Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 99: Wonderful combination

"Eh, eh! Here, here this ... why is there half ... here, half dead? Hey!" Lu Yunxuan exclaimed.

"Half-gear, yeah half-gold? Why is it here? Why is it in Xing Wuwei's hand?" Sun Kun muttered to himself, still unable to wake up in shock.

"Hey, hey--hey!" Lu Yunxuan struggled to get up, hiding behind Sun Kun, and asked with a look of horror: "Here, who is this? Hey!"

"You shouldn't ask who this is, you should ask what it is?" Sun Kun said.

Lu Yunxuan asked, "What is this?"

Sun Kun grinned, grabbed Lu Yunxuan's palm, and bit her finger.

"I rely!" Lu Yunxuan jumped up and shook her hands again and again. "You're a dog? Why bit me?"

Lu Yunxuan was furious and suddenly didn't realize that her snoring problem was instantly healed.

"Look!" Sun Kun pointed to the thigh with the body exposed.

On the half of the dead body, two drops of bright red blood gathered together like round blood beads, then slowly penetrated into the body's skin to form a red dot, and then slowly moved according to some trajectory until it was completely dead. Not absorbed.

But that trajectory made them deeply shocked.

That is one of the many meridians inside the human body, but no one has ever thought that radon can be operated in this way, because many places are blocked and difficult to communicate, and even some routes have been taught by their predecessors. Absolutely. It doesn't work that way.

But this dead body does something that many living people can't.

"This is ..." Lu Yunxuan was incredible.

Sun Kun said: "Do you think?"

Lu Yunxuan said "Oh" and then shook his head.

Sun Kun sighed helplessly, and said, "Also. You are still young, and you don't know this thing is normal."

Lu Yunxuan asked curiously, "Is it baby?"

"Unique treasure in the world."

"Very valuable?"

"It's not measurable with money at all ..."

Lu Yunxuan's eyes flashed and he said, "Give you a leg, let's worship!"

"Fucking?" Sun Kun smiled, "Old girl, this thing is for me, let alone worship, I'll do it for marriage!"

"Be beautiful!" Lu Yunxuan was overjoyed. "Just worship, I will be the elder sister, you will be my brother ..."

"Should I be the older brother?" Sun Kun shook his pigtails angrily, and said, "I am old!"

"I'm tall!"

"So, we are not the boss, and we are all the boss!"

Lu Yunxuan turned his eyes and said, "I see. I call your brother!"

Sun Kun said: "My name is your old girl! We will be blessed to share ..."


High five in the air!

"That's it!"

Moon is like a hook.

Autumn night is cold like water.

Ye Qingxuan's heart was almost on fire.

The gambling house at night was even more jubilant. After confirming that Wang Qiye did not appear in the front hall tonight, Ye Qingxuan turned to Yelan's quiet backyard.

If people were really robbed by Xing Wuwei and others, the co-author Wang Qiye would know the inside story.

What's weird is that even if Ye Qingxuan opened up his six consciousness and searched dozens of times, he didn't find any trace of Wang Qiye or Xing Wuyou.

Obviously, the other party must be in a more secret place.

As Ye Qingxuan stopped suddenly and was about to return, a noise near a rockery in the backyard caught his attention.

Then, two small figures sprang out from under the rockery, Ye Qingxuan took a look, and his nose was almost crooked.

There is no doubt that the two figures were Lu Yunxuan and Sun Kun.

When they found no one else around, the two returned to the cave again and carried out a huge iron box.

The two had just climbed out of the cave, and the head Sun Kun suddenly noticed that he had extra long legs beside him, and was so scared that he sat on the ground with a slump and rolled backwards. His hand was a handful of sand ...

Lu Yunxuan behind him, with a unstable center of gravity, snorted, and even fell to the ground with an iron box, couldn't help but whispered angrily, "What a ghost!"

"Old girl, someone!" Sun Ku rose up, and then slap again.

Lu Yunxuan suddenly exclaimed, and at the same time, Sun Kun took a breath.

Because he suddenly found that although he responded quickly, whether it was the sand he lifted out or the palm he hit, it was like a sinking sea, without any response.

The opponent's skill was beyond his imagination. When he was yelling for Lu Yunxuan to escape, Ye Qingxuan's voice was not kind, such as sounding in his ear: "It's me! Ye Qingxuan."

"Oh my mother!" Only then did Sun Ke have time to turn his head to confirm, then sighed on the chest and sighed, "Yeah, I almost scared you to death!"

"Uncle Xiao!" Lu Yunxuan drilled out of the cave in excitement, stepped forward and rushed directly into Ye Qingxuan's arms, and turned his tongue at Sun Kun, saying, "My brother is not guilty, I am ashamed of my sister!"

This girl is becoming more wanton.

Ye Qingxuan took a breath and was waiting to be scolded. I didn't expect that Sun Kun was not angry, but instead he grinned and winked and said: "Old girl, even if you are in front of your uncle, you have to give me some face. "

Ye Qingxuan was terrified.

"What's the matter?" Ye Qingxuan asked.

Lu Yunxuan patted the iron box behind him and drank, "I did a ticket sale with my brother, and made a lot of money!"

Sun Kun shook his pigtail. "The old girl has made an extraordinary shot. I have some style of the year!"

"I'm not asking this ..." Ye Qingxuan rubbed his temples. "I'm talking about you ... what brother, old girl ... what's the situation?"

"Oh-" Lu Yunxuan played a long note, and went hand in hand with Sun Kun: "Uncle Xiao, I worshiped Sun Zi!"

"That's right," Sun Kun said with a smile: "Jilan has become a brother and sister!"

"Sister and brother," Lu Yunxuan said proudly, "In the future, we will be blessed with each other, and we will have difficulties together."

Ye Qingxuan was even more embarrassed. "Is it brother or sister or brother?"

Lu Yunxuan said: "I call his brother ..."

Sun Kun said: "She is my old sister ..."

"We have our own opinions ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the two together.


Ye Qingxuan was silent and speechless, but her mind was chaotic.

"There is a more important baby." Lu Yunxuan offered a smile with a smile.

Sun Kun got together and whispered: "You don't even think of breaking this head ..."

Ye Qingxuan slipped his lips, secretly saying nothing more than precious gold and silver jewellery and the like, and stole the wealth of Wang Qiye, at most it was a little revenge, and it really was the mentality of the child.

"It's dangerous here, let's leave before we talk." Ye Qingxuan responded lightly.

Sun Kun, however, was the one who couldn't hold back, and jumped up with a smile, and said in Ye Qingxuan's ears: "It's the" Tianxi Demon Corpse "..."

"What?" Ye Qingxuan exclaimed, biting her tongue directly.

This time, his mind was even more confused. 8)

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