keep up with the speed of the two. Ordinary innate masters can only rely on their position advantage, or It is expected that the two will be rushed to the front for a moment when they are stopped, thereby highlighting the extraordinary skills of the two.

Ye Qingxuan and Zhan Yu strove forward. Seeing that the periphery of the encircling circle in front is only a hundred feet away. Suddenly burst out of a master. The two had oppressed from a distance without seeing each other's looks.

The two suddenly felt that the violent storm-like energy was coming face-to-face like a wall, terrifying.

After the opponent's palm hit, more than ten weak masters appeared behind him. Cooperating with the peerless master, he held his ground and firmly blocked the two from moving forward.

At this point it was too late to change direction, and neither of them knew whether there were similar masters in the other direction. If you still encounter such a character, then if you want to make a hard break, the encirclement will become smaller, and the time for him will be even more urgent.

Indecisiveness leads to disaster.


Ye Qingxuan and Zhan Yu looked at each other and saw each other's decision at the same time.

Ye Qingxuan had a higher skill than Zhan Yu at this time, so his strength was even higher, so he rushed forward without giving in ...

"Second Brother helps!"

Ye Qingxuan rushed forward, rising into the air at the same time, the whole person was in the air. Kick your feet backwards, and cooperate with the acquainted Zhan Yu to run your whole body power and push your palms forward.

call out--

Ye Qingxuan, who was already as fast as smoke, suddenly looked like an accelerated rocket. He flew towards the master who suddenly rushed out, and with one hand in his palm, his body turned like a drill, breaking through the air wall made by the other party, and directly in front of the enemy.

It was just a fight with the opponent's belching, and Ye Qingxuan, who was at the front of it, was already feeling the strength of the other's belching. That was a heavy, condensed breath, and it was a method of soil practice.

Ye Qingxuan instantly determined that he was at least two chips worse than the opponent in terms of skill, but in terms of tenacity, his [Jade] system was better than the opponent.

Therefore, Ye Qingxuan acted decisively, made a cohesive skill, and attacked the enemy a little. With the help of rapid rotation and the "zhongchong sword" sentiment by the middle finger, he easily penetrated the opponent's overwhelming momentum at the moment of contact In an instant, the distance between the two sides was shortened from the original ten feet to about three feet.

Ye Qingxuan knew clearly that at this moment he must not have a moment of hesitation. Once he was entangled by the other party, the two "flower fairy" and "crazy" not far behind would chase them, and then want to escape from them. , That's even more difficult. Now the only counter-attack method is to take risks in danger and use the odds to control the enemy.

Be fast, be ruthless, be absolutely!

Ye Qingxuan gave a cold drink and approached the enemy's body quickly. With [Xiao Wuxianggong] rapid infuriating conversion, he counterattacked as a fall, and at the same time, he shot with lightning on both hands. Hand in hand with the enemies firmly, a hard fight.

At this time, he finally saw the other person's physical appearance.

The old man in gray robe in front of him was burly and fat, his stomach was swollen like a drum, his hair was half bald and his hair was thick, his palms were stout, and his palms were beyond ordinary people. It made him look like an Antarctic fairy, but a pair of murderous eyes made this feeling disappear, but added a bit of weirdness.


Fight with strength.

Ye Qingxuan exerted his whole body strength to the fullest, and at the same time, using the strengths of the "Liang Eighteen Palms" to push the infinite radon, he instantly forced about 80% of the radon in his body out of his body in one breath. The power is great, Shockingly, I had a hard fight with this unknown senior figure.


An astonishing air wave rose into the sky, beside the old man who was like an immortal, more than ten masters of all sizes were thrown out by the air waves at the same time, and even several people were killed on the spot. Squeeze a lot of blood, seeing no life.


Ye Qingxuan spurted a large mouth of blood and was knocked backwards by the shock. When he saw it, he would fall off the beam and fall into the street.

The old man opposite was also shocked by Ye Qingxuan's life-threatening shock, his feet were off the ground, and he flew backwards. The color on his face was difficult to control, and he kept on standing after landing. It was a flutter, almost spurting blood.

Although he has not been involved in martial arts for hundreds of years, he did not expect that the talented young man in the legend really has its own extraordinary features. At first, he did not take any advantage, and almost came out in public.

In fear, another figure slammed at it, at a speed no less than that of the young man, with his hands and claws as hooks, a hundred times more powerful, or eagle, dragon, or tiger, unpredictable and unmatched. , The torrential rain fell in general.

After the old man had confronted Ye Qingxuan before, he hadn't fully adjusted his breath in one breath, and then bit his scalp with Zhan Yu and consumed it. His feet couldn't help it, and he stepped back with every move of Zhan Yu, blinking. , Has been back a dozen steps.

On the other hand, before Ye Qingxuan landed, he turned around and stood still, and landed on the street stably.

Damn it, who is this old man? He is so full of suffocation. I'm afraid that he won't fall behind in the competition with the master of sky. Why have never heard of such an old man on the rivers and lakes.

He took a sigh of relief, killing more than a dozen masters on the side of the street. Just now, because they were not standing high, they escaped. He saw Ye Qingxuan falling in the center of the street and immediately besieged him.

Ye Qingxuan didn't dare to stay for a long time, and rushed towards the crowd that rushed over. His hands continued to play, and the yellow light swept across the ground like a machine gun. The dozen or so masters were suddenly shot by the large amount of copper coins and fell to the ground on the spot.

The "Flower Immortal" chased not far behind him could not help but curse: "This boy will have a few efforts in the end, and even the elder immortal of Nangong will stop him."

On the one hand, the "mad man" Sun Xianzheng still looked like a sullen man. He sneered coldly and laughed: "The old man of Nangong is the master of the Nangong family. He is over 300 years old, but he still has no daughters every day. I ’m afraid that my body is already depleted. If this person has been enjoying blessings for a long time, his bones will become rusty, right? ”

"Flower Fairy" rather coldly said: "Don't just look at the jokes of others, the other person crossed the line of defense of the old man in Nangong. There are no decent people to stop him. If the two of them slip under you and me Go, I'm afraid that you and I will be the jokes of others in the future. "

"Madness" Sun Xian grinned, his eyes flashed, and said, "Well, let's sell some energy. Besides, these two boys are exactly the type I like, hey, watch me grab him and play with him. ! "

As soon as the words came down, Sun Xian stomped his feet, and the speed suddenly increased by 30%, and he flew towards Ye Qingxuan who was behind him. The distance between the two sides is much closer, and it won't be long before they catch up with Ye Qingxuan.

And Ye Qingxuan chased Zhan Yu behind him, playing with both hands, [Fingering Magical Power] Don't cast his life, copper coins with yellow light constantly hit the masters who were rushed out, and from time to time assist the white-bearded fat old man.

After a fierce charge, when Ye Qingxuan was about to reach the side of Zhan Yu, the Nangong Changsheng finally couldn't hold it, and fled back to the side, avoiding the blocked route.

Ye Qingxuan and Zhan Yu didn't stay much longer ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ immediately rushed over and flew into the encirclement 30 feet away.

The increase in the speed of the duo briefly maintained the same speed with the chase behind them, allowing the "mad" Sun Xianzheng's attack to be delayed for a moment.

At this time, the dense infantry array under the torch had fallen into the eyes of the two, with huge shields and spears, and a strong crossbow opened with a cold mang, and aimed at the two.


With an order, the arrow was raining.

The two did not care about it at all, they just kept their tenaciousness of protecting their body and rushed forward with all their strength. When rushing into the distance of ten feet, Ye Qingxuan's [Fingering Magic Power] once again exerted a storm-like power of destruction.

Suddenly flowers bloomed in both hands, whistling sounds frantically, thousands of copper coins were blasted down in the air, making it impossible to escape.

With this shot of Ye Qingxuan, hundreds of officers and soldiers stopped in front of him suddenly screamed with blood, screams were endless, and the originally arranged square array, the officers and soldiers fell piece by piece, even the sword shield soldiers holding shields could not stop them. Thoroughly pierced copper coins, regardless of human shields. (To be continued ...)

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