Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 7 Chapter 232: Know the stakes

In the cage was a young man who looked like he was in his early twenties and looked like a dangle boy, but when he looked at his face carefully, he was quite handsome, but the smirk at the corner of his mouth made him feel a bit cunning.

With shackles all over him, he looked careless, lying on the ground, shaking Erlang's legs freely.

The first time Ye Qingxuan saw this person, the impression was funny, because he somewhat resembled his brother Meng Yuanzhang, and the second impression felt that he was as unhappy as Meng Yuanzhang.

This feeling is difficult to suppress as soon as it rises, so Ye Qingxuan decided immediately that he would open the door and kick him.

Hua Zixing was also very surprised, and quickly looked through the book of people, and finally realized that he said, "Oh, Lord Hui, this person is called Le Lang, and the people of the rivers and lakes called" Ye Liuxiang ", but he was temporarily escorted here because this person is cunning Abnormally, every time there is a chance to run away, he is locked here just to prevent the runaway. He is a flower picker, and he also asks to be cut off after the fall. "

"Fart, you are the flower picker. Your family is a flower picker!"

When the boy heard it, he jumped up and opened his mouth and cursed: "The beauties are the true love of the little ones, and none of them is forced. If I was not accidentally found out that he was wearing a green hat, then he was sent to the government. Will beauty be willing to catch me? "

It turned out to be a goofy, shameless product.

Ye Qingxuan looked to Hua Zixing.

Hua Zixing nodded and smiled: "Is he a prostitute? He doesn't dare to judge, but he steals things but is very good at it, and ordinary congenital masters can't catch up with this product. The subject was a disciple outside Fengyi Pavilion, but she did n’t expect her husband to return home at midnight and arrested her in bed. Because the south is a family son who is highly valued by Fengyi Pavilion, she was captured by Fengyi Pavilion and put into prison. "

Na Lelang sighed and moaned, "My little master is planted this time. After I die, I don't know how many beautiful ladies are sad at midnight, how many beautiful people fall in love, or even follow the death ... you, you are harmless. how many people!"

Too bad!

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Okay, I want this person too, let it go!"

"Ah? Lord, this kind of goods ..." Hua Zixing was suddenly shocked.

"It doesn't matter ..." Ye Qingxuan laughed: "I have a way to rule him. It happened that there was a major court case against the flower-picking thief who recently caused the disaster in Luodu. This product is more or less a peer and hopes it can help."

When Lelang in that cell could hear his name, he was overjoyed, jumped up and jumped to the fence, and eagerly said, "Adults are really good-looking. The ability to rise and fall from the heights is inferior to innate masters. Thank you for your grace. "

Ye Qingxuan looked at the other person and sneered, and said, "After you came out, remember to check my behaviors, but if you have made mistakes, or caused trouble, hehe ... This block directly hit you, and then sent you to the Imperial Palace. The attendant bathed the concubines! "

what! ?

Le Lang's grinning face suddenly changed color, so the strategy was really vicious. In the face of the harem, it was inhumane, it was more painful than killing him.

"Adults warn younger ones to keep in mind and never dare to disobey."

Ye Qingxuan turned and left, at the same time, he commanded: "The people I ordered came out to see me!"


boom! boom!

With several consecutive heavy blows, Ye Qingxuan was wrapped in a thunderous blue dragon breath, slowly falling from the air, everyone was stunned, watching Ye Qingxuan like a nail, and turning the imaginary master of the realm "Tiger" Wu Xiaoshan The bluntly shot into the soil, leaving only a dead head.

"Tiger idiot" Wu Xiaoshan turned dizzy and looked pale.

"Did you take it?" Ye Qingxuan asked.

"Served." Wu Xiaoshan replied sincerely.

Ye Qingxuan hesitated, looked back at the others, and shouted, "What about you?"

The crowd quickly shook their heads.

"Don't you have enough food, and sleep well?"

The crowd shook their heads again.

Jokingly, that big man like Yehuo was beaten by Ye Qingxuan and changed to other people in the innate realm.

"Okay, now that's okay, let's move on to the next one!"

Ye Qingxuan first stepped on the ground, slammed Wuxiao Mountain out of the ground, and then waved his hands. Hua Zixing commanded several strategists and brought a large jar of fine wine.

Several death row prisoners who had just emerged from the cage looked at each other for unknown reasons.

Is this adult who behaves weird to drink with them, or to scratch his head and worship?

Ye Qingxuan didn't care about everyone's eyes either. He just patted the mouth of the altar, the rich aroma of the fragrance drifted away, beckoned, elicited a stream of wine, and directly performed the exercises in the palm of his hand.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the doubts of the crowd and said in a deep voice: "This seat clearly states that you are all prisoners sentenced to death by the court, no matter whether you used to be evil or you were wronged. Since this seat wants you to replace the court In doing things, I have to give you something and save you any worries. In this regard, I'm afraid you should have expected it? "

Everyone looked sad, but nodded at the same time.

It ’s better to live than to die. The court used the means to control the martial arts people. It was nothing more than poison or needle. The adult did n’t know what it meant, but he wanted to drink alcohol?

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "No more nonsense, I'll give you a few things here. This thing seems simple, but I call it a" life and death sign ". If you go down to you, try it first. Awesome, but also knowing what to do against me. "

After speaking, let go of your hands and brush ...

Several pieces of thin ice were shot into five people at once, with different locations and usages.

Everyone just felt that the wound was a little cold, and then they felt itching around the wound. They couldn't scratch the itch with any scratches. The itch felt deep into the bone marrow, and the teeth were still irresistible. Just like ten thousand ants biting, the pain points are scurrying around the body, which is torn the skin and cut the flesh to no avail.

Everyone screamed in unison, the least thing that Lelang did was that his breath had fallen to the ground, and he kept beating his head for mercy. The most forbearable was Wu Xiaoshan, but he only persisted for a few breaths and started

Within a short while, the five of them fell to the ground in pain and pain ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ kept mourning, the itchiness was already blurred, and they could not wait to commit suicide immediately.

Ye Qingxuan was like a voice floating out of **** at this time, slowly said: "This is the [Symbol of Life and Death], which means that you ca n’t survive, you ca n’t die. Remember this time!”

"I'll wait to remember, please forgive me for waiting!"

"I will do my best when I wait for the job, my lord will help!"

"Forgive me, forgive me!"


Ye Qingxuan nodded his head, and the luck [Tianshan Liuyang Palm] took a shot on everyone.

A warm current entered the body, and the itchiness disappeared.

Wu Xiaoshan sat up, but couldn't help a few times when he wanted to stand. He secretly said that this poisonous method was powerful. Looking at Ye Qingxuan, in addition to awe, there was a little more fear.

The other four were already soft on the ground, and Lelang was oozing and spitting.

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