Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 5 Chapter 78: Startling secret

After three people ran around the flower bed two laps, the head man narrowed his neck and ran towards Ye Qingxuan.

Everyone here Ye Qingxuan can recognize, but this person has never seen it, and after thinking about it, he guessed that this person must be the master of Duan Sanshi, Mr. Canghua.

This monk has a very tall body, but he likes to run with his arms around him. The most striking thing is that he has white hair, a pair of tiger eyes on his nose, and a handsome and handsome face. He looks only middle-aged, only his lips. The upper two skimmers were made into a moustache-like moustache that made him very funny, but his expression was utterly ridiculous. He ran towards this side and pulled his neck and shouted, "Kill, kill. The surname Shen came to kill again. "

Mei Yinxue looked at her and couldn't help but swipe her mouth—pig—pig—island—fiction ww. {Zhu} {zhu} {}, whispered: "This will not be the first wizard in the legend, Mr. Zanghua. This is also ... too unreliable. "

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help laughing and said, "This senior is very cheerful and very informal ..."

Duan Sanshi smiled helplessly, rubbing his eyebrows and said, "Two guesses are right, this is a scumbag, Mr. Canghua."

The words didn't fall, and the Tibetan flower brush flew over, and he fell to the ground directly in the air, slipped and slipped, and rushed over two feet away, grabbing Ji Guanglan's clothes and shouting, "Old fox save me That Shen Jiangping is crazy! "

"Get away!"

Ji Guanglan lifted a kick, and flew it directly, cursing: "Your next mischievous thing, because of your fault, your family's wife has been scattered for decades, and you're ashamed to die ..."

Zanghua looked bitter, and said, "Isn't that being hijacked by someone. It is a last resort. It is a last resort!"

"Fart. Isn't it your turn to take it easy and put it on automatically? We thought it was a stunning beauty who lost you. It turned out to be the" fairy jump ", which made people **** for a living. Really TMD is unlucky You also wrote a letter by yourself, and set up a big score with us, saying that it was Xianyou, I am! "

Mr. Canghua was suddenly embarrassed. With a bitter smile: "Suddenly, a big beautiful woman gave her a hug. In a moment of anxiety, I really thought it was me, and I wrote a letter to you. Who knows that it was not the case at all, As soon as she went to the sea, she was tied up, and she was trapped in Weizhou for decades ... "

"Yes, deserve it ..." Ji Guanglan hated the iron and scolded him.

But Tibetan flower's words made Ye Qingxuan's heart move, and there was a bad conjecture.

Weizhou ...

Isn't the disappearance of Hidden Flowers related to the 100-year conspiracy of the magic gate? If so. Isn't Weizhou also a foreign aid to the magic gate?

Ye Qingxuan suddenly became not very good.

Duan Sanshi on the side really felt embarrassed. When he first arrived, the unbelievable Master Shi suddenly appeared in such an uneasy manner that even he couldn't stand it anymore.

"Master, hey, Master Shi ... here, this ..."

Only then did Mr. Zanghua turn around and see that after seeing Ye Qingxuan, he was happy, and laughed: "Hey, your kid is the unlucky guy who hit the [sacrum contractor hand]? Hey? Alas, you can still maintain this kind of body shape. It must be extraordinary bones and muscles, have you practiced good body care skills? Otherwise you would have contracted into a gnome ... "

Duan Sanshi thought he was awful, and interrupted anxiously: "Uncle, he ..."

When Zanghua looked at Duan Sanshi, her eyes suddenly flashed, and she smiled, "Hey, little stone is back? Have you helped Shibo hear about the ten freshly baked beautiful women ... oh, I'll go ..."

By the way, Mr. Zanghua suddenly saw a frosty Mei Yinxue, his eyes suddenly straightened, and rubbed his heart, muttering: "Beauty, beauty, peerless beauty, I am dead, I am dead, I must be dead ... ... "

The appearance of the thief made Ye Qingxuan unable to laugh, but made Mei Yinxue so angry that he almost drew his sword and struck him.

Ji Guanglan lifted his leg and kicked him again. He was slamming on his ass, and cursed: "You have a germ, you haven't lost your heart, and you have been locked up like a pig for decades. When you see a beauty, you still can't move. You are a vegetative, what do you say to save you ... "

At this point, the three Ye Qingxuan were completely stupid on the spot and didn't know what to say.

"Save him well, just let Shen Moudao chop him!"

At this time, Shen Jiangping yelled and ran to the front. Without saying a word, he went up to be a kitchen knife.

"Oh my goodness……"

Mr. Canghua fell backwards, avoiding the knife that he split on the head, and then tumbling along with the trend, he ran up when he got up.

The tyrant who played chess did not raise his head, and whispered: "The angle of the knife is a bit off. If it is three points further, the speed of swinging the knife can be increased by half, which is enough to cut his ears ... Well, old fox, it's your turn ... "

Shen Jiangping missed a knife and turned and cursed: "Old knife handle, teach me with you? Lao Tzu uses a sword. What he pays attention to is that the sword must be three points away. When the sword gets better, the sword is better. ... hmm, don't run ... "

The Mr. Zanghua took advantage of the gap between him and Ba Dao, and ran out directly, and Saya ran away, and Shen Jiangping roared and chased after pulling his leg.

"Shen, Brother Shen ..."

Ye Qingxuan reached out and said hello, then Shen Jiangping waved his hand and said, "Brother wait for me for a while, wait till I kill the traitor!"

After talking about it, I rushed out, chasing behind Hidden Flower's ass, and rushed over.

After that, the slightly fat Xu Zhengyi just hurried up to catch up, Ye Qingxuan was about to speak, Xu Zhengyi shook his hands again and again, sitting on the ground next to his back, panting with a big mouth, it looked really tired.

Ye Qingxuan and Mei Yinxue glanced at each other unexpectedly. Why are some of the old guys here not using martial arts, they all look like a fight between old men in the countryside, which is no different from ordinary people. Is the last blow really So big that everyone lost martial arts?

It seemed that the doubts of the two were felt, and Ji Guanglan next to him laughed: "We are all seriously dying, and Huan Ye invented a panacea, which can be cured within a few days after taking it. No sequelae. Even then it breaks through. It can break through the existing realm ... haha. It's no longer an ambition, but some of them have revenge, so ... "

Xu Zhengyi gasped for a moment, stroking his chest, and said, "I would be happy to unload this mess, but my wife is furious, and I have to report it. Tsing Yi Tower is the ancestor of the foundation. I can't ruin it in my hands , Those traitors, are also a dream ... "

"What's the benefit of hitting and killing?" It wasn't someone else who spoke, but Shen Tuzhenyue, an old school scholar, who suddenly made Ye Qingxuan and others' brains somewhat unresponsive.

Xu Zhengyi sighed, saw the doubtful eyes of the crowd, and reluctantly pointed his head with his fingers, and said, "The old sword handle is over, and even he has forgotten who he is. The explosion was too severe, when he found him. Whole body The bones were broken, and there was no human-like place in the whole body. It was our brothers who brought them together. The immortality was already fatal, the entire meridian was destroyed, no power was lost, and the memory was completely lost. Now I wo n’t even take the knife, let alone revenge ... "

Naha Fangfu Buddha didn't know that others were talking about himself, but just urged Ji Guanglan and said, "Don't watch, don't watch, play chess, play chess ..."

Ye Qingxuan sighed and asked, "Did Jiao Jiao Jiao have come to see Mr. Shen Tu?"

"Come here often. Didn't you follow Feng Xiaozi to Zhongzhou? Otherwise, she almost lived with her father. This daughter, really filial, the old knife is so blessed ..."

Ye Qingxuan smiled: "Brother Xi Yu often comes to visit Senior Xu, right?"

Xu Zhengyi smiled bitterly and said, "The pressure on his shoulders is too great, and the people around him are afraid to say that it is safe, just to let him know that I am alive, and to give him a psychological support, so as not to collapse because of his mother ... The old man has never seen him ... but I heard that he has been very good recently, and the old guys in Tsing Yi Tower have taken care of him, and he has gradually become a leader. "

Ye Qingxuan knew that his question reminded Xu Zhengyi of his desperate son outside.

Xu Zhengyi, who lost his beloved wife, always felt so calm in his heart from time to time. His relationship with his wife, Ye Qingxuan's calendar, was definitely indistinguishable from one another. Xu Zhengyi was forbearing at this time, but for future outbreaks. .


After a large circle of Tibetan flowers, the cave was planted on the ground and groaned. "No more, I can't run anymore, my feet are cramped. If you want to kill me, why do you save me?" I will die if I die ... too tired of TMD. "

Shen Jiangping chased after him, chopping up, and was rested for a while. Xu Zhengyi, who had recovered a lot of strength, grabbed a kitchen knife and scolded: "I said you still have a lot to do, kill him now It's not going to help, you have to take care of your injuries, it's important to get your sister-in-law and children back. "

Shen Jiangping got upset and gave Canghua two feet, cursing: "You jerk, I treat you as a friend, but you have changed the law to harm me, and said, where have my two daughters been hidden by you?"

Zanghua made a sorrowful cry, how much misery and how miserable crying: "Heaven and earth conscience, I really couldn't help myself, I was just teaching the skills of two little rabbits, who knows they will pretend to be you, follow that The sassy girls are **** in the room, so the grandma misunderstood you, and went away in a hurry. "

Shen Jiangping's eyes flushed, and he shouted, "But my wife said that I didn't take my two children, but when I returned, they all disappeared. What's wrong?"

Canghua said in a crying voice: "Of course it was taken away by that pussy. Thanks to me, that **** wanted to hurt her spite, and even said that she would bring back Weizhou to become the most lascivious prostitute. Good in the future. Shame on you, but on the way I secretly erased the imprint of your daughter and entrusted it to a family with a family name of Zhangbei in Jingbei. It will never be found. "

"But a few years ago, Zhang's family was plagued. Didn't my two daughters ..."

Shen Jiangping suddenly froze, and his emotions were extremely dangerous.

Xu Zhengyi was frightened at a glance, hurriedly stood up among the flirts, and pressed the temple again, anxiously: "Lao Shen, Lao Shen, big sister-in-law ... don't worry, don't worry, the child must find it, it must find it ... "

At this moment, a voice beside him suddenly sounded, "You said-is the family name of Zhangbei in Jingbei, is the difference between the two girls four years old?"

Brush, for a while everyone's eyes were focused on the speaker's face-Ye Qingxuan's face.

Ye Qingxuan rubbed his nose and smiled, "If I didn't expect it to be bad, Brother Shen's two beloved daughters, I know where they are now ..."

Shen Jiangping asked urgently: "Brother Ye knows where my daughter is, where are they? Where are they?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled: "Brother Shen is assured that they are safe ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I just guess, I believe it won't be long before you can see them. But I have something to ask you first Sir, what did you say about that "nay", "that nay", who do you mean?

Zanghua scolded: "That sassy girl was the one who seduced me to the sea that year and ended up abducting the woman who came to Weizhou halfway ..."

Shen Jiangping Yinyin said, "The woman who ruined my family is in Weizhou? OK, I will go to Weizhou one day and ask her for justice."

"Unfortunately she is no longer in Weizhou ..."

"Oh? Where is she?"

Zanghua smiled bitterly: "In Beidi. Today, the relative of the Beidi Wolf Lord is ..."

"Why ... what?" This time, it wasn't just Shen Jiangping who was shocked.

Zanghua smiled proudly and said, "Thanks to my means, she completely changed her appearance to be the same as the old wolf-owner's mother-in-law, and then killed the old wolf-owner without knowing it. The ghost has unconsciously become the owner of Beidi Wolf. "(To be continued ...)

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