Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 5 Chapter 77: Fenglin Xiaowu

The warm wind is drunk, and it is golden autumn.

Yunzhou's picturesque mountain scenery is particularly immersive.

Although it is Jiuqiuqi, because of the warm springs, the leaves are rarely yellow. In the thick shade, from time to time, I saw clumps of red maple leaves dotted with it. Looking down from a height, it looks like there is a quilted quilted mattress, which is extraordinary. Coupled with the sky wind, the sound of springs, the mountains and mountains, the purple sky, the clouds and the sky are high, and the sky is infinite.

A group of Taoist priests carried a bamboo chair through a section of green valley and walked into a maple forest. The pure color gradually changed from golden to red, and the maple leaves became red as they went to the valley. The more gorgeous. "

Stop by in the love maple forest late, frost leaf red in February.

Sitting on a bamboo chair, Ye Qingxuan'an couldn't help taking a long breath, sniffing the fresh breath of his chest, and exhaled in the end, praising: "It's so comfortable. I can't think of such a beautiful place behind Kunwu Mountain. People are drunk. "

Duan Sanshi, on the left of the bamboo chair, smiled and replied: "This valley is close to the 100,000 Mountains, and there are many strange beasts. It is not so beautiful. It is just that the Master Shibo loves these maples, so he exhausted the other trees in the valley. They were cut off, and many maple trees were brought in. It was only two years before and after that.

Ye Qingxuan smiled lightly: "It is rare that Mr. Zanghua has such an elegant and ingenious placement method, so that each maple tree has sufficient light, and the distance is neither too far nor too close. Although it is human, it is I can't see the slightest intention, just like it is naturally formed. But with this skill, Mr. Canghua deserves the title of "The First Strange Person in the World", and it is no wonder that Mr. Lin Nanxuan heard that he was alive. Face That kind of unstoppable surprise was revealed. "

Hidden flower raccoon leaves. Double world.

Both were members of the same division. Huan Ye is intoxicated by medical techniques, while Hidden Flowers is intoxicated by poison and seductive techniques.

Canghua and Lu Botong were both officials and friends, and they worked together under Ji Guanglan's hands. However, later, Canghua met a mysterious woman who was obsessed with it, so she abandoned the officer and did not follow the name. The woman's side has been silent for decades. Until one day more than a decade ago, Hidden Flower returned from a serious injury, and fell into a coma without a word. After waking up, he became a vegetative.

Ye Qingxuan and Ru Hua went to the martial arts holy land. After several years of exploration, the dragon brain and phoenix marrow were sought to cure Tibetan flowers.

Now that Ye Qingxuan and others have been returning for almost a year, Tibetan flowers that have been in a coma finally wake up. At this time, everyone turned to Kunwu Mountain because Mr. Tibetan Flowers was Songbei's departure. That's the only one who has been dead for many years and will be able to dissolve the cheekbones and tendons.

On the other side, Mei Yinxue said leisurely: "Mr. Lin Nanxuan has read ancient books, and he has said that this" sacral bones and tendons "is absolutely terrible. There is no way to save the world, and even Mr. Huan Ye is helpless. Where is Mr. Hua better than his fellow students ... "

Duan Sanshi looked dignified and couldn't help sighing: "That's because ... this [sacrum shrinking hand] was originally the punishment reproduced by my master Tibetan flower."

"What?" The crowd couldn't help but be surprised.

Duan Sanshi said: "Listening to Master, the Tibetan Flower Master once boasted to him that he had copied the" Sacral Bone Reinforcement Hand "with reference to many secret recipes, and was originally intended to be used in the Ministry of Justice's inquiry. However, because the method was too cruel, it was eventually rejected by Ji Guanglan, and it was strictly forbidden to spread this interrogation method. Later, the Tibetan master Shi disappeared, so this method was also lost to the criminal court captain. I did not expect that this vicious technique appeared again today. I'm afraid someone inherited it from Master Shi. "

"Your uncle has disappeared for so long. How many bad things have he done? Who is the woman he followed?" Mei Yinxue couldn't help but blame her.

Duan Sanshi smiled helplessly: "Just looking at the end of my uncle himself, it should be guessed that the other party is definitely not a kind, and there are too many doubts that can be solved at the same time."

The crowd could not help but sigh.

At this moment, Lu Yundong, who was in charge of leading the way, suddenly turned back and confessed: "Uncle Xiao, there is 'Fenglinwu' in front of him. Mr. Zanghua has a strange temperament, and we disciples cannot enter."

Lu Yundong has grown extremely well in the past few years. Among his generation of disciples, a large number of young masters who have become famous on the rivers and lakes have emerged. Because he is good at using one long, one short, and two swords, he got a "staggered sword." Good name.

After Lu Qingzheng, Feng Qingyan, Chen Qingsong, Yue Qinglan, Tie Qingshi, He Qingzhu, Ye Qingxuan broke through the names of "The Seven Sons of Kunwu", they later joined Huyan Yunzhu, Zheng Yunbiao, Guo Yunfei, Xie Yunan, and Shi Yunxue, and Kun Yun sent Li Yunhang, the only disciple of the elder Xu Lingkong, who was newly recruited, to be nicknamed "Kunwu Little Seven Stars".

As for the "Seven Primary Schools" who have been supervised by Ye Qingxuan and have the highest potential, even Kunwushan has not had the opportunity to leave several times, not to mention what name he has made on the rivers and lakes.

This time Ye Qingxuan returned to Kunwu Mountain, but he only found some disciples to follow the **** all the way. He had no chance to go up the mountain and went directly to the "Fenglinwu" in the back mountain. Kunwu sent his disciples even to this world. Whether or not his little master returns is completely unknown.

"Well, you go back, and leave it to me here ..."

Duan Sanshi said as he lifted Ye Qingxuan into a wheelchair with everyone and pushed him all the way into "Fenglinwu".

Looking at the handsome and unrestrained uncle of Fengshen who was so sick now, every Kunwu disciple is so sad that he is crying without tears.

The quiet and beautiful Maple Leaf Valley was supposed to be a solitary peace, but when Ye Qingxuan and others entered, they turned a few flowers-like bends, and suddenly they became lively.

The most striking thing is that two old men are sitting alone under a large locust tree and playing Go, a bald white beard, with open placket, exposing a fat belly and a big belly, shaking the fan, the mood is easy, but it is the famous old fox , Mei Yinxue's parents and grandfather, former Wu Xiang, Tianjige disciple Ji Guanglan.

The one across from him was startled. His white hair had a black beard. One black and one white. The color difference is weird. A sharp and forged face with an anger and awe-inspiring assassination. He was wearing a black robe, sitting tightly, and very aura.

Ye Qingxuan carefully identified for a long time before he was taken aback by surprise, but it turned out that this man was Shen Tu Zhenyue, who was known as the "Blade of the World".

I just couldn't think of the fierce and fiercely dominated sword in the past. Ya Xing playing chess with people is really amazing.

Duan Sanshi and Mei Yinxue pushed Ye Qingxuan, stepped forward and came to the two.

"Grandpa." Mei Yinxue whispered softly.

Ji Guanglan didn't lift her head, her eyes didn't look crooked, she said directly: "Uh oh, good boy, are you here? Wait a while, wait for me to destroy the old sword dragon, kill him without leaving a piece of armor ! "

Old ... old knife! ?

When was the relationship between Ji Guanglan and Shen Tu Zhenyue so mixed? Naha knife is the most powerful character. Will Ji Guanglan call him that?

The three were shocked, after Shen Tu Zhenyue spoke. It was even more surprising.

Just listening to the "first sword in the world" in a very slow tone, slowly said: "But a game of chess, undefeated is good, why not fight for your life, the old fox is too heavy to kill, the mentality is out of harmony, this I'm afraid the game ends. "

Ji Guanglan heard a violent thunder, cursing: "He and He, today have consecutively played 13 games. This is Go and not Chess, is it too difficult?"

Yue Yun, Shentu Town, said quietly: "Take peace as precious."

"Don't talk to me, play chess!"

Ji Guanglan pulled the placket angrily, this time even pulling down the belt, directly opening his big belly, angrily shouting the big fan.

Ye Qingxuan and others looked at each other. How could this scene be so weird? Ji Guanglan, who had always been smart, would have been smashed by Shen Tuzhen Yue on the Go item, and he had 13 games in a row. This is not a joke, the difference between the two is the difference between winning and losing. It can be tied for 13 consecutive games. This level is not higher than a star. When did Shen Tu Zhenyue, the "dominated sword" who danced with his sword, get this skill?

This is, Shen Tu Zhenyue, who has been following the chess game, suddenly said: "This young friend's breath is unstable, and there is a thunderous sound between the meridians. When he has suffered severe internal injuries, and the enemy's remaining power is still remaining, it always erodes Xiaoyou ’s body. What ’s more terrible is that the sound of thunder is in the meridians, bones, kidneys, liver and gallbladder, heart and lungs ... "The eyebrows suddenly frowned, looking at Ye Qingxuan, and then said:" Xiao Friends of enemies seem to hate you for getting into your bones, otherwise how can you make such a sinister and intractable method. Young friends, these days, I am afraid that it is extremely hard ... "

Greetings, sighs! ?

Is this ... Is this the same "badao" Shen Tu Zhenyue? When did it become so amiable?

When the three of Ye Qingxuan were shocked, Duan Sanshi couldn't help sneering: "Hey, I haven't seen it for a long time. I didn't think the seniors of Badao became so kind and kind ..."

I didn't expect the old man with black and white hair to look at him, turned his head to look at Duan Sanshi, and asked Qi: "Sword?

After three consecutive questions, Ye Qingxuan asked the three of them immediately and stupidly on the spot.

"Play chess fast!"

Ji Guanglan yelled again in rage ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Okay, okay ... Moji, moji! "Shen Tuzhen Yue quickly turned to laugh and continued to play chess.

This world ...

what happened?

The three asked themselves, were they crazy?

The three were unknown, and a roar suddenly came out of a small building not far away: "Traitor, I tmd must kill you today!"

The three looked surprised, and saw one jumping out of the second-floor window, running towards the outside, followed by two figures landing, one in front of them holding a large kitchen knife, and one behind them pulling The ground was entangled with the knife-holder, and he was not allowed to hunt down the man who had previously jumped off the building and ran away.

The eyes of the three looked straight again, because at this time they were holding a kitchen knife and roaring to kill the thug, which is the legendary "Qianjiang Xiayin" Shen Jiangping, the most elegant and graceful, and the first justice conscience of Baekdo. That's his brother-in-law "Qinglong" Xu Zhengyi. (To be continued ...)

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