Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 98: Unexpected surprise

Wang Qiye hesitated, and proudly said, "Reluctantly, enough to eat and drink for the rest of my life."

"Eating and drinking in the second half of my life? Hum, I don't have to worry about eating and drinking for the next few years, right?" Xing Wuji radiated a greedy look, but his tone was bland, and said: "When it comes to rich world, property lease The most is Luo San's Cen Sanjin, and the most jewellery and silver is the 'big treasurer' Heng Wantong, but it is rumored that the real richest person in the world is the backstage boss of the Huan Gambling House-Master Huan Huan ...

Wang Qiye smiled awkwardly and said, "After all, this rumor is a rumor. Our big boss in the background is indeed the master Huanhuan, but even our highest-level personnel do not know that this 'Huahuanda' is a man. She is a female. How old she is, even if he does not exist, how can she know whether his wealth is the highest in the world? "

"Oh, right?" Xing Wuwei looked indifferent.

Wang Qiye then smiled charmingly, took a half step forward, and whispered, "Speaking of it, my brother hasn't seen my elder brother for a long time. To this end, he specially prepared a small gift, hoping that his elder brother can smile."

While talking, he pulled out a brocade box from his arms and opened it in front of Xing Wuwei's eyes. It turned out to be six superb gems of different colors, each of which was the size of an apricot and worth a million.

The greed in Xing Wuwei's eyes flashed away, and then he said with satisfaction.

Wang Qiye was hinted that he quickly closed the box and stuffed it into Xing Wuwei's arms.

Xing Wuwei smiled slightly and said, "So it seems that the so-called" Happy Master "is just showing off?"

Wang Qiye quickly agreed, "Yes. Only by appearance."

Xing Wuwei and Wang Qiye looked at each other and smiled.

"That being the case ... that thing is here for the time being." Xing Wuwei turned around, nodded with satisfaction, and then whistled. Four mysterious figures shrouded in black veil all over suddenly. Usually came out quietly from the dark martyrdom, and that looks like the Buddha was waiting there long ago.

Everyone has a solemn and gloomy atmosphere, totally unlike living people.

Wang Qiye only glanced at them, and felt that the eyes of the buddha were stuck with needles, and he saw sweat on his forehead, and he dared not look at it again.

No matter who you are, you can see at a glance that these four people are definitely the top masters in the world.

In the arms of one of them, holding a huge iron box, big enough to hold a child.

Xing Wuwei took the iron box from that person respectfully, like holding a fragile treasure, and placed it on top of a wooden box.

Looking at the iron box, Xing Wuwei said faintly: "Remember, this thing is extremely important and lost, you and I can't explain ..."

"Relax. It's absolutely safe to put things on me." Wang Qiye patted his breast and promised.

When Sun Kun reopened his eyes, what he saw was Lu Yunxuan's big eyes staring at him instantly, dragging his chin with both hands, long eyelashes flickering, and the eyes were full of sly light.

"What do you think of me like that? No flower on my face ..." Sun Kun said with a joke, and then seemed to think of something. He sat up and gave a left and right glance, and found that he was back outside the vault. In the stone room, he sighed suddenly and suddenly.

"No, no more ..." Sun Kun muttered.

"Yeah, yeah." Lu Yunxuan sighed.

Sun Kun rubbed his chest and said, "I have been working hard for most of my life, but when I encountered an **** from eating and eating, was it that I did too much in morals and got revenge when I was old?"

"Yeah, yeah!" Lu Yunxuan said again.

"You feel the same way?" Sun Kun looked at Lu Yunxuan, and then he looked surprised, and asked, "Why didn't you take the opportunity to sneer at me and instead speak along with me? Did you take the wrong medicine?"

"What's this!" Lu Yunxuan rolled his eyes and smiled: "I don't care about the physical and mental health of the elderly. I'm sorry to see you faint. This is not the case. I also opened a fine wine for you. Wake up and startled ... "

While talking, Lu Yunxuan handed over a wine jar.

Sure enough wine can be poured.

Sun Kun sighed for half a jar, and finally sighed, his wine seemed to be better.

"The king of the dog day, eat it, sooner or later I will let you spit it out ..."

Cursing muttered, Sun Kun stood up suddenly. "let's go!"

"Good!" Lu Yunxuan promised extremely quickly, stood up, held an iron box and went out.

"What is this?" Sun Kun asked curiously.

He clearly remembered that Lu Yunxuan had no long objects, and there was no such iron box in the stone room. More importantly, he remembered searching in the secret library just now, and had not seen this iron box?

Where did this girl get it from?

Lu Yunxuan looked behind him, mysteriously and truthfully said, "This is the treasure I got ... just now ... I have not only saved your life, but also got this thing, I feel that I have revenge for you!"

"Save my life? What happened just now?" Sun Kun was curious, and asked at the same time, "It's just an iron box, is there any treasure? Let me see ..."

"No." Lu Yunxuan stepped back. "This is mine."

Sun Kun widened his eyes and angered, "This is not my place? I didn't bring you here? ... Okay, well, for the time being, we have a gentleman agreement before, and we get half of what we get. You wo n’t So disobedient, right? "

Lu Yunxuan nodded thoughtfully, "My little uncle said that to be a man must have credit ..."

Sun Kun gave a thumbs up. "Your little master is right."

Lu Yunxuan said: "But my little uncle also said that it is cheap and does not occupy the bastard!"

Sun Kun's face sank. "I rely!"

"I deserve it." Lu Yunxuan stepped back and said, "I have saved your life, shouldn't I pay back a little? The half of the benefits should be the cost of saving your life."

"What you said, how do I know the truth?" Sun Kun angered.

"That's true. But I can prove it." Lu Yunxuan smiled and said, "After you faint, there is a group of people in the secret library ..."


"The seventh king, and the man in the blue robe I met today during the day, it doesn't matter ..."

Sun Kun's eyes brightened. "'Snake stick' Xing Fearless?"

"It's him." Lu Yunxuan smiled slyly, "This thing is the one that Xing Wuwei asked Wang Qiye to put in the secret library, saying that it is very important ... Losing this thing, both of them may lose their lives. . "

Sun Kun's eyes were brightened and he was more urgent: "Then let me have a look ..."

"You can take a look." Lu Yunxuan passed the iron box with a smile, and approached mysteriously, "I can also divide the contents in half ..."

"So good?" Sun Kun picked up inexplicably.

Lu Yunxuan sighed deeply and patted Sun Kun's shoulder, and said, "For our fate, how can I have the heart to let you go empty-handed? It saves your life and helps you get revenge. It also distributes half of you. Baby ... how can you thank me? "

"You tell me, how can I thank you?" Sun Kun asked as he inspected the opening mechanism of the iron box.

"Let's worship!" Lu Yunxuan solemnly said, "I will be your elder sister, you will be my brother!"

"Nervous!" Sun Kun cursed with a smile.


The iron box opened in response.

"I rely on it!" Sun Kun immediately screamed and yelled at the contents of the iron box.

"I won't give you no more! Give me back!" Lu Yunxuan rushed forward to snatch, glanced at the contents of the iron box, and suddenly shocked a stunner ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ sitting on the ground with one butt, His eyes widened, and he began to snore uncontrollably.



Lu Yunxuan pointed at the contents of the iron box with an unbelievable look and continued to snore.

In the huge iron box enough to hold the two, there was actually one, no, half of an adult's body.

It is the lower body below the body's waist.

A piece of tattered linen was wrapped around the waist. The exposed body had pale skin like dead fish, muscles were tangled, and it was strong and abnormal. The pale skin was slightly transparent. If you look carefully, you can see even the meridians, bones and blood vessels inside. Be clear.

Lu Yunxuan snored in shock, while Sun Kun was completely shocked.

He even started to tremble slightly.

"I, I ... aren't you dreaming?" Sun Kun murmured. 8)

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