Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 7 Chapter 231: Regardless of origin

"Tiger idiot" Wu Xiaoshan, I don't have any treacherous behavior, but just killing.

Who in the martial arts hasn't killed anyone?

It's just that this "tiger idiot" Wu Xiaoshan killed a lot of people, and the targets were mostly white people.

Because of offending "Long Fei" Qu Longxing, Wu Xiaoshan was framed as a crime, and his family was ruined due to improper handling during the hunt. In a rage, Wu Xiaoshan, a ruthless big man, killed the mansion from top to bottom, from Fu Yin's wife to the laundry, a total of 264, chickens and dogs do not stay.

In order to force Qu Longxing to appear, Wu Xiaoshan even opened the killing mode. A total of thousands of masters died in his hands, and even three masters of Feng Yige died, including Elder Hui Huitong's Husband.

So many years of rivers and lakes, let him break through the boundaries in the **** rivers and lakes, into the state of return to emptiness.

In the end, Qu Longxing did show up, but it was also a trap for granted. Wu Xiaoshan, the "tiger idiot", knew he was going to die. He simply broke into the siege and seriously wounded Qu Longxing. He was eventually defeated by the ambush Feng Yige master, and he captured it.

It was originally executed on the spot, but because of the instructions of Lin Nanxuan and Ji Guanglan, the "Martial Minister" at the time, he was killed and was held under the town's magic tower for a few decades.

Do everything right.

Ye Qingxuan now has no time to compare the characters on the list one by one. Besides, Lin Nanxuan is after all a master Bai Dao and has a bodhisattva heart. The list provided by him is actually some guys who have room to turn around, such as this "tiger" Wu Xiaoshan, sin can be fatal, but excusable.

What Ye Qingxuan wants is a rapid growth of power.

"How many more prisoners are there in the prison of Shenzefu? How many are born above?"

Hua Zixing was sweating on his forehead and could only answer: "There are still three people, but they are all about to be killed after the fall ..."

"Okay, okay!" Ye Qingxuan waved his hand and said, "I don't care about their crimes, but I want to give them a new way of death! Lead the way!"

"Yes," Hua Zixing replied helplessly.

This new adult is so amazing, others are punishing evil and doing good. He's better, letting the poorest and most evil guys all.

"Here is 蝰 蝰蛇 郎君 '邬 章 白 ..."

"Here is Jin Huanzhao, the" Kan Lianzi "..."

Hua Zixing took the roster and compared them one by one, pointing at the prisoners in the two left and right cages and introducing them to Ye Qingxuan. "These two were originally the magic gate from the inverse. After Jiangnan encircled the Dajiang League, they did not know why they fell on the grass. Recently, it was broken by Lord Huang Minglang, and the two were detained here.

Hehe, unexpectedly these two caught fish.

At that time, Hong Wanxiong, the deputy leader of the Dajiang League, betrayed Jiang Shuihan, and led the wolf into the room to assassinate the leader. As a result, Jiang Shuihan counterattacked for a long time. Hong Wanxiong slammed the law. The "blue dragon" ran wildly. Saint died on the spot ...

These two "snake emperors" Teng Wansheng's right-and-left protection methods could not have escaped and lived to this day. However, since the two of them turned to Luo to defeat the enemy with Teng Wansheng, how did they fall into the grass instead?

"Master Ming Jian!" Jin Huanzhao, a little white-faced "red man", said weakly, "The villain and the brother were originally not disciples, but they recognized Teng Wansheng as the leader and became a gang. Teng Wansheng died, and the contents of the Demon Gate were no less than I and the other two, and the 'Poison Emperor' Nero hated Teng Wansheng's betrayal. He wanted to cut off the roots of the two of us in order to vent the hatred of the heart. The Demon Gate did not protect me. Instead, I wanted to use my two to form Nero, and the two of us had to flee and fall into the grass on Huating Mountain. "

"Oh? Seriously?" Ye Qingxuan looked at the two with interest.

"There is no such thing as a fool's word." Zhang Zhangbai, on the other side, nodded weakly.

The two were so weak that Ye Qingxuan was surprised, and turned back to ask questions. Hua Zixing would answer: "Prisoners above the innate level have added" nothingness "to their meals, which is to make them weak and help prevent accidents. "

Ye Qingxuan nodded, and thought about it for a moment, and felt that the words of the two were very likely.

Today, the people on the rivers and lakes are all attracted by various parties. The forces are intertwined. The three divisions arrest criminals. Many of them stop because of the powerful forces behind them. Only those who do not rely on them will be cleared by the three divisions. Under the sacrifice of Mo Men Luo, relying on Huang Minglang's identity, he really couldn't hide his face and shot, so as not to provoke him.

"That being the case, this seat will give you two a chance ... a chance to make a contribution and atonement. Come, take them out ..."

As soon as Ye Qingxuan ordered, the accompanying **** behind him opened the door and escorted him.

Hua Zixing frowned, secretly blaming this adult for being too capricious, and those who were involved in the magic gate dared to let go. Once he got into trouble, how could he clean up? The charge is probably enough for him to drink a pot.


Hua Zixing took back his thoughts and looked at the roster, saying: "'Zhetian Dapeng' Bu Tianzhi, the third head of the North Green Forest Association, carrying dozens of guilts, was drunk in a wine shop recently, and 'Tai Ping Zhai' Zhang Liexian lost the match and was captured by Feng Yige master Yao Huishu and Kang Huiying, who asked after the fall. "

"I am!" The northern man with a hard face like iron, scolded disdainfully: "Zhang Liexian's dog thief used the Yin to win, what is it, and the two damsels of Fengyi Pavilion, obviously targeting Lao Tzu, don't Did you kill a few shameless Fengyige disciples that year, why didn't you see Zhang Lixian who caught them? When they hooked up with the evil ways, Fengyige was a **** nest! "

"Shut up, do you want to die?" Hua Zixing was startled.

On the contrary, Ye Qingxuanxi laughed and laughed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This "covering the sky Dapeng" Bu Tianzhi, wasn't it the backing of my son Gui Guisheng?

Turned out to be here.

and also……

Ye Qingxuan's light flashed, suddenly thinking of Zhang Beihu, the head of the Northern Green Forest Association who wanted to make friends with himself in Wangxianlou. As a green man in the underworld, I am afraid that the shortest thing is the relationship with the court. Tie was still at her bedside, I'm afraid the thing she asked for was mostly related to the brother.

Anyway, when it comes to employing people, let ’s take it away first.

"Open the door, unlock it, and bring it out."

Ye Qingxuan was very happy. In addition to "Tiger Chi", there were three innate masters all at once. In this field, he was regarded as a team composed of desperate people.

When the three men were released for a trip, Ye Qingxuan went out suddenly and suddenly pointed at the character in the other cage and asked, "Isn't there just three congenital masters in the prison? Why are you in this congenital dungeon and remand?" A prisoner? "

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